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View Full Version : faster paced music...

September 1st, 2005, 06:46 pm
Ive been having trouble writing faster paced music on finale. I'd like the music to have a final fantasy battle sound to it with the percussion and brass. Any help or tips would be great. Thanks

September 1st, 2005, 11:56 pm
One suggestion: just make sure it's COMPLETELY creative. Try to stay true to yourself, your OWN style of composing. Good, technical music has it's place, but we want to hear your ORIGINAL works.

I haven't had experience on brass, because my patches suck on my comp, but on the percussion, just make sure it's strong and beating. Make it interesting though, and give it some flare and style by not keeping the same beat the WHOLE song.

September 2nd, 2005, 12:06 am
Alright thanks. It seems like im having most trouble creating a good fast fighting-like- melody with peercussion in the background.

September 3rd, 2005, 04:35 pm
Well first of all, make the melody before you make the percussion in the backround; Its so much easier. Don't be afraid to use weird key signatures and a bunch of accidentals, just don't go overboard. To get a fast pace having an ostinuto (did I spell that right?) part can make it seem a little faster. Use short notes like eigth and sixteenth but make sure you use some longer note so it doesn't sound too jumbled up. Just experiment! Start slow on the piano or another instrument to find a good melody, and then speed it up.