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July 13th, 2005, 10:58 pm
On The Set

Director: *walks into empty studio* No one’s here yet!? Hello, people, we were supposed to be shooting InuYasha at seven sharp! *checks watch* And it’s 6:38! Oh…huh, maybe that’s why no one’s here…

*Camera Crew rushes in*

Camera Crew Guy: Hey boss, okay let’s get this show on the road. *yells* Lights!!

*Lights flash on*

Director: Very nice. Okay now l- *lights flash off* Now what are we going to do!? Camera guy, get over here and fix this.

Camera Crew Guy: Um…I’m part of the camera crew.

Director: Your point?

*Camera Crew Guy has already left to go get a yummy donut*

?: AHHH! It’s coming to get meeee!

Director: *jumps up* Where? Where? What is it?

?: Aaaaahhhh! Get it away from me!

*Tamahome comes running in*

Director: *frantic* What is it!?! What is it!?

Tamahome: It’s coming to get meeee!!!

Director: What, what?!

Tamahome: That…thing!! *points*

*Shippo emerges from the shadows*

Shippo: Hi, um, you forgo-

Tamahome: Wha- it’s so…fluffy…! It wasn’t fluffy a minute ago…?

Kagome: Shippo! You haven’t been shape-shifting again, have you!?

Tamahome: Shape-shifting, eh? Hmm…

Kagome: *goes into whole lecture*

Tamahome: *is holding Shippo by one leg upside-down.* I bet I could make a fortune off this thing…

?: This is absurd. This one shall not waste his time on as lowly peon such as yourself. I command you to st-

*Miaka comes out pulling Sesshomaru by his fluff*

Miaka: It’s so CUTE!!!! *Hugs*

Sesshomaru: *stands there with grim expression* That’s it. I’m taking a vacation… The tetsuaiga can wait, first I’m killing her. *points towards Miaka*

Miaka: *looks behind her* Who? Who!? *shrug* Tetsuaiga? Is that a kind of cheesecake or somethin’? I’m starving!

Director: *shakes head* What have I done?

Rukia: *walks in* Not a word. Not one word.

Ichigo: *walks in cracking up* Oh come on, it’s not that bad.

Rukia: *clenched teeth* It is.

Kagome: *sees Rukia* Ohmigosh! Bleach is my favorite manga!

Ichigo: Thank you!

Kagome: Um…anyway, so Rukia, what is so bad?

Rukia: *glares at Ichigo* Not a word.

Ichigo: Rukia was in a television commercial for the Soul Society, selling Soul Candy.

Sango: *walks in* Ohmigosh, really? Rukia is my favorite character!

Rukia: Eh hem, character? *glares*

Sango: *blushes* Um, anyways, can we see the commercial?

Rukia: NO!!!!!!

Ichigo: Okay. *flips to the handy-dandy S.S.N. (Soul Society Network) on the T.V. *


*music plays*

Rukia: *is all dressed in pink and yellow and flowery stuff* Hi, I’m Rukia!!! I have got an amazing new product for all you new Soul Reapers!

*more music*

People: Whaaaat is it, Rukia?!

Rukia: It’s Soul Candy, and it now comes in 3- er…5? No! No! I mean, it now doesn’t come in- I mean, it comes in now- Er…It now comes flavors…No, that’s not it!!! Um…Wel-

People: 7 different flavors?! Wow, that’s cool Rukia!!!

Rukia: The people are recorded? Wha-? That is just insulting! Soul Candy sucks! And the flavors taste horrible…And the two flavors lemon-lime and bubblegum taste the same! So nyeh! Never ever ever buy Soul Candy!!! *storms off*

People: Oh wow, really? That’s so nice of you to say, Rukia!

*cricket cricket*

People: Amaaaazing! I’m buying MY Soul Candy now! It’s hard to resist it when Rukia speaks so highly of it!!

*End commercial*

*Everyone in the studio’s on the floor laughing so hard they can barely breath*

Rukia: …I will kill you all. *shakes head and sinks down into the corner of the room*

InuYasha: *walks in* You know what? I don’t even want to know. *walks out*


Kagome: So why are you guys here anyway?

Ichigo: Ishida got fed up with Kon for, *clears throat* looking at Orihime.

Rukia: Fed up, Ichigo?! Fed up is an understatement! Ishida went and blew up the whole set!!

Sango: Kon is as much of a pervert as Miroku…

Shippo: Speaking of Miroku…

*Miroku and Kon walk in discussing a seemingly important topic*

Shippo: *walks over to them* What are you guys talking about?

Kon: We were just talking about how to get girls t-

Rukia: * “accidentally” steps very hard on Kon.*

Miroku: Um… nothing. * glances nervously at Rukia*

Kon: Nooooo! My stuffing’s coming out!!!

Miroku: *sighs in relief* Glad it wasn't m- *falls over with a large lump on his head*

Sango: *appears behind him with Hiraikotsu* What were you saying? *veinpop*

Miroku: Urk...*swirly eyes*

Kagome: Er…anyway, why are you guys here? *turns to the Fushigi crew*

Chichiri: *pops out of hat* Well, *glares at Tamahome*

Miaka: Tamahome sold the set to a bunch of rabid fan girls.
Hotohori: How could you disgrace the Priestess of Suzaku like that, Tamahome? *glances at Miaka* Does she like me better yet?

Chichiri: *Sigh* Are you guys ever gonna get over yourselves? No da!

Tamahome: Hey, I was just doing it because… *cue the light bulb* To get revenge on Nakago! *smiles proudly*

Miaka: Heh. And the 30 coins you made off of it had nothing to do with it?

Tamahome: Heh…heh…what 30 coins? *coins jingle in his suspiciously full pockets*

Miaka: …

Sango: Want me to…er…sort him out for you? *nudges Hiraikotsu*

Hotohori: You wouldn’t mind if I borrowed that sometime, would you? *glances mischieviously towards Tamahome*

Miaka: Oh come on you guys, Tamahome is a very nice person and *goes on* Isn’t that right, Tamahome!

Tamahome: *is stuffing donuts and other things from the food table into his pockets*

All: *sigh*

The Real End.