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March 22nd, 2006, 03:54 pm
I think that some of the ideas are the same because they have yet to be heard and acted upon, and especially solved. Especially the dark truths that I see featured in your poems are sources of unrest for the people who actually see them. I think all you need to do to realize what I'm talking about is read Zikiru's "From Grey to Black."

Yeah, I definately agree with that.

And thanks for the reviews/comments, everyone. :)

I liked your poem, Sunny. :)

Yours was great too, Deadly, even though I don't necesarily agree with it [probably because of my cynical view of the world] it's a good poem, nonetheless.

March 22nd, 2006, 07:14 pm
Thanks. :)

Dead Boy Writing

You see a kid, about the age of nine,
writing and writing, every word every line.
Trying to escape the pain that none of his friends can see,
the pain that most people hide so carelessly.
He writes until he feels that he's said,
all that he needs to, this boy, half dead,
writes for the sake of his parents, and all of his friends.
He knows they wouldn't want his life to end.

Let me give you an insight of this kid's life,
because this kid shows some feeling, you may be surprised,
reading the words that he writes, off of the top of his head,
writing so he doesn't end up dead.
His parents suck, heck most do nowadays,
they fight at night, while the boy lays awake,
hearing their cruel words, making him tremble,
knowing that their marriage, the life he once knew, has ended.
He awaits the day where he'll have to go,
with his mom or his dad, but both have sunk so low.

So this kid stays here writing, every word every line,
writing about the pain, about the every day life,
that he has to go through, suffering the pain,
parents fighting and hurting, again and again.

Now let's look at his school,
he has a few friends,
one or two, here or there, but really, in the end,
they're just more strangers, and he must push away,
but he keeps them close just so he can make it through the day.
The taunting every day from the bullies at school,
though inside he knows that they're just fools,
it still hurts, he can't deny that it does.
A kid that age does need a little love..
But all he sees is the fighting, the war,
between his parents, between the world,
so he does this once more..
He sits down, writing every word every line,
wishing that he could say it'll be all fine.

This kid is upset, as his mom approaches him,
to tell him that daddy is gone, his life seems to go dim.
So now he cries away the night, and suffers through the day,
because writing doesn't make it okay,
for all of this to happen, to a little kid at age nine,
it's a pity, really, this little kid was real nice.
But all that had to end, because he was sick of it all,
so he did something not most little kids do, he cut himself, watched the blood fall,
onto the ground, then he fell, waiting for the lights to dim.
So here ends the life, of a boy, now dead,
who wrote every word, every line, but ended up killing himself instead.

Thats so sad :cry:

March 22nd, 2006, 07:21 pm
I've always wrote sad poetry. I'm pretty sure all my poems are sad :p.

Deadly Love
March 22nd, 2006, 10:13 pm
I've always wrote sad poetry. I'm pretty sure all my poems are sad :p.
They are.

Yeah, I definately agree with that.

And thanks for the reviews/comments, everyone.

I liked your poem, Sunny.

Yours was great too, Deadly, even though I don't necesarily agree with it [probably because of my cynical view of the world] it's a good poem, nonetheless.
Cynical means something like mockery right?
Deadly Love
That is me
A lot of people
Think they know me
But in truth
No one does
Not even me

What am I?
Who am I?
Why I was put in this world?

Only one knows
That isn't me
That is G.O.D.
He was the one
Who made me
He was the one
Who blessed my parents with me
Or should I say cursed?

What am I?
Who am I?
Why was I put in this world?
They, who hope to love again
Try to find love
Yet never found it
When they gave up
Love came to them
Don't try to find love
'Cause it will come to you
When the time is right

They're not that good but whatever.

March 23rd, 2006, 02:07 am
They are.

Cynical means something like mockery right?

There may be more than one meaning for cynical but the way I mean it is like, negative or pessimistic.

"A lot of people
Think they know me
But in truth
No one does
Not even me"

I really like that part of the poem. I can relate to it, I think.

These two poems are some of my frist poems.. I don't like them.. in fact I despise them, but I guess i'll show em to you guys and see what y'all think.

Black Raven-

A raven flies across the sky,
it makes you truly see.
It makes you wonder why people die,
when it flies across the wide open sea.

It flies up to the golden sun,
it cries out to the dead.
It makes you take that polished gun,
and hold it up to your head.

The raven now dropps down low,
and looks into your eye.
It says, 'There are some things I must show.
and you really shouldn't die."

It grabs you by the shoulders,
and takes you far above.
It takes you where it can not be colder,
it takes you to the deats of the ones you loved.

You close your eyes and try to say,
that you really aren't there.
You've loved these people far too much,
to just see them die in despair.

They come and they go,
and the lesson that the raven tries to teach,
is to love the ones that you find,
and keep them and their love deep.

I don't really like that poem nor agree with it anymore, but whatever. The next one is called War of the Young and really was only made because a friend thought it would be a cool idea.. Another one of my earliest poems.

War of the young

I see the soldiers charging forward,
into the solemn night.
The knights, their lances,
the horses, their dances.
All this fills me with fright.

The burning tar, they release,
onto the enemies, so coldly.
They scream, they yell,
they cry to hell.
But yet, I walk away so boldly.

The charging battleaxes, the crashing screams.
Alone the children cry.
The gnash their teeth,
they wipe their tears.
All this makes me want to die.

Oh when, oh why?
the end is night.
When will this finally be done?
Swords are stabbing,
battleaxes crashing.
'Tis the War of the Young.

Deadly Love
March 23rd, 2006, 11:01 pm
They're very good poems, Zikiru.

Sunny Kimiko
March 24th, 2006, 06:39 am

How could I have believed you
Not see past the lies
How did I let it go?
Those awful lonely nights

Waiting for you to come home
Until I fell asleep
Waiting for you to return
From your daily meet

I spent those cold,cold nights
Hypnotized by your lies
You said that you loved me
Oh those dreadful lies.

All this time you were with her
Charming her with your grin
All those night spent with her
How will you repay this sin?

Will you beg forgivness?
Will you wave it off?
Will you try to charm me
And make me turn all soft?

It wont work
Whatever you decide
My mind is made up
My heart is cold

You have made me this way
Into this mistrustful girl
My heart is broken
And it seems it will stay
Broken forever more
By my first true love
...I am such a fool....


Shine then Rain

Laughter heard by the sea
Children playing with happy glee
Chasing each other upon the sand
Seeing nothing but sea and land

Two by two the couples walk
Along the shoreline in happy talk
Two by two the couples run
As happy as the shining sun

Dogs are swimming in the surf
Thinking nothing of the turf
All the joy is in their mind
The sea to them, is all that's kind

Turtles climb upon the beach
To lay their eggs where none could reach
But, alas, foreign creatures come
To steal the eggs of unborn young

Year by year the waste does creep
Bestow the land in painful weep
Year by year the sands no more
And along with it the pure, clean shore

Happiness gone, sadness comes
Past, present and future, all is one
Gone is laughter reality no more
To become a legend, a myth to adore

Look around you, look at what you've done
See what Mother Nature haas become
Do you feel guilty? Do you feel sad?
What you have done is worse than bad

Hear the land cry out in pain
The sky that shined now turns to rain
Hear me monster,
Shine then Rain

March 24th, 2006, 12:35 pm
Oooh sunny Kiminiko those poems were really good. I liked the first one the best but they were both very good.

Deadly Love
March 24th, 2006, 09:58 pm

How could I have believed you
Not see past the lies
How did I let it go?
Those awful lonely nights

Waiting for you to come home
Until I fell asleep
Waiting for you to return
From your daily meet

I spent those cold,cold nights
Hypnotized by your lies
You said that you loved me
Oh those dreadful lies.

All this time you were with her
Charming her with your grin
All those night spent with her
How will you repay this sin?

Will you beg forgivness?
Will you wave it off?
Will you try to charm me
And make me turn all soft?

It wont work
Whatever you decide
My mind is made up
My heart is cold

You have made me this way
Into this mistrustful girl
My heart is broken
And it seems it will stay
Broken forever more
By my first true love
...I am such a fool....


Shine then Rain

Laughter heard by the sea
Children playing with happy glee
Chasing each other upon the sand
Seeing nothing but sea and land

Two by two the couples walk
Along the shoreline in happy talk
Two by two the couples run
As happy as the shining sun

Dogs are swimming in the surf
Thinking nothing of the turf
All the joy is in their mind
The sea to them, is all that's kind

Turtles climb upon the beach
To lay their eggs where none could reach
But, alas, foreign creatures come
To steal the eggs of unborn young

Year by year the waste does creep
Bestow the land in painful weep
Year by year the sands no more
And along with it the pure, clean shore

Happiness gone, sadness comes
Past, present and future, all is one
Gone is laughter reality no more
To become a legend, a myth to adore

Look around you, look at what you've done
See what Mother Nature haas become
Do you feel guilty? Do you feel sad?
What you have done is worse than bad

Hear the land cry out in pain
The sky that shined now turns to rain
Hear me monster,
Shine then Rain
Niiiice. But wait, didn't you already put down Shine Then Rain in another page or sumthin? Well anyways, I liked all your poems. All very good.

March 24th, 2006, 10:11 pm
I really REALLY like "Shine The Rain". Something stood out about it.

Sunny Kimiko
March 25th, 2006, 02:41 am
Oh, that was the first poem that I ever made... Shine then rain I mean


Whispering winds
Speak through your voice
Sparkling stars
Shine in your eyes

Mystical clouds
Make your skin so soft
Magical earth
Is in your soul

I fell for you
The first time we met
The most down to earth girl
On this movie set

Your bond to this earth
Shows in your touch
When you pet a cat
Or a furry stray mutt

My heart swells so
With love I think
Each time I see you
There's a missing link

Though you dont love me
I'm just an actor guy
Another in your life
That just passes you by

I say good morning
Though you dont wave back
I dont know why
Maybe it's charm that I lack

When will I ever
Get the courage to speak?
When will I ever
Stop being so meek?

I walk up to the set
To shoot the next scene
I see you just there
Looking serene

I sit down beside you
The camera starts
I bend down to kiss you
Though my heart breaks apart

Will I ever be with you
In this cruel world?
Will we ever be together
After this ends?
Or will we never
See each other again?
I will never forget you
To me... you shine

...Like the stars...

Woah!! long poem... O.o

March 25th, 2006, 04:33 am
Dear...these poems are really good! I think it's already great that you're publishing on the internet, I would never do that ^^;

Deadly Love
March 25th, 2006, 02:46 pm

Still working on my next one.

March 25th, 2006, 05:44 pm
Here are some random nonets I made, not very good, but they were very fun to make.


Were you lying to me all along?
Hiding in the lies, you escape,
From the world and from your fate.
Now it's getting colder,
you're getting older.
Hide all the fears.
Hide the tears.
And you,


In my bed I will lay there restless.
Reminiscing and fighting tears.
What happened to all those years?
How did I get these fears?
Painful memories,
of joy and love.
Getting cold.

All I Need

Crying inside, outside I'm okay.
A smile is all I need to hide.
A smile, a fake one for you.
A smile is all I need.
To keep you away.
To hide the pain.
To stay here.

Deadly Love
March 25th, 2006, 07:59 pm
How I hate her
She always ditches me for other people
When I try to talk to her
She either ignores me
Or is talking to someone else
She's so self-centered
She doesn't care if she hurts anybody
She still flirts
Even though she already has a boyfriend
She doesn't care if she makes her boyfriend jealous
By talking about other guys and liking them
How I hate her
She talks about boys
As if she's nothing without them
How I hate her
That self-centered b***h

I'm so sorry for putting that word in but that's what I feel like calling her right now and she is one anyways.

March 27th, 2006, 06:38 am
Ahem...you guys should all post on my new, revamped site as soon as I get done with it in the next 2 weeks. It's a site devoted to stories and poems made by people under 18. Anyone interested?

March 27th, 2006, 09:33 pm
Ahem...you guys should all post on my new, revamped site as soon as I get done with it in the next 2 weeks. It's a site devoted to stories and poems made by people under 18. Anyone interested?

I'm insterested.

March 27th, 2006, 09:37 pm
That seems nteresting. And its only about poetry?

March 27th, 2006, 09:42 pm
That seems nteresting. And its only about poetry?

Well, he mentioned that the site was devoted to stories and poetry so I would expect that it'd be basically only stories and poetry but he may add some other things.. So I really shouldn't speak for him.

Deadly Love
March 27th, 2006, 10:15 pm
Ahem...you guys should all post on my new, revamped site as soon as I get done with it in the next 2 weeks. It's a site devoted to stories and poems made by people under 18. Anyone interested?
Stories and poems? Hmmm... ME!!!

March 28th, 2006, 12:52 am
OK! Cool. I'm working on it. I originally made the site when I was in sixth grade, but I'm having to beef it up for my Multimedia Design class.

Deadly Love
March 30th, 2006, 01:26 am
Hey, do any of you guys mind if I put some of you guys' poem in my favorite poems list for our poetry project in school?

March 30th, 2006, 02:11 am
I don't mind at all. :)

March 30th, 2006, 02:12 am
Me neither, but you probably won't pick mine.

Deadly Love
March 30th, 2006, 10:35 pm
I don't know which I'll pick yet. My teacher hasn't told us how many we're allowed to pick yet, that's why.

April 3rd, 2006, 04:35 pm
Me neither, but you probably won't pick mine.

April 6th, 2006, 09:33 pm
I wrote this up for a school asignment.. Since I dont write much (or very well for that matter) I thought ID post this. Guys I only skimmed over your poems and all I can say is GREAT POEMS!

In this world we think is fine
Nothings ok nothings alright
Thats why I wish this wish of mine
for all the people to unite

To make our futer bright
To live without anger or fright
Instead of this reality so bright
and live as hapily as we might

All the hungry we must feed
The iliterate teach to read
The cold ones we must warm
Those scared we'll keep from harm

No more death no more despair
Lets just let love be in the air
And let there beno single boy
Who lives his life without a toy

But alas this can not be
For he who reigns this world is greed
To try is all we need
So from his influence were freed

Thats all we need to do...
Will it be you?
One of those who
Help this wish of mine come true.

major overuse of the "ight" rhyme I know.:heh:

April 6th, 2006, 11:15 pm
Hey everyone here's a poem I wrote awhile ago. (also if you have myspace I'd love if you'd reply to one of my blogs with a poem... if you're interested pm me)


This rave has enslaved and bathed the craves that cave in waves, even played braves, tamed clays. As I say, “Wade not in the shade! Blade the way into the fray with made hearts conveyed.” Hey, today’s another time to pray, alleviate to lay lest you desire to pay at bay. Find the soul he gave to pave in time to stay saved! And I really really want to help, as I hear conscience make its screaming whelp; feeling hearts I wasn’t meant, I felt... these emotional struggles that others dealt. And yet they continuously and furiously stone with corruption at your soul. Able to dubiously and curiously question “who’s really in control?”

Deadly Love
April 18th, 2006, 09:58 pm
Okay, about me picking some of the poems. I'm only allowed to pick 4 and I'm still looking for a couple more then I'll choose which ones I'll use.

Sunny Kimiko
April 25th, 2006, 03:45 am
Ahem...you guys should all post on my new, revamped site as soon as I get done with it in the next 2 weeks. It's a site devoted to stories and poems made by people under 18. Anyone interested?

Interesting, what's the URL?

@ Deadly love: I dont mind if you pick some of mine, though you might not choose to

Deadly Love
April 26th, 2006, 01:28 am
Interesting, what's the URL?

@ Deadly love: I dont mind if you pick some of mine, though you might not choose to
Yeah I will. I already picked one of yours. Shine Then Rain

Sunny Kimiko
April 26th, 2006, 11:56 am
you know, that was the first poem that i ever wrote :P

Deadly Love
April 26th, 2006, 11:31 pm
yea i no, u said that once

April 29th, 2006, 01:14 am
@deathraider: I would but I'm about 1/3 of a year too old for it not that anyone really likes my poetry seeings how it is based off of my darker side--which no one ever wants to learn about (which is why Ichigos only sees a portion of it). So, it's a good thing; really!

April 30th, 2006, 09:29 pm
Pork,Beef,and Meat
All of these is what we eat
Pork,Beef,and Meat
Hear My Call!

(This Started Perfect Didn't?)(Laughing on the floor)

Cereal,Chips,and Sodas
For a day they can probably feed Master Yoda
Cereal,Chips,and Sodas
Multiply you all Shall!

(I'm just bored so I'm makin fun of myself)

Video,Audio,and Technology
Better is better than Geology
(What the hell is geology anyways?)
Video,Audio,and Technology
You Are All I've Got!

Money,Chicken,and Ladies
You are my expertise
I'm good at eating Chicken
But Ladies Taste Better
And you ain't gettin any of 'em
If you ain't got money
Money,Chicken,and Ladies
You Make Me Drool!

(Oh and one healthy advice for students,don't
let school stop u from eating chickens.Each day after
school eat a piece of chicken to feed ur brains
cuz next day school will burn ur brains out!)

Sunny Kimiko
May 7th, 2006, 03:59 am

Lying here beside you
I feel like I belong
Encircled in this warmth
Wrapped up in your arms

As I stare into your eyes
My heart rate speeds up slightly
As you open your eyes,
I feel like I belong

When you kiss my cheek
I feel your heartbeat too
When you touch my lips
I feel like I belong

Even when we fight
Fury in the air
My heart is still thinking
I'm glad that you are there
Yes.. Now I know..
...I truly do belong...

Bit short.. hope i didn't dissapoint... :heh:

May 7th, 2006, 06:00 am
Nice and simple. ^_^

May 7th, 2006, 07:23 am
Ooooh very touching, is that for a special someone ;)

May 7th, 2006, 07:30 am
Ho hum...just a note to you Kimiko, please don't take all the credit for Shine then Rain, it hurts when you don't acknowledge my creation (or majority) of it =/ BUT ITS OKAY!! SINCE WE'RE CUZ'S I STILL LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!

Uhm...since all the poems here are about sad love and deppression (They are very good poems, i spent 3 hours reading this whole thread individually reading each poem all you lovely and talented people have created on the spot or with care, Any people that say they have no talent on this thread i will hit over the head with my mouldy french stick bread) I thought i might post a happy one =) ....and a sad one while i'm at it XD

I Thought....

I thought you were my only one
I thought you were my shining sun
But now i'm free just like the dove
Free from our forbidden love
But do not mourn and think of me
The two of us weren't meant to be

That was the sad one =)

That Little Idiot…

I had a brother
That little idiot
He was such a bother
That little idiot
So perverted he was
That little idiot
I hate him because…
He’s an idiot

and a happy one =3

Sorry if both poems are sooo short >_<

@ Kimiko: Hey sheree, thanks for the poem you made for me, the one where i am the sad sad girl with unrequited love =) you created it so well, with every line how i felt and how it was, thank you very very much! I was very touched X3 and your poetry has improved by leaps, keep up the great work!

May 7th, 2006, 07:33 am
Haha love the "Idiot" because its so true!

Deadly Love
May 11th, 2006, 12:40 am
So Do I!! My brothers are such perverts and idiots!!

Sunny Kimiko
May 28th, 2006, 05:28 am
lol no it's not for a special someone..

Deadly Love
May 30th, 2006, 11:06 pm
Hey, can someone tell me how to improve this poem of mine? I really need help.

"It's Up to You"

It's up to you
To change the world
It's up to you
To make it better

If you listen
You will hear
The world telling you
What it wants you to do

If you listen carefully
You will realize
How horribly
We treat the world

We drive and smoke
And we pollute
We hunt and kill
Just to eat

It's up to you
To change the world
It's up to you
To make it better

May 31st, 2006, 01:48 am
We hunt and kill
Just to eat
We kind of need to eat. Meat is good for us. Animals eat meat. It would e better to say something like we hunt and kill for unnecesarry clothes or something else that is stupid.

Deadly Love
May 31st, 2006, 01:56 am
k thx septer

June 2nd, 2006, 08:51 am

these lips have not spoken
dry to the touch
searching for the sun
broken into tears
afraid of the truth
wanting so much more
just a drip on the tongue
to feel this satisfaction
cut this tongue
and know the right direction
these lips have not spoken
but these words have told the story

(im not sure i like how i ended it...)

June 4th, 2006, 03:56 pm
She's not suicidal

You think i can never be depresed,
You think all my days are sunny and bright.
Well, i have news for you,
your dead wrong.
This choker i wear isn't for its beauty.
I wear it for the slight pressure on my neck.
It reminds me of the rope in my closet,
of the constant fight not to use it.
These bracelets aren't to tell you how i feel,
they're on my arms for the feeling they leave on my skin.
They remind me of the knife on my nightstand,
of my reasuring myself that i don't need it.
So you're finally starting to clue in.
What tipped you off?
The obvious scars on my arms?
The reddish brusies on my neck?
Or was it the fact that i told you cutting and strangling releaves stress?
i bet thats not why you know.
i bet you know because now i'm dead.

hope you like it!
it is dedicated to Marlon!

June 4th, 2006, 08:10 pm
She's not suicidal

You think i can never be depresed,
You think all my days are sunny and bright.
Well, i have news for you,
your dead wrong.
This choker i wear isn't for its beauty.
I wear it for the slight pressure on my neck.
It reminds me of the rope in my closet,
of the constant fight not to use it.
These bracelets aren't to tell you how i feel,
they're on my arms for the feeling they leave on my skin.
They remind me of the knife on my nightstand,
of my reasuring myself that i don't need it.
So you're finally starting to clue in.
What tipped you off?
The obvious scars on my arms?
The reddish brusies on my neck?
Or was it the fact that i told you cutting and strangling releaves stress?
i bet thats not why you know.
i bet you know because now i'm dead.

hope you like it!
it is dedicated to Marlon!

Yay! I feel so special to be recognized by a friend... and I suppose the dead girl too? :)

P.S. I hope your death was short and painless, Ms. Deadgirl. ^.^

Deadly Love
June 11th, 2006, 01:52 am
Here's two of the other three that I had to write for my Poetry Project:

Day and Night

Sun hides in winter
Shining brightly in summer
LIke a burning fire

Stars are small and bright
They are visible at night
Like a bright lamplight

If you've noticed, it's made up of two haikus.


Riding through town
Didn't put the brake down
So down the road it goes
While trying to stop at a bar called "Moe's"
The poor car hit a post
Near the ocean coast

July 10th, 2006, 05:20 am
Seemingly, you're happy,
everything's just fine,
but I remember the night,
The raven outside the window cried,
And you cried along, too.
Taking your hand, I soothed your being,
I smiled softly in the dark,
your head against my chest,
sobbing out your addictions,
your high is gone.
The tidal wave takes you away,
and leaves you an empty shell,
as you fall into fitful sleep.

Not my best five-minute poetry, but okay, I think. Sounds more like the lyrics to an emo song, though.

July 14th, 2006, 11:41 pm
my poems dont even ryhme but they cause a uproar at my school. every time i right one, everybody goes nuts and asks me for a copy. geez people they dont even rhyme! XD oh well

July 15th, 2006, 03:35 pm
Poems don't have to rhyme.<_<

July 23rd, 2006, 06:43 pm
so *Fill_in_the_Blank* why don't you post up one of your non-rhyming poems?

Deadly Love
July 24th, 2006, 06:24 pm
I still don't have a title for this one that I made.

I was walking down the hallway
When I saw you kissing another girl
I was so heartbroken
I wanted to run away and cry
You looked around and you saw me
You looked so shocked
But I was even more shocked
Because I didn't think that you could do
Such a thing as awful as that
And the worse part is.....
She's my best friend
I broke up with you
You tried to explain
But I didn't listen
I walked away
I will never forget what happened today
But I will always love you
Because you are my first and only love
I tried to forget you
But it was so hard
My thoughts kept drifting back to you
And all the fun we had
But you looked all right
As if you didn't miss me at all
As if I never existed in your life
As if you had never loved me at all
I was so hurt
That I thought that I would soon be crazy
And that even then
You still wouldn't care about me again
But remember that I will always love you
And never will stop loving you
Because you are my first and only love
I saw you today
You were alone
You looked up and saw me
And I felt that
You missed me
You loved me
You cared about me
I was suddenly overcome
With happiness and with guilt
I sat next to you
And again we became close
And by the end of the day
There was us all over again
You are my first and only love

July 24th, 2006, 06:25 pm
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'll tell you a secret,
I'm crushing on you!

Deadly Love
July 25th, 2006, 03:09 am
That's not bad, actually. I can't believe with all the "Roses are red ......" poems that I made, I never thought of that one.

Dead Panda
July 25th, 2006, 03:37 pm

Love, is like, a booger, wedged deep within the bowls of your nostrils.
Like a nugget of gold, watching, waiting for soneone to come and grab it.
Just sitting there waiting, just out of your reach.
Push in too much and you might hurt yourself.
Too hard and you might get a nose bleed.
But its right there, sitting. Waiting for you.
Irratating you.
Daunting you.

Like a booger it sits and waits for the one person to come and grab it.
The pain of reaching for it.
That sliver of light, just beyond your reach.
Can you grab it?
Is it worth it?


July 25th, 2006, 05:33 pm
Actually, I think that's very creative. XD Good job!

Deadly Love
July 25th, 2006, 06:54 pm
@ Dead Panda: Lol, nice poem

Sunny Kimiko
August 1st, 2006, 08:56 am
It's been a while people.. But I'm finally back.. If anyone still remembers me...

I'm back!

I'm back! I'm back! I cry to you
But your ears are closed to me
I'm back I'm back! I wave to you
But your eyes just turn from me

Why do you avoid me?
Why can't you just say
Welcome back my love!
Not just turn away

Why can't you hear me now?
Is it because of her?
Do you really hate me now?
Because of sweet, kind her?

Do I disgust you now?
To see my inner self
Am I really that fearsome?
This quiet, inner me?

Is it because of these?
These wavy, dark brown locks?
Is it because of these?
These olive skinned hands?

Or is it just that I am old?
An old toy to be thrown away
Am I just that to you?
Just go away you say?

Even if you hate me now
Even if you do
I will never hate you back
I will love you always
I will cherish those sweet times
When we loved each other
I will remember...
For eternity and more...

I feel weird to post a poem after so long.. XD

August 1st, 2006, 11:49 pm
Childhood Love~

It's been years since I've seen you last,
I wanted to say,
I love You...

I'll wait for all of Eternity
Until you say,
You love me back~

I wrote it after watching a drama.
I myself have never been in love before ^^

August 2nd, 2006, 04:18 am
cool poems evryone! even thougth i dont have much poetry to post (or talent for that matter XD) there are things id like to say and ask.

first off, these poems are great. and i dont think thay have to ryme. so go ahead *fill in the blank*, i wanna read what choo poem'd!

secondly, i live in ottawa. i got a wish or a dream, dono what to call it really lol, to find a small café somewhere not to far away. you know like in the simpsons, when lisa finds the small cafe, where people read poems, and theres a cat on the table and nobody cares ect ect? might seem a bit dumb but if there is a place like that somewhere, id love to gothere sometimes. (lol does anybody know a place similar to that ?) (oh and a barber shop place with an actual barbershop quartet. f**ing oldschool music roxors) donno if such things exis anymore, but if they do, and people from ichigos knows about it, well darn.


i have been chatting for a while
god knows how many people ive defiled
or bored for that matter.

so this short splatter
or excuse for a poem rather,
i use as a means of saying sorry
for the lie in the beginning of the post
you will all forgive me, probably

but its late and im goin to bed, mostly
since my mind never does, really.

Sunny Kimiko
August 2nd, 2006, 08:07 am
Oh, yeah.. The poem in my siggy as well! ^_^ Nice poems everyone!! ^_^

August 2nd, 2006, 02:57 pm
i have been chatting for a while
god knows how many people ive defiled
or bored for that matter.

so this short splatter
or excuse for a poem rather,
i use as a means of saying sorry
for the lie in the beginning of the post
you will all forgive me, probably

but its late and im goin to bed, mostly
since my mind never does, really.
I rather liked that.

August 8th, 2006, 02:17 am

Mad at the world, & why not?
All those all around me can rot.
You would too; here's why,
You all doomed me to die
With the anguish & self-loathing I've got.

It's all i can take.

I've had enough, can't take anymore.
you've treated me like shit.. each and every one of you
you'd put me down and leave me crying on the floor
but hearing your insults each and every day. do you listen to what you say?

with a dull knife, you stabbed into me.
into my heart.. that's right, you etched into my heart
with the dullest knife you can find, you carved into it,
things like i'm fat, i'm stupid, i'm shit... all scarred into me.

i'll never be what you all want me to be, will i?
so maybe... just maybe... that's just it... it's who i am.
and no one can change.. me. so please, let me go. and if you dont...
i'll do it myself, with the knife in my hand, i shall be free from you.

.. as you can see, i havent had such a pleasent life.. but yeh.. here are a couple of poems i'd like to share with you all. both of which that i've written. not very good, but i'm trying ^^;

August 8th, 2006, 02:43 am
Hmmm... they sound kinda like... I don't know, too whiny I guess. They sound kinda childish to me... Oh well. Keep trying, there's always room for improvement. ^_^

Sunny Kimiko
August 8th, 2006, 07:17 am
Lost Memories

Where are you?
I look deep inside
Where are you?
Have I lost my mind?

I look and look inside me
But I can no longer find you
In this darkness that is my heart
In this deep soulful mind

I look and look inside me
But No matter how much I look
You have vanished from my memories
You have dissappeared from my mind

I no longer know you
As you no longer know me
We have both disappeared
From each others' memories

Oh how I wish I could find
Those happy momories
Those great times we had
But now they are all locked up
In a forgotten place
Deep within my heart...

August 8th, 2006, 08:55 pm

I liked that one! :lol:

August 9th, 2006, 04:15 am
ok guys how bout this
I called it "Everyone shut up"

There were 2 guys n a gurls in a the garage
there were having fun
they talked to each other with a barage......???(wtf is a barage anyways?)
one guy told the girl "ur a moron that killed ur dog with a gun"

the other guy laughed so hard and said
so the guy said"Oh yeah atleast atleast i dont go to special ED!"
the other guy was shocked so he said "sorry man sorry sorry..ok EVRY1 SHUT UP"

i know this is a joke guys but
yeah im being a clown today
look who's that
n who is this he?
wait thats sammy
Oh thats my reflection,ITS ME

Sunny Kimiko
August 9th, 2006, 08:42 am
Lol, it was ok...

Deadly Love
August 9th, 2006, 08:21 pm
it's stupid-funny

August 10th, 2006, 12:42 am
This dream...

It keeps reoccuring. The inkling of spirit ... that is left within me trembles at the thought. The salvo of fire; not that of war, but of thought... The pure awe of the Hyle ripples downward to my feet and causes my body to purr with fear ... I try to sharp my breath, but it was as if I was stuck ... under the mire. Left force, right twitch; I work on my left, only to betide my own weird, and ... remain within my cloud. Right shift, left jerk; the muck that surround my feet slowly shifts, as the embers near my head...

...[T]hick is the night air as I part my hand on my face...

--from Dagwood currently being written by me.

August 10th, 2006, 12:52 am
Look to the Light
-Chris (That's me!)

In darkness, in shadow, in forever lonelyness, we look to the light...
The light is where are goodness is; love, happiness, and the joy of life...
In forever lonelyness we have forever given up hope, which is the true nature of darkness...
If we look to the light, we may see that hope, is still within grasp of us...
To be forever in the shadows, is to hide all that we hold in ourselves; Guilt, frustration, and hatred...
Looking to the Light, will release us from these emotions...
In the dark abyss, there will be no escape...
But looking to the light, we see a path...that will lead us to our freedom...
Always, look to the light.

August 10th, 2006, 01:00 am
that is a PERFECT (not gonna argue) poem!

August 10th, 2006, 01:02 am
Thanks! I'm a writer ^_^, and I try my best at that too.

August 10th, 2006, 01:03 am
Thanks! I'm a writer ^_^, and I try my best at that too.

Sunny Kimiko
August 10th, 2006, 08:09 am
Nice poems people!! I can't think of anything to write... Don't you hate writers' blocks?

August 12th, 2006, 12:31 am
I rather liked that.

thanks ^^

Sunny Kimiko
August 26th, 2006, 09:12 am
Ok... Trying to get rid of the stupid block..


Cookies for you, cookies for me
Laughter in my mind
Those happy happy times
In my memories

I look at us both now
Deep hatred in your eyes
Why is it like this?
Why must we be enemies?

I look into your eyes
I see nothing but fear
Fear of what i do not know
But perhaps, it is fear of me

I look into my heart
I see my love of you
Yetr I refuse to think
That we will laugh again

What happened to that happy soul?
That cheerful laughing face?
What happened to our friendship?
And that joyful embrace?

I know it is because of me
That you and he broke up
But I did what I thought was best
Though you will never know

Never will be be friends again
All because of me
We'll never laugh together again
Because of that one mistake

I tried to protect you from him
Though maybe I was wrong
He was going to hurt you again
So I ruined our friendship
To help you..
I love you still..
..My sister.. my best friend...

August 26th, 2006, 03:12 pm
Awww... That's a sweet poem. ^_^

Sunny Kimiko
August 27th, 2006, 04:42 am
Lol, Thankyou. ^_^

Deadly Love
August 27th, 2006, 02:31 pm
This poem is a revised version of my friend's poem.

I'll Love You Forever and Ever

I've been in love like this before
'THough it seems like I've been in love so many times
You'd think I'd know the rules by now
It feels like I've commited a crime

I know I make a better friend
But when I look around, I think of you
You and me, we've had a lot of great memories
Although it's hard to think of it, we're through

I'd rather be mad at you than be happy with someone else
All of our arguments seemd worth it
I've always hoped our love would never end
But then again, it ended so perfectly

I cannot ask for anything else
'Cuz you're still my best friend
Although I wish you were more than just my best friend
I wouldn't want our friendship to end

You gave me nothing nobody could
Something I didn't know was missing
You gave me hope, faith, and happiness
It's you who'll always be listening
I'll Love You Forever and Ever

Sunny Kimiko
August 28th, 2006, 06:26 am
Omg!! It's soo good! I love it! ^_^

Deadly Love
August 28th, 2006, 10:52 pm
Lol, thnx. She has a knack for writing poems, only I like revising them so that it'll make more sense and everything

August 28th, 2006, 11:22 pm
That's a great poem. A wonderful and positive outlook on a break-up. Marvelous! ^_^

Deadly Love
August 30th, 2006, 04:58 am
This one I wrote myself with a 2 stanzas almost exactly like 2 stanzas from "I Will Love You Forever and Ever". In my opinion, it's not as good as my friend's but who cares.


I cannot ask for anything else
'Cuz you're still my best friend
Although I wish you were more than just my best friend
I do not want our friendship to end

You are everything to me
You're my brother, father, mother*, and best friend
It would cost me so much tears, my heart, and my happiness
If I ever lost you

You gave me things that nobody could
Three of the most important things that I never knew was missing
You gave me hope, faith, and happiness
It's you who'll always be listening

You listened
You understood
You sincerely told me things that makes me feel better
You even let me read your unsent love letters

When I read them, my heart aches
And oh, how I wish that I was the girl these letters were for
But all the time that I was hurting,
You never told me that those letters were meant for me

I found out soon that you loved me
At the night of the prom, you told me
Under the moonlit stars
You said, "I love you with all my life."

That was one of the happiest days of my life
I was glad to know what had always been in the bottom of your heart
And after you told me you loved me
I was glad to tell you how I really felt about you, which I know would make you happy

Days and nights passed
Without a single moment that I'm not thinking of you
And in my heart I knew
I was the luckiest girl alive

Sometimes I think that I don't deserve you
Sometimes I know you think that you don't deserve me
But we knew we loved each other
And so we stayed together

After a couple of months of being couples
Came another memorable day
It was the day...
You proposed to me

I've been waiting for this day
Ever since the night of the prom
The night you told me you loved me
I've even imagined how you'd propose to me

But a fantasy's a fantasy
A dream is a dream
The way you proposed to me
Is even more romantic and sincere than the way I imagined it to be

After months of planning
Came the happiest day of my life
It was the day of our wedding
The day we became one

Forever I will cherish this day
Forever I will cherish our love
Forever I will be yours
Forever I will love you

* - Mother because you know how usually girls feel comfortable telling their secrets to their mom only and never their dad. So yea. I thought I'd put that in there, although it sounds funny.

I might revise it sometime this week, if I find places where I can change it.

August 30th, 2006, 06:21 am
I'm not much of a poet, but I did write this:

"Broken Man"

We wanted things back
To its original state
But that one decision
Sealed one man’s fate

That one man thought
His luck would last
But he lost everything
It happened so fast

Many people were thrilled
Didn’t think the choice was rotten
But that one man
Stood alone and forgotten

Gradually others noticed
That he was in pain
But they laughed at him
Didn’t think he was sane

Not even his family
Would help restore him
Others just looked up
At the man before him

With other humans
There was hardly interaction
But his new plan
Caused a negative reaction

So at 4:07
On the second of June
A broken man
Hangs in the closet, dead

He had ended his life
And his misery

This poem is a tribute to the late Family Feud host Ray Combs (details about his death are in the poem). I'm also converting this poem into lyrics. Two lines of the song are in my sig. Oh, and what do you know, Ray's in my sig, too! And is that his grave in my sig?

*I have no life...*

Deadly Love
August 30th, 2006, 01:57 pm
Your poem is actually good you know.

August 30th, 2006, 03:25 pm
Hmmm... That is good! Nice job.

OFF-TOPIC: And OMG, I just realized what your name means, LoL! :lol:

September 2nd, 2006, 05:12 am
Thanks for the comments! And Marlon is the first person to figure out what my username means! *gives Marlon a lifetime supply of cookies*

September 4th, 2006, 12:56 pm
Wow, that was a beautiful poem, AsianSensation_wow! I'll share mine, too I guess...

But first of all, a bit of background on my poem: (You can skip this if you like)
This poem is a sonnet. Yes, a sonnet; you know, William Shakepeare wrote a lot of them. Sonnets have to follow a certain ryhme scheme (though I think there's a few different rhyme schemes you can follow for a sonnet). Sonnets have 14 lines, each consisting of 10 syllables each. So, it's not always easy to write one. I had to study poetry in English last semester, and we had to write a sonnet for one of our assignments. I usually never write poems, but I was somewhat proud of this one. It's not the best, but here it is:

A Hero No More (written by me, Elf_Hikaru17)

A hero rides alone. Thinking, he sighs.
He had lost those that he had held so dear.
The hero sits alone. Thinking, he cries.
For all he lost, he shed a lonely tear.
All the suffering, and hatred, and pain...
Everything he fought for was all a lie.
Everything he fought for was all in vain.
The hero thinks. He may as well just die.
For this hero his life has not been fair.
His life as a hero will soon be gone.
For him, everything's ended in despair.
He is a hero no more - he'll move on.
He leaves this world, going on a new quest.
He's a hero no more - it's for the best.







you're good *slaps self* GREAT *slaps harder* uncompensationally unmatched and without the purest of flaws *holds hand back* *smile of satisfaction*

September 4th, 2006, 10:06 pm






you're good *slaps self* GREAT *slaps harder* uncompensationally unmatched and without the purest of flaws *holds hand back* *smile of satisfaction*

QUOTE FOR TRUTH. HOLY SNAP I LOVE IT! get it copyrighted now or something.

Sunny Kimiko
September 6th, 2006, 10:21 am
Lol, here goes nothing... Against you all I'm such an ameture.. XD Haha, this is like, the second time ever that I have written a happy poem.. What has happened to me and my depressing inpiration?! *looks for it* Anyways, here it is! ^_^

Tears of Happiness

"Am I pretty?" I ask
"Do you like me?"
"Would you cry if I left?"
The answer, you let me know
Is just a simple "No"

I turn around to run
Glistening tears in my eyes
But you stop me with you hand
Turning me to face you again

You take a deep breath and say
"You're not pretty, you're beautiful"
"I dont like you, I love you"
"I wouldn't cry if you left, I'd die"

I stare up at you
Plain shock in my eyes
My gaze locks with yours
Seeking out the truth

I see that you aren't lying
When you say thos things to me
I throw my arms around you
I cry out your name

Those tears on my cheeks
Have now become
Tears of Happiness
For now I know how
You truly love me...

September 7th, 2006, 12:38 am
Lol, here goes nothing... Against you all I'm such an ameture.. XD Haha, this is like, the second time ever that I have written a happy poem.. What has happened to me and my depressing inpiration?! *looks for it* Anyways, here it is! ^_^

Tears of Happiness

"Am I pretty?" I ask
"Do you like me?"
"Would you cry if I left?"
The answer, you let me know
Is just a simple "No"

I turn around to run
Glistening tears in my eyes
But you stop me with you hand
Turning me to face you again

You take a deep breath and say
"You're not pretty, you're beautiful"
"I dont like you, I love you"
"I wouldn't cry if you left, I'd die"

I stare up at you
Plain shock in my eyes
My gaze locks with yours
Seeking out the truth

I see that you aren't lying
When you say thos things to me
I throw my arms around you
I cry out your name

Those tears on my cheeks
Have now become
Tears of Happiness
For now I know how
You truly love me...

heehee .. is this based on some infamous short story ? I remember seeing it a lot .. but it's cute how you made it into a poem ! ^_^

Anyways .. I'm such a noob at poetry .. please bare with me . I have wrote a lot (nearly 50 ?) that I have roaming in some site (I believe fictionpress ?) , but they're not great . Anyways , here goes ! :heh:

ohh , btw . I did have a title .. but I don't like it . So I won't mention it ! :heh: If you guys want to recommend one , be my guest . But I'm okay without one . ^_^


I lay here on the cold night ground
Uttering not a single sound
I'm living through things I've never found
I've finally lost my life.

You killed me over and over again
It hurts me that we're no longer friends
Being together; I'll never know when
It cuts through me like a knife.

I hate that there'll never be a "we"
And I doubt that you'll ever see
That you've hurt every part of me
Please save me from this strife.

Sunny Kimiko
September 7th, 2006, 08:36 am
Lol, yeah. It's actually prom a pm that I got quite alot from another site. It was cute, so I thought that I would make it into a poem.. ^_^

You're not an amature!! It's a good poem, I like it! ^_^ Will you give me the website you usually post poems on? I would love to see some of your poems.. Plus post some of my better creations on there... XD

I've written quite alot of poetry myself.. though not quite as many as 50... most of my poems are in this thread already since I usually make them up on the spot. But the last one (Tears of Happiness) I created on a documant before posting it here, it wasn't even 1 minute old! :heh:

September 7th, 2006, 09:35 pm
Hmm .. ever heard of fictionpress ? Well .. that's where mine are XD http://www.fictionpress.com/~simplicity1love

There's a random essay .. and a few songs in there . Not that they're any good :heh: but I try ! The one I just posted was pretty old .. but it's the one of the few that I actually like .. ^_^ I'm officially on break , but maybe I'll put up some new creations soon -- both here & my site . ^_^

September 8th, 2006, 02:14 am
I like "The Mask," actually. I thought that it was well-written, even though I didn't necessarily like the theme. Good job on that! :)

September 8th, 2006, 02:34 am
XD Most of my poems are so depressing .. that was my typical oh-so-depressed teenager stage .. XD If I started writing again , it probably won't be so dark .

" The Mask " is one of my better ones too . =p I posted the other one because I liked the rhyming scheme that I did XD

Sunny Kimiko
September 8th, 2006, 09:42 am
Lol, If your read all my poems and random writings, they're like.. 90% depressed/emo/dark Lol, even I get depressed just by looking at them! XD

God.. The layout of this site is extremely similar to that of fanfiction.net.. only the colour scheme is different!! XD

Does anyone know abaout fanfiction.net?

September 8th, 2006, 09:35 pm
Note: This is to be read off by two similar sounding girls, alternating per line.

A Story

Tell us a story.
Make it a good story.
Will the story be a happy one?
Will the happy story be a sad story?
But is the story true?
Is the truth a story?

Will the story have a knight?
Will it be a white knight?
Will there be a black knight?
Knights are very nice.
And very nice is the Knight.

So this story,
A very true story,
There is a knight,
A very nice knight.
If there's a knight,
then is there a princess?

Tell us, is there a princess?
A lovely princess
Is the princess a princess?
Who did you make the princess out of?

Is the princess dressed in white
White like the Knight?
Or white as my skin?
White like a light?
Or as sweet as me?
Or as me?

Did the princess come from your mind?
Is this princess made up?
I love princesses.
and I love the princesses too.

Did you make the story up?
The story that is true?
Who did you think of
When the story came to you?

Was it me?
Or was it me?
Or possibibly was it someone else?
Some one other than us?

Are both of us in the story?
Did the story make us?
Please stop teasing.
Please tell us!
Tell us the story!
A good story.

September 8th, 2006, 09:57 pm
I liked the poem "A Story" and I can just imagine the two girls telling it. Good job.

September 9th, 2006, 04:11 am
Very creative, M. Wonderful poem! ^_^

September 12th, 2006, 01:05 am
:clap: twas good

September 18th, 2006, 11:37 pm
An eternal bliss that plays upon the water,
as if just to tease the eyes,
it's nature's fodder!
As I sit there, it plays a reprise,
As I sit there, in my reverie.

My lust, my soul; please don't flutter,
The reverse I beckon, I shall never utter.
Thrise the song play,
And the sun brings a new day.
Will the third leave,
Or will it stay?
Just like a field of cotton;
Sky mauve sew,
Luna pricks her wiskers,
And then I shall see you.

Of blacken aura, the skys gray,
In that path the darkness only leads the way.
Of sandstone white, with stars smiling upon thee?
A crimson red,
the rose drinks the blood of my soul,
and the song begins yet again.

Steping forward now, the song remains true,
Not an echo, this dissonant tune!

Eyes are flutter, night sky high.
I see you now, about to cry.
I reach and touch your face,
Just to find I'm in another place.

September 28th, 2006, 03:46 am
Wearing my Mind

Emotions are things I can’t make out.
Discern, classify or know much about.
But I know they are like a second skin,
Like anger, rage and pain an old leather.
I forgot where it begins
And I don’t remember feeling anything else.
I don’t know how to smile.
Since this mask exiles me from the populace.
I can't reach out and touch.
I don’t feel anything, my hands are gloved.
A drenched hat I wear,
It’s dripping sorrow, loneliness, damp and cold.
Weakness is the reason I clothe.
But naked I would be pitied,
And humiliation is as a prison’s overalls.


Bring me a dream.
Something cute and funny.
Mabe a bunny, or a puff of a monkey.
Like those images of fields of gold,
With the sun pouring onto the plains,
Pools of water bright, blue and bold.
Million facades of color on a single wheat grain.
Perhaps a rainbow in the dry air,
It could forget refraction, and exist,
From whim, needing no humidity prism.

The clouds could puff like cotton of the purest white.
Endless waves of movement.
Like the undulations of clothing in the wind.

Sitting against an immense weeping willow,
Wide like the moon,
Tall like the stars.
The green shade and the rustle would make for company.
The best company it would make,
Saying nothing yet speaking.

One would hum a composition.
From one’s imagination.


A chorus of singing entities,
Protrude from the melody behind the instruments.
Extensions of artists themselves,
It pours like wine, rich and heavy.
The notes play with the very mind,
Bending, vibrating.
The emotions in moving hands,
Creates a story, an explosion of colors, shapes, shades.
Stirs the contents of a being.
The reverie is in motion, in sound,
The rhymes and beats run like ripples in a pond.
Harmonics strong and poignant sway,
From here to there, bending even time.
Drama ensues!
The effervescent tones assault without pause.
The crushing harmonies explode,
The color of the pitch darkens the room itself.
But voices, euphoric, flow through crusts of tragedy,
And the audience, like a thousand lions roar,
Murder for an encore.

Im creative today o.O - wow thats my second composition in an hour! DAMMIT why does the poems only arrive past midnight????? i have to go to bed kuz i have school tomorrow and its early in the morning! BLARRRRG!!!! ANGER!!!! I WANT TO WRITE!!!! *cryes out* i don wanna go to sleep :( ...*goes to sleep* goodnigh ichigos! its leik 2 in the morning...eeek... school is at 7am...*goes to sleep, mumbles in discontent*

October 3rd, 2006, 02:57 am
not me

leave behind your fingertips
leave me behind, let me go
leave with your ambiguous foolishness
and just leave me alone

you hold on to me like you know me
you hold on like im you
but have you realised that i am not the truth

the mirror speaks of honesty
and honestly it lies
the melting eyes that you see is the happiness inside
dont think that i cant see you
dont think that im confused
the mirror never lies to me
that you, inside, abused

tear me apart and take me away
you cant come close to me
there will never come that day

you hear my cry
i hear your lie
youv hated me all along
im all swollen up inside
this mirror has done me well
to cut this disease thats on my face, denied

go away, flee from me
i dont need you here
iv only given your smile
but youv eaten me up
youv taken all whats left of me
the left behinds of you

Deadly Love
October 5th, 2006, 10:10 pm
I only made this song/poem because I was really getting mad at my grandma but I know it'll just get worse if I tell her and everything, so I just wrote it down.

So Tired

I am so tired
Of you telling me what and not to do
So tired
Of you judging my every moves
So tired
Of you living my life for me

Sick to the stomach (sick to the stomach)
That's what I am
That's why I can't wait
To get to school
Where I see my friends
But not you (but not you....)

Away from chores
From lectures
From your decisions
But especially, from you

My friends
They've got my back
They will always be there for me
Dead or alive

My friendships
May not last long
But their concern and love for me
Will last forever

I am so tired
Of you treating me like a kid
So tired
Of being thought that I'm helpless
That I need you
That I love you
That I care about you

Well guess what
Here's the truth
In two words:
I don't

I am so tired
Of you telling me what and not to do
So tired
Of you judging my every moves
So tired
Of you living my life for me

I am so tired
Of you treating me like a kid
So tired
Of being thought that I'm helpless
That I need you
That I love you
That I care about you

I am so tired
Of my life
If it wasn't for friends
I'd have killed myself

No reason for me to live but them
But as for you (for you.....)
I wish that
You're outta my life

My love for you
Even as family
Has been overcome
By my hatred for you

I am so tired
Of you telling me what and not to do
So tired
Of you judging my every moves
So tired
Of you living my life for me

I am so tired
Of you treating me like a kid
So tired
Of being thought that I'm helpless
That I need you
That I love you
That I care about you

Well guess what
Here's the truth
In two words:
I don't

I am so tired
Of my life
If it wasn't for friends
I'd have killed myself

So tired
That I wanna die
Right this minute
However painful it may be
I don't care

A couple things about it aren't true though, such as me not needing, caring, and loving her. I do only most of the time, she gets on my nerves.

Deadly Love
October 6th, 2006, 01:06 am
Another song/poem of mine. Doesn't rhyme, it never does.

Bridge To Your Hearts

She loves you
Why can't you love her back
She'd do anything
To win your heart
But today you told me
You didn't like her that way
I couldn't tell her
It'd hurt her feelings
But if it came from you
It would hurt her even more
I can't stand her being sad
Oh why can't you just love her back
She's cute
She's everything you wanted
Yet you don't like her
What is so totally wrong with you
Can't you make up your mind
What you want in a girl
Do you like someone else
I've seen your face
When you stare at this one girl
Who is one of my friends
I couldn't believe what I'm seeing
You have feelings
For another girl
I can't believe this
She had tried so hard
Yet you break her heart
I hope that she can take it
When I tell her the truth
But when I told her
She was so heartbroken
How could you do such a thing
To a girl that loves you that much
You will never feel that love again
From any other girl
You can only feel it
From the girl that has always loved you
I know that she will never stop
Loving you
I don't know what to do
I need to find a way
To make her heart stop hurting
I needed you to love her
With all your heart
I just became the bridge to your hearts
It took me a year
But finally
You're finally together
You're happier than you've ever been
But she was the happiest girl in the world
I was happy for you two
And so now I must leave you two together
Because I can see
That you two love each other
With all your hearts
I can see it in your eyes
I needed you to love her
With all your heart
I just became the bridge to your hearts
I can see it in your eyes
That you really loved her
With all your heart
I know that you will be happy with her
And so I must go another way
And become two other people's
I will become their bridge
To win each other

Don't have a title for this one yet, but I like it.

I don't wanna kill you
Or anyone else
But this is for sure
I wanna kill myself
No more reason to live
You left me heartbroken
I never thought
You could do this to me
I can't believe that you can cheat
On me
The girl that has always loved you
I opened the door
I saw you
Kissing another girl
And it wasn't just any kiss
You were practically making out w/ her
How can you do such a thing to me
I've always loved you
Even now
Oh why can't I get over you
I know that you don't love me
I need to get over you
Because if I don't
I am sure to go crazy
For I can't live w/o you by my side
I need you
With all my heart
I promise to love you
And do anything you wish me to do
Just come back to me
I tried to win your heart again
But it didn't work
I failed
I can't believe this
You will never be mine again
I wanna die
I've already gone crazy
I know that I still love you
Oh why can't you love me too?
Why oh why oh why
Can't you just love me back?
I've done everything I could
Yet you still don't love me
I pretended to not care
When I saw you w/ that girl
You looked at me
And I could see
That you still love me
I looked back
With sadness in my eyes
Because you were with another girl
Instead of me
The next thing I knew
You were mine again
I've done everything I could do
None of them worked
But when I looked at you
With despair and love in my eyes
Somehow you came back to me
I promise to love you w/ all my heart
I am so glad
You're mine again
I will never let you go
For I know
That you love me so
And I will always treasure that in my heart

October 6th, 2006, 01:16 am
A short poem
Demons and humans
Demons and humans are alike in ways,
Demons and humans are like plants,
Demons and humans need water and food to live but,
Demons are like trees,
Humans are like flowers,
Demons live for long peroids of time,
Humans live for a short peroid of time,
But there is another group of beings,
They are half-breeds,
Half demon, half human,
They are like trees and flowers,
They will grow into trees,
but when there is a new moon,
they bloom flowers on there branches,
When the new moon is gone till next month,
the flowers will fall off and go back to their demon ways.~Wolfgoddess

Deadly Love
October 10th, 2006, 02:30 am
Why does that remind me so much of Inuyasha?

October 10th, 2006, 03:08 am
Probably because it is Inuyasha.
Nice poems, DeadlyLove. ^_^

Deadly Love
October 10th, 2006, 03:24 am
Probably because it is Inuyasha.
Nice poems, DeadlyLove. ^_^
You're kidding me right? My poems are actually good? FINALLY!!! I'M FINALLY GETTING BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sweat:

October 10th, 2006, 10:31 am
never there

im gone
iv left you far behind
come catch me if you can
you better start running
far from reach
you try to grab hold of me
far too strong

this tree has grown over the years
pretty flowers as it blooms
with fruits of serenity
roots deep down
down to the core of the world
breaking free

dont pity me
feeding me with your lucious fruits
just a taste
i want it more
dripping on my hands iv asked for more
and all you ever gave me was what i asked for
more have i asked of you
more have i seeked you
more have i learnt that all i crave is you
but you never satisfy my desires
i want you but you leave me standing
this tree has never moved
it feeds me
but you have only used me to feed yourself
your selfish desires

im gone
iv left you far behind
in the dust of light
you are far from reach
iv eaten you up and vomitted you out

iv struggled to get far away from you
desperate to flee
i now realise you are far from me
iv already left you
left you alone
you and your fruit

October 11th, 2006, 01:45 am
You're kidding me right? My poems are actually good? FINALLY!!! I'M FINALLY GETTING BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sweat:

Yes, I thought them very good. ^.^
Holding me Back
My only: you're holding me back
Changing my wings
Making them crack.
My stone heart begins to beat
Slowly and steadily
Till I'm moving my feet
Singing a song
Dancing around
The time I've waited feels like so long.
My wings cracked
My heart stolen
Makes me wonder why you're still holding me back.

It sucks I know. I'm not sure if that's the entire thing; I'm writing it off my memory. Still, one of my better ones.

Deadly Love
October 11th, 2006, 04:52 pm
Yes, I thought them very good. ^.^
Holding me Back
My only: you're holding me back
Changing my wings
Making them crack.
My stone heart begins to beat
Slowly and steadily
Till I'm moving my feet
Singing a song
Dancing around
The time I've waited feels like so long.
My wings cracked
My heart stolen
Makes me wonder why you're still holding me back.

It sucks I know. I'm not sure if that's the entire thing; I'm writing it off my memory. Still, one of my better ones.
It's good actually. Either that, or I'm awful at judging things. Whichever ways, I still say it's good.

October 11th, 2006, 08:37 pm
pure lillies

lily whites

dripping down from the stars

if i could look to the moon

like a touch from the heart

to be laying still in a bed of roses

being warmer still, with your arms out open

i could dream all day long

not knowing on what to care

but your lily whites have gone

whiped clean of the air

i lay there still

still in your warmth

you have given me light

life, hope, that youll be there

until your lily whites shine upon me... once again


October 26th, 2006, 01:31 am
I like that, Toki. ^_^ This'll take a while.....(_ _)
The Silver Heart
There once was a young girl who always wore the same necklace, every day of every week of every month of every year. When asked 'why do you always wear that necklace, every second of every minute of every hour of every day?' SHe'd always give the same answer every day of every week of every month of every year: 'I have my reasons.'
The simplest thing was what she said, simple as her simple necklace, which itself was made up of one tiny silver heart. However small it was, it seemed there was a light gleaming from it that everyone could see but her, every second of every minute of every hour of every day. They'd say, 'look! Your necklace is sparkling!' and she'd tug at the tuny heart and glance, but saw nothing every time, every day of every week of every month of every year. She'd gently drop the pendant and say 'no, it's not.' and turn away, thinking it a cruel joke for her wearing it always.
Then they'd say 'yes, it is! look once more, and you'll see that it gleams every second of every minute of every hour of every day.' And her frustration would climb, and she'd say 'no! It never glows, not in every day of every week of every month of every year.' And she'd walk off, leaving the others staring after her in bewilderment.
It was like that always, in every second of every minute of every hour of every day, until one fateful day when one came up and asked her like all those before her, 'why do you wear that necklace every day of every week of every month of every year?' and without turning around to face her inquiror she'd reply with the usual 'I have my reasons.' But she knew there was something terribly different about this man, so she continued with a 'why do you ask, sir?' and he stepped in front of her and said 'because I know why.'
They were united once more.
~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~` ~`~`~`~`~`~
Try and guess how she knew he was different! ^.^ Hint: It has a lot to do with the pattern in the poem.

October 26th, 2006, 01:45 am
Everyone has dreams in life. Some people make they're dreams come true, some just give up. But, i have a goal in life, i have a dream i want to become true. Some people think my goal is impossable, well, i think i can make it come true, i dont care what people think of my goal, my dream, all i know is that its going to come true. One person asked me one day "why dont u just give up! It will never happen" and all i said was "well, i dont care what you say, all i know is that I am going to reach my goal no matter what." and then he said,"what is your goal exactly?" all i said was "You'll find out when i make it to the big leuges. Where i can play like i want to. To play like a pro"

Sunny Kimiko
October 30th, 2006, 06:50 am
Going away

I'm going away
I'm going away
Not going for a holiday
But I am going away

I'm sorry that I'm leaving
So sad that I'm going
Too mournful that we're parting
Just tearful you are staying

We have been together
In relationship together
Shed our tears together
Sharing jokes together

Thankyou for staying with me
You've always been by my side
Thankyou for being there
For me wehn I cried

I'm sorry that you're staying
Sorry that I'm leaving
Leaving you behind
I'm sorry that I'm going
But I'm going now..
..so... goodbye

Deadly Love
November 5th, 2006, 01:14 am
no title yet

I may look happy on the outside
But what no one can see
Is that I'm cryin' on the inside

It hurts me too much
That you can say such
Things that aren't even true

I know that I still love you
It's just hard for me to believe
That you no longer feel that way too

It's just too sad
Too hard to believe
Too hard to take in

So I deny my love for you
Hoping my love for you will fade too
Even if I know that it's nothing but a false hope

For I know that until the day I die
You will always be in my heart
And that, I know, is not a lie
no title yet

Can you promise to
Forever love me
To always be there for me
And never hurt me?

To fight for me
When someone tries to seperate us?
To never let me go
And that your love for me will never cease to grow?

That is all I wish of you
And I hope these promises
You'll make and keep.........
But I guess that, you won't be able to do

You were silent
And in deep thought
Then the next thing I knew,
You started walking away from me, just like how others in the past have done too

After a few steps,
You looked back and said,
"I can't promise you anything
But out of my love for you, I'll try, for you are my everything"

this one is my fave, and its by my friend, no title yet either

There's no fairy godmother
to make my wish come true
No genie in a bottle
to bring me closer to you
No prayer on a star
No magic potion in a jar
But I can dream and when I do
I dream that I'm there with you

November 21st, 2006, 12:52 am

Through the gruesome gates of Tartarus,
Where terrifying ghouls groan,
Lies the secret to eternal life,
That absolutely no one knows
All who try to find the gate
Only find a bloody red rose,
Surrounded completely by crows,
But absolutely no one knows
Some think the rose is a sign,
Others just don’t know,
But any way you look at it,
Absolutely no one knows
The gate is illusive in its plight,
Some are willing to give up their sight,
For the secret of eternal life,
That absolutely no one knows
“Watch her cry her eyes out,” says the ghost
All who look for the gates have heard
This tentative plea, and thus began a search
For what absolutely no one knows
“Please don’t cry,” says the man
But his friend continues to cry, pouring her
Heart out and telling him things
That absolutely no one knows
At the end of her short burst,
He could not help but cry and ask
“Why?” And all she could say was,
“Absolutely no one knows”

i like it.......

November 24th, 2006, 01:11 am
i like it.......

Me too. XD

Anyways, good job, guys, I haven't read all of Deadly Love's, but the one's I've read are really cool. Good job! ^_^

Deadly Love
November 25th, 2006, 01:05 am
Anyways, good job, guys, I haven't read all of Deadly Love's, but the one's I've read are really cool. Good job! ^_^
uhhhhh.... thanks. i'll try to post my other poems later on, probably tomorrow.

Deadly Love
November 25th, 2006, 06:27 am
I haven't posted 4 of my poems yet but the other 2 sucks so I'm only gonna post this two.

no title yet

Seeing you
Make my day
Seeing you smile
Brightens up my life

Just seeing you at least once a day
For me, it's enough
Because at least I know
That you'll always be there

No one really knows
How deep and true my love is for you
Although it's pretty obvious
No one really notices

I don't really care
If you have a girlfriend or not
Or if you like me or not
Because that doesn't mean that I can't love you

One-sided love it may be
But that's good enough for me
Because I don't really expect you
To love me

First Love

Falling in love for the first time
Is such a wonderful thing
But at first
It is very confusing

For you don't know what you're really feeling
May it be love or infatuation
Is it true
Or is it just your imagination?

Make sure of what you're feeling
Before you go out there
And tell that person what you think you're feeling
Because you'll just end up heartbroken

Deadly Love
December 2nd, 2006, 04:27 am
Choosing Between the Two of Us

It used to be you and my best friend
But then she disappeared for a long time
And in that time, you noticed me
And I helped you move on
I nursed your heart
I was the one that picked you up
When you were down
I was always there for you
But then she came back
You were torn between the two of us
And now you must choose between the two of us
You were confused
And didn't know who to choose
And this I ask you,
"Is it that hard to choose me?"
You know what, this is all my mistake
I shouldn't have let myself seem like a fool
Because if you really liked me
If you really loved me
If I really had a place in your heart
It wouldn't be so hard for you to choose me
I walk away, not waiting for your answer
Because right now, it didn't really matter
Because I already knew.........
That you would choose the one you love...... her...

Sunny Kimiko
December 6th, 2006, 04:31 am
Updated version-


The dread I feel each and every day
Is just a part of life
The air I breathe, this smoggy stuff
Is just a part of life

I walk the streets alone at night
Heart jumping in my throat
The fear, the dread disarming me
For what I feel will come

Feeling insecure
I glance behind my back
Seeing what is there
My vision's turning black

Spies! Murderers! Theives!
They listen into our lives
They kill us if they wish
They take our freedom from us

You say that they are helping us
That it's a fact of life
I say you are cheating us
Of what should be our rights

Your rules are wrong
Your logic flawed
Yet all of them
Think you are the lord

Manipulate the population
Control all of their minds
Do what you will to gain their trust
Though you will never have mine

My family and friends
Taken away from me by you
My name, my identity
All taken away too

The splatters on the ground
Draws my attention to the sky
I remember a woman say
That God is in the rain

I sink down to my knees
I throw up my arms
I welcome one
Who'll never obey

The water soaks me
Drenches me in it's glory
And now I wisper to myself
God is in the rain

I laugh out loud
The spies close in
I am no longer afraid
Shoot me if they will

They world will never know me
The world will never care
I am just a nobody
I am.. Unnamed...

December 21st, 2006, 01:58 am
A Haiku I just created

Autumn Leaves

Hanging dearly on
From up high this autumns wind
Fall in emptyness


The spring wind blows far
Her hair dances in the sky
Her face cover tear


All over the world
Darkness falls across the sky
Leaving little light

Deadly Love
January 25th, 2007, 04:02 am
Oh my gosh. Sunny, I sooooooooooooo love your poem (times infinity). Oh my god. It may be long, but damn it is waaaaaayyy too good. What/Who are you? The modern Shakespeare or something?

"Manipulate the population
Control all of their minds
Do what you will to gain their trust
Though you will never have mine"

Why does that sound as if you're talking about President Jackass?

January 26th, 2007, 01:45 am
Sonnet #2 (hint, it's NOT about Ireland)

That chilly air that I had never breathed
‘till in my tenth year ‘cross the sea I flew
to lands from whence my clan’s first fathers grew,
in hand their bagpipes, shields, and swords unsheathed.
The silv’ry-golden sky was glory seethed,
though cold the air was full of magic true;
that hallowed rocky green and ocean blue,
those glens and mountains raw and heather-wreathed
--most magic was the glassy loch abyss,
a mystic mirror set in stony frame.
How then are monsters rumored so amiss?
The answer is that viewers see the same
as what they are and what it is they wish.
The mire within is where to place the blame.

I just found out this poem is going on to the State PTA Reflections contest.

BTW, Sunny, you need to change "draws" to "draw" in line 2 of Stanza 9.

Deadly Love
January 26th, 2007, 02:08 am
Ummm no. "The splatters on the ground draws my attention to the sky" That makes sense. And I'll try to post my poems like prolly tomorrow. My friend has them.

January 26th, 2007, 02:20 am
Nope, it doesn't. It lacks subject-verb agreement.
"The splatters (plural noun) on the ground draw (plural verb in present tense) my attention to the sky" is correct, however.

You wouldn't say "those splatters draws me" if you were speaking, would you?

January 26th, 2007, 10:03 pm
Nice poems, Sunny and deathraider. ^_^

My attempt at poetry:

And the ghost’s hands played games on the wall,
My heart caught still, I hope no one saw
As a last breath gave way to a second chance,
Back on my feet as the past withdraws.
And as the pieces fall into place,
I realize what a great mistake;
My eyes catch smoke, hoping no one saw
Up and walking, the future calls.


Deadly Love
January 26th, 2007, 11:39 pm
Nope, it doesn't. It lacks subject-verb agreement.
"The splatters (plural noun) on the ground draw (plural verb in present tense) my attention to the sky" is correct, however.

You wouldn't say "those splatters draws me" if you were speaking, would you?
Ummmmm I'm a 7th grader and I dont really know so yes. Pretty much that's how I would say it.

All 3 poems are untitled

'Til the end of time
I will always love you
I need you here by my side
Without you, I feel incomplete
You're the only one that makes me feel oplete
I miss you when we're not together
More and more with each passing second
I miss your touch
Your smile
Everything about you
I always want to be with you
Always by your side
Never having to be seperated
To leave each other's side
I love you babe
And always will
I'll love you...
Until the end of time

Wondrous life
I wish I had
No love was ever given me
From you or anybody else
So how do you expect me to love myself?
Always being picked on
Being called a dork, nerd, or dweeb
Well guess what?
Those times are over
Never again in my life
Will I let myself be walked on
All that is over now
I will stand up for myself next time
Because I'm tired of all the things
That are happening to me
I'm no longer gonna be a pushover

Loving you hurts me so
All it brings me is woe
You don't love me, I know
I try to ignore and avoid you
But destiny keeps on bring us two together
I wish that love was a decison
So that I wouldn't be hurting everyday
So that I wouldn't have loved you in the first place
I've tried getting over you oh so many times
But each time I failed
And each time, I loved you more and more
Only one way to get over you
I haven't tried yet
For me to actually hear you say that you don't love me
I don't want to risk being hurt
But I know that in the end
That's still how things are going to be
And it's what my heart says

January 27th, 2007, 05:48 pm
Um...you need grammar lessons, then. Why are you trusting a SEVENTH GRADER to know grammar better than an 11th grader anyway?

Deadly Love
January 28th, 2007, 01:58 am
You're mean........

Passed you a letter
Wishing that you wouldn't answer
Just want to let you know I love you
But still, I wouldn't want to......
Know that you don't love me back...
I'd rather keep dreaming and not know the truth
Than to know the truth
And crush my dream........
Cuz I don't want to know the feeling....
The broken-hearted feeling...
The loneliness and the sadness...
The feeling of being torn apart...
Everytime I see a happy couple...
Everytime I see you..........
Can't even think about it
It's too sad a thought
So please don't answer that letter
Cuz I don't want to get hurt...
Don't want to know the feeling...
The broken-hearted feeling...
The lone liness and the sadness...
Being torn apart...
When I see you...

January 28th, 2007, 02:08 am
@before: Since when does poetry follow any of the rules in English? :eyebrow:

Deadly Love
January 28th, 2007, 02:37 am
I have no idea. Ask death. He should know.

@ death:you do know that in real life, you wouldn't say "Wondrous life I wish I had" but in poetry or in songs you can right?

Dark Bring
January 28th, 2007, 02:50 am
crawling in my skin
with no apologies
pushing me away
'cause you don't understand
I'm becoming this
a handful of complaints

I can't convince you
and I'm about to break
'cause you're all I got
afraid to lose control

need to be alone
these wounds they will not heal
feeling so faithless
forget our memories

(Work in progress.)

(Also, LOL).

Deadly Love
January 28th, 2007, 02:55 am
Here's another one that I just made right now (once again, inspired by my friends lovelife):

I broke up with you
But now that you're gone
I miss you here
By my side
I want you back in my life
But now you don't want me anymore
Oh what can I do?
To get you back in my life?
I'll do anything & everything for you
I need you in my life
I need you here by my side
I'll beg and plead
And get down on my knees
If that's what it takes
Cuz I'll do anything & everything
To get you back in my life

And another one:

I may hate you now
But in the end I know
That I will love you so
So much for me to handle

I've tried to prepare myself for this
But whatever I do
I can never prepare myself
For the time I will start loving you

Because everyday that passes by
I hate you more and more
And you know what they say
The more you hate, the more you love

January 28th, 2007, 06:48 am
I realize that you don't have to use traditional sentence structure in poetry, yes, but basic verb conjugation ALWAYS applies. I'm sorry if I sounded mean, but it's true. I was just making a suggestion to Sunny's poetry that I think would make it sound better, and make her sound more intelligent.

Deadly Love
January 28th, 2007, 06:37 pm
And anyways, that could have been how Sunny had it originally only that probably Sunny accidentally typed the "s". That happens.

EDIT: Damn keyboard....

Deadly Love
January 31st, 2007, 01:30 am
2 new poems (I have no idea why my topic's always about love):

You're My Angel

I'm staring at an angel
An angel from above
An angel sent to me
By the goddess of love
I loved you as soon as I saw you
And loved you more and more
As the time went by
Now I love you so much
That, for you, I'd gladly die
I love you so much
That it pains me not to be with you
Yes babe....
That angel is you

no title yet (my friends version is way better but i dont have it)

Tell me what love is
Because it's so complicated
I can't explain it...
Or at least I couldn't..........
After you broke my heart......

What did I do wrong?
That you had to hurt me?
What did I do wrong?
That you had to stab me at the heart?

Now I'm blind and deaf
Blind to the letters L, O, V, and E
Deaf to that one word I can no longer define

When you were still mine,
I could describe it easily
Because I know what it meant then.....
But that was when we were still together.....

But now that you're gone.....
I don't know what to do with myself or my life anymore...
But when it was still us...
When you still loved me...
When you were still mine...
I knew just what to do

But now... I don't anything
I can't even answer the simplest questions
Because I'm no longer with you....

Deadly Love
February 3rd, 2007, 12:03 am
The following are three that I just wrote today during class.
I may tease you alot
But you know that I just do it
To get your attention
You know that I don't mean the things
That I say about you
Because you ought to know that I love you

I just pretend that I hate you
But the truth is
I can't resist you

This is the first time I've ever felt anything like this
This feeling's so beautiful
I feel like I'm in heaven when I'm with you
This feeling's so wonderful
I feel like I'm on a cloud
This is the first time that I've ever felt anything this great

I always want to be with you
Because you're always there for me
I can cry on your shoulder when I'm sad
And you'll hug me tight and comfort me
You're the only one I want
Because you're the only one I'll ever need
Thinking about you every second I can spare
In my mind, you seem to unreal
But my heart knows that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me
Every day, I pray
Every day, I wish
That you can notice my existence
Or just to even feel my presence
That's all I pray for
That's all I wish for
For you to notice that I exist
For you to notice when I'm near
Is that so hard for you to do?
To acknowledge my existence and presence?
It's really not that hard
Not if you try
All you have to do is look at me
And notice that I'm there
This one isn't really that good but who cares?

I was walking down the hallway
Thinking of that special someone
Wasn't paying attention to where I was going
And bumped into you
Papers fly everywhere
Surrounding the both of us
No one tried to help
But only laughed and walked away
I looked up and saw that special someone
On his knees and helping me
I'm still in much shock
Even up to now,
Because that special someone is you

Deadly Love
February 19th, 2007, 12:51 am
These 4 aren't that good either but my friends like them.

To understand me
Is all I ask of you
But you say it's no easy
I say, "Please, go get a clue"

You should know by now
What kind of girl I am
Without you understanding me
This relationship won't work

Cuz I'll feel that you don't trust me
I'll feel that you don't have faith in me
I'll feel as if....
You don't love me anymore....
You've always been there for me
You never left my side
You were always there to protect me
You've always been my guide

You guided me through the darkness
And into the light
You guided me through the hardship
And into the easy life

But now that you're gone...
Now that I've lost my best friend.....
Now that I've lost my protector....
Now that I've lost my guide......

I feel like a part of me is missing
I feel unprotected
I feel lost without you........
I need you back...

Why do you look at me like that continuously?
As if I'm the only one that you can see
Is it true that you love me?
Is it true that you've fallen for me?

Because if it's true
Then I beg of you
Stop loving me like you do....
Because I already love someone else.... with a love I think is true...

So stop loving me, I don't want to hurt your feelings
Or the feelings of the person that has loved you from the very beginning
I don't even want to see you anymore... because I might end up falling...
Falling in love with you... but I know that whichever path I choose, we'll both end up... crying...
This one is in another language so I'll translate as best as I can afterwards

Kala ko na wala na akong nararamdaman para sayo
Pero hindi pala
Hanggan ngayon mahal pa rin kita
Dahil kahit anong gawin ko
Hindi kita makalimutan
Parang ayaw ko ng mabuhay
Kasi parang patay na rin naman ako
Pagnakikita kita na may kasamang iba

The last 3 lines messed it up

I thought that I didn't feel anything for you anymore
But I guess not
Until now I still love you
Because whatever I do
I can't forget you
I don't think I want to live anymore
Because it feels as if I'm dead already
When I see you with someone else

EDIT: Sorry for the *counts* quadruple post.

March 2nd, 2007, 04:12 am


One that joins together and
Another that twines the rope to two.
Regardless of the glances and stares that follow in my path,
I shall take the next step.
Sorrows and pains shall shower upon me.
I will wear my shame as a badge of honor,
Then you will see what I can truly do.
Even though the rope is in two,
It can still be made as one.

Only from my past forgotten can you see what I am.
Stretching, meshing; the time wavers.
The smoothest of oil cannot aid these cracks that I have left.
The path dry and cracked, desolate.
I will carry you upon my shoulders,
And you will gently dust my mind.
I wish to forget these things that have long past,
The pain is unrequited, though shared inside.
These burns will never fade.

Now I sit inside my room.
The light pierces the stretching shadows.
The second rope long forgotten, and the floor underneath
No longer receives my feet.
I walk, an empty shell, no dream of pride.
In the solomon comfort, my melancholy upheave.
My eyes widen as the light goes through,
There lay the rope, that was one then two,
It became three in one; something new was born.

I can feel another verse that is needed for this, but I'm too tired to write it out tonight. Maybe later.

March 10th, 2007, 04:38 pm
That's really good, M. :)

Deadly Love
March 10th, 2007, 07:59 pm
*agrees with Marlon* ^~^ Very.

April 1st, 2007, 03:44 pm

It pangs my soul,
I feel it mixing inside of me,
Something that I cannot hold,
That which is someone else's decree.
A mindset I cannot fathom,
For it is not mine.

A mind that sends me to a chasm,
It only confuses me with signs
Of what I believe I should be,
That of which it should be,
And of that which it could be,
That which I do, yet can't be.

It doesn't make sense to me anymore,
this other me.
The voice I used to trust,
The body I used to move,
The eyes that lemed me the new world
A touch of what my miracle used to be.

Things we reach out for,
Things we wish upon in the future,
These things are what we search for.
From our borne cry, the birth of our creature,
Eventually, we'll become lost.
Only to be expressed in a daffodil,
Hidden in a white lily.

Who am I?
What am I?
Am I who I think I am?
Or am I who I reach for?
Or what I wish for?
Or am I lost?

Deadly Love
April 1st, 2007, 06:20 pm
*standing ovation*

Little Arrow
April 18th, 2007, 12:49 pm

May 10th, 2007, 07:33 am
this is this random poem i had to write for this assignment inyear 5 dunno y its so depressing...

When the night is dawning
When the stars shine brightly
Let me see tomorrow, through this glass

When the sky is crying
And the wind is mourning
Let me see tomorrow, through this glass

Will the sun still shine?
May this larkspur bloom
Ever shall this wound heal

Will the time fly by?
Will things be the same?
Let me know the meaning of joy

When the bell is tolling
And you hear the prayers
You will know that i am free...

May 11th, 2007, 02:33 am

I’m so afraid,
Afraid that people might see
Who I am and what I do.
I try to hide it.
You wouldn’t guess
Would you?
That inside I’m tripping over
My own heart?
Here I am
Crumbling into a million pieces.

So I’m going to put my mask back on,
Act like someone I’m not.
I’m safe behind it,
Nothing can happen to me now.

But the fear comes back again
Just like it always does.
Then I’m crying out to you again,
Crying for help inside.
Help me take off my mask,
I want them to know who I really am.
Only you know both the sides of me.
Only you can understand.

I can’t hide it forever.
Sometimes the mask slips off
And I am exposed,
And vulnerable.
I feel so naked.
And everyone is looking at me,
They can see right through me.

Only you know my true identity.
Only you can understand.
You hold my destiny,
And now I’m on my knees.
Help me take off my mask.

May 11th, 2007, 01:50 pm
This is one i scribbled on an envelop on friday waiting for a train. gotta tidy it up
I stand there,
Tumberling my drink around a glass,
Will i find happyness at the bottom,
Will it replace the absence of it,

Tourmenting my body,
Freeing my mind,
Pain twists this liquid releif,
Into a putrid concoction of self doubt and hate,

Yet the suff keeps coming,
And i keep going,
Untill I embrace a dreamless and disturbed sleep,
Tomorrow I will not have forgoten,
But tonight there is nothing but now,

May 26th, 2007, 03:00 am

The wind that climbs the mountain;
It moves to the reflected light.
The pale leaves dance whimsically;
Twirling, Twirling, Twriling.
The sea swells a brilliant crescendo;
It's symphony building.

How long must this night exist?
For I have committed sin.

