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December 4th, 2004, 09:11 pm
so.. i finally got myself an account at ichigos forum

Mod Edit: Since have so many compositions, it'd be more convenient to have them all in one thread ^^;

December 4th, 2004, 09:14 pm
This song was inspired by Nobuo Uematsu. Hope you guys like it.

December 4th, 2004, 09:22 pm
well.... composed this in one night... i guess i felt kinda lonely. its didnt take that much time since its pretty simple. enjoy!

December 4th, 2004, 09:26 pm
well... i like this one girl so i composed this song. i hope one day i will play it to her.. you think she will like it?? I have about 20 more songs to post.. but for now i will leave you with 4. if you wanna hear more.. juss email or reply. or you can IM me.. my AIM sn is budacris121.

December 4th, 2004, 09:44 pm
well.. this is my 5th post in one day... and i think people might find it kinda annoying when they see 5 yellowmonkey posts in a row. sorry.. but im new at this so im trying my best to learn here. so i'd be very appreciated if anyone can tell me how.

well... if you would like to know me here's a little bit about me.

i started playing piano when i was in 1st grade.... but i hated so much i quit in 2nd grade. surprisingly i missed playing piano during my sophomore year in high school. and what really got me starting to play piano again was Nobuo Uematsu, the composer of Final Fantasy series. I learned to play 'To Zanarkand', 'Eyes on Me', '1000 No Kotoba' and i know how to play 'suikoden II - Reminiscence aka Retrospection'. its been a little over one year since i started composing. you can actually see my very first song at the 'composition' area at ichigos. well.. thats about it. bye... Bah... one more song juss for the hell of it.

December 4th, 2004, 10:37 pm
@ Seventh Sense //

Pretty good, but after a while it sounds like To Zanarkand. No specific comments about this one, but a fairly good piece! 7/10

@ Fate //

I liked this, the powerful Timpani (?) instantly gave me a creepy feeling, and the Harpsichord was a good addition too. To me, this piece doesn't fit for a "Fate" theme though. I imagine being in an airship that's about to crash or something (which could be connected with fate, actually) but still =P Impressive. 7.5/10

@ Lonely Nights //

You did give the song a good push up in 00:33, but that's unfortunately the only thing that impressed me. The string play in the beginning is okay. It fits the mood, and gives it a good base. The first half was better than the other. Still, this is good. You know your orchestration. 7/10

@ Those who longed for a kiss //

The girls will probably love this, but I didn't. =/ Somehow I find it too plain, and it really needs a part where it catches the listener. Like after an intro or something, you could introduce a main melody that sticks really good. Good song, but in need of more interesting notes! 7/10

@ Summer Fling //

Awesome feeling, but the the bass isn't the best for this song, maybe change it to a softer one? I should use a fretless one. I also think there would be a great use for a flute, or even a panflute. 7/10


Overall, you're a 7 :) You do have a good sense of music, and I want to talk to you about co-composing. (I don't know if there's such a word, neither do I care =P)

December 5th, 2004, 03:45 am
co-composing?.. what do you mean by that?

December 5th, 2004, 03:56 am
I remember you from before! And hmm, I think a few people have mentioned your name recently . . anyways!

Seventh Sense:
Heh, I agree with Noir about "To Zanarkand" . . other than that, it's nice. Interesting title you have there . .

Right from the beginning, I got a nice sense of doom. You managed the orchestra very well.

Lonely Nights:
Great job at capturing the mood. I've always wanted to write a song like this (with percussion, etc.)

Those Who Longed for a Kiss:
Hope you get her =) simple and pure love, what else is there that needs to be said, right?

Summer Fling:
I agree with the awesome feeling, just brings a smile to my face as I think back to various anime . .

December 6th, 2004, 12:40 am
Seventh Sense
As others have stated, further in the song it sounds very similar to: "To Zanarkand." But because Nobou inspired you into playing the piano, you must have picked it up, its a great song. I like the Title too. ^_^

I actaully didn't like the first couple of seconds into the song, but it evolves very well.

I haven't gotten around to listening to the others yet, but from the comments I've read, you seem to be fairly dedicated into composing and putting effort into music. Keep it up. :)


December 6th, 2004, 04:35 am
wow... thanks everyone. it is good to have people evaluate my works. thanks once again

December 6th, 2004, 06:29 am
this time i decided to make some... funny and interesting songs. well... if you are weird like me.. this song might fit you.

December 6th, 2004, 06:31 am
this song is dedicated to the clowns (which i hate) but i thought it'll be interesting to make a song for some unusual stuff. (thus the clowns)

December 6th, 2004, 06:33 am
im asian so i thought i'd compose a song that will give an asian vibe to it. well.. this song sounds chinese (but im korean). i like it.

December 6th, 2004, 06:36 am
i actually had this song when i was running. i'd figure it will be cool to have a song that will make someone wanna run. this song is very simple. well.. simple to compose but i dont know about playing. i only learned how to play piano for a year so i m not really good at it. i can only play one of my composition. (sad)

December 6th, 2004, 11:42 am
I have yet to comment on any of these, but why not keep them all in your other composition thread? :mellow:


December 6th, 2004, 11:44 am
Tsk tsk, you shouldn't create a new thread for your latest compositions =P you're gonna get in trouble! *fears for you*

Jamming Down the Street:
Pure fun! A bit too short, but great beat and mood . . I just didn't like how the very last note popped out of nowhere, hehe.

Red Noses:
Oh, how mysterious . . nice style! I don't understand how the title fits in though.

From East to West:
Nice blend of Eastern and Western elements. (How big of a difference is there between Chinese and Korean music? I haven't noticed)

Out of Breath:
Reminded me of racing cars than running =P *shrugs* sort of the same thing, right? Hmm, maybe you can emphasize the "out of breath" more clearly at the end? Perhaps something more abrupt and dramatic? At least that's what happens when I run: I just stop and can't go on.

December 6th, 2004, 07:26 pm
Jammin' down the street
Yea', the last note dosen't fit. Overall it gave off a nice feeling.

Red Noses
This just isn't my type of song, I'm not sure how to get detailed on why. :think:

From East to West
I don't no, it seemed like two different melodies were playing mixed together at some parts. Its a good idea.

I have yet to listen to all of your other compositions. :)


December 6th, 2004, 11:08 pm
:sweatdrop: I didn't read about the clowns . . I see now, scary/evil clowns! ^^;

December 8th, 2004, 04:43 am
ok ok.. i understand that these songs arent for everyone... but i will try to redeem myself rigth now. i wrote this song for this girl i like... well... i tried to make a theme song for her.. and it turned out to be pretty good.

December 8th, 2004, 04:45 am
My friend came up with a title for this one.. so if the title doenst fit the song... don't get mad at me :heh:

December 8th, 2004, 04:47 am
well.. i thought i'd make 'moving on' a sextet piece: flute, guitar, harp, piano, violin and cello.

December 8th, 2004, 05:02 am
i like this piece.. i dont know why. i don't even know if its a good piece.

December 8th, 2004, 05:04 am
well.. this is one of my favorite as well. i dont usually compose happy sounding song. people say most of my pieces are gloomy. not this one!

December 8th, 2004, 11:44 am
Smiling Tear Drop:
I love the title (I can relate to it, heh) . . it's nice, especially as a theme song.

Moving on Piano:
*tries to interpret what it means* . . so, two people are separating . . and the theme is to be played on piano? Anyways, you can feel the sadness . .

Moving on:
Ah, my guess is right? hehe, . . how about naming it "Moving on Sextet"? =P The midi for this is better than the midi for just the piano (it has a nicer feeling of forward movement), but if the piano one was done on mp3, it would slightly be better (due to the subtleties of expression and emotion).

Rising Snow:
This reminds me of Terra's theme, especially your opening harmonies and the middle.

Happy-sounding songs suit you =)

December 8th, 2004, 12:02 pm
Originally posted by yellowmonkey121@Dec 8 2004, 07:02 AM
i don't even know if its a good piece.
It was a good piece before you butchered Uematsu's song.

feeling worthless? Well, then quit composing instead of stealing. Don't give us crap about "uuuh... I didn't know" or something like that. This is low, very very low. From now on, I won't even bother listening to 'your' compositions, as I don't know if it's they are crappy rip-offs. -_-

December 8th, 2004, 12:21 pm
I've noticed a lot of people seem to at times have trouble distinguishing the difference between a composition and an arrangement (particularly the ones where English is not their native language), thinking they can call the arrangement a composition, or in other words, confusing it. This would be the third time I've seen it happen. But here's the difference, in case you don't know and really are innocent:

A composition is something you compose, something you create, you make. It all comes from your head. You may be influenced by other people, but it is NOT other people's work.

An arrangement is something you take from someone else, and you change it around a bit, making it sound a bit different, taking it in a different approach musically. Its pretty much rewriting the song with a different style or instrument.

December 8th, 2004, 12:22 pm
Would that include the entry in the Xmas competition? Shame to have it tainted like that :/

December 8th, 2004, 07:31 pm
why is everyone mad at me? yes... i understand that seventh sense sounds like to zanarkand.. but thats one of the first song i ever written. and im sorry that i dont have a great musical background (or even a decent one) to impress people but i didnt know these songs make people mad at me. and yes i do feel little worthless now that you said it... but don't you think i would know that people here listen to nobuo's music... of course i know and im sure if i put something that sounds like his piece it would be noticed by other people.. i mean most people in here know more about music than i do. so.. im sorry if i made u mad.. but you gotta understand.... im tryin my best. and tell me which ones sound like nobuo's so i know what to get rid of.

December 8th, 2004, 07:43 pm
Erm, don't we share the same musical background? You don't see me going ripping off an almost entire song, do you? That's a poor excuse.

December 8th, 2004, 07:49 pm
Originally posted by Al@Dec 8 2004, 07:44 AM
Rising Snow:
This reminds me of Terra's theme, especially your opening harmonies and the middle.
This is the one.

You already warned and admitted to people that the Seventh Sense is like To Zanarkand, and that's okay, since it was your first song and you were heavily influenced by it. But I think the problem that everybody is having right now is that you didn't realize Rising Snow is like Terra's Theme.

Personally, I had a feeling you copied it unconsciously (it's happened to me before, and it happened to my teacher, who once composed an entire song before realizing it was note for note exactly the same as a Chopin song), so I'm trying to think of what you just did as an accident, since you don't appear to realize what's going on.

December 8th, 2004, 08:58 pm
ok... i went to ichigos and listened to final fantasy vi terra and even looked over the sheet music.... and i was kinda lost... i guess i wasnt looking at the same song Al told me. i'd really appreciate it if someone knows where i can find the song. thank you.

December 8th, 2004, 09:07 pm
http://www.squaresound.com/midis/ff6/piano...ion/01_tina.mid (http://www.squaresound.com/midis/ff6/pianocollection/01_tina.mid)

December 8th, 2004, 10:11 pm
well.. i guess there is a reason why people are mad at me now that i heard the song. although it seems like whatever i say will sound like a bs to people... i must say that i am sorry to 'butcher' the uematsu's piece. but seriously... if i had known that there was a song like it... i wouldnt even have put it in here. of course i wouldnt have put it in here since i knew all of you are familiar with nobuo's work and by 'copying' his work will be obtrusive. so... i would like to apologize if i offended anyone... espcially noir since it looks like he took it the hardest. and yes i admit that rising snow does sound a lot like final fantasy vi - terra. and im not looking for forgiveness 'cause that is a easy way out.

December 9th, 2004, 12:53 am
So, what's your next move?

December 9th, 2004, 05:11 am
well.. if you are talking to me... frankly i dont know what to do. i mean... getting accused as a person who copied someone else's work is pretty insulting. im pretty sure you dont want other people to say that you must have copied someone else's work after spending some time making the song. i think it was little presumptuous of noir7 to think that i copied nobuo's work... but i guess i understand since many people here know about nobuo's pieces. i do too.... i listened to almost all the songs in ichigo's and honestly i didnt know 'rising snow' sounded like 'terra'. i listened to this one composer here (i think the name was 'mies') and the middle of the piece this person wrote sounded like 'spirited away - reprise' and i wasn't jumpy about it. i juss thought this person never heard the song. i mean... i made a song like that around the time when i made 'disappearing shadow' and when my friend told me it sounded like spirited away i got rid of it. and it sux how now people think my compositions are bunch of imitations. i dont know why noir was so mad... he didnt even bother to ask me. i juss wanted share music and give-and-take advices. instead i get a kick in the butt. well... this song kinda fits the mood im in right now. and i DID compose this... so dont try to say stuff like 'you probably ripped-off someone else's song' 'cause no composer wants to hear something like that after hard work.

December 9th, 2004, 11:28 am
Originally posted by yellowmonkey121@Dec 9 2004, 07:11 AM
dont try to say stuff like 'you probably ripped-off someone else's song' 'cause no composer wants to hear something like that after hard work.
Shh.. a composer shouldn't whine about it either. Just eat it up and spit it out.

Gesh.. X_X

December 9th, 2004, 12:01 pm
Well, seeing how you're still sticking around here and still making new songs, I guess that would be your next move, heh . . and it takes courage to do that as well . .

I liked it. It flowed along quite nicely. Knowing the inspiration behind it, I tend to think of it more as a battle/fight rather than an internal conflict. Then again, I don't think I've heard a song yet that managed to capture the essence of an internal conflict, hmm . .

December 9th, 2004, 04:56 pm
well.. i guess it is safe to say that we got our misunderstanding straighten up. i apologize once again for the song... and i want everyone to know that i don't rip off someone else's work cauz i'd be pretty pissed if someone else ripped off my pieces. im pretty sure every composers (good or bad) want to be original and compose pieces that fit their personalities. i have more pieces to come and i will let people decide whether or not i should continue composing.

December 13th, 2004, 10:30 pm
Conflict sounded Like somthing I heard before.... I can't remember the name, I think it was off an rpg or somthing.

December 13th, 2004, 11:58 pm
wow... another comment of "i think i heard that before from somewhere". well.. if you remember what it is.. juss tell me so i can get rid of it. thanks ^_^

December 14th, 2004, 05:19 am
another composer's crisis: writing a song not knowing there is another song out there that is almost exactly the same as your own... writing my own ideas out, and at the same time careful not to copy somebody elses work... especially uematsu's work when your into anime stuff... dont' worry about it monkey, keep writing your heart out.

December 14th, 2004, 06:45 am
thanks archangel. i thought i'd make a waltz piece. i dont know much about it except that people dance to it and they are always in 3/4 meters. *shrug* cant think of a good name for it thus pink heart. at the end of the song the same melody's gonna play over and over... thats when people spin and spin and spin.

December 15th, 2004, 05:20 am
one of my friend asked me to write a piece about "how she's standing at the edge of the cliff looking over the sea. she takes a step and falls into the sea. she tries to swim to the surface but hands from the bottom of the sea are holding her back. someone saves her but when she wakes up the person is gone." i thought it was little weird and yet very interesting to write about.
beginning is when shes looking over the sea at the edge of the cliff. around 00:55 is when she falls into the sea. 1:17 is when shes trying to swim up but something is pulling her. around 1:37 is when a hand reaches her and saves her. i couldnt get the waking up part.

December 15th, 2004, 05:22 am
well... if you remember me.. you probably know the song "shy love" (piano). now here's the orchestra version.

December 15th, 2004, 05:25 am
another love song from long time ago.

December 15th, 2004, 10:32 pm
Wow, Missing you: 8/10

Can I get the score for that?

December 16th, 2004, 04:45 am
ummm..... sorry. i think everyone in here like to keep their sheet music for themselves. plz try to understand. ^.^

December 16th, 2004, 04:52 am
well... i wrote this piece but beginning sounds like 'eternity' from ffx-2 so im gonna say i arranged the song. i tried fixing the song but eh i couldnt think of any other melody. tell me if this sounds like 'eternity'

December 16th, 2004, 04:58 am
somewhat relaxing song that i composed. it was supposed to be a graduation song so the title is 'one step from yesterday'. but they wanted a happy sounding piece. i guess it is kinda repetitive.

December 17th, 2004, 10:23 pm
:blink: woa....i LOVE YOUR SONGS!!!! can you send me some of the score to
21. Moving on
35. Unforgettable story

!! it's so awesome! :D

December 17th, 2004, 11:23 pm
Pink Heart:
Yup, you’ve got down what a waltz is, it’s nice . . I imagine something majestic and flowing . . a bit too much excessive trilly/frilly stuff in my opinion, hehe . . careful though, when you changed the accompaniment in the middle, it lost a bit of its waltz character.

Very nice, I liked it when the orchestra came in . . your accompaniment is good because it kind of reminds me of the ebb and flow of the sea . . I especially like how there’s a story connected to it *is fond of art fusion*

Shy Love:
hehe, this one is cute . . fits in with the theme perfectly . . have you tried lyrics? just a thought . .

Missing You:
Good piano solo . . I kind of wish the melody moved a bit more, but oh well, that’s just me . . I bet it’d sound great on an actual recording!

Unforgettable Story:
*shrugs* I haven’t heard Eternity, but as for your piece, I liked the instruments, but I don’t think the percussion fits . . I don’t know, I guess I grew on it in the middle part, but still . . hmm, interesting how you brought out a lot from something so small (the limited chord progression, etc.) but this isn’t my style =)

One Step from Yesterday:
Doesn’t sound like a graduation song to me, but on its own, still nice =P It does sound happy, just . . a different happy! I don’t mind the repetitiveness in this one . . although the ending came too suddenly for me.


argh x.x first the mp3s from here don’t download properly for me, now the midis are crashing my netscape . . maybe it’s a sign I’m not meant to listen to you people’s songs anymore =\

December 18th, 2004, 06:41 am
sorry iceangel. its not that i dont trust u but i feel that once i start giving scores to one person.. other people will ask for them and turning them down would be unfair. plz understand. thanks for the compliments tho. :)

December 18th, 2004, 02:08 pm

December 18th, 2004, 02:46 pm
The conversion from MIDI > Sheet music is aweful.

Also, your shift key is stuck. <.<

December 18th, 2004, 04:18 pm
aw ok then i see :D but it&#39;s still awesome&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :drool: :sweatdrop:

December 18th, 2004, 04:30 pm
WHOA&#33;&#33;&#33; You know (and I want to be able to do this more often), this is probably the first time i&#39;v actually commented on a piece other than saying that it&#39;s awesome and I want the sheet music :heh: . Well, I didn&#39;t really listen to all of them (considering I just got my internet back up), but I definitely agree with everyone that 7th sense sounds a lot like at Zanarkand. I can really tell in your music you were inspired by nobuo... :sweatdrop: . Well, also, I heard what sounded like the melody of at Zanarkand a little bit in Fate as well. I think this one has the makings of the world map music to a FF game. That&#39;s just me, tho. I also noticed that Fate has a SUPERB percussion track&#33; YOu know, most ppl just don&#39;t seem to put them in... But you did a great job. How long have you been composing? It definitely seems like a while.

