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View Full Version : -catacylsm Angel-

June 15th, 2004, 08:32 pm
This is a picture of my friend's Gaia avatar. I fell in love with it so I went all obsessed and made a wallpaper out of it... You can view it here:


Or see it at my xanga here along with the avatar here:

My Xanga (http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=Ichigo_Kissu)

June 15th, 2004, 08:36 pm
In case anyone can't read the poem:

On the brink of twisted fate
Filled with burning crimson hate
Brilliant are thy orbs of deep
Burnt in flames of a prison keep

Love thy dark, thy tainted soul
Play the apocalypse, desolate role
Love or lust, it matter not
Catacylsm Angel I have sought

What bare power burnt in thy eyes?
What bare power brings reaper dies?
Tell the truth, oh truth so bare
Before my fragile soul does tear...

June 16th, 2004, 03:28 pm
imo, you need to make the text stand out more and give it a background.

June 16th, 2004, 07:43 pm
Honestly, I don't want to put in a backround. i like the simplicity of it.

Neko Koneko
June 16th, 2004, 07:54 pm
In that case, please try to make the text more clear. I think that would improve the readability of it a lot ^_^ May I suggest you try these things?

- Remove the shadow
- keep the shadow, but make the text darker and the shadow lighter
- make the text white with a grey outline (layer option stroke) and keep the shadow.

One of these might look nice, although you never know until you try :heh: