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September 29th, 2005, 12:11 pm
My friend says tears are stupid an pointless. I disagree. I know that they won't heal a wounded person or animal, I know the won't revive anything that is dead. I know tears do ALMOST nothing. But, they DO, do something.

For me they are a sign of affection, caring, love, and so much more. When I cry because something sad happened wether it be a book, a movie, a story, real life... I cry. I think it heals something in side. When I cry all the pain I have I have emotinally slowly, very slowly, slips away. I love to cry because of this.

Not only that, tears make us human. How about you? What do you think?

Voice of Violence
September 29th, 2005, 09:31 pm
crying. I think that it is a sign of toatal weakness.....

September 29th, 2005, 09:36 pm
wow. thats shallow.

September 29th, 2005, 10:33 pm
*agrees with muffin* But yeah, I understand that it helps one out to cry. It's a part of exhibiting emotions, (((Don't you ever allow someone to hinder you from expressing your emotions, aslong as it's not affecting them directly.))) I don't do it often because I fear that my tears will only make me more sad: "Omg, that's so sad. Am I crying?". This is what goes through my head when I cry, crying makes me feel more sad.

September 29th, 2005, 10:42 pm
I also think crying is a sign of weakness. Death and pain will always happen, why waste tears and (if you cry enough) some of your eyesight because of it?

September 29th, 2005, 10:45 pm
ppl need to cry to release their feelings. they cant always bottle things up. it unhealthy in so many ways.

Neko Koneko
September 29th, 2005, 10:45 pm
crying. I think that it is a sign of toatal weakness.....

And your wasting is a sign of "toatal" stupidity.

Nothing is wrong with crying, it relieves a person and clears their mind of bad feelings.

September 29th, 2005, 10:47 pm
kinda harsh......

September 29th, 2005, 10:48 pm
See.. I cry at about everything e.e; Movies, Anime, Books and all. Anything sad happens, I cry. I get really involved in those kinds of stuff. That's why. When things happen to me, i don't usually cry though. I taught myself not to show my dark emotions to anyone. Emotional pain hurts a lot more to me than physical. Emotional pains get me teary while physical pain gets me panting. Either way, I just don't cry when it comes to me.

September 29th, 2005, 10:51 pm
I don't know. It depends on how bad a situation is. I mean, if someone close to you was murdered ruthlessly and chopped into a dozen pieces so that you can't even have a proper funeral, I'd probably cry. But if it is because someone teased you or you just have a bad day, then that's just total weakness. And, even if someone died around you, but in a peaceful way, I do not see any reason to cry for that.

And crying because of movies or something... it's all fictional isn't it?

September 29th, 2005, 10:54 pm
You'd cry because you can no longer touch them.. talk to them.. be with them. If someone around me were to just.. not be there anymore.. I'd be sad.. it's like any empty space now.. sure people say to be happy now that they're in a better place.. but what if they never wanted to go?..

Voice of Violence
September 29th, 2005, 11:06 pm
And your wasting is a sign of "toatal" stupidity.

Nothing is wrong with crying, it relieves a person and clears their mind of bad feelings.

listin, i was raised knowing that tears is a sign of weakness so, shut your mouth...or...stop typing...or....whatever

baby V O X
September 29th, 2005, 11:07 pm
whenever someone crys they feel different especially in a certain situation. i think the only time when crying made me feel better is when i cant do anything about the problem im crying about so then its like sympathy, but then at the sme time it also makes you feel weak that you cant do anything about it, but who in the world can solve anything and everything in the world?
i dont think there's anything wrong with crying but if you do it alot it starts to lose its value.so much that it happens so often that people just ignore it.i think crying helps you relize things more because if it didnt mean so much why did it tap into your emotions, so then it kinda gives you a deeper thinking in WHY your crying, from other than the problem, so in a way i think it lets you get to know yourself better too.
crying doesnt make you seem weak because if you get through it you'll just be stronger person. but personally i dont cry in front of people i just suck it up but then i'll just cry later. its just something about crying in front of people, esp. when you dont know them because it kinda seems like a weakness that something can get to you to so show your emotions...

September 29th, 2005, 11:08 pm
listin, i was raised knowing that tears is a sign of weakness so, shut your mouth...or...stop typing...or....whatever
And I was raised knowing that they aren't. He can type what he thinks, just as you did.

EDIT TO Links gf: Your's was just as offensive maybe even more. "Hate", you just told me that you hate me.

Voice of Violence
September 29th, 2005, 11:10 pm
And I was raised knowing that they aren't. He can type what he thinks, just as you did.

yeah, but it sounded really affencive(sp?)

September 29th, 2005, 11:36 pm
You'd cry because you can no longer touch them.. talk to them.. be with them. If someone around me were to just.. not be there anymore.. I'd be sad.. it's like any empty space now.. sure people say to be happy now that they're in a better place.. but what if they never wanted to go?..

i cried while watching pearl harbor......

Dark Bring
September 29th, 2005, 11:39 pm
To me, crying is like strawberry cheescake.

Mmm ~

September 29th, 2005, 11:41 pm
There is other ways to show emotions... Many others... :\

Dark Bring
September 30th, 2005, 12:06 am
What is the simplest way to indulge in a strawberry cheesecake?

Eat it.

What is the simplest way to enjoy a good cry?

Do it.

September 30th, 2005, 12:07 am
makes logical sense...

September 30th, 2005, 12:12 am
Tastes good too

September 30th, 2005, 01:00 am
Mmmm..... Yes, very tasty. ^_^

Voice of Violence
September 30th, 2005, 01:09 am

September 30th, 2005, 01:55 am
Well, you know, this is just a "What's your opinion" thread, so no need to start judging others...

Neko Koneko
September 30th, 2005, 08:43 am
listin, i was raised knowing that tears is a sign of weakness so, shut your mouth...or...stop typing...or....whatever

I was raised that bad grammar usage is a sign of stupidity, so shut your mouth.

September 30th, 2005, 09:39 am
I am going to say something really stupid by true. Tears are definitely useful because it helps to keep you eyes clean.

September 30th, 2005, 09:43 am
and to keep you contacts from chafing ;)

September 30th, 2005, 05:17 pm
I am going to say something really stupid by true. Tears are definitely useful because it helps to keep you eyes clean.

This is very true. Studies show that emotional tears contain certain amounts of magnesium and prolactin, made from your body, to help your eyes. Crying is a good way to let out feelings yes, and to clear the mind. But the action in itself does nothing to resolve the problem. It only helps you feel better. Then again, feeling better about yourself can be the first step to solve a problem.

October 1st, 2005, 04:26 pm
listin, i was raised knowing that tears is a sign of weakness so, shut your mouth...or...stop typing...or....whatever

You mean you were raised to "believe". If you knew, then that means everyone thinks that way. Very few people in the world believe crying is a weakness.

Voice of Violence
October 1st, 2005, 08:51 pm
You mean you were raised to "believe".

i meant to put believe, but i wasn't really thinking at the time...:\ If all you who don't agry(sp?) could live one day here, then....you'd never cry again..

October 1st, 2005, 09:03 pm
everyone where i live makes fun of me for being sensitive and crying at times, but i just tell them to fuck off. simple.

October 1st, 2005, 09:09 pm
This is very true. Studies show that emotional tears contain certain amounts of magnesium and prolactin, made from your body, to help your eyes. Crying is a good way to let out feelings yes, and to clear the mind. But the action in itself does nothing to resolve the problem. It only helps you feel better. Then again, feeling better about yourself can be the first step to solve a problem.

Actually, that's true. -- Emotional tears and normal tears are different, as Nightmare said. So yeah.

I once had a friend who said "I've already run out of years -- I can't cry anymore" ...... and it annoyed me like heck. He annoyed me in general, though.

I think tears, for some point in time, are definately needed -- but in some situations, they aren't. While being chased by brain-eating-12-limbed-alien-spawnchildren, crying isn't the best thing.

October 1st, 2005, 09:16 pm
when you lose your ps1 memory card that held all your ff memory, i wont blame you for crying

October 1st, 2005, 11:40 pm
Dude, on DDR, there are these games that you have to unlock by getting a certain amount of point every time you play a game. So, there were thirty-two something songs you had to unlock. I had to redo getting ALL thirty-two songs TWICE, technically THREE times before we bought a new memory card. That's frustration.

Voice of Violence
October 1st, 2005, 11:44 pm
everyone where i live makes fun of me for being sensitive and crying at times, but i just tell them to fuck off. simple.

:eek: i wish it were that simple here, i did that once, and i ended up having to wash a bunch of garbabge off my shirt......

October 2nd, 2005, 01:11 am
I feel sorry for you to create such a thread, that´s all.

October 2nd, 2005, 01:20 am
who are you talking to? Septer created this thread. so maybe you should like..quote or something..

October 2nd, 2005, 02:09 am
:eek: i wish it were that simple here, i did that once, and i ended up having to wash a bunch of garbabge off my shirt......
that's what switch blades, butterfly knives, and guns are for. (I used to carry at least one of those at one time, but now I don't care. no one bothers me anyway.

October 2nd, 2005, 02:12 am
*fears the switchblade*

Dark Bring
October 2nd, 2005, 02:15 am
that's what switch blades, butterfly knives, and guns are for. (I used to carry at least one of those at one time, but now I don't care. no one bothers me anyway.Woe betide those that would open the floodgates to violence and death.

October 2nd, 2005, 02:17 am
Yes, as said before, tears are good for your eyes...

Oh...and I believe the strongest people CAN cry, but can also stand up for themselves/be sad/whatever without crying as well, they just choose to show it either way.

Oh, and if you believe crying is a weakness...then maybe you need to talk to a lot of when they first saw their children right after they were born. They cried because they were happy, it was not weakness...it was pride, love and joy that caused such a strong emotion.

And for those of you who think you're too sensitive, don't wory about it. ^-^ We all are about some things.

So regardless really..everyone cries once at least in thier life, wether it be right after you born, or when you graduate, or get married, or whatever.

So yeah... o_o ...Um, The End XD

October 2nd, 2005, 02:55 am
i dont have anything against crying but personnaly i dont like to show what im thinking or my emotions. too much that is. ive cried once in five years. for 60 seconds. because my dad died. then it was over.

October 2nd, 2005, 03:30 am
I am so tired of this bullshit about how the truly strong people are the ones that cry. I admit that crying can help relieve oneself, and clear the mind, but the fact that there is a need for it in the first place shows it is a weakness. I believe the truly strong people won't set themselves up in a situation that could make them cry. And if they do, they won't need to cry to clear their mind.

I'm not saying if you cry, then you are weak. I'm saying it can be thought of as a weakness. As an extra step one must do to bring peace to mind, rather then just the will in itself. Another process required to stablize yourself. No matter how you view it, if you need to take extra measures to make something better, then I believe it can be considered a weakness. Not a weak person, but a person with a weakness. Even the strongest people cry, but the people who cry are not the strongest.

October 2nd, 2005, 05:40 am
I am so tired of this bullshit about how the truly strong people are the ones that cry. I admit that crying can help relieve oneself, and clear the mind, but the fact that there is a need for it in the first place shows it is a weakness. I believe the truly strong people won't set themselves up in a situation that could make them cry. And if they do, they won't need to cry to clear their mind.

What about when it's something that one didn't set him/herself up for, like the death of a close friend? Would you say that he/she is weak because he/she set him/herself up for the sorrow by caring for that person?
(Nothing against your opinion, of course; just wondering about this)

Magic Kitty
October 2nd, 2005, 07:48 am
Crying is good for you, I think. When one of my friends was really sick last winter, it helped a bunch of us to cry a little after we visited her.
However, crying is just one way of dealing with pent-up emotions. Some people do it in totally different ways. So the arguments on the first page about someone being stupid because s/he finds crying a sign of weakness makes you look like a bit of an idiot, I think. However, dissing on someone because that's their method of coping is just as bad.
Crying, for me, is an alternative to plenty of other things people could be doing to deal with the crap in their lives, just like punching something, or whatever it is you do. So, yeah, no idea where I'm going with this, it's 10 til 3 in the morning here. :heh:

October 2nd, 2005, 07:51 am
its 10 til 4 in the morn here!

...wow. that was off-topic....

so yeah.

October 2nd, 2005, 01:04 pm
What about when it's something that one didn't set him/herself up for, like the death of a close friend? Would you say that he/she is weak because he/she set him/herself up for the sorrow by caring for that person?
(Nothing against your opinion, of course; just wondering about this)

No, I wouldn't say he would be weak. I wouldn't be suprised either. I would say the same thing....it would be a weakness. In my opinion, he wasn't prepared for the person to die, thus the tears. If you expect a person to die, or so I believe, and assume it to happen at any moment, accepting their death is so much easier. And regardless of whether or not he set himself up, and how, I still view it as a weakness, as it slows progress in his life.

By this, I mean he must take the extra measures to relieve himself by crying for a person he cared about, to help put peace in his mind, and smooth things out. As opposed to just willing it to be so, and moving on. But even if he does cry, that doesn't mean he's weak. So no, I don't think he's weak at all for doing it. Hell, maybe I'll do it when someone I meet, and learn to care for, dies.

October 2nd, 2005, 05:21 pm
No, I wouldn't say he would be weak. I wouldn't be suprised either. I would say the same thing....it would be a weakness. In my opinion, he wasn't prepared for the person to die, thus the tears. If you expect a person to die, or so I believe, and assume it to happen at any moment, accepting their death is so much easier. And regardless of whether or not he set himself up, and how, I still view it as a weakness, as it slows progress in his life.

But if he expected that person to die each day he knew that person, would he really be able to fully care for that person and enjoy the relationship? It seems like that with mortality constantly on his mind, he would be exceedingly preoccupied every single day with his mortality and the mortality of everyone, always expecting their deaths.

It seems that anyone would rather ignore mortality all together and just enjoy life while it lasts; unavoidable accidents shouldn't be necessarily labeled as weaknesses, as it has a negative connotation.

October 2nd, 2005, 07:10 pm
Expecting something to happen to someone has nothing to do with how much you care for them. If anything, were that person to expect the person he loves to die at anytime, that would be all the more reason to care and protect the person. To expect something doesn't make you pre-occupied, but to prepare for it out of that expectation does. Similiarily, to be prepared for something doesn't make you pre-occupied either, but to be preparing for it does.

Ignoring mortality is being naive. Of course, ignorance is bliss. And this bliss is stupidity, and stupidity is what harms us. Having such thoughts of mortality on your mind does not prevent you from enjoying life. It just puts life into a different perspective.

Unavoidable accidents aren't a weakness, the reactions that come from them are, depending on the reaction.

October 2nd, 2005, 07:29 pm
Excellent response. I definately see your points more clearly now, and they get more and more appealing as I think about it; though dwelling on mortality would make life somewhat more "morbid" than complete, blissful, child-like ignorance, it would be worse to never mentally confront it in your life until one particular moment when it's slammed in your face, and you're basically crushed.

But what of physical pain? Is the reaction of crying a weakness if you were to, say, break your nose?

Dark Bring
October 2nd, 2005, 08:00 pm
Tears brought about by strong emotional stress or pain have a different chemical make up than those for lubrication. It has been suggested from their stress hormone content that tears may be a method of expelling excess hormones from the body.

October 2nd, 2005, 08:08 pm
At first, I thought that crying was not a weakness in reaction to your nerves, such as your nose being smashed. Being a martial artist myself, I have had my nosed punched uncountable times. At first, tears were almost instantly brought to my eyes, but I have discovered as I get more and more used to it, that it doesn't hurt so much now as it used to. And so when I get punched in the nose, I have can easily just ignore the pain and continue on, without any tears in my eyes.

So, to shorter my answer, yes, that too is a weakness, but a weakness almost everyone comes with, and a weakness that can be turned into a strength, or at the very least a weakness no more. Just like expecting people to die. Almost noone expects people to die, and are naive of it until it happens. Then they are facing a mental breakdown, and simply can't handle it. That weakness as well can be turned into a strength.

Dark Bring
October 2nd, 2005, 08:14 pm
So, what about people like me that indulge in a good cry once in awhile not unlike enjoying a good movie or a fattening strawberry cheesecake? I can see that the time can be better used to, say, working out at the gym, revising my lectures, but beside the sub-optimal allocation of time, will you think this a weakness?

October 2nd, 2005, 08:16 pm
Eternal cries when:
Stuff geting into her contacts
When her contacts are in the wrong eye
When she's laughing way too hard
and When everyone is yelling at her...

October 2nd, 2005, 08:28 pm
i cry when my contacts are inside out..

October 2nd, 2005, 11:04 pm
I was raised that bad grammar usage is a sign of stupidity, so shut your mouth.

And then in that other thread you asked why so many people hate your guts... <_<

Neko Koneko
October 2nd, 2005, 11:15 pm
Oh shut up.

October 2nd, 2005, 11:17 pm
And you are getting off topic!

October 4th, 2005, 07:16 pm
*cough cough*

Umm... I cry at night a lot because I think too much when I should be sleeping. I also cry at soppy love things on the telly. I also cry at certain films (different from soppy love things), like The Green Mile and the stepmother film I saw once. I also cry when a lot of people yell at me. I cry when I'm in pain. And I cry when I feel ignored/useless/hated.

October 5th, 2005, 02:38 am
Wow. You must cry a lot.

October 15th, 2005, 03:09 am
I find no reason to mourn for the past, because what it is done is done and cannot be undone, so I will quote a line from the movie, "Lifeboat."

"Tears are nothing more than water with a trace of sodium chloride."

October 16th, 2005, 10:13 am
Ah, it comes down to the individual. Yeah, I cry at plenty of things. I hate crying in public though, unless, say I've just found out someone died or something. But I've been moved to tears by books, films and anime 'n' manag, soem of the stories are just so heart-wrenching. I think it comes with being able to visualise things like that so clearly in my mind. I'm quite an emotional person, I laugh excessively, my temper can be hoorrible (not so much anymore) and when I get sad, I feel dismal, though, I don't get so sad anymore.

The other day, at my piano lesson, my teacher got so angry at me, I got so angry at myself, and everyhting that's been happening to me at home, I just cracked and started crying. Sometimes, all these pent up emotions overflow and having a good cry really helps. I don't think it's necessarily a sign of weakness, perhaps in some cases. But why would it be a sign of weakness? "ZOMG, that person has perfectly functioning tear ducts, they have cleaner eyes than me! No fair!"

I sometimes laugh so much I cry, does that make me weak? Because crying is one of my ways to express what I'm feeling does that make me weak? Wow, I have clean eyes, I'm so weak. I don't think I'm a weak person, and I don't think crying makes a person weak. Sometimes, it takes a lot of courage to lets the tears go. Yeah, nothing wrong with crying.

October 16th, 2005, 06:30 pm
Even if tears do mean we are weak or we have weaknesses; weaknesses make us human.

October 16th, 2005, 06:46 pm
True. No one is perfect. I cannot image anything not crying at least once in their life time if they had the chance. Its once of the worlds best emotions.

Crying releaves stress for me. I usualy dont cry on the out side, but more on the inside. I cry when I read a sad book, I hear someone just died that I know, I get a really bad owwie, the works.

October 18th, 2005, 11:34 am
It's scientifically proven that crying once in a while is actually good for you. If you think crying is a weakness, then it actually takes more guts to cry than to not to so actually crying would prove you're a stronger person if you really think about it. Obviously if you cry over little things, then that's not really true but if it's about a serious issue, then it's fine. Whoever said you lose your eyesight by crying is seriously retarded (no offence but still). Tears actually constantly clean your eyes. It protects you from bacteria destroying your sight. You only see them when someone is crying though because excess amounts of tears are produced.

October 18th, 2005, 12:12 pm
For me I cry during movies, books, shows, ect. for the really sad dtuff but in life, I don't. The really important thing that do hurt more than any movie does doesb't make me cry. Strange, maybe I feel others emotions more than I do my own?

October 21st, 2005, 08:14 am
so... are we suppose to tell u about our veiws on crying? hhmmm iono crying makes me thirsty

October 21st, 2005, 09:12 am

wow, that's a new one..

October 21st, 2005, 11:00 am
I don't see anything wrong with crying, but I never do. I am like an ice cube (emotionally).

October 21st, 2005, 10:31 pm
I find no reason to mourn for the past, because what it is done is done and cannot be undone, so I will quote a line from the movie, "Lifeboat."

"Tears are nothing more than water with a trace of sodium chloride."
I see no point in living but I am still here...breathing and living....

October 22nd, 2005, 02:05 am
It's scientifically proven that crying once in a while is actually good for you. If you think crying is a weakness, then it actually takes more guts to cry than to not to so actually crying would prove you're a stronger person if you really think about it. Obviously if you cry over little things, then that's not really true but if it's about a serious issue, then it's fine. Whoever said you lose your eyesight by crying is seriously retarded (no offence but still). Tears actually constantly clean your eyes. It protects you from bacteria destroying your sight. You only see them when someone is crying though because excess amounts of tears are produced.
That along with the fact that when people are saddened by something they unconsciously exert pressure on their tear ducts.

October 22nd, 2005, 02:44 am
I see nothing with crying.It's an emotion that we all use.It's inevitable.

October 23rd, 2005, 11:46 pm
It's scientifically proven that crying once in a while is actually good for you. If you think crying is a weakness, then it actually takes more guts to cry than to not to so actually crying would prove you're a stronger person if you really think about it. Obviously if you cry over little things, then that's not really true but if it's about a serious issue, then it's fine. Whoever said you lose your eyesight by crying is seriously retarded (no offence but still). Tears actually constantly clean your eyes. It protects you from bacteria destroying your sight. You only see them when someone is crying though because excess amounts of tears are produced.

Yes, but crying excessively puffs up your eyelids, and also under your eyes, therefore making your eyes smaller, and causing you to squint and be sensitive to sunlight for a while. It also makes your eyes tired and more likely to tear at screens, lights, bright things, etc. And that's certainly not good for your eyes.

Edit: Tears clean your eyes. But nobody (well, maybe some do, but normally...) cries and thinks, "Ah well, I am so sad, but at least I'm lubricating my eyes and ducts while I'm at it." Seriously. There are three types of tears: basal, reflex, and crying/weeping. Basal are continually clearing and cleaning the eyes. Reflex is when something gets into your eyes and tears form to get it out. And well, crying is when a human gets emotional.

November 1st, 2005, 12:10 pm
crying isn't a bad thing. You may say mourning for the past is useless, but crying is emotionally healthy =) most people feel a lot better after crying. It's better than holding it in and wearing a smile as a facade when you actually want to cry...

November 1st, 2005, 06:04 pm
I cry all the time. I think it gets in the way when I cry at the wrong times, but sometimes it's a very good thing.

November 2nd, 2005, 02:22 am
crying isn't a bad thing. You may say mourning for the past is useless, but crying is emotionally healthy =) most people feel a lot better after crying. It's better than holding it in and wearing a smile as a facade when you actually want to cry...

You don't need to wear a smile. Well, all I'm saying is that it just depends.

November 2nd, 2005, 03:00 am
It is a sad feeling when you know you should cry, but you don't...

This is tied in with the boyfriend and girlfriend thread that existed long, long ago at these forums. My old girlfriend (whom I deeply love... I guess it's loved now...) once told me that you should always look forward and never rest on matters of sorrow. It only leads to more pain and suffering of others. So I should wear my mask and put on a smile; to make the others around you not worry; just smile, because I'll always be next to you.

I have not truely cried for 6 years now, and it is a very depressing thing. There are times where I wish I could cry and release the emotions from within me, but I do not get that satasfaction. I do not feel the tears of joy when happy; I do not get to vent the emotion of depression from within me; I simply mask my depression with an empty happyness to help others. I've tried to change, I even prepared myself mentally and physically by going into absolute solitude for a couple of months, but I just can't make the transistion... I envy those whom can cry... You are previlaged.

November 2nd, 2005, 08:21 am
i see ur point. i cry at night in private if i do. if i ever cried at school or anything i got paid out

November 2nd, 2005, 05:10 pm
I have not truely cried for 6 years now, and it is a very depressing thing. There are times where I wish I could cry and release the emotions from within me, but I do not get that satasfaction. I do not feel the tears of joy when happy; I do not get to vent the emotion of depression from within me; I simply mask my depression with an empty happyness to help others. I've tried to change, I even prepared myself mentally and physically by going into absolute solitude for a couple of months, but I just can't make the transistion... I envy those whom can cry... You are previlaged.
I'm sorry about that.

jaja binks
November 3rd, 2005, 07:48 pm
i cry a lot when i have raw chili, can't stand the heat:cry:

November 4th, 2005, 01:00 am
i cry a lot when i have raw chili, can't stand the heat:cry:

That's an example of a reflexive tear. Not a crying tear.

Mies- I suppose it is part of your personality to always be happy for others, so that's good. But... if it makes you even more depressing/sad, then I say to just stop masking your sadness, because that will make it worse, and eventually can cause great mental problems if you keep doing that to yourself.

Myself, I can't remember where I've cried because of sadness. Not that there isn't any sadness in my life, I tend to just think that this is life, stuff happens.

November 4th, 2005, 09:02 pm
..humm...crying makes me depressed...cuz when i cry about something i not onli cry for the reason which started my crying, but i start to think about other things and get even more depressed, so i would b sitting there just crying for prelonged periods of times, but i find when i show someone that im crying or it just comes when ive been holding it in infront of someone, i talk to them about it, and EVERY time i always feel better after talking and showing someone, rather than just crying privately

November 5th, 2005, 12:58 am
I think crying is good in some situations. But cry too much is showing weakness. I cry a lot, even though i don't want to.

I think this is a good point that Plato (greek philospher) pointed out in some of his works.

Being overly emotional or frequently emotional shows weakness and will result in an action of stupidity. In another word, when human show emotions, they will tend to act upon emotions rather than logic.

Say a begger on the street, looking at you with a puppy face, and holding a sign called "I'm HUNGRY I NEED TO SURVIVE". A lot of people will show emotion to the guy and donate some money to him without even thinking that the reason he's there might because he's lazy and stuff.

THe point is it's good to show emotions and cry once in awhile but know when to cry and when to be tough

November 5th, 2005, 05:12 am
It is good to cry and release emotion, but not to do actions and stuff just based purely on emotion. You'll lose more than you gain that way.

I personally hate crying (but I still do though in private with no one there preferably) because it makes me feel weak and I hate feeling weak.

November 5th, 2005, 05:16 am
Crying is useless. Only the weak cry. Saline solutions produced during moments of diistress avoid distress avoid the waste.

November 5th, 2005, 05:40 am
whoever said "i feel sorry for those who can't cry" or "it takes a stronger person to cry (because they're unwilling to express their emotions etc..)"

i think it's quite the opposite
1.i feel sorry for people who cry
2.it takes a stronger person to get over it
3.time spent crying can be put to better use
4.there are other ways to express emotions than fluids from my eyes and nose running down my face making myself look like a train reck for lord knows how long
5.when people say it shows weakness, it really does. and this isn't just testosterone country speaking, i'm just saying crying isn't a time machine
6.makes everyone else feel akward and depressed
7.pent up emotions can be channeled through other means other than crying(though bottling it up is not advocated)

November 5th, 2005, 11:19 am
I tend to want to be alone if I'm going to cry. =| I agree with ^'s *6, because it does make the people around you feel that way, that's why crying alone is better, but I guess people close to you do offer comfort..

November 6th, 2005, 12:39 am
I totally agree with ^^. Pretty much sums it up with the way I think about it, though no one really notices it... :/

Demonic Wyvern
November 6th, 2005, 01:18 am
I cry when something sad happens and there's nothing I could do about it. Of course, I do it in private. I also think crying makes me look weak. The problem is, I've been holding so much anger and secrets in all these years and it's hard not to cry.

November 8th, 2005, 04:09 am
Crying is a good thing. Imagine you in a funeral, just standing there. It looks like you dont care, or love.

November 8th, 2005, 04:21 am
you can look sad without crying. see ------> :(

November 8th, 2005, 04:56 am
But Ishter, some just arnt the type to show emotions in public, or some are they type who boil emotions on the inside and never show it (somthing I dont recomend)

Not crying is really bad IMO. Keeping such powerful emotions inside cant be good, mentaly and physicly. Some jocks may concider that manly, but I cocider that idiocy. Would you not tell someone if you had a broken rib? Just keep it to your self untill you die of internal infections? I hope not, and same goes with emotions.

November 8th, 2005, 05:14 am
^ so through that example are you saying that because a man isn't inclined to cry, he'll end up living an unhappy life? that sort of sucks

(leaving the part about the concealing broken ribs out of it because it's stereotyping jocks etc and is sort of a different issue)

November 8th, 2005, 05:36 am
ummm yah.

November 8th, 2005, 07:27 am
i really don't have a preference nor do i care that much as whether someone cries or not, i'm sure it's okay if they want to.

The problem arrives when people say crying is a requirement to be human or shows awsome character or _____. Is it a requirement as a human being to pee their pants everytime they're scared? Is it required to throw a fit and scream everytime you're angry? A person's level of emotions can't be judged purely based on something liek crying. If i'm really sad i can find comfort in hugging and talking, right? If i'm angry i can go for a walk and mumble thoughts to myself. If i'm scared i can get in the fetal position and cover my head.

November 16th, 2005, 02:43 pm
Crying is often considered as a sign of weakness. We are all human, humans have weaknesses. It is also proven that women have more of a certain kind of hormone, which requires to be disposed off through tears. We can't help but cry :lol:

November 16th, 2005, 03:24 pm
I have to agree with the Radical dreamer he makes alot of sense. If you bottle up your emotions eventualy there going to come out and then you have an emotional brakedown and it is all down hill from there. Yes there are other ways to vent your emotions. and it isn't always crying. But there is nothing wrong with crying at all. If you think it is a weakness it isn't. And if any of you have read Farehnhieght 451. If we don't cry we will lose our emotions. and then we will all stop questioning things and then we will be even more and more like this scary scary book. Our emotions make kindof us stop and think. if we weren't to cry over somebody who just died I think we would be much more likely to just forget them and all there knowledge.

"When the mind stops thinking we are all dead."

And then also on not morening over a death doesn't that almost undermine a life. Mourning is almost respecful. a moment of silence you might say.

November 16th, 2005, 06:41 pm
I have to agree with the Radical dreamer he makes alot of sense. If you bottle up your emotions eventualy there going to come out and then you have an emotional brakedown and it is all down hill from there. Yes there are other ways to vent your emotions. and it isn't always crying. But there is nothing wrong with crying at all. If you think it is a weakness it isn't. And if any of you have read Farehnhieght 451. If we don't cry we will lose our emotions. and then we will all stop questioning things and then we will be even more and more like this scary scary book. Our emotions make kindof us stop and think. if we weren't to cry over somebody who just died I think we would be much more likely to just forget them and all there knowledge.

"When the mind stops thinking we are all dead."

And then also on not morening over a death doesn't that almost undermine a life. Mourning is almost respecful. a moment of silence you might say.

You're right, and I should know, I've already lost certain emotions.

November 17th, 2005, 01:26 am
I have to agree with the Radical dreamer he makes alot of sense. If you bottle up your emotions eventualy there going to come out and then you have an emotional brakedown and it is all down hill from there. Yes there are other ways to vent your emotions. and it isn't always crying. But there is nothing wrong with crying at all. If you think it is a weakness it isn't. And if any of you have read Farehnhieght 451. If we don't cry we will lose our emotions. and then we will all stop questioning things and then we will be even more and more like this scary scary book. Our emotions make kindof us stop and think. if we weren't to cry over somebody who just died I think we would be much more likely to just forget them and all there knowledge.

"When the mind stops thinking we are all dead."

And then also on not morening over a death doesn't that almost undermine a life. Mourning is almost respecful. a moment of silence you might say.

I like this one! I agree 100%! I agree too much.

November 17th, 2005, 05:54 pm
:heh: Wow are people actually agreeing with me thats amazing.

cookie monster
November 17th, 2005, 06:10 pm
hyuu hyuu

November 18th, 2005, 05:34 pm
Ok cookie monster the piont of this is...

(I like the buny):)

November 18th, 2005, 06:03 pm
some people resort to crying because its easier to cry about a situation than it is to "fix" or deal with it. However sometimes, one just needs to let it go.

Aikurushii Lulu
December 8th, 2005, 06:38 am
Ummm well, i used to not cry openly, and it made things harder. I used to cry myself to sleep where no one could see me, but that didn't help either. Then i started seeing a counsellor and cried freely and afterwards i felt so much better.
But that was 3 years ago, now i've started a new medication to help and it's HORRIBLE! i cry or get choked up over nothing! I get choked up about thinking i'll get choked up! But still, i feel so much better afterwards. Crying is neither a bad or a good thing, it's just a natural thing that the body needs from time to time. Nobody should think of it as physical weakness. That can be studity only for that person, because then they dont allow themselves to feel release.
Earlier someone mentioned emotional pain far worse than physical and i always agree with this. I fell over about two weeks ago and hurt my elbow badly and it was bleeding, but i didn't cry or complain because soon that pain will go away, but emotional stays with you for a very long time.
So now i think it's a good thing if i see a movie or read a book that makes me teary because then i'm open to my feelings, i even almost started crying in a book store last week! how embarassing! :D

December 10th, 2005, 01:02 am
There are other ways to feel release, besides crying. For example, www.xanga.com, www.myspace.com, etc. Therefore, just because we stop crying doesn't mean we lose emotions. We just have a different way of displaying them. I haven't cried for years and years, and it isn't coming back to get me. And no, if you bottle up your emotions, that doesn't mean you'll have a mental breakdown. Just as you bottle them up, you can let them out one by one. Or..you can just get over it.

December 10th, 2005, 10:36 pm
Yes... people who bottle up emotions and have a mental breakdown, those are the weak and sensitive ones who should just cry, because obviously they don't know how to "bottle up" their emotions without making a big dramatic deal about it. Not like we can go back through time, so you might as well just suck it up, and deal with it.

December 11th, 2005, 11:49 pm
I don't think you should label people weak and sensitive because different people have different characters and their way to deal with it. I was like you before thinking that only these people are weak or something so they cry but you will realise that some people have been though a lot rougher times than you think. Stop trying to simplify things by saying that because you can't go back in time so you can suck it up and deal with it because humans are emotional beings and that being a fact, some things can't be "bottled up".

December 12th, 2005, 12:14 am
But some people can "bottle up" emotions without coming to a mental breakdown. It's just what works with them. Yes, things are tragic, but I, myself, don't really see the point in just moping about and crying. And I'm not trying to "simplify" things as there really isn't anything here to simplify. And yes, actually, I do know that people have been through extremely rough times, how did you come to assume that I didn't? Because I obviously have not seen such horrible and tragic events that you just absolutely cry at the sight of it, and since I feel the way that I do, I obviously have not? Yes, and I do hate using the word 'bottling' up because it's like storing something that's about to blow up, which is the normal stereotype, of course.

Aikurushii Lulu
December 12th, 2005, 01:51 am
You sound pretty ignorant about such things though. I am not weak because i've cried or lost it sometimes. Speaking from experience i had a mental breakdown this year, and you can't just 'suck it up'. I think your view of a mental breakdown is somewhat warped too. I didn't have a dramatic fit. I just couldn't cope with working anymore, i had to quit my job because i would often cry or have panic attacks.
I can see your point about crying and moping around. But i didn't do this, i mostly hid my feelings. I think you shouldn't generalise a group of people because not everyone is the same or in the same situation and therefore you cannot understand everyone's unique problems.

