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View Full Version : HELP! on orchestra version of sorrow and sadness

September 9th, 2005, 12:03 am
um... i just want to ask one thing about the orchestra version of naruto "sorrow and sadness" or "sadness and sorrow" (wasn't that song the other way around?) i noticed that there were other instruments involved, but i dont know what they stand for. so far it is E.B and "B." Does "E.B" stand for electric bass? or are both of them bass??? im sorry if i asked such a stupid question...its just that idk what kind of bass they are. if it isn't any trouble to answer my question about the instruments, then thanks =)

September 9th, 2005, 10:45 am
E.B could stand for Electric Bass, but it could also be "Eb" which is a key signature.