June 1st, 2007, 08:24 pm

a river flows like churning fate can it be youve come to late? Hour glass with fleeing sand trechery is at either hand


June 1st, 2007, 08:29 pm

The heartless doll with the blood stained eyes
the cheshire cat with no surprise
the one who follows you late at night
the one who doom us with the light
the imainary people who choke u in bed
Me the one who is now dead.


some of u might recognize it!

your giving me too many things
lately your all i need
you smiled at me and said,

dont get me wrong i love you
but does that mean i have to meet your father?
when we are older youll understand
what i meant when i said "no"
i dont think life is quite that simple

*when you walk away
you dont here me say please
oh baby dont go
simple and clean is the way that your making me fell tonight
its hard to let it go

the daily things that keep us all busy
are confusing me
thats when you came to me and said

wish i could prove i love you
but does that mean i have to walk on water?
when we are older you will understand
its enough when i say so
and maybe some things are that simple

when you walk away
you dont hear me say please
oh baby dont go
simple and clean is the way that your making me fell tonight
its hard to let it go

hold me
whatever lies beyond this morning
is a little later on
regardless of warnings the future doesn scare me at all
nothings like before

when you walk away
you dont hear me say please
oh baby dont go
simple and clean is the way that your making me fell tonight
its hard to let it go

hold me
whatever lies beyond this morning
is a little later on
regardless of warnings the future doesnt scare me at all
nothings like before

hold me
whatever lies beyond this morning
is a little later on
regardless of warnings the future doesnt scare me at all
nothings like before


ugg now my neck hurts!!


the one

i see you there dead as fate
i see you breathe but just for a second
your heart stopped beating at its rate
we stood there so many times before
but its come to this
"the one who opened the door"

my 7 year old sister wrote this

MOD EDIT: Don't post more than once in a row!

June 2nd, 2007, 01:40 am
ur cousin must be educated the THE END one i have one like it

Alice In A Wonderfully Dreadful Land

Alice hears the story that sets her fate
in the end she will die to late
she sees the bloodstained rabbit with the beady eyes
look the cheshire cat with the child that crys
then the queen with the cards of hell
this will not turn out well
the doorknob thats devours her
this is the end for shure
she sits there and cries the whole time
as the rest of her life fades and dies

its kinda dumb so yea

June 5th, 2007, 01:13 am
And so Shangri la split in two with the flames of a human soul.
So that nothing shall remain of the paradise but sand and glass.
As you pick each shimmering piece up to the light, and not a shimmer, nor glisten, shall spawn.
A paradise lost.
A punishment served from the few to the many.
Know that we once existed.
We existed in in the land of Shangri La.

June 5th, 2007, 07:42 am
These are really good so far! =D *claps*

Here's one of my own. I'm not poet, but whatever.


Summer Berries
Summer berries stain
her sun-ripened cheek ---- red ----

I watch silently as
her dandelion locks
in the lazy summer air,
suspended in
saccharine time

Cotton sheets unfurl in gentle motion
and envelop her in a bleached-white evening veil

A single ribbon ----crimson----
bids farewell, chasing
a brittle straw hat
through sunflower stems
and over dew-dolloped petals,
sparkling beneath a
never-ending Paradise


Royal Iris
Royal Iris
clothed verdant
Your smile blossoms
even in the still of Night


The summer of the bumblebees and four-leaf clovers
chanced upon the sun
in all its glory

Ever-elusive, it charmed the fair gossamer
in taciturn conversation,
stirred embers in the heart of the mountain
amidst wistful whispers


Whee! ='D

June 5th, 2007, 12:06 pm
I overlook this thread to often. Good structure.

June 9th, 2007, 05:21 pm
I'll give one of my more professional poems now. Well... it's more like a bard's tale, but still poetry.

The Kingdom

Come ye soloist, bring a song,
A lyre, a tome; gather quickly now.
A spirit do take on my lips and my words,
A story be told, the waltz begins now.

The full moon doth lasteth upon thine great sea.
The waltz in three moves with unity.
There's only one spirit can move freely,
But shadows of light reflect upon thee...

Come ye warrior, sword with bane,
Thy spirit, thy quiver, thy arm, thy queen.
You live by the sword, you must not be sane,
Your heart rest asleep, your soul is unseen...

The full moon doth lasteth upon thine great sea.
The waltz in three moves with unity.
There's only one spirit can move freely,
But shadows of light reflect upon thee...

Come ye mage, mind set afree,
Through scripture you etch upon the fiend.
The book at hand, burns o'er your soul,
The will-of-the-wisp doth eat of it whole...

The full moon doth lasteth upon thine great sea.
The waltz in three moves with unity.
There's only one spirit can move freely,
But shadows of light reflect upon thee...

Come ye maidens, 'dowed in pain,
You're hopes and your dreams lie still in the cage.
You give of your body, your not the same,
The memory impress did on the mage...

The full moon doth lasteth upon thine great sea.
The waltz in three moves with unity.
There's only one spirit can move freely,
But shadows of light reflect upon thee...

Come ye shadows, embrace the mind,
Drink of the blood, and bathe in my voice.
My wish is to curse this land of vine,
I have no wish to remain in solace Boyce...

The full moon doth lasteth upon thine great sea.
The waltz in three moves with unity.
There's only one spirit can move freely,
But shadows of light reflect upon thee...

Come ye party, defend the hold,
Reflection through two, ripples unfold,
The bane, the beauty, the scribe; now cold.
The destined meeting has now fixed the mold...

The full moon doth lasteth upon thine great sea.
The waltz in three moves with unity.
There's only one spirit can move freely,
But shadows of light reflect upon thee...

Untwine the lyre, and
Strum a chord.
The story is done,
The legend is told...

June 12th, 2007, 08:36 am
*ApplaudApplaud!* Nice one, M!

Concrete Angel

The Concrete Angel rises from the ashes
of a metropolitan wasteland.
It floods minds with flourescent light,
opens UV-protected eyes,
clears the fog off weather-insulated souls.

Upstairs, a great mind turns,
mechanical heart ticks away into the future
as neon lights and falling confetti
float in serenity
beneath the luminescence of time.

The man realizes that the great Moth
will die in burning passion
as it pursues destiny--
seeks the light.

And so
the man,
confetti in
his hair, his ears, his eyes,
stumbles into the chamber of darkness.

July 18th, 2007, 06:58 am
Erm, no point to this one, really. =D Actually, this one was one of my older ones that I happened to dig up while deleting old files.

On a not-so-special day,
the camel man
beneath the
burning sky,
a brilliant red sun
descending behind an
endless curtain of golden crops.

Doug carried the man’s sparse frame
to the makeshift graveyard,
a desolate spot of land
surrounded by an expanse
of emptiness.

He then headed toward
that rocking chair, now
worn and battered by age
but still standing.

From there,
he watched,
with cloudy eyes,
the brilliant spectacle before him
the sky, a palette of vivid colors--
crimson, indigo, mauve, amethyst--
bridging the gap from the fading sunlight
to the darkness that inevitably followed.

the man thought, as he did ever so often,
this is life.

And he began to sob
in joy--
for the beauty of the sunset,
in sorrow--
for his departed friends.

Tears streamed down the man’s
weathered face as
the sky’s many hues
washed together and
became a blurred,
kaleidoscopic world
before his teary eyes.

Somewhere in the distance,
he heard a faintly familiar rumble.
The crops bowed down solemnly as
a sudden gust of wind swept past them,
rattling the loose timbers of the
old, wilting house that stood nearby.

As the darkness closed in around him,
the man,
hunched over in his creaking chair,
could hear--
amidst the swaying of the crops,
the drums rolling away in the distance,
and the calculated cadence of his rocking chair--
the soft,
pitter-patter of

Deadly Love
July 18th, 2007, 07:39 am
This one isn't mine. It's actually from a favorite and VERY TALENTED AND CREATIVE author from FanFiction.net.

Once upon a time,
In an age of legends.
Where miracles seemed real,
And on faith alone we would depend.

On wide-spread sun-kissed grasslands,
Summer breeze against the trees,
Lakes glistening beneath starlight,
Glowing white lilies.

Men toiling in the fields,
Women toiling at home,
Children playing in the streets,
Under the bridges, arches, and domes.

In this peaceful world,
Untainted, untarnished, and pure.
Doubt slowly crept in malice on his face,
Sowing seeds that nought but evil bore.

Then we became enemies,
In a war torn land,
Each fighting for our own,
On deserts sands.

Flesh we tore,
Bones we broke,
Blood we shed,
With a flick of a sword.

Disease crept in.
Life came, life went.
Desperation burned through.
Life was easily spent.

Now the war is over.
And despair has seeped in.
And the line between right and wrong,
Has grown irrevocably thin.

No longer do the men toil the fields,
The women are gone,
No children play on the streets,
A ghost town is left forlorn.

Tonight cold and empty,
Amidst their graves we are now,
Naught but soldiers with bloodstained hands.
We’re no longer friend or foe,
But we are silent mourners,
Beneath this same crimson sky we stand.

I seriously envy her writing skills... she's soo good... if you've read her story along with this, then it's somewhat easier to imagine the poem.

Sunny Kimiko
July 30th, 2007, 11:44 pm
An angel.

Angels should fly,
But her wings are broken.
Angels should sing,
But she has no voice.

Angels should dance,
But she knows not the steps.
Angels should smile
But her life was too cruel.

She is my angel
Though torn apart
She is my angel
With a broken heart

She is my angel
Full of thought
She is my angel
No matter what

No matter what.




What is it but a pumping heart and a moving body?

Thoughts? Sensations? Emotions?

How can I truly describe life for what it is...?

Is life truly worth living if you cannot even say what it is?


The command centre to all that we percieve is the brain. So is the brain life?

The heart. It pumps blood through our bodies so that we can continue to survive. So is the heart life?

Breath. Every couple of seconds, we take one. We are reliant on this to live. So is breath life?

The five senses. Sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell without any of which we struggle. So are the senses life?

Love. The emotion that can either make or break your heart, your life. Without it you are an empty shell. So is love, life?


When do you truly begin living? When you are in your mother's womb? When you take your first breath? Or are you even now, not truly living yet?

How do you know when your life begins?

Is it when you fall in love for the first time?

Is it when you first drive a car?

Is it when you own your first home?

When is it?


You think you are living. But how do you know?


Hey people! It's been a long time since I've posted in this forum, but I hope you guys (well, some of you) still remember me! ^_^

August 5th, 2007, 05:51 am
This was a Creative Writing assignment last year. I'd like to share it and see what you all think =]

The World is a Rotten, Yet Beautiful Place

The last flower blooms.
Its buds open,
Allowing brilliant sunlight
To invade its being.

Tiny dewdrops
Fall from its fragile leaves,
And magnificent color
Glows from the light of the sun.

Dark clouds loom overhead
The Hourglass of Peace has run dry.


The little flower
Succumbs to the weight
of the never ceasing rain.


Frail and weak,
The flower lies on the ground
without dignity.

As quickly as life can be given,
It can be taken away.

Seeds are rushed away,
Gaining speed from the current.
Not knowing what's ahead,
They follow the ever extending river.

The rain finally lets up
Allowing the seeds to rest once more.


Time passes,
And the seeds recieve shelter
From the moist earth.

The Hourglass of Peace rotates,
Shifting the sands of time yet again.
A bud hesitantly emerges,
And life is born anew.

Sunny Kimiko
August 5th, 2007, 09:56 am
Nice poem! I like it ^_^

August 5th, 2007, 04:49 pm
Thanks! =D

August 15th, 2007, 03:40 am
I think I get it, your poem. :) I like the imagery.

Deadly Love
December 22nd, 2007, 05:16 am
The Exit

When Death comes knocking at my door
When he comes for my tainted soul
I shall open wide that door
And vanish from reality willingly

Throughout my life, I have suffered
More than an average person does
"Why is that so?" I wonder
"Have I really been that bad?"

Have I committed such horrendous sins
That this is what I get
Yet I continue to wonder...
Why those whom are worse live a life that is better...

Tell me God, are you real?
My faith in you continues to fluctuate and slowly fade
For ever since I could remember
You seem to have never heard my prayers

If you're truly there, All-knowing and All-seeing God
Then tell me
Have you ever heard or seen me cry
Or perhaps hear just a single please?

When this road becomes rocky
I stumble and I cry
For no one has ever been there for me
To lend a helping hand

When this path becomes dark
I lose my way
And there is never anyone around to guide me back

Just recently, I have lost everything
Everything that I cherish
My family, my friends, my loved one
I wait, and still, there is nothing

There's no light in this lonely tunnel I call life
Nobody else either, it's just me
I continue to walk towards what I hope is the exit
The exit that is death

[First half, my life. Second half, made up.]
I Wish I Was Someone Else

I put on my mask to hide
Hide the scarred soul deep inside
That soul so vulnerable
For my past was just too horrible

At the age of seven, I never knew
Never understood what I was going through
But nearly seven years have passed since the beginning of it all
Be able to erase those memories, I never shall

Throughout those years, my mind has sharpened
By a million-fold, my mind has sharpened
So now every time I remember my past
I wonder to myself, "How long will my suffering last?"

I put on my mask to hide
Hide the scarred soul deep inside
That soul so vulnerable
For my past was just too horrible

From sexual abuse to re-locating
There is more to that than I am telling
There was also the death of my precious mother
I grieve now for I rarely showed her I love her

Two years after her death, it started again
The sexual abuse made me hate men
For me, it is a very serious matter
Because I was abused by my father and brother

I put on my mask to hide
Hide the scarred soul deep inside
That soul so vulnerable
For my past was just too horrible

Not only that, but I feel left out
My origin, I begin to doubt
For I am being treated like a slave
But into my family's ways, I slowly gave

I put on my mask to hide
Hide the scarred soul deep inside
That soul so vulnerable
For my past was just too horrible

A part of me has long died
A part never to be revived
From all of this, I will tell thee
You are lucky you aren't me

[Merely an idea for a story, although the mother part was a part of my life.]