December 20th, 2004, 06:18 am
lol. thanks trumpetplaya. well... i started composing last year novemeber. so its little over a year now. thanks for all the nice stuff u said. i still need to work on some of my songs. i use a timpani which makes a cool sound. (and it has a definate pitch to it) And plz don&#39;t take my sheet music without my permission. juss IM me or something and we can work things out.

December 21st, 2004, 08:32 pm
I can only say WOW&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
I don&#39;t know what to say... I&#39;m speachless&#33;&#33;
I especially adore Smiling Tear Drop.
Keep up the good work&#33; :D

January 17th, 2005, 10:34 am
i found this song in my old computer. its my second composition and i thought it would be nice to rearrange this song

January 17th, 2005, 10:37 am
heres the new version of the previous song. i dont have any songs thats over 5 minutes long so this is my first song thats over 5 minutes. i know its long but try to listen to the whole song. oh and i changed the title

January 17th, 2005, 10:38 am
orchestra version

January 17th, 2005, 10:41 am
something i wrote when i was bored.

January 17th, 2005, 10:42 am
orchestra version

January 17th, 2005, 11:12 am
Disappearing Shadow:
Very impressive and dramatic&#33; No complaints . . I like the drums, makes you really feel it.

In the Dark:
Sounds like impending doom, hehe . . oh, I liked how you ended it, kind of a unique way to do it, building it up like that.

January 17th, 2005, 08:42 pm
well.... there are 2 more songs on the 4th page... they are before "disappearing shadow"

January 19th, 2005, 12:29 pm
Sorry, but I didn&#39;t have time to listen to everything . . I still don&#39;t . . explains why I only listened to the orchestral version rather than the piano over on the 5th page . .

January 20th, 2005, 08:26 pm
Hello, yellow monkey. My name is Mario I also have a passion to compose music. I would like to comment onm your work if you wouldn&#39;t mind.

In many ways, listening to your music makes me very excited because you are very creative. You remind me of me with all those songs :D...I have around 40 songs on my computer too.

Anyways, you have very good work. On a whole, I think you are a 9/10 composer. If you would like to listen to any of my songs, just tell me ;)

Here&#39;s a sneak peek at my work...

January 20th, 2005, 08:29 pm
Hello, yellow monkey. My name is Mario I also have a passion to compose music. I would like to comment onm your work if you wouldn&#39;t mind.

In many ways, listening to your music makes me very excited because you are very creative. You remind me of me with all those songs :D...I have around 40 songs on my computer too.

Anyways, you have very good work. On a whole, I think you are a 9/10 composer. If you would like to listen to any of my songs, just tell me ;)

Here&#39;s a sneak peek at my work...

January 21st, 2005, 03:05 am
Aeila, I haven&#39;t listened to your song yet (though I saw your impressive/long master list), but you should create your own thread. Put all your compositions there instead of somebody else&#39;s thread. That way people can comment on your songs appropriately =)

By the way, somebody please delete his double post, it hurts my eyes ;_;

January 21st, 2005, 03:35 am
Grrrrr. I&#39;m soooo jealous yellowmonkey&#33; You&#39;re sooo good. I always try to write good songs but I&#39;ve only written one that&#39;s of any value and I don&#39;t really know how to write music for orchestra. Great songs. What composing program did you use?

January 21st, 2005, 09:01 pm
thanks everyone... well.. i use finale 2003 but i wish i had a better program. <_< oh and i dont think i can get rid of mario&#39;s double comment.

January 21st, 2005, 09:05 pm
sorry guys, my bad. oh, yellow monkey? do you wanna listen to one of my songs?

If so, pick a number between 1 - 42. Since you have finale I can send my .mus files too.

January 21st, 2005, 09:08 pm
ok... how about... 42 but you should definately make a thread of your own.

January 22nd, 2005, 12:36 am
Indeed ~ keep your songs to your thread, and/or your signature. Thank you.

January 22nd, 2005, 12:39 am
I was wondering Noir7 have you ever listened to any of my songs? I would be honoured to hear constructive critisicm from you. :)

January 22nd, 2005, 12:44 am
Oh my.. how many posts do we have to write in order to make you get the point - Don&#39;t use others&#39; threads to your benefit. In this thread, it&#39;s all about yellowmonkey&#39;s compositions, not invitations to listen to your stuff. If you can&#39;t deal with that, then off your go ~

January 22nd, 2005, 12:45 am
sorry I never meant to be so self-centered. THis is all about yellowmonkey&#39;s lovely work. You&#39;re right. My bad.

January 22nd, 2005, 09:08 am
what the... this Aeila guy is everywhere now. :huh:

January 22nd, 2005, 05:11 pm
yellowmonkey this thread is about you so I shouldn&#39;t be mentioned in it. ^_^

I would like to say that yellomonkey, you should try to make your songs flow better. If anything, repetitiveness is the last thing you could hear in your songs, but they have a choppy feel, almost too rythmic and technical.

Just go with the flow. ;)

January 22nd, 2005, 10:13 pm
If anything, repetitiveness is the last thing you could hear in your songs

when u said it... do u mean i have too much repetitive or too less repetitive?

and which song doesnt feel flowy to u?

January 22nd, 2005, 10:15 pm
your songs are all not repetitve

all of them i find are extremely choppy. THere is no elegant flow, but your songs still sound very good.

January 22nd, 2005, 10:36 pm
thing about repetition is that its good for background music where nothing is really happening. it just sets the mood of the scene. and funny thing is that some other people think my songs are very repetitive. maybe my songs is not as repetitive as yours. some of the repetitive ones are &#39;lonely nights&#39; &#39;pink heart&#39; &#39;summer fling&#39; or even &#39;fate&#39;. or am i the only freak that think so?

January 22nd, 2005, 10:42 pm
Well, songs with good (and repetetive) chord progressions always catch my attention. A good chord progression can be repeated in a song, although you can change parts of the harmonies and melodies to livin&#39; it up a bit. What I&#39;m trying to say is, that repetetive songs are often recognized and memorable, IF they aren&#39;t repeated to the line where it gets dull and static.

January 23rd, 2005, 05:00 am
i guess you&#39;re right... but i dont know if my melodies are good enough to be repeated and yet not get annoyed. i supposed its something to try.

January 24th, 2005, 07:06 am
welp... i tried making a repetitive song that has a non-irritating song (i hope) :unsure:

i gave a different melody at the end cause having a same melody for 2 minutes is not fun. enjoy

p.s. are my songs really that &#39;choppy&#39;?

February 6th, 2005, 11:45 am
This is a nice song . . actually, very nice come to think of it. And I actually don&#39;t believe it&#39;s as repetitive as you&#39;d think. And I don&#39;t know what you mean by "choppy", but I haven&#39;t heard "it" in this latest piece from you. And your ending is good, because it shows that even though it&#39;s the last goodbye, it wasn&#39;t on a bittersweet note (pun x.x).

February 6th, 2005, 10:52 pm
all of them i find are extremely choppy. THere is no elegant flow

thats why i asked if my songs are really that choppy. welp... i post another song and i tried to make it little more repetitive.

your songs are all not repetitve


p.s. oh by the way... i like to thank everyone who spent their time listening to my pieces.

February 7th, 2005, 03:04 pm
That&#39;s pretty good. You kept a basic melody on going throughout the song, but it didn&#39;t seem repetetive. It sticks, and your orchestration was done pretty well too. I liked the ending ~ the fade-away characterizes the song very good.


February 7th, 2005, 06:54 pm
wow thats a nice piece of music you got there i like it ^_^

February 7th, 2005, 07:25 pm
i really like that song. good job.

id say 8/10
i wish i was as good as you guys :cry: o well

Zucriy Amsuna
February 7th, 2005, 08:56 pm
Overall... I&#39;ll give an easy eight out of ten&#33; (8/10) But you can try to not base them off of some other one (they sound like they are close something else like many Final Fantasies). Examples are Seventh Sense, Slow Day, and From East to West (whick sounds a bit InuYasha-like :think: :sweatdrop: ). You can add more elegance if possible, too; Great compositions&#33; Unforgetable Story was good.

February 27th, 2005, 07:34 am
anyone feeling little jumpy?

February 27th, 2005, 06:17 pm
bobbles up and down like the head that bounces on the words of a sing-along song ^_^ luvin it&#33;

February 28th, 2005, 10:19 pm
I agree with an-kun :lol: ever consider lyrics?

March 1st, 2005, 02:19 am
i did once thought about writing lyrics... but i dont think im great at it. perhaps i will post the lyrics somewhere later. (after careful revising that is) ^_^

ps. thanks for all the kind words. i really appreciate it.

March 6th, 2005, 08:46 am
another orchestral piece. its basically almost same as the last one i believe. but enjoy.

March 6th, 2005, 08:48 am
i found some interesting stuff today. i learned that i can change the sound of the instruments. so as an experiment i composed this song. enjoy.

March 7th, 2005, 04:27 am
Remorseful Risk:
Simply amazing . . nothing else I can say, except to recommend it to everyody else&#33;

Bland Seashore:
Nice piece . . what exactly did you do to the sound of the instruments?

March 7th, 2005, 06:17 am
well.. first i picked some random instruments and changed them to something different with finale 2003. first i changed flute into FX 4 (atmosphere), trumpet into Pad 5 (bowed), xylophone into FX 3 (crystal) and guitar into a sound of waves. and then there are just original instruments like piano, cello, violin, synth and drum set.

March 7th, 2005, 07:04 am
you only compose with midi on ur sundcard or soundfont?
or while u compose u used external hardware midi?
some really nice stuff here&#33; if you use samples/soft/hardware synths and some decent hardware/software effects, result will be very differnt~
cheers&#33; :P

March 7th, 2005, 07:09 am
just my finale 2003.. nothing else.

