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View Full Version : My (Un)Original Composition

June 24th, 2005, 09:13 am
Earlier this year, I thought to myself, "That game has cool music, I wanna do something like that!" But that failed. So I tried again and managed to get this little peice for piano out. I'm gonna, sometime soon, submit this song to OCRemix.org (http://www.ocremix.org) (As soon as I can record it), but I think I need some feedback from the non-remix community. Just remember that this sheet music isn't anywhere near perfect yet, so just go with what I give you.

ICO Theme Remix Page 1 (http://usera.imagecave.com/system/showpicture.asp?u=mystery_editor&p=ICO_Theme_OCRemix_0001.gif&a=)
ICO Theme Remix Page 2 (http://usera.imagecave.com/system/showpicture.asp?u=mystery_editor&p=ICO_Theme_OCRemix_0002.gif&a=)
ICO Theme Remix Page 3 (http://usera.imagecave.com/system/showpicture.asp?u=mystery_editor&p=ICO_Theme_OCRemix_0003.gif&a=)

mystery_editor :mellow:

P.S. You can view the forum for the song here! (http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=1674159)

June 27th, 2005, 03:41 am
You'll get more replies if you attach a midi or mp3 =)

Anyways, I was too lazy to print off the sheet music or hook up the keyboard, so I read the music in my head, haha. The only hard part I had was in the middle of the 2nd page, where it was completely differently. But as for the rest of the piece, I'm sorry to say, was pretty much the same =T The harmony didn't change, the left hand rhythm was constant, etc. Most people don't like the monotomy.

June 27th, 2005, 06:20 am
Yeah, this is the kind of response that i got at other places. Holidays are coming up soon, so i may do some work on it then, make it more interesting etc.

June 28th, 2005, 06:05 pm
Oh, cool! You're going to submit it to OC Remix? I'd submit something, but I want to utilize a whole band, and I'm too young to hire anyone, and I can't convince anyone to play for me. Someday I'll be able to though! I hope you can post a midi file, or better yet, an mp3 here. I really want to here it.

June 28th, 2005, 10:27 pm
I've gotten some help from Palm over there, and I just need to make it more interesting and barely recognisable, THEN i can submit it. But someone still needs to play it for me, or help me record it