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August 20th, 2005, 09:47 am
So... did any of you consider it?! Let's keep things simple: you have custom made bullets that put the target to sleep instead of killing him (conscience, reat easy). Now you can easily live a life of crime, which offers you the opportunity of either robbing or stealing (rob only banks or rich people's houses, steal paintings, etc. - we're noble and don;t rob the poor). Would you?

Think about it - the excitement, the danger (money's not the main reason).

thoughts, opinions welcome...

August 20th, 2005, 10:11 am
like Lupin III ? :think: , yeah , i would like it :D , by the way, what you say it's possible to do in the real life... :shifty:

August 20th, 2005, 10:48 am
I think me owning the whole Grand Theft Auto series (on every platform one has ever come on) answers that question.

I wouldn't ever think about it in the real world though. My morals prevent me from doing so.

Edit: Plus my mum would kill me.

August 20th, 2005, 04:13 pm
Never watched Lupin...

"My morals"? I don't know... i mean robbing those who created their fortune by robbing others (right now im thinking about the rus politicians). In this case I can't think of a single thing that could stop - the main danger and worst case-scenario of accidentaly killing someone has been taken care of. Remember recently something was stolen from the Luvre? They never did find them, and nobody was hurt...

August 20th, 2005, 08:16 pm
I think that this is something you need to grow up around. I really think this is a rather fiction thing to set your mind on. I mean, you have to really research everything about theft, and a good chance is, that most of the research you could find, is either illegal, or a total assumption of the whole theft thing. The chances of success in this area of work is very low. If you were going to go into this kind of job, you would actually start on robbing poor people for their money, but just to get you going. But I think that all those movies like, "The Italian Job", "Oceans 11" and everything is totally unrealistic (sp?)

August 23rd, 2005, 03:37 am
Don't tell me you've never commited a crime before, I think everyone has atleast once, weather they admit it or not.

August 23rd, 2005, 03:42 am
haha well i've always wanted to become an assasin... living life on the run and gaining huge amounts of money for easy crimes... but i dunno. =]

August 23rd, 2005, 07:37 am
"easy crimes"? I don't think there's anything easy about killing a person, which is why i prefer theft: less chance of people accidentaly getting hurt...

August 24th, 2005, 02:51 am
Theft, been there, done it, got caught. never did it again.

August 24th, 2005, 02:57 am
ive concidered a life of a theif. tell the truth, its tempting. but there aint a snoball's chance in hell of me ever doing that because 1. i dont actually have to steal to live. 2. the only wai i would steal is if the nessecity came up. 3. itll never come up because i have a family, and i dont acutally need anything that bad righ now. i dont doo drugs, or anything like that, nor will i ever. so no ill never steal.

August 24th, 2005, 03:19 am
I would live a life of crime. Except for the fact you never seem to find a good girl in the mix of things....I wonder why?

I wouldn't be able to just do that stuff and then only have fellow thieves and hookers to keep me company when the chips are down. Not to mention the whole life in seclusion from everyone who could screw me over and get me caught by the leather heads would get old fast. However cool it sounds in the beginning.

Igneus Descent
August 24th, 2005, 11:32 am
Lol I stole a plastic dinky braclet from Woolworths when I was four XD *bad Des, bad*
I felt so sick doing it, and in the end I gave the thing to my cousin because I couldn't bear the guilt...I think the life of crime could be interesting, but only for people who are smart and cunning (mainly because they're less likely to get caught).