March 11th, 2005, 06:31 am
my first piece with pizzacato. now that i know how to pick more instruments im using more different insturments. this song should give some asian feelings. (well.. thats my intention) :china: tell me what you think about this song. thanks

p.s. this song ain&#39;t very smoooooth, but bear with me.

March 13th, 2005, 02:03 am
I like asian-sounding songs, and this piece is no exception, very nice and "gentle" ^^ I loved how you combined the traditional and classical harmonies (er, scale?). All the instruments were great together.

March 14th, 2005, 03:13 pm
Ack&#33; What awesome works&#33; I&#39;m so envious .__.; My knowledge in Music Theory is so lacking (...let&#39;s see.. the B major chord has a b, d sharp and f sharp O_o; )

What awesome works though&#33; I saw some of your sheet music on the original site, how amazing ^o^

March 14th, 2005, 08:34 pm
thanks everyone. i&#39;ll try to post the sheet music for the &#39;gentle dragon&#39;.

March 15th, 2005, 11:32 am
o_O and you said that I&#39;m talented, lol, look at yourself :P Nice works&#33; I really like your orchestrations and use of percussions, keep it up ^_^

Zucriy Amsuna
March 15th, 2005, 11:37 pm
Originally posted by yellowmonkey121@Dec 4 2004, 10:14 PM
This song was inspired by Nobuo Uematsu. Hope you guys like it.
That song is one of the best composed songs I heard from you&#33; :D Nobuo Uematsu is the best videogame music composer since ever&#33; (He created my favourite: One Winged Angel.) 10/10 I give you&#33;

May 6th, 2005, 05:33 am
wow&#33;&#33; ur works are all so awesome&#33;&#33;&#33; :)
love all ur works. ^_^
Keep it up&#33;&#33; :D

May 6th, 2005, 07:08 am
I also agree your a great composer. :o
how long have you been composing?

May 7th, 2005, 09:56 pm
how long have you been composing?
little more than a year and half now.

now this song was orginally for the carnival&#39;s rp character, Ruric. but carnival didn&#39;t want me to compose one for Ruric which i totally understand. so anywho.... here&#39;s the song.

May 7th, 2005, 09:58 pm
this song was supposed to be for Angelic&#39;s Rp character but i totally forgot that angelic&#39;s character was a devil so this is just one of my composition dedicated to... no one in particular. but i like this one.

p.s. i&#39;d be very glad if people leave me some feedbacks. thank you.

May 7th, 2005, 10:27 pm
great songs ^_^

May 8th, 2005, 09:17 am
Great songs&#33;
I like the first one more than the second song&#33;&#33; :D
But the both are all good there is nothing more i can say&#33;&#33; ^_^
I enjoy it much&#33;&#33; Keep uo the good work&#33;

May 8th, 2005, 12:34 pm
The one thing I&#39;m very impressed by is the way you utilise the stuff you&#39;ve listened to and use them in bits of composition. Its got some bits of some of your other compositions I think. I still have no idea how you get the drums so good. I can&#39;t seem to find what note makes for one of the cymbals you use in the first minute or so. I find my music programme very limited still which sucks. I liked the song (second one cos I&#39;ve commented on your first already). Good stuff&#33;

May 9th, 2005, 12:18 am
I like &#39;Endless Memories&#39;, especially the string part. I also like the piano parts around the 2:00 - 2:11 area...

May 10th, 2005, 02:33 pm
Heavy Feather:
I like your accompaniment intro, although I expected the melody to come in sooner . . ah, this one is really nice&#33; Maybe you could make the stops/pauses in between sections less abrupt? Or was that your intention? I don&#39;t know, seems to work against the sweetness you&#39;ve got going on. Oh, and I really like your second half. Great contrast. Oh wow, I didn&#39;t expect a fading ending =P I guess it works, haha.

Endless Memories:
This *could* be for Angelic&#39;s theme . . I mean, you&#39;ve got that minor key section going on. Plus, you can see the &#39;niceness&#39; during interactions with his character&#39;s sister . . *shrugs* . . although it&#39;s a nice piece, I&#39;m not too sure about the drums. Would it have been better without? I liked the first one better though.

Since when did people start composing songs for RP characters? I know it was discussed, but still o.0

May 11th, 2005, 05:13 am
thanks everyone.

Since when did people start composing songs for RP characters? I know it was discussed, but still o.0

well... i ask them for a permission to make a song but carnival didnt want me to and i forgot to ask angelic. i guess im just trying to make some excuses to compose since im lazy.

more to come... very soon.

May 21st, 2005, 09:00 pm
ok I&#39;m really late but WOW. I love love love fate&#33;&#33;&#33; 10/10 if I could I&#39;de give you more&#33; ....aww sooo awesome...

June 5th, 2005, 07:12 am
awww... finally i&#39;m done with this piece. i started this one on march but i just couldnt think of anything after 2:07. so i ended up waiting til now to finish it. you can probably notice the difference between the sound before 2:07 and after. this is the final boss fight i was talking about if anyone still remember.

June 5th, 2005, 07:15 am
this is supposed to be one of those battle theme&#39;s from old games like secret of mana. but i also wanted to submit this in the composition of the month award when we had to use a rare solo instrument. so i decided to use a drum set as a solo instrument. enjoy.

June 5th, 2005, 07:17 am
i realized that i havent composed a piano solo... so i wrote this.

p.s. does anyone know how to use the pedal action in finale 2003? &#39;cause i&#39;m tired of using the note connecting line. thank you.

June 5th, 2005, 04:13 pm

I liked it&#33; ^_^ very FF Nobuo would be proud&#33; 8/10


:mellow: ...speachless. I love the way it unfolds in the beginning. 9/10

June 6th, 2005, 11:00 am
typically only you can come up with something this impressive.

sinister - i liked it until it hit the 2:07 mark. The bit immediately after was ok but was more tuney rather than atmospheric if you get what i mean, but as you said that was hard to do. It was great when the pizz came in. I personally have problems making my violins do that because all the RP-mod sounds are connected to other instruments so one can&#39;t play pizz with normal strings. :(

heartbeat:- I was wondering when someone would put up a disco sort of piece. I really liked this. Drum solos work well in jazz improvisation or in something where only percussion play. Its hard to do what you&#39;ve tried to do successfully. I think it just works and its a great piece again. You have been studying your drums well.

Nice piano solo. Sweet and ethereal. I find it very hard competing with you.

June 6th, 2005, 12:38 pm
Sinister: Certainly impressive&#33; Easy to follow along, orchestration was excellent. I don&#39;t know, but I thought all the parts (before and after 2:07) were good (although the way I listen to midis, I don&#39;t have the clock/timer), because you still connected them smoothly.

Heartbeat: Aww, it would have been great as a piano solo =P But I&#39;m surprised that this one works out quite nicely. Nothing wrong with it at all. *agrees with an-kun&#39;s comments about the drums*

From the Beginning: Although I&#39;m sure it wasn&#39;t intentional, your opening reminds me of "First Love" (Utada Hikaru). While I don&#39;t have a problem with that, others might . . other than that, your song is great =)

July 24th, 2005, 07:10 pm
hey... yellowmonkey is back. yea... i was enjoying my summer in Korea so i couldn't really compose or draw. but now that i'm back in the states. i can post my new compositions and some of the old ones too i guess. well... i've been working on some new melodies and new chords so please tell me how my comps are. first one up is.... "Curious and Oblivious".

p.s. the second one is called "Deep Confession". and if you didnt notice... the ending is from the first 8 measures from my old composition "Drifting..."

July 24th, 2005, 07:36 pm
this place sure has changed since the last time i came. well.. this next piece im about to post is one of my greatest challenge. i put a little story to this song (or put a little song to this story). the setting is in the clocktower (yea.. it's a cliche) and here's how the story goes:

+ 0:00-1:13 = The main character sees his lover on the ground unconciously (dead?).
+ 1:13-2:14 = The main character's friend who betrayed him shows up and explains why he betrayed him and killed his lover.
+ 2:14-2:59 = After their little conversation the main character gets angry and fights his friend.
+ 2:59-4:11 = The main character finally defeats his "friend" and goes back to his lover on the ground. He desperately tries to revive her but it seems to be not working.
+ 4:11-4:15 = The lover finally revives, yet the main character doesn't realize it.
+ 4:15-end = The main character realizes that she's alive and you know the rest.

July 25th, 2005, 12:36 am
http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?t=2114 ^_^. If you cant find a thread then you probably need to change your display options (the box at the bottom of the compos forum) to show threads from another time ex. "last month" "last 75 days" "from the beginning".

Clocktower of Ambivalence- 9/10
Wow I definately teared up in the beginning. I love how you gave the music a story I've always wanted to do something like that. Awesome job conveying each feeling. And, is that a french horn I hear? :D

Deep Confession- 7/10
I dunno this one didn't really grab me.

Curious and Oblivious- 8-10
*Dances around like an idiot* It kind of reminds me young of playing in the snow. I like it ^_^

July 25th, 2005, 01:32 am
Clocktower of ambivalence-
This is a great song. Its seems to have a lot of suspense to it.
I could hear this song in a movie somewhere.
I also like the precussion and timpani a very nice addition
as is the story. :D

July 25th, 2005, 02:04 am
Oops! i didnt know... i tried searching for my old thread but i didnt find any. if it isnt too much trouble... can anyone attach this thread to my original thread? thank you. and sorry about that.

p.s. and yes it is a french horn you hear in the piece.

p.p.s. i dont know if anyone's gonna read this but.... how do i change the title of my thread?

July 25th, 2005, 11:48 am

August 2nd, 2005, 07:03 pm
if its not too much trouble... i would like to ask someone to close my thread as well so i, too, can have a fresh start. thank you.