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July 3rd, 2005, 01:04 am
Hello, this is my first post, but i have visited this site many times before and I'm quite fond of it. ^^;;

Anyways, I'd really appreciate it if somoene can transcribe these:


-Name of the Song: Tsuki No Curse
MP3/Midi Location: gendou.com
Intrument preferred: Piano
File preferred: pdf

-Name of Song: Michiyuki
MP3/Midi Location: gendou.com
Instrument preferred: piano
File preferred: pdf

Thank you for taking your time to read this.


July 3rd, 2005, 04:04 am
anyone, please...?

i was looking forward in playing these...


July 3rd, 2005, 04:13 am
Don&#39;t get impatient... trust me, someone should eventually get to this thread... they just might be busy with other songs... So just wait a little bit, then see.

July 3rd, 2005, 04:19 am
ah, sorry...

i guess i should be a little more patient.


March 7th, 2006, 03:16 pm
I'm looking for Loveless sheet music too! Also, I've asked many people, on msn, to try and find the song Tsuki no Kaasu..

Nobody has found the song :cry:

I wish you good luck with finding your sheet music!

Tsuki Lunaray
March 7th, 2006, 05:47 pm
Sweet i'm not the only one looking for Loveless Tsuki no curse...but I did find a place that has some loveless sheets like michiyuki, hateful and sorrow, and two others song but no tsuki no curse....that the song I've looking everywhere for...so I ask a request here yesterday...

Tsuki Lunaray
March 7th, 2006, 05:49 pm
Well the place is called Josh's anime music sheet collection.....

March 7th, 2006, 05:51 pm
^-^ Too bad indeed, but I have a suggestion..

Maybe we could add eachother on msn? I'd like to have some Loveless fan!!

Tsuki Lunaray
March 7th, 2006, 06:11 pm
Msn....um....one problem....I don't have that....^_^> '

Are you still here?

Man this place is lonely....:cry:

Dum de dum.....:\

Hello hello helloo any body body body home home home!? No no no....:heh: Yeah I'm bored.....:sweat:


Only msn thing I can think of is hotmail....but I don't use that much.....x_x

March 7th, 2006, 06:27 pm
My best friend just send me this one!!

I hope you'll enjoy it a lot !!

Tsuki Lunaray
March 7th, 2006, 06:31 pm
Sweet your back...if i had to wait any longer I think I would had to go to a mental hospital....due to boredom.....hee hee....I got that one but if it's different then I'll check it out....all I know is the one I have is five pages long...and I can only play the first page....I'm teaching myself how to read music....

Okay miscalcolated...it's six pages long....my bad...:heh:

Have you heard of Gaia online?

March 7th, 2006, 06:35 pm
You know, about 3 hours ago, I printed the sheet music from Shippou's theme (inuyasha)

Within 45 minutes I knew how to play the whole song..

I;m currently busy trying to "translate" (like I call it) the sheet music from Gravitation ==> Sleepless beauty

I have all the midi from loveless right now, which I am listening to...

Ano, you said you do have a hotmail account, but aren't often online? Maybe, if you came online etc, I could send you the midi....? Dunno?


Tsuki Lunaray
March 7th, 2006, 06:39 pm
You know, about 3 hours ago, I printed the sheet music from Shippou's theme (inuyasha)

Within 45 minutes I knew how to play the whole song..

I;m currently busy trying to "translate" (like I call it) the sheet music from Gravitation ==> Sleepless beauty

I have all the midi from loveless right now, which I am listening to...

Ano, you said you do have a hotmail account, but aren't often online? Maybe, if you came online etc, I could send you the midi....? Dunno?


No worry with the midi...yeah I also have a yahoo but i only check them once in while...i'm usally on only in the mornings....and at gaia I started here yesterday ....hoping to get the request and someone to talk to ....I get ignore alot....:cry:

March 7th, 2006, 06:41 pm
I'm always online!! Why won't you come online right now then? We could chat a little then..otherwise we would use this topic for a whooole other reason, ne?;) ^_^ :heh:

Tsuki Lunaray
March 7th, 2006, 06:43 pm
I'm always online!! Why won't you come online right now then? We could chat a little then..otherwise we would use this topic for a whooole other reason, ne?;) ^_^ :heh:

Okay so...how I do this? I log on to my hotmail right....then what? Oh and can I add you to my buddy list here your be my first friend here!:P

Hello? Me-z need-z info-z please-z!:heh:

March 7th, 2006, 06:45 pm
your my first buddy too !! Anyway ==> Just add me: michellevanbezouw@hotmail.com

Tsuki Lunaray
March 7th, 2006, 06:50 pm
your my first buddy too !! Anyway ==> Just add me: michellevanbezouw@hotmail.com

heh heh silly me...I was waiting for your reply and didn't relize there was a page two....@_@

March 7th, 2006, 06:51 pm
Please keep the chatting to the pms or the instant messengers. If not I will have to close the thread. Thank you!

Tsuki Lunaray
March 7th, 2006, 06:57 pm
Please keep the chatting to the pms or the instant messengers. If not I will have to close the thread. Thank you!

Eeeps sorry....that's what where trying to do um miss or sir....(bows her head) please forgive me...clearly my fault I'm still learning here....:cry: