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September 29th, 2005, 01:41 pm
Any interesting experiences with drugs? Morality issues and your opinion on the laws, publicity and the likes?

I don't understand why anybody would smoke. It's an expensive habit, bad for your health and tastes like shit.

I enjoy a drink now and again, that's all really.

September 29th, 2005, 02:14 pm
I feel the same as you do. But I really hope there will be some who think otherwise (for this thread's sake). I'd really like to know what's going on in their minds.

September 29th, 2005, 07:54 pm
I agree with all you, except that I quit drinking. I talk with these people sometimes
on a daily bases and other times a little. They just like to do it and some deny that it will kill you. They see it as a pastime.

Voice of Violence
September 29th, 2005, 09:21 pm
for me drugs is very confusing, some people say that you can control the addiction, and others say that you can't. But i'd never try them without knowing the affect after words. And as for the smokeing, i think that it's just plain stupid, if i found out that one of my friends smoked, i'd beat the crap out'a them while chanting 'if i ever see a sigaret in your mouth one more time i'll kill you'.......i care for my friends alot.... :heh:

September 29th, 2005, 09:53 pm
If you haven't started. Don't bother. Its not worth it at all.

Edit: Even if you have. Its such a bad habit and a total waste of money. Stop while you can still control urges.

September 29th, 2005, 09:55 pm
drugs are bad.


so i stay clean

Voice of Violence
September 29th, 2005, 10:06 pm
you CAN control them??? now my qureosithy level has risen.................

September 29th, 2005, 10:08 pm
lock yourself in a room with no way out.

how do u get into such a room?

i do not know.

Voice of Violence
September 29th, 2005, 10:14 pm
that...that will be very hard...

September 29th, 2005, 11:04 pm
there are such things as "controlling an urge". Some people have strong wills, and wills are very easy to break surpised or not. It all depends on the enviornment of the user, and most importantly the user itself. I never took drugs and I never will.

September 30th, 2005, 12:45 am
bad stuff people
never start, and if you have stop right now or it will screw you over later on

September 30th, 2005, 01:34 am
"I believe in a long, prolonged, derangement of the senses in order to obtain the unknown." - Jim Morrison

Jim did this through drugs of course. And he did, in my opinion, create some of the most interesting music the mainstream world has seen.

Anybody in here actually do marijuana on a regular basis or as a recreational thing? I don't think drugs are as bad as the media says it to be.

September 30th, 2005, 04:56 am
A few years ago, someone asked me why I would spend $30 to $50 per month on model airplanes and the supplies to build them. I asked if they'd rather I spend $500 to $1000 *per day* on crack and the supplies to smoke it. That shut 'em up right quick... ^_^

September 30th, 2005, 12:31 pm
The media dont always claim some drugs as bad. Marijuana for example is used for medical reasons. However using such drugs will bring about strong addictions and after effects even if you get a great feeling or accomplishment from that drug.

Its like granting a wish.
Your wish will be granted, but you must pay equal amount in return (items, money, or even part of your soul) to equalize the transaction.

So with most drugs, you might get benifited but in the end it comes out to be even worse.

September 30th, 2005, 03:32 pm
I hate drugs with a passion- they fuck people up.

Cigarettes are a complete and utter pain: I wouldnt have a problem with them if they didnt affect non smokers; smokers have the right to smoke- it's their choice, their lungs and their general health. But do non-smokers have the right not to smoke? No they don't; i am a non-smoker, but i still have to walk past smokers who blow it all in my face: the passive smoking i have done...fucking hell, i may as well take it up myself. Non-smokers should be allowed clean, fresh air with no tainting by cigarettes. If this was possible, then i would have no problem with smoking.

as for alcohol, i have one sentence: YOU DONT NEED TO BE PISSED TO HAVE A GOOD TIME.

other stuff....a sad, pathetic waste of money *shakes head*

September 30th, 2005, 03:46 pm
Well, i live in The Netherlands. And softdrugs is legal here.
So if i get the chance why not?? I think using drugs isn't that bad...
As long u can control urselfs..
In weekends i always chillin out with friends and some of u always buy some weed... just for chillin u know...
So i think, theres nothing wrong with drugs.. but as long u can control urselfs and u know what u are doing..

September 30th, 2005, 04:13 pm
I personally have never tried drugs or smoking ect. I already have a thing against medication that my doctor doesn't prescribe. XD I'm sick today and when people ask me if I want advil or tylenol, I still say no. