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View Full Version : Star Ocean Request!

July 12th, 2005, 05:15 pm
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could get me the sheet music for the ending of Star Ocean: the second story. The midi can be found here: http://www.hamienet.com/18555.mid
Thanks in advance!
Oh, and if anyone knows where I can find the midi so it too can be transcribed for piano, I am looking for the ending after this one... umm... where the credits are rolling and their are clips of birds, spaceships, snow, rain, places you traveled, etc. It would be highly appreciated!

July 12th, 2005, 09:12 pm
The song is called "We form in crystals" (or "We form from Crystals", something like that). A quick search will probably get you the midi, though I can't imagine that song sounding too good without the vocals or other instruments.

July 12th, 2005, 10:47 pm
*sigh* you're probably right, but thanks anyways. At least now I know what the song is titled so I can search the cd's for it and purchase the one with it on it. I didn't know which one to buy for that reason lol Oh well, the other one will sound good on piano though ^_^ So thanks for your help.