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View Full Version : PSP with Browser Support and etc

August 23rd, 2005, 03:41 am
Yes, Thats right I've heard that PSP's can go onto the internet. I actually saw the result first hand. However I dont know how its done. I want to discuss about this feature, and how it will affect sales and customer opinions toward PSP. Also this feature wasnt made widely public. People "Hacked" into these systems? I have no idea, but I also heard that people can run programs in this PSP with the 1 gig memory stick. I've also heard that this can only be made possible from the japanese editions. And PSP's has WiFi connection. You can catch internet off of a wireless router, or a PC cafe with WiFi, or anyplace in the city or near you has WiFi. Or atleast, thats what I've heard.


here's an example image.

August 23rd, 2005, 04:13 pm
That would be incredible =)
PSP/PS3 owns

August 24th, 2005, 01:47 am
I think its cool...but...

Hand helds have a limited amount of memory. That means it will have little chace [sp?] and such and such. With out a mouse or a touch screen, its going to be hard to use the mouse.

What about viruses? Pop-ups? How are those going to affect the handheld? Is there even a way to get rid of them from the handheld other then getting a new one?

Those are some reasons why I would stay with a computer and a handheld web browser :P

August 24th, 2005, 02:41 am
Well I have a PSP and I go on line all the tym with it. And yeah you don't get pop ups abd what not, no viruses or spywear gets stuck onto the PSP (but pritty sure some idiot will find out how to write them for the PSP sooner or later whe the American v2.0 comes out) Only problem is is that you don't have the RAM the a PC has so you can't quite open up large files. you move your mouse with the Analog stick but it is a bit slow so it you use the D-pad then you can make the mouse jump from link to link. Yeah the intar web is a bit slow on it, it is almost like being on 56k again. :( but hey it is Wireless and on your PSP! And also it gives more options on your home menu on the PSP. you get a new Language setting (Korean) a new Icon (web browser) and give you the option to change your background to a picture you Downloaded onto your Mem stick, one that you like! Like mine is a pic of Cowboy bebop right now and it is awsome!

August 24th, 2005, 02:36 pm
yes, I've heard that even when PSP has a wireless WiFi reciever, its connection represents a 56k connection or somewhat.