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View Full Version : Can't...finish

June 18th, 2004, 07:28 pm
Here's a half-baked song. It's meant to be some sort of comical chase song. Anyways, I can't finish it, probably because the scale is distracting me. Does anybody have an idea. Feel free to rate it if you'd like to, but it's still unfinished.

June 18th, 2004, 08:05 pm
OK, I don't know too much about music, but it sounds like it needs a little more things in it at the same time. Maybe you should try having the scales at the same time? And for a chase, it doesn't sound quite right... Maybe a little faster? I don't know. You probably shouldn't listen to me. :heh:

June 18th, 2004, 08:44 pm
Ok well, the more I listen to it the more it seems to get worse. The way you start just sounds horrible. Basicly it burned out my ears. It gets better near the end. I think you should continue the scale near the end going up and getting higher, but the begining really needs something. If this was a random song that I found on the web, I wouldn't listen the whole thing through.


Get back to me when your finished.

June 18th, 2004, 09:14 pm
Thanks for the criticism on the introduction. I probably would not've even considered changing it if you hadn't brought it up. :heh: And about it burning out your ears, perhaps you had the volume too high? I should't blame your machine at all. Maybe a six-note chord was too much. Sorry for hurting your ears.

June 18th, 2004, 09:16 pm
The beginning does not work for me, especially not the bass chord you put in there for some reason. I think you should trash that, and start the song as it does in 00:05. The glockenspiel(?) doesn't fit either. The bass line works, but is way to repetivite. The flute part is better, I think you should concentrate on having the flute as your main instrument for the theme. Also, I disagree that it sounds like a comical chase song. Try adding in drums, that should do it. But yeah, keep the bass & flute and add some stuff in. I don't want to give it a rating, (it's so short and unfinished) but I would consider it 2/10-ish.

EDIT: for now, that is. Don't take the current rate too serious. :ph34r: