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View Full Version : Memorable Songs With Simple Themes-

June 15th, 2004, 04:32 am
Here's the first song I'm going to show you guys: It is called Trumpet Voluntary by Henry Purcell. It was written ~350 years ago. It's got an amazingly simple theme (just basically a few trills and ascending/descending passages), yet it's so catchy and memorable! It's no wonder why this song is often used for royal coronations and often graduation commencements. Tell me what you think of it. :)

June 15th, 2004, 04:47 am
Ahh..the good La Resurrance (or however you spell that word.) The song is very hard to play on the trumpet. My favorite wedding song. I think for my wedding (if I ever get married) I'll have Super Mario music :)

The super mario theme song is one of those memorable theme songs. Its been in hundreds of remixes and every single super mario game. The only songs that are memorable is "The never-ending song" and the Hamtaro opening song, the only ones that I know, of course.

June 15th, 2004, 05:03 am
Lol! *hums Mario's theme song* Dooh dooh dooh dooh dooh dooooooh, doh! :P

Here's another. It is Greensleeves. It was rumored to be composed by King Henry VIII of England, but it is now doubted. It has also been transposed by Handel to the name "What Child is This".

June 26th, 2004, 03:32 am
W0oT~~ Trumpet Voluntary!!! One of the only songs my school band can play properly *we suck... :sweatdrop: *

the most memorable theme...
is probably...


WHO CAN FORGET THE TETRIS THEME? (after all they just play over and over :shifty: )

LOL i so agree nightmare! THE SUPER MARIO THEME~

i got others...but forgot the names! TT________TT