December 12th, 2005, 04:37 am
And what is a weakness? The way I see it, you are basically saying that a person isn't weak just because they can't take it anymore, and have a mental break down and cry. And that compared to people who don't have a mental break down at all or cry, they can be just as strong.

Now the way I view it, that's just the same as saying "People who don't have stamina to fight their opponent and thus are defeated in battle are no weaker than the ones who fight their opponent and never win." Sorry, but that just doesn't make sense. Even if the person never wins the battle, they aren't defeated like the person in the first part. Crying itself, doesn't do you any good. The need for crying is a weakness. It's a dependency. You are exerting your time to an action in an attempt to restablize your mental health.

People who are dependent on something to keep their mental health are weaker then those who don't depend on something. Just like people who go to battle and depend upon their sword to win are weaker than those who kill just as many people with their bare hands. If you break under high pressure and start crying, you're weaker than a person who under high pressure keeps his face up and continues on.

You're right, different people have different ways of dealing with things. And some of these ways make some people stronger than others. If crying is your way of dealing with something, sorry, but compared to the people who can deal with it without crying (or something more dramatic), you are weak. So, yes, I view crying as a weakness. As a dependency. And if you cry, I consider you weaker than me, because you are depending upon crying to help realize tension within you. Where as I do not require such an action to release tension from me.

December 12th, 2005, 10:26 pm
wow the whole crying thing = weakness do you mean in private, in front of people, or either? (just curious)

December 13th, 2005, 02:27 am
I think Nighmare means the action of crying regardless of in private or in fron of people.

Crying is a way to express emotions, showing that you are sad, happy or whatever. Just like if someone laugh, they think something is funny (or maybe they are crazy). You mean people who show their emotions on their face are weak while others that don't are strong? Saying that crying is a dependency to release tension doesn't even justify people who cry because they are happy or when people watch a touching movie.

Comparing someone that cry for awhile and manages to move on and someone who does not cry but cannot come out from a depressive state he/she is in, will you consider the crying person weak? or the person that don't cry stupid because he/she want to put up a front?

I just want to say that crying is a reaction people have to certain events, it is in no way a weakness but a tool for expression.

December 13th, 2005, 03:22 am
Meim had it right, I was referring to crying as an action itself. And meim, in your example, I would agree with you that the person who cried was the stronger of the two. But compared to a person who could just as well let the depression go without crying, I would say the person crying is the weaker of the two. I guess it all depends upon the situation.

December 13th, 2005, 10:57 pm
I don't only cry to feel better. Sometimes it is just an atomatic reaction. I cry for happy moments as well as sad. It simply means I'm okay with expressing my emotions. Though I don't think it is good to say the other is weak or stupid until you try it yourself.

December 14th, 2005, 02:07 am
Crying is a way to express emotions, showing that you are sad, happy or whatever. Just like if someone laugh, they think something is funny (or maybe they are crazy). You mean people who show their emotions on their face are weak while others that don't are strong? Saying that crying is a dependency to release tension doesn't even justify people who cry because they are happy or when people watch a touching movie.

If you want to compare emotions, then why don't you say, hey, if you're angry, go ahead and bash people in the heads, go on, release your emotions? Or someone who's excited and pisses in his pants, well, I guess that should be no problem, as he's just releasing his excitement. People need to know restraint. And if they cry because of a movie/play/..., then that (to me) seems to be even more weak because they are crying of a fictional (most likely fictional) story. And if it's because they're happy, yes, elation could be cause for crying, but do they sit there and sob? No, usually, tears just come to their eyes and they're smiling and happy. I guess what I'm trying to say is, the difference between comparing smiling/laughing as releasing the happiness emotion and crying to release the sadness emotion, is while you are happy, no one (or no one I have known) spends their day or time doing nothing, but smiling/laughing. At least compared to the actions that most people do when they're crying (e. g. sitting around, crying in bed, etc...), they don't do that when they're smiling. Smiling is portable. Hey, you can work when you're smiling, I doubt that you can work when you're crying, that could be hazardous.

Comparing someone that cry for awhile and manages to move on and someone who does not cry but cannot come out from a depressive state he/she is in, will you consider the crying person weak? or the person that don't cry stupid because he/she want to put up a front?

In that first case, obviously the latter cannot handle themselves either way, so if they cry, it wouldn't make a difference because they'd be at the bottom of the pit anyways. And in the second case, that's just pathetic to put up a front and "look cool" by not crying. It's not a front to put on. It's your personality. But, if it doesn't affect them, then it doesn't really matter what they do.

December 15th, 2005, 11:37 am
Who is stronger? The one who wins or the one who loses?

December 15th, 2005, 06:10 pm
Ok crying is not a weekness at least not in todays world. know we have jobs that basically it fits every personality type. see think about this. somebody who crys alot or weres there imotions on there sleve and then oneday becomes a famous actor because of this because he can connect to the story. so is he really that weak in todays world. And yes I will agree that being able to bottle up some emotions will help you but I do think they have to be released and is crying really that bad of a way to release them. it is not a dependency.

December 15th, 2005, 09:04 pm
BTW, someone said smiling is portable....So is crying! Duh!

December 16th, 2005, 02:34 am
Who is stronger? The one who wins or the one who loses?

Wait, what are you referring to?

BTW, someone said smiling is portable....So is crying! Duh!

Portable in the sense that it doesn't distract you from doing anything. You can smile at the same time and talk on the phone or do your homework, but I really doubt that people who cry will do their homework or talk on the phone. Also, when people cry, it also makes other people feel uncomfortable to be around them, and unless you are someone who is uncomfortable around people who are smiling, that is much more less likely.

December 16th, 2005, 09:42 pm
I don't know about other people but I can cry and do stuff at the same time.....

December 16th, 2005, 10:45 pm
Yes, productive things though? At least, with the people that I've known, the reason that people cry is because they are saddened, and usually, when people are saddened and need to cry, they don't think about doing anything else, because they are crying from the reason that the needed to in the first place. I have never seen someone concentrate on their homework while crying at the same time. Not to mention, it is easier to smile than cry because you can smile and then not smile in ten seconds, but I don't really think that you can just stop crying immediately in ten seconds.

December 19th, 2005, 08:20 pm
You need to cry... If you didn't you would end up hurting yourself, go mad ya know. ;) If anything it doesn't help not to cry, so why keep it inside? Though, there are many people who have trouble releasing their emotions they think that everything is going to be ruined if they cry, I try to tell them to just let it out, but I guess its somthing that their used to and don't want to change. =/

December 22nd, 2005, 04:22 am
Hm... well, I suppose we are all different. Some people, majority of the people need to release emotions. Some people just... don't. But, according to the majority of the people who need to release emotions, they think not releasing them will make you have a mental breakdown/go crazy/etc... and to the people who don't release emotions, they think that people who do are weak/sensitive/etc... Ironic, isn't it? What a vicious cycle.

December 22nd, 2005, 02:29 pm
O.K. How about this:

I usually release my emotions by crying so:
I'm gonna go for a month trying my best not to cry at all.

For someone who doesn't cry:
Do the opposite of me for a month.

