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View Full Version : Another random thing

August 27th, 2005, 06:38 am
Well I was inspired by my imagination today (If you havent noticed, I always daydream, and whenever I daydream I only roleplay haha.) So i ended up making up a new character who cannot use magic per-say, but has a blade that can activate time magic as long as the user knows how to blah blah etc. All of that you dont want to hear, so I drew this magic circle where that character uses his magic with.

Prepare to be blinded, since it looks very oogleh.

Picture here (http://img394.imageshack.us/img394/3628/timemagiccirclesmall6em.jpg)

Notice that there are straight lines pointing to those roman numbers. The character points the tip of its blade toward the line that points to the certain point of time to reverse, or fast foward time. The user can stop time by stabbing the sword toward the center, which is supposed to say TIME in chinese. (Okay, now here was the problem. I am not good with writing chinese. So I had some help on what characters I should draw, and those are what I came up with. I forgot what each stand for, so yeah cant help you there T_T, but the big ones are supposed to say Moon, and Sun. (Sorta borrowed that kind of theme from CCS).

This drawing actually left me contented. However I wanted it to be more complex, and I messed up countless of times. And the end result, this.

Hope it isnt that bad blah -_-

August 27th, 2005, 06:40 am
Nice! Looks great!