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View Full Version : Urk.. Help! With Finale Notepad..

June 16th, 2004, 11:24 am

I'm a noob to the site, and to finale notepad. I have two versions of Notepad on my computer (03 and 04) and can't seem to figure out how to do a key change midway through the piece in _either_ -- only that irritating-but-sometimes-useful change all function...

Can anybody help me??

If I've put this in the wrong area (I had a quick glance and this seeemed the most likely :doh: -- however I'm certainly prone to errors....) then one of the mods or whoever are very welcome to give me a shove in the right direction ^_^

If it's in the *right* place, however... then I'd be very happy to accept whatever help that can be given me.. please :)

Thanks muchly...
(and I promise to post some music.. eventually ... once I've figured out how to write it out :/ )


June 16th, 2004, 02:41 pm
Just click the Key Signature box and right click on the measure you want to change. I made a screenshot for ya :mellow:

EDIT: I deleted the screenshot >.>

June 17th, 2004, 09:43 am
Yours must be the bought version of Finale (I know this 'cos you've got extra features that the notepad doesn't have) -- Does anyone know how I might do this using notepad? Unfortunately right click isn't enabled.....

The screenshot does look great, though - and that song looks lovely too....


Can anyone help me? Or do you suggest I buy the proper version? Otherwise I have a program (bought) called Cakewalk Express.. but I'm not very confident at using that...

If I can't be helped, just say so .. :S

Thanks anyway, Noir7


Neko Koneko
June 17th, 2004, 10:21 am
You bought Cakewalk express? :blink:

June 17th, 2004, 10:53 am
Originally posted by Lina@Jun 17 2004, 09:43 AM
Yours must be the bought version of Finale (I know this 'cos you've got extra features that the notepad doesn't have) --
Yep. I bought it. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

June 17th, 2004, 12:19 pm
Don't start posting illegal links. Go read the rules

June 20th, 2004, 08:23 am
Why so surprised, Angelic? It was actually my father who got it, and I'm not sure that we actually *bought* it -- we bought a midiman thingo and that came with it. Anyways, does that imply that someone knows how to use the program? I haven't really had much patience with it...

Anyway, I think I'll just end up getting that expensive program that's on the market at the moment -- they're offering a great deal for students.

Oh, and Saint Savage? I presume you were trying to be helpful, so thankyou ... :&#092; Although if it was something I&#39;d have had to download, it prolly wouldn&#39;t have been worth it anyway as my internet connection is truly quite awful.. <_<


Thanks muchly everyone.
