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View Full Version : HURRY TO THE DEADLINE, ME!

August 18th, 2005, 06:52 am
Hello AGAIN (second post today). I'm trying REALLY hard to finish this CMA entry by...today...and I wanted people to critique what I have so far. Can anyone...you know...do that?
Edit: Took out part about "nocturne" since I finally changed the name.

August 18th, 2005, 02:19 pm
1. If you know it doesn't sound like night music, then why wouldn't you take time to change that? That's the whole idea of a thematic CMA

2. Why would you create a new thread about this?

August 18th, 2005, 05:33 pm
Well, for one thing, no one seemed to want to post on the old one, and I felt really desperate. For another, a nocturn isn't the ONLY kind of night music.
Edit: Sorry about the bad judgment on my part.