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View Full Version : Request: Un Soir

September 29th, 2005, 05:39 am
Eh, hiya! I'd like to request "Un Soir", a song from "Kiss of Prince ~Ice & Flame~" which is a game based off of the anime "The Prince of Tennis."

Okay, so formal requestish thing outta the way...! I've searched all the sheet music sites I have bookmarked as well as any Prince of Tennis site. Went on Google with many different phrases to try and find something sheet music related on this song, but all I've gotten is stuff like French music, PoT sites, blogs, dA pages and the like. >_> I'd really love it if you could help me with this! I'd like...worship you. Or not. Something along the lines of extreme gratitude anyways =P

Oh, and I could send you the mp3 of the song. It's just a piano playing with a person talking over it. <.< I'm sure you don't really need to know the details of it. Thanks for reading this and many more thanks if you can help me!