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July 17th, 2005, 09:58 pm





Well, there had to be a thread ;)

My opinions:

1. I'll nick Angelic's phrase here: Slow as thick poo! Man, it took forever to get into the actual... well, I say plot, but it was more like a collection of facts that needed to be revealed in order to explain what's going to happen in book 7.

2. Characterisation went a little bit to pot here :/ It was very interesting to see Voldemort's history but a bit more on his rise to power would've been good to read about - hopefully they'll develop that more in the next book. They RUINED Tonks - I'm NOT HAPPY! How in hell could they put all her behaviour down to her being in love with Lupin? Wtf was with that - Dumbledore dies and suddenly Tonks decides to declare her undying love for Lupin. Hello, talk about killing the atmosphere!

3. Is it just me, or does Rowling appear to be taking the piss out of her characters now...? I just get that impression from her use of humour in odd places, e.g. the Tonks-Lupin thing.

4. The Malfoy as a death eater storyline was unusual... I liked the premise, but I do think she could've done with explaining a bit more about Malfoy's motivations.

5. Dumbledore's death was totally predictable - I don't get why she had Snape as the bad guy right from the start...

And that's all I have time for - carry on!

Neko Koneko
July 17th, 2005, 10:35 pm
I saw the stuff about the HP launch on telly in Britain. Do those people have a life? Seriously x_x

July 17th, 2005, 10:40 pm
hmm...I should have known you were going to be the one to start this thread. You took 6 hours to read the book?!

I agree it was slow. I wouldn't have thought Dumbledore would die in this book though. I liked the twist of who the half-blood prince was. Snape as the bad guy? Probably because it makes the betrayal worse especially after harry kept insisting he was bad. Who says he's going to be still bad though?

Your point 3, I think that's just because you felt she ruined tonks. She'll probably be better in the next book though. The love stuff was pretty awful though on the whole. She didn't have to put that many hints in to see who liked who as she did.

Cho Chang better be pretty in the film though otherwise I won't be too happy either! Anyone agree with me there?

July 18th, 2005, 05:27 am
I REJECT THE ENDING! ;-; Dumbledore cannot die! HE CAN'T!
...no, I don't have a life.
But still! not my dear ol Dumbly! He's my favorite character... :cry:

July 18th, 2005, 07:04 am
I cried a bit! But you can't say you weren't expecting it XD She was pointing to it throughout the whole book - the one thing that did throw me was the necklace, 'cause why would Dumbledore want a necklace? I thought maybe the necklace was aimed for McGonagall and the mead for Dumbledore in an attempt to knock them both off.

One thing I really wish she'd done more with was the Order of the Phoenix! It was just, she introduced loads of interesting characters in OotP and did so little with them in HBP - Kingsley Shacklebolt only got one mention, ditto Mundungus Fletcher, Dawlish etc. Tonks was the only one who really got more than a passing reference. I have to admit she did hide the identity of the Half Blood Prince well, mainly 'cause I always assumed Snape was pureblood, but she was so incredibly obvious about everything else that I don't get why keeping the identity of the person who died was such a top-level security thing. I did like the opening with Fudge and the Prime Minister, that was funny XD The vanishing cabinet way of getting the Death Eaters into the castle was good too, though there was no way the reader could've figured that out (I think... there was no mention of an identical cabinet in Borgin and Burkes in the passage when Hermione went in there).

an-kun - regarding my comment about characterisation, yeah, I am heartily annoyed about them messing up Tonks, but there's other things as well - I didn't feel I could connect with the characters as I did in the previous books. Harry was much less of an arse in this one which was good - he kind of took the role of the mediator in this book, but as you said, all the love stuff was mega-corny X_X Hermione really isn't the type to ask someone out just to annoy Ron, in my opinion. And Ron+Lavender = weird. All the "I snog you, you snog me" stuff that was going on had very little leadup, the only indication we really got of Ron+Lavender was Lavender's encounter with Ron in the corridor (and Ron turning proud cockerel in response XD) - and I say again, how in HELL can Tonks' behaviour be put down to her being in love with Lupin?! No indication WHATSOEVER, it just felt like it was shoved in the plot for the heck of it. Okay, I'll stop ranting about Tonks now - but gah! Harry+Ginny wasn't too bad, and Bill+Fleur was cute - at least they were more realistic than the other two.

Another thing about characterisation... Dumbledore drinking that potion - how are we supposed to empathise with his suffering if we don't know what he's seeing and the relationship it has to him? All we got was all the "go away, I don't want to do this" stuff with no explanation of what was frightening him - reading that passage gave me no connection with what Dumbledore was going through because I couldn't link it with why he was so suddenly frightened and dependent on Harry for help. Dumbledore really should've gotten a lot more character development than he did before Rowling killed him off :( Horrible way to go though - as an-kun said, it makes it so much worse that Dumbledore had continued to trust him. I take back what I said about not getting why Snape was put forward as a traitor from the beginning - I think that was what made Dumbledore's death so bad, that you knew all along he was misplacing his trust and walking right into it.

But yeah, overall, the book was okay - I have read better HP fanfics, but the main purpose of book 6 was to kill off Dumbledore and introduce the method by which Voldemort could be killed, as well as to give the reader an idea of the kind of atrocities going on during Voldemort's reign of terror (though I did feel kinda distant from all the killings going on outside of the castle, though that was intentional methinks as the children would've felt the same - to quote Ron "I'm losing track of whose relatives are dead"). I think the last book will be much much better now all the setup rigmarole is done. It will be good to get outside of Hogwarts too - that was the impression I got from the 6th book, that Harry, Ron and Hermione are gonna bunk off to look for the Horcruxes. It will be good to see them interact with the outside world a little more!

I started the book at 3pm, I finished at about 10.30, but I had to go cook tea in between so yeah, about 6 hours XD

July 18th, 2005, 11:06 am
nah there was more lead up for hermione and lavender. There was that quidditch practice and whenever Rowling was saying Ron was stutting and stuff. I think the Tonks thing was a meant to be a decoy for the main plot so that it gave another suspect to think about but that was lamely done. The people dying and especially in the first chapter was to create a sense of tension, fear and uncertainty i think.

[QUOTE](I think... there was no mention of an identical cabinet in Borgin and Burkes in the passage when Hermione went in there).[QUOTE/]

Actually they said there was a pair of them a couple of times.

July 18th, 2005, 11:23 am
nah there was more lead up for hermione and lavender. There was that quidditch practice and whenever Rowling was saying Ron was stutting and stuff.

Yeah, there were those, but the two of them suddenly decided they were gonna snog each other's heads off :huh:

(I think... there was no mention of an identical cabinet in Borgin and Burkes in the passage when Hermione went in there).[QUOTE/]

Actually they said there was a pair of them a couple of times.

Ahhh, okiedokes - I wasn't 100% sure. It's like in a murder mystery, you have to go back and find all the clues you read but didn't think any significance of ;) Though that had to be the most obvious murder mystery ever :P

Alfonso de Sabio
July 18th, 2005, 04:18 pm
This book was a huge disappointment. Rowling does not understand why people enjoyed the first books. That or she's just vindictive. The ending was totally improbable and idiotic. She tried many times to make it feasible, inserting that forced chapter of dialogue towards the beginning were Snape has to explain that he really is a bad guy. But the overwhelming character inconsitencies are simply obnoxious. Snape wasn't that bad a guy. And Dumbledore isn't an idiot. Bad calls all around.

I was hoping that the final twist would be, "But in then end, all the characters realized that nothing that happened really happened. After all, the author was J.K."

July 18th, 2005, 07:40 pm
It was enjoyable but not to the point of the other books. Rowling's portrayle of characters was 'out of character' at some points in my opinion. I agree with Alfonso in how Snape wasn't so evil. Plus, the story never really rotated around Snape except for the very beginning and end.

July 18th, 2005, 11:50 pm
The sixth book is AWESOME!!!

I just finished it; it's so sad Dumbledore had to die. Now I really, really want to read the seventh. It's gonna be interesting without Hogwarts...

Does anyone have any theories as to what R.B.A. means? Maybe Regulus Black, but with his middle name? :unsure:

July 19th, 2005, 07:36 am
It was R.A.B anyway, so likely!

July 19th, 2005, 08:09 am
WHee~ i was wondering when this thread would appear XD theorizing! i'm all theoried out. i've spent the last dew days theorizung with people.

but i loved this book, a few parts irked me, but over all i loved it. i read this book without hearing ANYTHING about it at all, so that was pretty good.

July 19th, 2005, 10:15 am
I didn't hear anything from any of the books, mainly because I only started a year after the fourth came out by which point nothing made sense to me. :P

July 19th, 2005, 11:03 am
*laughs at all the conspiracy theories going on*

yup, I read the book too *goes off to have a cry in the corner for having no life*
the whole thing's beginning to stale now, about time Rowling did something dramatic, i.e: kill Dumbledore

*smells Dumbledore's last plea to Snape not being about killing him, but about taking care of Malfoy etc*

well, something stupid has to happen in the last book, so my money's on Snape switching sides like uncooked bacon. (probably a suffering from a heroic death in the process)

July 20th, 2005, 02:20 am
I think R.A.B. is Regulus Black too. Two things I didn't really like was the fact that Rowling made Dumbledore seem so dumb and naive. I would have thought he would have expected a betrayal. Another thing is how exactly does a person create spells?

July 20th, 2005, 02:24 am
I haven't read the book, but I love reading this thread and learning all the spoilers (yes, I'm weird, haha). So yeah . . since Snape is the Prince and Malfoy is a Death-Eater . . what does it all mean? Are they now officially against Harry, especially for book 7?

Edit: And who/what is Regulus Black? XD Related to Sirius by any chance?

Roy Mustang
July 20th, 2005, 04:12 am
I disagree with you all. I don't reckon Dumbledore was dumb or naive at all during the entire book. He was not betrayed. Snape was merely following orders. Doesn't anybody remember Hagrid telling them he overheard Snape and Dumbledore arguing? That could easily be linked to Dumbledore knowing what was going to happen and Snape refusing to do it.

Snape is not a bad guy. It was merely the price they had to pay to allow Snape to remain undercover and in position within the sight of Lord Voldemort himself

July 20th, 2005, 04:07 pm
If snape didnt kill Dumbledore he wouldve died himself, then they wouldve lost their most important spy, this mightve been what they were arguing about, snape didnt wanna kill him. but i have another question, if snape was the half blood prince, then how come the book was from a different time than his mum and dad went to school if they went with snape?

Liquid Feet
July 20th, 2005, 06:27 pm
You know, madmazda86, that we have spoler tags? Surely you would have realized that many people would be heavily compelled to read your post before they finished reading (myself included)? Perhaps you should make that change to ensure everone else's security; you wouldn't want to spoil it, even if it is, to a certain degree, predictable

I would have never guessed that Professor Snape was the Half-Blood Prince! I believe that Rowling did very well in portraying that particular aspect of the story. And to think of how thoroughly obvious it is! ;)

The fact that Harry and Ginny started dating was rather wierd and I personally thought it unnecessary, As it really didn't contribute to the overall plotline. I guess Rowling wanted to further indicate that Harry and company are indeed progressing through the rocky course that is adolescence, thus inspiring the various hookups.

I must agree with you on Dumbledore's death, madmazda86; It was very predictable. I began to have a hunch that he/she was going to pass sooner or later, but I once again was left baffled when Professor Snape was the culprit.

Overall, I believe that Rowling is doing a most excellent job as the "Harry Potter" Series progresses. Though this book is not my favorite so far (As of now "Goblet of Fire" deserves the title most, in my opinion), I can safely say that this installment in the series stands closely behind "Prisoner of Azkaban" in the #3 spot.

July 21st, 2005, 09:22 am
Surely you would have realized that many people would be heavily compelled to read your post before they finished reading (myself included)?

Well, no, I didn't think people would be daft enough to read a post that says 'Harry Potter 6 (BEWARE SPOILERS)' and "HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE SPOILERS - READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!" when they haven't finished the book and don't want to know who dies and who's bad and who's not etc :huh: If they're that heavily compelled to ignore all of that then clearly they weren't very bothered about being spoiled in the first place :unsure:

Neko Koneko
July 21st, 2005, 10:30 am
You know, madmazda86, that we have spoler tags? Surely you would have realized that many people would be heavily compelled to read your post before they finished reading (myself included)? Perhaps you should make that change to ensure everone else's security; you wouldn't want to spoil it, even if it is, to a certain degree, predictable

She put up more than one warning and at the time she created the topic there was no spoiler tag. I seriously don't see any point to your post; you were warned for spoilers.

July 21st, 2005, 11:59 am
Sorry mate but I have to agree with Ang and Maz. As they say "curiosity killed the cat."

Alfonso de Sabio
July 21st, 2005, 04:16 pm
Yeah, I rethought the book a few days after I was done. Snape was always on Dumbledore's side and the converse. I think Dumbeldore's pleading was for Snape to go through with it. I also don't think that Snape knew what the plan was when he made the Unbreakable Vow. I think when they figured it out, Dumbledore suggested that Snape kill him. Hence, the aforementioned argument.

Artificial Snow
July 21st, 2005, 06:02 pm
Blah. I read it the night I got it, and so I seriously thought he killed him in cold blood (which I got over). To me, as terrible as this sounds, the book felt a lot like fanfiction, like, off, or something. I don't know why, maybe it was the pairings and the characterization of a few choice characters.

That, and maybe it started when Narcissa was pet named 'Cissy.'

Liquid Feet
July 21st, 2005, 08:31 pm
She put up more than one warning and at the time she created the topic there was no spoiler tag. I seriously don't see any point to your post; you were warned for spoilers.

I give you and madmazda86 my most sincere apologies... I was simply trying to help a little, but seeing as my idea was dubbed the cruel title of "pointless", I suppose such further assistance was not needed.

<S>Thank you at least for being nice about it; that makes me feel a little better...</S>

July 21st, 2005, 09:04 pm
*sighs* Never intended to cause offence (_ _)

July 21st, 2005, 11:45 pm
2. Characterisation went a little bit to pot here :/ It was very interesting to see Voldemort's history but a bit more on his rise to power would've been good to read about - hopefully they'll develop that more in the next book. They RUINED Tonks - I'm NOT HAPPY! How in hell could they put all her behaviour down to her being in love with Lupin? Wtf was with that - Dumbledore dies and suddenly Tonks decides to declare her undying love for Lupin. Hello, talk about killing the atmosphere!

Remember that Tonks was there when Fleur said that she still loved Bill. If Tonks really loved Lupin, seeing Fleur and Bill probably was what she needed to say all those things. She used that time as a chance to have a reasonable arguement for her and Lupin to get together.

And here's my take as Snape on the side of evil:

In response to whether Snape is evil I would have to believe that he probably never actually intended to kill Dumbledore. I really have no idea where his allegiances lie. I don't know if it was ever mentioned in here, although it had to have been, but remember his Unbreakable Vow. He vowed to do finish the job if Draco failed. He did just that. I have no idea whether it was the Vow that actually compelled him into killing Dumbledore. I don't suppose making such Vows actually effects free will and actually forces a person to keep the Vow valid. Ron did talk about that terms of an Unbreakable Vow as if it could be broken willingly despite the fatal result in doing so. I guess Snape knew that Draco wouldn't do it and he probably didn't want to die from breaking his Vow. I really don't see him doing much for the good side from now on though. But I bet that whenever he and Harry come across each other, he will no doubt in his own cruel way give tips to make Harry stronger while beating the crap out of him. I also think that Snape will probably continue to "defend" Harry from any other dangers aside from Voldemort himself. He knows that Voldemort wants to confront Harry, so he'll probably use that as a way to protect Harry from other Death Eaters.

I believe that Snape will no longer help the good side, nor do I think that he is entirely on evil's side. I actually do believe he is preparing Harry in his own unpleasant manner. Like I said, he can still give tips to Harry during any confrontations they may have in the future leading up to the final battle. Snape did keep telling Harry to close his mind. These are the kind of tips to help in learning Occlumency and Legilimency, both of which Harry will need to learn if he is to fight Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

Perhaps everything above was part of Dumbledore's plan once he had learned enough of what was going on. He cared more for others than his own life. He probably pleaded at the end with Snape for Snape to kill him. Dumbledore probably wanted Snape to continue being a Death Eater, probably to protect Draco. And Dumbledore's death would act as the impetus Harry needs to forward his training and to become stronger.

July 22nd, 2005, 02:35 am
Someone asked who Regulus Black is? He's Sirius's brother.

July 22nd, 2005, 10:42 am
Was belestrange a first name or a surname?

July 22nd, 2005, 03:19 pm
Sorry mate but I have to agree with Ang and Maz. As they say "curiosity killed the cat."
Meh, the book was spoiled for me when I was browsing the Gaia Online forums that Saturday. The topic titles were things like "SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE" and "SNAPE IS THE HB PRINCE"
It pissed me off D:

July 22nd, 2005, 03:38 pm
Meh, the book was spoiled for me when I was browsing the Gaia Online forums that Saturday. The topic titles were things like "SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE" and "SNAPE IS THE HB PRINCE"
It pissed me off D:

Yes the world is full of inconsiderate people. They ought to be punished in the same way. We should probably write a letter of complaint to J. K. Rowling to try and educate these idiotic retards that have been thrust upon our society. The world is full of stupid people but for every stupid one, there is an equally clever person. I find shutting yourself in your house without the internet and getting someone else to buy it for you is the only way to read it in peace without some twat spoiling the story for you because unfortunately people love blurting out things that they know people would want to know but haven't got the chance to find out. I suggest the house isolation before spoiling it for those retards for the next book. People are so selfish nowadays...

July 23rd, 2005, 12:11 am
If Snape was the half blood prince, than how come the book was from 50 years ago, if snape went to school with harrys mom and dad, lupin, sirius and so forth if that wasnt 50 years ago? Thats why harry ruled out his dad, the book was from a different time period.

July 23rd, 2005, 12:50 am
I think the book belonged to Snape's mother, who's last name was prince. I don't think the book was too clear on that.

July 23rd, 2005, 06:42 pm
but snape was the half prince, and he said he made those spells, when harry tried to use one on him.

July 23rd, 2005, 06:51 pm
It was his Mum's book, but he wrote in it - a handmedown, methinks.

July 25th, 2005, 06:28 am
Yeah, the book was his mother's, whose last name was Prince. When Snape attended Hogwarts he got his mother's book. Then he wrote all over it. Maybe his family became poor in the wizarding world after having a Muggle father.

July 28th, 2005, 11:35 pm
just wondering how many books are left? i just got done reading the 6th on so..

July 28th, 2005, 11:38 pm
One book left. :cry: Then there's no more!

July 28th, 2005, 11:44 pm

July 29th, 2005, 12:09 am
we can always send mail to rowling to make a more books concerning harry....it really depends on wut happens in book 7....:p

July 31st, 2005, 07:01 pm
Or there's fanfic.

HP fans with dirty minds may find this amusing:


August 1st, 2005, 04:46 am
Haha, I read that a few months back

August 1st, 2005, 06:53 am

August 1st, 2005, 09:16 am
Proving once again that the smallest detail (like a single letter) can make *all* the difference...

August 2nd, 2005, 10:45 pm
I read that on bash.org at least a year ago xD

August 21st, 2005, 11:59 pm
Oh, did all you see the cast members for Marvolo, his son, Merope, Slughorn, Fenrir, and...? Dang! I forgot who (my friend showed me a magazine that showed six cast members for the sixth movie! :\ )! Ha! They're all going to hell, with six cast members for the sixth movie. Ha! XD

August 22nd, 2005, 05:00 am
where did you see this? They are already making the 6th movie? But they haven't done the 5th yet! Unless...I'm mistaken.

August 22nd, 2005, 09:42 am
I've just finished reading this book- I also found Dumbledore's death fairly predictable, although not so early on in the book; from the moment he agreed to let Harry go with him to destroy a horcrux i'd guessed that he would die. Saying that, I didn't think for a minute that Snape would kill him; i thought that something would happen when they found the horcrux to kill Dumbledore, but Harry would escape.

As for the identity of the half-blood prince, that was covered very well; my only ideas up until i found out was that it was either Slughorn, or that Rowling had lied when she said it wasnt Voldemort.

Reading this thread, the idea of Snape still acting as a spy seems very probable; the arguement with Dumbledore, when he stopped another death eater from attacking Harry. When Harry told Dumbledore about the unbreakable vow- (not totally certain, i havent checked), but im sure Dumbledore told him that he'd already discussed the matter with Snape? I dont know whether that came before or after the arguement, but i assume Dumbledore had told Snape to kill him, to free Snape from the vow and to prevent Draco from doing it (maybe he had Draco under the Imperius Curse to ensure 100% that he wouldnt do it?). When Snape kills Dumbledore, i dont remember the exact quote, but it said that he looked at him with revulsion and hatred- im guessing that's because he truly did hate Dumbledore for making him do it?

There again, i thought it would take more than the avada kedavra curse to kill Dumbledore, wand or no wand; but i suppose that makes it even more probable that he wanted Snape to kill him.

August 22nd, 2005, 10:16 am
Sorry to double post, but i've just had another thought on the matter of R.A.B.

With the Regulus Black theory- it just doesn't seem to fit, he was a Death Eater, was killed because he 'got in too deep and tried to back out again' and Sirius said he wasn't very smart. If it took Dumbledore so long to work out about the Horcruxes and track them down, and he is (was) the greatest Wizard alive, then how would Sirius' apparently stupid brother discover and destroy one?

Having said that, though, in the note they refer to Voldemort as "The Dark Lord," and i dont know if it's actually said in the 5th book, but i definetely got the impression that only Death Eaters call him that?

August 22nd, 2005, 05:21 pm
where did you see this? They are already making the 6th movie? But they haven't done the 5th yet! Unless...I'm mistaken.

They have almost finished the fifth one I believe, when I say almost: everyone's finished their lines. Now it's just the difficult task of special effects, apparently the DA meetings are supposed to be pretty breath-taking in special effects.

Harry Potter 6, what can I say? It was good, I must admit - but to keep it short, it was very predictable!

August 22nd, 2005, 09:54 pm
Bluegoo, it's just the casting. They've started already with it.

September 4th, 2005, 11:23 pm
Sorry to double post, but i've just had another thought on the matter of R.A.B.

With the Regulus Black theory- it just doesn't seem to fit, he was a Death Eater, was killed because he 'got in too deep and tried to back out again' and Sirius said he wasn't very smart. If it took Dumbledore so long to work out about the Horcruxes and track them down, and he is (was) the greatest Wizard alive, then how would Sirius' apparently stupid brother discover and destroy one?

Having said that, though, in the note they refer to Voldemort as "The Dark Lord," and i dont know if it's actually said in the 5th book, but i definetely got the impression that only Death Eaters call him that?

Its been awhile, but didn't Sirius not like Regulus. Naturally he would call his brother stupid because he didn't like him. You know, brotherly love. ;)

All will (or should) be revealed in the last book. That's what I say.

September 5th, 2005, 08:37 pm
@Thorn: It can be like Quirrel, who was always looking stupid and all stuttery all the time. :think:

September 24th, 2005, 06:07 pm
I really hope they don't kill McGonnagal in the 7th book, it was sad when Rowling killed off Dumbledore, but it would be much worse if she killed McGonnonagal too, then Harry would have no one left to protect him, Can you tell McGonnagal is my favorite character.

Again with the Maggie Smith obsession. :lol:

September 24th, 2005, 06:12 pm
That would stink I like McGonagal.

I'm like half expecting Harry to die. Which would really stink but at least it would mean it isn't a everything-turned-out-fine-and-good-will-always-prevail-evil-and-live-happily-ever-after story. Which I'm sick of.

I heard that the last book ends with scar(I'm sure everyone else has too)

October 2nd, 2005, 04:38 pm
The book ends with scar? I don't follow. :huh:

October 2nd, 2005, 05:35 pm
I think the last word in it is scar.

October 2nd, 2005, 06:15 pm
She's finished with the last one already? When's it coming out?

October 2nd, 2005, 06:39 pm
"Scar" sounds like it would be the final chapter.

October 2nd, 2005, 08:48 pm
She isn't finish with the book but I think she has the last chapter done.... The last WORD is scar...Sorry 'bout the confusion...

October 14th, 2005, 07:08 am
Im depressed. I just finished the book a few minutes ago, and I was listening to the Mononoke Hime soundtack...Tragic combo, made me cry.

I cannot beleave they killed off Dumbledore though. I cannot image Harry killing Riddle without Dumbles help...And its retarded to think Harry is leaving Hogwarts!


About only one book left, there could be more...You have to remember her original plan was one book per each year in school. Yet Harry is dropping out, so hypotheicaly thinking, this would be the last book, right?

October 17th, 2005, 01:41 am
Well, I personally think he is returning to Hogwarts, even though he says he's not going to.

October 17th, 2005, 01:47 am
What I don't get is why... Harry decides to *finally* go after Voldemort/Snape after SIX YEARS. All he did in the first six years was relying on Dumbledore to bail him out, and he did nothing but complain about how bad he had it, and he always tried to act tough and "I will go do all these stupid things by myself" which he failed at, and now... for the last book, he decides to go. After six years. Six. I don't know, but the way J. K. Rowling wrote the books made me really frustrated with him. Anyone else feel the same?

Probably just me...

October 17th, 2005, 01:51 am
Yeah. Very true. :blink: The fifth book was like reading a temper tantrum.

October 17th, 2005, 01:53 am
Yes, I think it was the fifth book that got me. Especially since Sirius Black was my favourite...

October 17th, 2005, 02:06 am
Yeah, Sirius was just damn cool. -_-

October 17th, 2005, 02:16 am
The fifth books got on my damn nerves. I felt like telling VOldemort to step the hell aside so I could kill him my self. HE WAS SO DAMN ANNOYING THAT LITTLE PUNK!

October 17th, 2005, 02:25 am
There has to be more books. It took years and more then what is in the 6 books just to find, what, 2 of those hyrocros {sp?} thing-ies. Harry CANNOT find the other 5, kill Voldamort and go out with Connie Chung in one book. If Dumbledore cant do it in like 15 years, Harry cant do shit.

October 17th, 2005, 02:30 am
I agree with RD unless it is a REALLY, REALLY LOOOOOOOOOONG book; which I do doubt. So yeah....Answers answers I need answers! Why can't these books hurry in coming out?! OK, today is a weird day for me so sorry about all the ranting.

October 17th, 2005, 02:39 am
Well, those books are pritty big, and JK rowling is getting them out fast seeing how many pages there are.

To make the series have a good ending with only one book left, that book is going to be like 5000 pages long! And she rants to much about nothing! Book 6 only started to get somewhere when there were only 75 pages left. WTF is she thinking putting stupid jokes and unneeded romances to fill up 525 pages?

October 17th, 2005, 02:42 am
Would you really like it if it was only 75 pages long? Also, this is the life of a teenage boy, think! It makes it seem more real. Plus it would be pretty deadif there aren't any "mini-plots".

October 17th, 2005, 03:02 am
They could have made it so more fighting was happening. I loved the part when they were in the ministry in the 5th book, and the DA training too. I loved the fights, its like the only good writing JK does..

October 17th, 2005, 09:11 pm
J. K. Rowling jipped us a couple hundred pages on book 6. As prior to the other books, they have been steadily increasing a hundred page or so, until book 6. Book six should have been... 900-ish pages.

October 17th, 2005, 09:16 pm
I think the last book is going to be shit. Just with the fact that she has to wrap it all up in one book. She's going to be crammping like no other.

October 17th, 2005, 11:35 pm
I think there will be more than one book.

October 18th, 2005, 12:20 am
I did, too. But considering how J. K. Rowling is... like, she said that when people are dead, they're dead. She will not make them come back. That's it for Dumbledore and Sirius. So I think it's the same way with her books. There are going to be seven.

October 18th, 2005, 12:22 am
If she scews up that last book I think I will kick her!

October 18th, 2005, 12:24 am
Yes. When I heard about the rumour that she was going to kill off Sirius, I seriously thought of going to London, and egging her house...

But I'd probably get arrested. -.-

October 18th, 2005, 01:17 am
and I thought there were 8 years of hogwarts....

October 18th, 2005, 01:40 am
He dropped out in the 6th one, didn't he?

October 18th, 2005, 01:48 am
Yes, at the very end. Like... the last chapter.

October 18th, 2005, 02:06 am
we'll find out for sure in the last book.

October 18th, 2005, 02:09 am
Yes, of course. Harry *says* things... but that doesn't mean he will actually do them. -.-

October 20th, 2005, 12:58 am
mm i finally read it. i was quite surprised that snape was the hb prince too. i think my mouth dropped when i read those lines. and.. i found harry and ginny's romance gross. LoL.. i still view her as a lil kid so yeah.. ew.

i think r.a.b. is gonna be a new character in the last book. and yeah.. harry has 5 horcruxes to kill off in the last book?!? i agree that THAT IS a lot of cramming. mm well i just hope its pretty satisfactory

October 20th, 2005, 01:00 am
i think my mouth dropped when i read those lines. and.. i found harry and ginny's romance gross. LoL.. i still view her as a lil kid so yeah.. ew.

Yes, same here. I forget that she also grows up, and so I thought she was still eleven. >.<

October 20th, 2005, 01:13 am
There are still a few characters that never fail to please me: The Weasley twins and Peeves.

They always make me smile, even giggle sometimes.

October 20th, 2005, 02:03 am
i think r.a.b. is gonna be a new character in the last book. and yeah.. harry has 5 horcruxes to kill off in the last book?!? i agree that THAT IS a lot of cramming. mm well i just hope its pretty satisfactory
Well, Rowling could just as easily start the book where Harry may have already found a horcrux and destroyed it. All she would have to do is explain in about half or whole chapter what happened. I don't believe that all of the remaining horcruxes are absolutely difficult to find and obtain. The 7th book could even start with Harry having destroyed one or two horcruxes already and having taken extensive damage, like Dumbledore received after destroying the ring. Those one or two horcruxes could be skipped because maybe they weren't that essential to write nearly 100 pages on. The part in the 6th book where Harry goes with Dumbledore to retrieve that necklace could have been dramatically shortened if Harry hadn't gone at all. But it was important to the story for Harry to go because it helped him realize just how dangerous things must be and how much he must learn. In a way Dumbledore was showing Harry that he must have great strength of heart and courage if he plans to do the task alone. Dumbledore knew all along about Snape and the Unbreakable Curse, so he had to give a crash course to Harry on his mission objective.

One of the only things I hope will appear in the final book is the reunion of the DA. What I see is that at the end maybe one or none of the horcruxes will remain and Voldemort will attempt to make more. So he goes after Gryffindor's sword. Harry beats him to it and they have a battle on school grounds. If it's during the school year, which would seem likely, then the DA will come to the rescue (along with the Order), if not the entire upperclassmen. Then there will be a great battle: Voldemort and his army VS Harry, the DA, the Order, the Ministry (maybe), and the experienced students (maybe). Then at the very end of the book Harry discovers that he is a horcrux...just kidding (on this last sentence). I wonder how readers would react to that.

One of my other predictions is the death of Snape by Harry's hands before the end of the book. Although I do believe that Snape now is completely on the side of Voldemort, he will still in his own sick way try to help Harry become stronger. He always gave tips to Harry, such as practicing occlumency and legimency. I think that if Snape and Harry meet to fight a duel to the death, Snape will still give small tips while at the same time actually trying to kill Harry. Then by some chance, Harry wins, and perhaps having learned a few new things.

October 20th, 2005, 03:05 am
You know, before I read that J. K. Rowling wouldn't bring people back to the dead, I had a pretty good theory.

Snape could have mis-said a letter/syllable on purpose, and Dumbledore acted it, so that Snape could totally gain Voldemort's trust, and he can go in, and they all can infiltrate Voldemort's 'lair' together.

But that's just wishful thinking.

October 20th, 2005, 04:06 am
Ahaah its been forever since I read HBP... well I find most HP readers either loved OotP and hated HBP or vice versa. I was the first one... I adored OotP and was completely pissed off by HBP. The writing seemed underpar, many of the characters seemed underdeveloped or unconvincingly different since OotP (Harry being one example... yeah instantly mature over a matter of weeks...yeah Sirius doesn't mind that you forgot him so fast) Oh wait EVERYONE forgot Sirius in this book... Sirius who? Oh we don't miss him. ^^; The worst aspect was all the unneccessary bad fanfic-like romance. The worst was probably Remus/Tonks because it came from left field. I'm still hoping that Remus' complete-lack-of-interest-in-Tonks will break up any chance of that relationship. I dunno. OotP set up a spectacular scenario for HBP and it was totally wasted imho. My only real joys in this book were the finale (up until Snape and Draco were totally gone... everything after that was utter garbage.. and the very worst final chapter I've ever read in one of her books...can we say "Spiderman movie"?) ... and Snape and Fenrir. Snape got a lot of development... and I will better appreciate this book if Snape proves to be on the good side still as I suspect. It's a dreadful waste of such a vile man to make him yet another 100% evil character. I've already lost appreciation for Voldemort because glances at his past made him seem even less 3-dimensional now. Fenrir was so freaking great. The polar-opposite of Remus... I adored the dynamic he brought in. But otherwise, this book was my least favorite in the series easily... it felt so unconnected to the previous books imho... the writing just felt like a chore to go through, I was uninterested. PoA and OotP blew my mind... and so did the finale to GoF... but this, left me sadly disappointed and not even interested in what is to come in the final book.

October 21st, 2005, 10:22 pm
I adored OotP and was completely pissed off by HBP

How's that possible?! The fifth book was a documented temper tantrum! :blink:

October 23rd, 2005, 04:46 pm
I don't believe that all of the remaining horcruxes are absolutely difficult to find and obtain.

One of my other predictions is the death of Snape by Harry's hands before the end of the book.

i think they will. i dont think voldemort will just make a horcrux so that like practically anyone can destroy it. there's got to be at least some kind of danger in trying to get/destroy it, considering the fact that riddle's diary nearly killed ginny and the locket weakened dumbledore.

and yeah i think snape kinda feels guilty and lets down his guard, leading to his demise by harry

October 25th, 2005, 01:01 am
I think in the end Harry will kill Snape because in HBP Harry couln't even hurt Snape. So in order for Harry to against Voldemort he is going to have to surpass Snape. Thats is just what I think. :\

October 25th, 2005, 11:29 pm
i think they will. i dont think voldemort will just make a horcrux so that like practically anyone can destroy it. there's got to be at least some kind of danger in trying to get/destroy it, considering the fact that riddle's diary nearly killed ginny and the locket weakened dumbledore.

and yeah i think snape kinda feels guilty and lets down his guard, leading to his demise by harry
What I meant was that there might be a horcrux or two that would not be so absolutely fatal to obtain that it must be written about. If Rowling doesn't want a super-long book, then she might not be able to write in every horcrux mission. Or she may just make it so that Harry just happens to stumble upon three at once or something.

October 26th, 2005, 02:13 am
You know my theory? Harry is the last horcrux. so to destory Voldamort, he must kill himself :) Fun

October 26th, 2005, 02:15 am
Yes, if it wasn't for fear of thousands of fans going to England (or wherever she lives) and burning her house, she could possibly kill off Harry...

October 26th, 2005, 02:31 am
How's that possible?! The fifth book was a documented temper tantrum! :blink:

Easy,... it felt realistic. Harry is a very self-centered person... despite his hero complex. When he feels like the world is turning on him, he makes everyone know it... he's like most rebellious teenage boys. I could buy that and took a great joy in seeing Ginny put him in his place and then see him simmer down and care about someone else at the end with Luna... but in the 6th book he just turned into someone who could turn off his emotions at will, and yet, his romantic issues were weird and somewhat unnatural imho. I'd rather a realistic lead who needs a kick in the pants over one that doesn't even read as though they could be a real living person.

The fifth book had a great situation with the corruption and censorship from the MoM... it juggled so many characters well and made the Order of the Phoenix seem like a group I'd want to hang out with... everyone felt natural and not over-the-top in their fanfic-ish romantic obsessions... it was a really good book.

October 26th, 2005, 02:33 am
Euh... the romantic subplot was really... horrible, in my opinion also. It was very sudden, and very staccato and didn't flow with the rest of the story. It was at random times and just felt like she just stuck it on there at the end because she forgot to or something.

October 28th, 2005, 02:37 am
Euh... the romantic subplot was really... horrible, in my opinion also. It was very sudden, and very staccato and didn't flow with the rest of the story. It was at random times and just felt like she just stuck it on there at the end because she forgot to or something.

Nothing screams that statement more than Remus/Tonks... sheesh talk about something coming out of left field. o.O I find it hilarious that Tonks can go from mourning her cousin to being infatuated to that degree with Remus (her character became so appaulling in book 6... and I loved her in book 5 *sniff*)... it'd be nice if book 6 would acknowledge that Tonks was just finding the wrong way to come to terms with her feelings of guilt over Sirius' death... otherwise I see nothing normal or permanent with that random pairing... Remus was completely uninterested anyhow.
*waves a Wolfstar flag wondering if anyone catches that reference*

Ron and Hermione's horrible ways of making each other feel jealous and whatnot were too extreme even for them... felt like a soap opera... was waiting for Hermione to catch Ron in bed with Lavender or something. ~_~;; Harry and Ginny... it was just too random, and it screams "Oedipus complex" to me. I was hoping for Harry/Luna because I saw great potential in that...as well as the chance to progress both of their characters because there's complexity in that pairing whereas Harry/Ginny is just a mutual infatuation it seems. ehhhhhh I support certain pairings but I'm more mad at how poorly the pairings were handled over who they were with.

August 22nd, 2006, 01:36 am
Dumbledore was sad but he needed to be out of the picture for Harry to defeat Voldemort, cuz he needs to do it alone. I LOVE DRACO!! and Hermione, cuz she's pretty in da movie! hehehehehe!!

August 22nd, 2006, 03:28 am
Truly, I disliked the 6th book, even more than the 5th one. I liked the plot, of course. What I didn't like was the paring. Honestly, how could J. K. Rowling pick a secondary character to be Harry's girlfriend. Sure, if Ginny had a more prominant role in the story, I won't complain. Personally, I would prefer a no-paring Harry, because it isn't the main focus to this book. I also didn't like the way Dumbledore died. It was a bit . . . anti-climatic, personally. But that is just my opinion.

August 22nd, 2006, 04:12 am
isabellovesyou: Is that... Fun House? >.< I've seen it. However, if that is your signature, you might want to hurry up and make it fit the regulations or the great oh mighty powers will come down on you hard like hail the size of golf balls smacking your face. If it's not, and you were just posting a random picture, than all is well.

Nothing screams that statement more than Remus/Tonks... sheesh talk about something coming out of left field. o.O I find it hilarious that Tonks can go from mourning her cousin to being infatuated to that degree with Remus (her character became so appaulling in book 6... and I loved her in book 5 *sniff*)... it'd be nice if book 6 would acknowledge that Tonks was just finding the wrong way to come to terms with her feelings of guilt over Sirius' death... otherwise I see nothing normal or permanent with that random pairing... Remus was completely uninterested anyhow.
*waves a Wolfstar flag wondering if anyone catches that reference*

Ron and Hermione's horrible ways of making each other feel jealous and whatnot were too extreme even for them... felt like a soap opera... was waiting for Hermione to catch Ron in bed with Lavender or something. ~_~;; Harry and Ginny... it was just too random, and it screams "Oedipus complex" to me. I was hoping for Harry/Luna because I saw great potential in that...as well as the chance to progress both of their characters because there's complexity in that pairing whereas Harry/Ginny is just a mutual infatuation it seems. ehhhhhh I support certain pairings but I'm more mad at how poorly the pairings were handled over who they were with.

This book made my blood pressure rise. More so than the fifth. Bah! She can write plots but not romance. : \

Mourning Glory
August 24th, 2006, 10:37 pm
This book made my blood pressure rise. More so than the fifth. Bah! She can write plots but not romance. : \

Too true. I hated the Harry/Ginny thing. Up until then, I thougth she had Harry down as a believable character. But then when that whole "flowery scent" thing clicked, I laughed my ass off. I don't know of any guy who would walk around catching random whiffs of a strangely familiar "flowery scent" and actually wonder where it came from. The infatuation seemed to sudden, and, in addition, she was supposedly over him, so it makes even less sense.

I do like the potential for Hermione/Ron. The Lupin/Tonks thing...I'm still debating internally on that. I had a funny feeling about the Patronus thing when she took Harry to school.

August 24th, 2006, 11:56 pm
Hmmm I kinda liked the idea of the whole Ginny/Harry thing....altho I still say Harry/Hermione is what I expect.....but ron wont let that happen.

Im thinking that Harry isnt a horcrux but will die..wether its to kill voldemort or to save one of his friends...or both is something im still not sure about.

About the whole Snape/Dumbledore thing....Im kinda glad that dumbledore died *flame shield* Dumbledore was in a sense harry's protector most if not all his adventures have had a nudge in the right direction from him, now that he's gone either another character (or various combined) will step up to take his....well role, or we're gonna see alot more harry/ron/hermione decision making.

About the whole no hogwarts thing Im kinda hoping for it but fearing it at the same time.

on one hand it could bring alot of posibilities, harry for one is going back to privet drive and then going out on his own or to the weasleys...im thinking Ron will either invite him over or he's run away with him to fight the baddies. This could lead to molly having another moment like when they wanted to join the order (Pissed as hell) or a moment of fear and understanding.

The order also worries me, who's gonna be incharge, surely not harry...Lupin/tonks thing I dont like..but they is gonna end up together and one will probably die, im thinking tonks, lupin then realising how much he cared for her or killing himself over the fact that he never made her completely happy...just kinda played along with her idea of their relationship.

Mourning Glory
August 25th, 2006, 12:11 am
I thought it kindof fit that Snape did turn out to be a snake. They did distrust him ever since day one and the fact that Dumbledore trusted him just added insult to injury.

One of my favorite characters; Remus Lupin. I feel bad for him alot. All his friends have died, with the exception of Peter Pettigrew, who was the cause of some of the afore mentioned friends' deaths in order to save his own skin, effectively aggravating an already festering wound. in a way, it makes me happy that Tonks cares fro him, even if it is a moodkiller in the wake of Dumbledore's death. At least he has somebody to turn to, at least for a while.

For several accumulative reasons, I believe that he will die relatively soon. Even though I will be devastated if and when he does bite the big one.

As for the Order, I think they would adopt a democratic approach to the sudden deprivation of their leader. Either that or elect a new leader from their ranks. I would hazard a guess at Moody or Professor McGonagall for potential candidates.

August 25th, 2006, 02:56 am
Snape isnt as bad as people want him to be I think...

Lupin....IDK im thinking posibly he does have some sort of feelings towards tonks (not necesarily the same she has for him) or someone else and hes afraid that anyone close to him will die (like his friends)

Im thinking theres got to be a new player coming in on the next book, I'm thinking scrimgeor (sp?..I mean the current minister of/for magic) or perhaps percy, also theres the whole RAB dude/tte.

August 25th, 2006, 04:39 pm
I hate Percy and I really want Ron to give him a punch.-_-

August 30th, 2006, 04:49 am
She keeps killing off my favourite characters. What's up with that?

Neko Koneko
August 30th, 2006, 10:53 pm
Truly, I disliked the 6th book, even more than the 5th one. I liked the plot, of course. What I didn't like was the paring. Honestly, how could J. K. Rowling pick a secondary character to be Harry's girlfriend. Sure, if Ginny had a more prominant role in the story, I won't complain. Personally, I would prefer a no-paring Harry, because it isn't the main focus to this book. I also didn't like the way Dumbledore died. It was a bit . . . anti-climatic, personally. But that is just my opinion.

It was to be expected in a way, I was disappointed by who killed him though.

And if Harry were to pair up with anyone it should be Hermione. I don't like Ginny.

August 30th, 2006, 10:56 pm
Hermiony Harry ROn love triangle is messed up.

August 31st, 2006, 05:01 am
Hermiony Harry ROn love triangle is messed up.

Hardly a triangle. More like she put the four names in a hat, and drew out the pairs. >_> Obviously, Harry and Ginny got pulled out together. That must be it.

August 31st, 2006, 11:37 am
meh I mean..

I for one think its really a whole Harry - Hermione thing in the end. but both Harmione and Ron seem to dig eachother...sometimes...kinda.

So im thinking (well more like hoping) harry and Hermione end up together...but if ron does fancy Hermione...stuff is gonna happen.

August 31st, 2006, 08:02 pm
I heard on the radio, that JK said that Hermione and Ron do end up pairing together... no sure tho.

Hahah funny thing, there's been the seventh HP book published in some Hk shops although the book hasn't been finished yet XD

Neko Koneko
August 31st, 2006, 08:24 pm
Hardly a triangle. More like she put the four names in a hat, and drew out the pairs. >_> Obviously, Harry and Ginny got pulled out together. That must be it.

That's true, their pairing up was sooooo sudden and random. Suddenly, for no reason and out of the blue, Harry was completely in love with Ginny. Who I still don't like.


August 31st, 2006, 09:04 pm
Well, isnt it playing off the liking ginny has for Harry? And if it was to be Herminone and Harry, it would just make Ron angry.. agian.

The series is getting awkward for me. It seems like a teen romance book to me, and its so cheesy. Teenage angst

September 2nd, 2006, 01:23 am
Angelic: That picture is awkward and creepy.

Yes. And I still thought of Ginny as a little twelve year old, or whatever age she was at the beginning of the book. So at the time, I was thinking, "Holy smokes, he's a paedophile." But then I remembered that she was only a year younger... and that just made it worse. >.<