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View Full Version : Phantom of the Opera (movie)

August 20th, 2005, 06:49 am
I finally got around to seeing this movie, and WOW it was really good. I haven't seen the play live, although I really want to, however I do own the soundtrack. My only dissappointment was that the Phantom's voice wasn't what I was expecting, although I was unfairly comparing it to the soundtrack. Other than that, the music was excellent and it seemed like a great adaptation. What did you all think of it?

August 20th, 2005, 11:21 am
Gaaaand :P http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?t=1947

August 20th, 2005, 07:20 pm
Gaaaand :P http://forums.ichigos.com/showthread.php?t=1947
whoa, I totally searched for it to, because I thought someone might have made a topic for it...

*embarrassed* x_x

EDIT: Ok, I'm not completely embarrassed because that thread was so old that it wasn't even indexed in the search :P