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View Full Version : Composer's block?

September 16th, 2005, 10:08 pm
At the beginning of June, I posted a composition on this forum. Since then, I've not written a single thing, but started at least twenty pieces. It seems I have no original ideas any more. I don't know how to write...everything I've come up with seems stale and unoriginal.

What do you do when this happens? How do you get ideas? I feel like nothing I write is interesting any more.

Any tips? I really want to be able to compose again.



September 17th, 2005, 04:36 pm
I've had that problem, and I just had to wait it out. It's not something easily worked around, but keep your chin up. Before you know it, you'll be right back into the game!

September 17th, 2005, 05:50 pm
I too, have the exact same problem; whenever I reach the halfway point of a song, I can't think of something that is worth the rest of the song leading up to it. Another problem I have is creating harmony for the melodies I have. I can think of how I want it harmonized, but I can never find the right harmony on the piano.

To get through it, I'm currently fitting some of my older compositions together trying to combine and blend ideas together to add the varying parts I need to my fairly bland style.

I've also tried singing random stuff into the sound recorder on my phone and playing them back when I try to compose. Whenever I walk to school, (a 15 minute walk) I always find that I'm singing some random melody. When I hear the ideas again, I find that pieces and parts of the random singing are useful.

Other than that, I think It'll just to be waited out, or perhaps you'll have to wait for a more experienced composer to give some more helpful advice. (I tried =) )

Good Luck!

September 17th, 2005, 07:46 pm
I too have that problem. Sometimes I will listen to some of the music I like and then just mess around on the keyboard. But then I end up not finishing pieces. like other people have said you can wait do some other things that you enjoy spen time outside, with friends or whatever. :)