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July 27th, 2005, 06:25 am
Uh hey, I've been playing piano (sorry for the confusion) for 2 weeks or so now, but is there any exercises to help relieve the pain in my right arm. Iono its kinda building up in my fingers, but is there something to prevent this or to help ease it? Or some warm up stretches I can do, because iono I don't want to damage my right arm since I play the guitar too. Thanks in advance

July 27th, 2005, 12:12 pm
What instrument is causing the pain? If you're refering to the piano, in my opinion the best thing to do is to practise the Hanon excerises to build up your strength. Dont push yourself too hard either.


July 27th, 2005, 12:28 pm
no comment, mind in gutter XD

my suggestion, keep at it. when i started playing guitar, my hand actually cramped up so much i couldn't write, but i kept at it anyway. now, it doesn't cramp up, so just kinda be a little laid back about whatever instrument it is, and jsut take it easy

July 27th, 2005, 03:34 pm
=_= i want to help you, but your missing something important...what instrument?

July 27th, 2005, 10:13 pm
^ guitar

July 28th, 2005, 04:15 am
MinhHoang: I don't want to damage my right arm since I play the guitar too.

Edit: Silly me, I should have just quoted.

July 28th, 2005, 05:01 am
Nah, its nto the guitar, I'm fine w/ guitar =D, but its the piano. Maybe its from a weird exercise iono =P.

Edit: I'm kinda scared sorta, because my bro said something about his friend having this problem w/ piano. Like after a few songs her hands like totally cramps up and she can't play and has to have her bf massage her arm. Yeah, he said I should stretch my arms and massage it, but I have no clue what hes talking about. :heh: And shes been playing for like 10-15 years... shes a prodigy XD

Edit2:Also for the hanon exercises, where can I find a metronome at?

July 28th, 2005, 03:34 pm
if your "ARM" is hurting from piano then something IS wrong with your playing. Because for piano you don't use arms, u use wrist, (at least in the beginning stage of piano learning). Okay anytime you practice now, do anything u can to prevent your arm from moving. Because you want to develope the fingers first, and moving your arm doesn't help.

July 30th, 2005, 07:59 am
Yes for piano the only things that should ever hurt are your fingers and back.

Ok with piano ALL of the pressure onto the keys either comes from your entire body or your fingertips.

For example when you are typing on the computer you dont use your wrist or your arm to press down the keys it's all on your fingers.

Now for chords sometimes I'll practically use my whole upper body which means locking everything from your shoulder to fingers and just pressing down.

July 30th, 2005, 02:02 pm
Some simple warm-up techniques will stop this:

Scales, brilliant for warming up your hands.
Hanon excersises.
Arpeggios in stacatto

Or, it could be because of the position that your arm is in. When playing piano, sit on the edge of whatever seat you are on, with your heals firmly on the ground. Make sure your wrists do not touch any part of the piano and are raised up. Relax your whole arm so that your wrists are flexible and able to move freely.

If problems continue, get help of a music teacher etc.

July 31st, 2005, 06:36 am
Thanks =P