December 22nd, 2005, 04:44 pm
Yet, the people who cry and also don't, they are already used to doing that, so experiencing the opposite of what they usually do is... trying just for the sake of trying. But I will try, just to keep this going. Starting... now.

December 22nd, 2005, 06:10 pm
I know I almost cried at the end of FFX when Yuna was whistling out into the distance....that was so sad....bujt I didn't cry! Because I'm a man! and I've promised myself to never cry again no matter what happens. hahaha, now i know I just junxed myself andm y life is gonna' be full of sadness hahaha.

December 29th, 2005, 05:22 am
Well.. reading some posts gave me a little Philosophy Statement (Will be in Self Philo)

"Tears can be a sign of death, affectiontion, desparatness, lowness and many more feelings to be discribed. Mainly tears can be summed up in a litte essay.

As tears flow from ones sight and thought, they distribute love, hate and mixed feelings of whatever the situation.

As love renouns. This can also bring hate also. -If your known wolf is being chased by another hunter than yourself, you might as well destroy the competition.

Hate (as tied to love) can be also written down. As hate appers, the black-clear waterfall from your firery eyes, shed down all that if happy or nice, into dark, deep blue and fire hatedred that is as black as the Satan's Night. Hate is something to be explained from tears on confusion as well.

Tears are another part of life. They do not always mean nothing much. They offer Expression."

Mainly: Tears are our other side of Emotions too.....

December 29th, 2005, 05:23 am
I know I almost cried at the end of FFX when Yuna was whistling out into the distance....that was so sad....bujt I didn't cry! Because I'm a man! and I've promised myself to never cry again no matter what happens. hahaha, now i know I just junxed myself andm y life is gonna' be full of sadness hahaha.

As someone once said..

"Real men Cry."

December 29th, 2005, 07:33 am

July 19th, 2007, 09:45 pm
I like to cry bcuz otherwise all of the stuff ur holding in can overwhelm u and then u will start crying at an inapropriate [sp?] time and u might get in trouble. there is quite abit of drama in my life between friends and family and my pets and my jod plus much more so i find a time almost every day to cry and let it all out so that i can feel better.all i have to think about if one of my ex-boyfriends and how much i loved him and the stupid reason of y we broke up and then i have enough sadness inside of me to cry...so crying is a good thing and it is not a sign of weakness its a sign of fear , happiness , sadness , nothingness , care , joy , being mad , and others but its NOT a sign of weakness or whimpyness.

July 24th, 2007, 04:17 pm
I get a good cry in the morning,

right before I start the day.

July 24th, 2007, 05:45 pm
I get a good cry in the morning,

right before I start the day.

lmfao. XD

And I hope that was a joke. >_>

I cry about once every year and a halfish out of being sad I think. I cry much more often out of happiness, usually when I see an amazing piece of artwork. :'3

July 24th, 2007, 07:16 pm
I cry a lot. The smallest things can make me cry. And when I'm really upset, I'll cry for a long time. On friday, I cried for 30 hours straight when I left Italy. I was gonna miss the city, and some people I met there. And when I finally got home, I cried a lot there. Because I was happy to be home. So, I not only have tears of sadness, but tears of joy.

July 24th, 2007, 08:09 pm
I remember i used to be a huge crybaby... usually for being in lunch detention, getting in trouble, getting snitched on (damn them), being left out, and if i lose something or omeone special.

I dont really cry anymore though, I'm a lot stronger now...

July 25th, 2007, 01:02 am
But it takes a strong person to cry...

July 25th, 2007, 01:09 am
I don't cry much... not out of a desire not to, it's just that not much can make me cry anymore.

July 25th, 2007, 01:48 am
I like crying. :)

Even when I'm not happy or unhappy.

I don't know why.

July 25th, 2007, 02:46 am
I think (and use) crying as a release of tensions that are stored in my brain. I try to sit back and relax to a good musical piece, and cry to (as said) release tensions such as headaches or inferior thoughts that keep you depressed. >.<

So, I think nothings wrong with crying. ^_^

July 25th, 2007, 02:53 am
But it takes a strong person to cry...
true... but i dont cry over meaningless things like getting in trouble

July 25th, 2007, 03:50 am
Yes, productive things though? At least, with the people that I've known, the reason that people cry is because they are saddened, and usually, when people are saddened and need to cry, they don't think about doing anything else, because they are crying from the reason that the needed to in the first place. I have never seen someone concentrate on their homework while crying at the same time. Not to mention...

Um... once I cried while watering my plant... Does that count as productive? :P

July 25th, 2007, 08:03 am
I cry a lot...and a lot...I don't know why...but crying is not good for your health....trust me....But sometimes crying can also mean someone is happy..^^

July 25th, 2007, 08:04 am
crying is good once in a while
to let ur emotions go
but if u cry all the time
well then:heh:

July 31st, 2007, 08:14 pm
I wish I could cry more often. I think I get too much pent-up emotional tension in my head. Maybe wanting to cry is what stops me from doing it. *shrug*

Zero X
August 1st, 2007, 01:11 pm
There is absolutely nothing wrong about crying.
It will release your emotion and pain in you.
(But crying over small things like losing a handphone or losing small things is just ridiculous. Just get a new one unless it's really expensive and the one you lost is like you used your effort to buy such as working for 4 months to buy one.)

I really cried when my grandmother passed away 2 years ago. And sometimes i might cry when i'm watching a sad movie.(Yeap, even when I'm having an idea of drawing comics it makes me NEARLY CRY! because i put feelings in drawing when it comes to comics. :heh: )

Sunny Kimiko
August 1st, 2007, 01:33 pm
Crying is a way to express emotions. Just like anger or affection, different people express their feelins in different ways. Some people cry more than others, it's their preffered way of expressing emotion. think about it, why do babies cry? Because it is instinct to cry when something is wrong.

I think that even if someone cries for no Apparant reason, the body is just using the most natural way of releaving stress and bottled up emotions that they person may not even know about.

Having said all this, it's alright to cry, even if you don't know why.

August 1st, 2007, 06:37 pm
I might cry alot, I might not cry at all... It depends...
Crying is good for letting out emotions you supressed... Being it whatever emotion it is.
I cry when I'm happy, sad, angry or stressed... Well... Sometimes I cry for weeks, sometimes I don't for weeks, even though I feel I would be much better crying... I'll never say crying is stupid, nor that not crying is stupid. It depens so much on the person.

Sunny Kimiko
August 2nd, 2007, 03:59 am
Yes, crying itself isn't very productive, but it makes you feel loads better afterwards.... It's like taking a shower when you feel really grimy you know?

August 9th, 2007, 10:06 pm
i know that i hadnt cried for a really long time and then...lets just say i was under stress and i found a person who i could feel comfartable crying around and so i did. it really sucks while its happening (at least for me) but i really do feel better once i have got my feelings out. dont any of you feel like a tension building up inside you? the best way i have found to relieve it is crying and/or just saying how you feel.

August 10th, 2007, 05:17 am
dont any of you feel like a tension building up inside you?

definitely, especially in front of certain people....I don't know why....first it starts in my head because it starts to hurt for some reason like it might explode then I can feel it swelling up in my throat and hiding behind my eyes....and then you can have those pretty cries where it just runs down your cheeks and out of your eyes but then there is the ugly cry with the snot and the whole mess...

August 10th, 2007, 07:34 am
I just realized I try to suppress my cry, like, every fifth time or so of the times I need to cry, when I'm almost starting. It really hurts when actually suppressing (at least to me). First I get this feeling I need to cry and I try not to, then my throat start to hurt and then it's like it walking down to my lungs and I can't breath properly, which make me panic, which make me cry hysterically. That doesn't help at all, because it's get even harder to breath. When that happens I need someone to calm me down before I start to try to stop the pain in my lungs, because I don't know what I might do.
That kind of cry is just making things worse, because I just panicked and when I stopped crying i still need to cry because I was scared, I still haven't had that cry I suppressed and I feel I was a bother to the person trying to calm me down. And sometimes I can calm myself down before it hurts too much, then I cry...

August 11th, 2007, 09:26 pm
i know exactly what you are talking about. sometimes it hurts to hold it in because of how strongly you feel and also, it is like holding your breathe for to long. everyone has too cry eventually, some people just do it more often than others.

August 29th, 2007, 10:03 pm
I also think crying is a sign of weakness. Death and pain will always happen, why waste tears and (if you cry enough) some of your eyesight because of it?

I know were you are comming from.I totaly understand why you have that point of view, but As Shadow tought me the is a time to cry and a time to express nothing. My background history is filled with pain, death, tourcher, and much more, yet I never shed one tear. When I met Shadow he tought me it is okay to cry because if you don't you will soon selfdestruct by your past.
I belive crying is okay to a point. I only cry because when ever Heather and I leave eachother, my heart is always torn, then out of sorrow I cry.

August 29th, 2007, 10:11 pm
My view of crying is that it has symbolic value, and it helps to underline certain expressions like joy or sadness. Nothing wussy about it.
nothing like laughing until you are crying =)


August 30th, 2007, 01:59 am
Tears are made to get u happy and forget, perhaps cause u will feel sry for urself and forgive ur own actions and blame on others. I think tears is a cheap way to get across life, its occurings, and sorrow. But ofcourse, everyone cries( sure hitler did when his mom spanked him when he was a baby)

August 30th, 2007, 04:22 am
Hmmm Tears... i seem to be unable to cry when something comes up that should be cryed over :( my best friend died in year 9 and all i did was sit there and look at everyone else cry.... made me feel terrible inside.

And i dont think ive cryed since.

Sunny Kimiko
August 30th, 2007, 06:27 am
I just realized I try to suppress my cry, like, every fifth time or so of the times I need to cry, when I'm almost starting. It really hurts when actually suppressing (at least to me). First I get this feeling I need to cry and I try not to, then my throat start to hurt and then it's like it walking down to my lungs and I can't breath properly, which make me panic, which make me cry hysterically. That doesn't help at all, because it's get even harder to breath. When that happens I need someone to calm me down before I start to try to stop the pain in my lungs, because I don't know what I might do.
That kind of cry is just making things worse, because I just panicked and when I stopped crying i still need to cry because I was scared, I still haven't had that cry I suppressed and I feel I was a bother to the person trying to calm me down. And sometimes I can calm myself down before it hurts too much, then I cry...

When you want to cry, just let it out.

September 13th, 2007, 05:36 pm
Crying is what the weak do. True is helps some, but why waste your time over something that dosn't matter?

September 13th, 2007, 09:34 pm
You say that as if you mean to imply that when one cries, it is due to something of no importance. You, nor anyone else, is in any position to judge what one cries about. We all have different emotional capacities. If one feels that it does them good to let out their emotions and cry, then who are you indeed to say otherwise? It usually, if not always, does no good to contain your emotions. That usually, if not always, does more damage than it does good. It's kind of like oppression of the masses: the longer and more harshly you oppress a population, the more likely you will face rebellion.

September 13th, 2007, 11:56 pm
Crying is what the weak do. True is helps some, but why waste your time over something that dosn't matter?

1) Use your original account, cody.
2) Your ignorance astounds me.
3) It's scientifically proven that crying is good for you. If you could give me one decent example of why it would not be good, then I might reconsider the fact that your brain is less than the size of a lilliputian's.

September 13th, 2007, 11:57 pm
1) Use your original account, cody.
2) Your ignorance astounds me.
3) It's scientifically proven that crying is good for you. If you could give me one decent example of why it would not be good, then I might reconsider the fact that your brain is less than the size of a lilliputian's.

IDK It may be good for you but sometimes its hell not good for anyone around you


September 14th, 2007, 01:01 am
IDK It may be good for you but sometimes its hell not good for anyone around you


September 14th, 2007, 01:30 am
Well.. that was a real conversation piece. *twitches*

I don't think I'll say anything more about it until I know your view on it, RD.

September 14th, 2007, 01:39 am
Crying is okay

being gay is okay

but thats just a monster. Look at his other videos [yeah its a he].

I mean, after some point I think there is some real mental illness instead of just pure fun and humour. -1digg

September 14th, 2007, 01:58 am
Oh good. In that case, that boy really needs something better to cry about. Seriously, it's stupid some of the things people will trouble themselves about. There are people dying every day in Darfur, he would do better to cry about that instead.

September 14th, 2007, 02:09 am
He also contradicts

"I don't care if she never feeds her kids"
"How would you feel for if she died and couldn't take care of her kids?"

hes so viral.


September 15th, 2007, 04:56 am
I shed tears for the first time for god knows how long...

It was the most ridiculous thing ever.

September 18th, 2007, 05:01 pm
I cry everynight after work because I wish I was old enough for a real job to make money. I hate what I do everynight.

September 18th, 2007, 10:50 pm
Not sure I want to know but just what do you do each night?

September 18th, 2007, 11:54 pm
Off-topic: Han's interested. =p

September 24th, 2007, 06:50 pm
off-topic: is it just me or does that sounds, like... really fake?

September 24th, 2007, 07:05 pm
Off-topic: Han's interested. =p
I prefere a challenge.

off-topic: is it just me or does that sounds, like... really fake?

September 25th, 2007, 04:33 am
off-topic: is it just me or does that sounds, like... really fake?
It is very fake. lawl.

Yes what? D:

September 25th, 2007, 08:12 am
"Yes" it sounds like... really fake

Divine Shadow
September 25th, 2007, 07:47 pm
I cry everynight after work because I wish I was old enough for a real job to make money. I hate what I do everynight.

Ok..... so what do you then? I mean, if it's not a real job, what type of work are you doing?

And yes, it does seem fake. :\

September 25th, 2007, 11:10 pm
why did like 5 people just ask the same question?:huh:

Sunny Kimiko
September 25th, 2007, 11:55 pm
I cry everynight after work because I wish I was old enough for a real job to make money. I hate what I do everynight.

Honey... Where do you live? You know, what you're doing could be very illegal and posting it on the net is probably not very smart. Also, if you're underage, and have to work just to live, why do you have time to go online and gather sympathy?

I'm sorry if I seem un-sympathetic, but that's just my view.

Now, on crying... XD I have no more to say..

September 26th, 2007, 02:21 pm
Also, if you're underage, and have to work just to live, why do you have time to go online and gather sympathy?
Nice argument there! :lol: *thumbs up*

Sunny Kimiko
September 27th, 2007, 05:57 am