Life is too painful
It's too much for me to bear
I can't handle anymore of this
But as always, no one cares

Drift away
That's what I want to do
Just fade away...
From existence

The path I trod on
It's too dark
I'm hoping that the light is near
Please come before this gets too much and I break down

Drift away
That's what I want to do
Just fade away...
From existence

Once in a while,
I come upon a mirage
That the light is finally here
With a hand extended to me

But that's all it is
An illusion my mind conjured up
Out of depression and desperation
Nothing else

I'm so hopeless...

Drift away
That's what I want to do
Just fade away...
From existence

This is too much
I can't bear such
Why don't you just
Let me go and let me...

Drift away
That's what I want to do
Just fade away...
From existence

I just want to lay down
And close my eyes
Stay that way
For the rest of my life

Drift away
That's what I want to do
Just fade away
From existence...


[Did you guys find the title yet? It's quite simple, really...]
The Battlefield

When blood is shed
Tears will always follow
For the bodies of their loved ones
Have become hollow

Swords, guns, or bombs
Whichever weapon they may use
It will still kill no matter what
The families left behind can only pray for good news

But back on the battlefield
Blood is being shed
Bodies are being blown up
The cold, hard earth, the soldiers' deathbed

[A short poem on war.]
Project Hemorrhage

Born an assassin
With no father or mother
That's because I'm not human
My parent is my creator

Even before I could walk
I already knew how to kill
It was something I didn't care for
But I must follow his will

Ever since I turned two
I performed difficult missions
To be the best among the best
That was the highest of my ambitions

But then I made friends
They made me see the light
I began to think for myself
For them, I will fight

My name is Project Hemorrhage
An experiment into human
That's what I am
Against my own creator, I must win

For my freedom, I must kill
To my creator, death I must bring
From, his life
I shall wring

My name is Mikan Sakura
I am a girl with a horrible past
But through the worst of the worst
I have already passed

[I]To My Dearest Best Friend
[meant to be read on November 6, 2007]

Nicole is the name of my best friend
This is the fifth year of our friendship
We promised each other we'll be friends 'til the end
That we will never let our friendship slip

She's the person I can talk to
I can tell her anything and everything
Of course, there are others too
But with her, I've gone through so many things

Each other's flaws and differences we have accepted
Each other's mistakes and sins we have forgiven
There are others we have befriended
But we believe our friendship is God-given

So dear Nicole, enjoy this day
For it is your 13th birthday

[I]Moody Wind

This cool, gentle breeze
It can suddenly turn harsh.
Talk about mood swings...

[I]A Happy Ending

I find it traitorous and wrong
To like him in such a way
It is with my friend that he belongs
And I am never one to betray

But I can't help it
Can't control my continually growing affection
Soon within me, it will no longer fit
So I hope nothing bad will come from my heart's future declaration

I felt so guilty that I finally confessed
To my friend that we fancied the same guy
When she smiled and said it was okay, I knew I was blessed
She's a person I want to remain friends with until the day we die

A few weeks later, he and I could be seen together
My friend also happily dating; 'twas a happily ever after.

[First stanza was about me when I liked my friend whom one of my best friends love. Felt so guilty about it...]
Describing the Overachiever

Bushy black brown hair
Styled in a simple, plain ponytail
Tied up by a ribbon
Or perhaps a scrunchy

Chocolate-colored eyes
Surrounded by thick lashes
Located underneath her majestic eyebrows
In between them lies her elegant nose

Full lips
That are usually closed
Showing she's paying attention
Or perhaps in deep thought

Tanned skin
Smooth and fun to poke
I really ought to tickle her more
Because it's just so fun

Incredibly intelligent
I envy that about her
One day, I am sure of it,
She will become an exceptional leader

But she's spent too much time
With Kimmy and Roxy – Val is alright –
That now she's more like them...
Very weird...

So now this poem I must end
For I can't think of anything more
To describe my friend
The reincarnate of Mona Lisa

[Seriously. If you just concentrate on her face, she looks like Mona Lisa, only skinnier. It's unbelievable. She denies it though, and gets mad at me when I call her that. Written due to her request, by the ways.]
Describing My Annoying Friend

Chestnut-colored tresses
Bouncing with each step
Swaying freely with the gentle wind
As it dances around her in a carefree manner

Hazel brown orbs
Twinkling in delight
Or perhaps darkening in annoyance
Showing every emotion she feels

Pink lips
That never seems to close
It's either talking or smiling
Or perhaps frowning at my single word

Pale skin
Soft and radiant
So fun to pinch her cheeks
But even more to slap her

A word that would definitely describe her
But she's just so fun to tease
It's too bad I can't do it on a daily basis

That she seriously is
I suppose that is the reason that we get along so well
The reason that we're friends

["My single word" meaning idiot, stupid, dumbass, and the sort. :heh: Written due to her constant nagging.]
Didn't Want to Fall in Love

I never wanted to fall in love
To catch an angel that has fallen from above
I never wanted to feel the pain
So for love, I felt nothing but disdain

I rejected all my suitors
Rejected my admirers
None of their attention I wanted
Their so-called love for me, uninvited

But then you came along
And it didn't take very long
I fell for you and I fell hard
Oh why did I let down my guard?

I never thought this was how it felt
That with a single glance, I would suddenly melt
How ironic my situation is
All suddenly craving for your passionate kiss

I have finally found what was always amiss
To be in love is complete bliss

[A poem I wrote in the request of my friend.]
Smile and Be Strong

My mother when I was three
My father when I was twelve
My brother died just a few moments ago
Leaving me all by myself

In front of my house,
I collapsed and cried
I just couldn't believe it
That my whole family has died

My best friends try to comfort me
But it was just no use
I have lost nearly all my emotions
Due to this horrible news

After a while, I met him
The man who will bring back my smile
The man who will take me out of my sorrowful state
After knowing me for just a while

Just when I realized I had fallen for him
He suddenly had to go
I wish I had known that stopping him was simple
Just as simple as saying, "No."

In front of my house,
I collapsed and cried
I couldn't believe I lost him too
Through the darkness, he was my guide

I went back to my sorrowful self
The way I was before I met him
I lost my smile and my laughter
And the sparkle in my eyes went dim

I locked myself up in my room
Where I stumbled upon his letter
After reading it, I knew
He was trying to make me feel better

I promised to myself
That it wouldn't take long
I promise to you
I will smile and be strong

[Just a poem I wrote when I was bored. The first half was basically based on "Wounded," a CCS FanFiction, but of course I changed a few things to make it make sense.]
My Dearest Deceased Mother

You used to be so strong and energetic
But now you're so weak and sick
You were the one the virus just had to pick

For you, we did cry
We didn't know when you would die
None of us wanted to say our final goodbye

In that lonely room, you lay
Each and every day
Yet you continued to smile and be gay*

Each time I'd remember you, I cry
I didn't want you to die
I never even got to say my final goodbye

In remembrance to you, I now write
For you never gave up without a fight
I just want you to know, you were our light

* = Whomsoever mocks my precious mother shall die. It means "happy."

Leonisa Rosales San Juan
February 4, 1968 - December 1, 2004

[A poem on my mother, obviously. Appeared on our school newspaper, "The Lion's Tale."]
No Regrets

Like a lifeless doll, you lay
On the cold, hard floor
Try as I may,
I cannot shut out all the gore

Your body drenched with your own blood
Yet there's a smile upon your face
Causing my tears to flood
All cascading down my face

You lived your life with no regrets
Now I understand
You made the call on all the bets
On your own two feet, you could stand

How I envy you
Even up to now
Your heart was so pure and true
Now I have yet to find out how

All you did was suffer
Yet all you did was give
I just cannot decipher
How you managed to live

You lived your life with no regrets
Now I understand
You made the call on all the bets
On your own two feet, you could stand

[I]Imaginary Can Become Reality

Daydreams aren't real
Daydreams aren't true
My mind will never believe it
But my heart knows it's you

A figment of my imagination
That's all that you are
Yet standing before my very eyes
Is where you are

You give me that smile
That can make my knees week
That sends my heart racing
That I see in my mind each and every day of the week

I can feel the heat
Rising up my cheeks
Everything about you
Strikes me meek

I try to escape
I try to run away
But a hand on my elbow
Stops me from going my separate way

I turn around and see you
Talk to me, you wish to
Now I wait for you to speak
With a smile, you said, "I love you."

[This is written due to the request of my friend.]
Death, I Welcome Thee

Death is what many fear.
Yet... I will gladly welcome it
With outstretched arms
When it comes for my tainted soul.

Death will visit us all one day.
Some will die before those
Who should have died first,
But in the end, it will all be the same.

Death chooses its own victims.
It takes control of the mind and body
Of those whom we believe committed suicide.
We are not to blame.

Death takes on many shapes;
A fellow human, an untamed beast,
A disease, even a mere accident.
Believe it is never by coincidence.

All of these will describe Death,
The close cousin of Misfortune,
The older brother of Pain.
They are the inseparable three.

So to Death, I beckon.
Come, my beloved. Come.
I welcome you with outstretched arms, my love.
So why won't you come?

[I]You Will Never Know the Real Me

Happy as I may seem,
What you see is an illusion.
It is merely a mask
Concealing the vulnerable soul within.

Violent as I may seem,
What you see is an act.
It is just a role I play
To keep you all distant.

What you see,
What you may think of me,
None of them are true.
Hide behind my mask is what I continue to do.

No one will ever know
No one will ever see
Not a single one of you
Will ever know the real me.

[How extremely true. This one was also published on our school newspaper, "The Lion's Tale."]
Behind My Facade

Every day, I wake up.
Every day, I put on my mask.
Every day, I live my life of pretend.
It's always the same... each and every day.

No one ever notices
What is behind my facade.
No one ever bothers to know
What is behind it.

But you, an unknown stranger,
You did me a favor.
You gave me what I have always wanted most.
You ventured into the life I have hidden from everyone else.

You gave me hope,
My newfound savior,
For you had seen through me
And saw what was behind my facade.

[Another one about the mask. Yes, yes, even my MySpace account has the mask theme.]
The Darkness Within and Without

Closing my eyes,
I can see the darkness.
It's beckoning to me,
Telling me to join their forces.

Opening my eyes,
I can see my surroundings...
The hatred... the violence...
All the malevolence that is occurring.

So now, I close my heart.
So now, I close my mind.
Now, I close my eyes...
Signifying the Devil's contract that I have just signed.

January 17th, 2008, 07:10 am
weirdly enough, i was going through some of my random files and i come across one of my poems.. of which i never actually remember writing up.. but it does sound like what id write... so here it is

im gone
iv left you far behind
come catch me if you can
you better start running
far from reach
you try to grab hold of me
far too strong

this tree has grown over the years
pretty flowers as it blooms
with fruits of serenity
roots deep down
down to the core of the world
breaking free

dont pity me
feeding me with your lucious fruits
just a taste
i want it more
dripping on my hands iv asked for more
and all you ever gave me was what i asked for
more have i asked of you
more have i seeked you
more have i learnt that all i crave is you
but you never satisfy my desires
i want you but you leave me standing
this tree has never moved
it feeds me
but you have only used me to feed yourself
your selfish desires

im gone
iv left you far behind
in the dust of light
you are far from reach
iv eaten you up and vomitted you out

iv struggled to get far away from you
desperate to flee
i now realise you are far from me
iv already left you
left you alone
you and your corruptious fruit

January 23rd, 2008, 08:50 pm
Use punctuation and capital letters in the beginning of your sentences, it makes your poetry seem more presentable.

January 23rd, 2008, 09:04 pm
haha yeah sorry, i just copied paste it from the file that i found it.. so i didnt really fix it up or anything

February 10th, 2008, 12:08 pm

We didn't have anything to say
I smiled, you smiled
We walked our separate ways
Maybe if I'd known this then
I would have been a better friend

The memories chased me
The first night I cried
All I could think, all I could see
You couldn't breathe
They said you couldn't breathe

When they placed you in that bed
Were you still even there?
Did you have time to think?
Did your life flash before your eyes?
Did a neuron even quiver before you died?

Too long without air
What could your mother do?
Carry your burden on her shoulders
With apathetic grace
She didn't cry
I swore I never saw her cry

I drifted in remembrance
Perhaps dwelling too long
But when I tuck my thoughts away…
Who am I to even say goodbye?

December 17th, 2008, 05:58 pm

I am everywhere, yet nowhere.
I am within everyone, but separate from people.
I exist within the memories that lie within others,
Yet those memories are mere fabrications that the emperor plays with,
As the children tickle his feet.

My Blood, My Flesh,
My Mind, My Dream,
My Hand, My Foot.
None which to call my own.
Be it not the Phoenix that captivates the soul,
But a mere ember that burns.

Why is it that dreams feel real, and reality fake?
Everything's so transparent,
So clear.
It's like my eyes cannot adapt to the surroundings;
My fingers--hollow--as I reach.

If so,
Where is here,
And here is where?
Step one, left foot--I move forward.
Step two, right foot--The road quivers.
The path is gone.

There is no left,
There is no right.
Both up and down diffuse,
And all four corners meld to one solid square.

So I toss the Iris to the left,
And the pedals scatter to spread it's trinity meaning,
Only for naught....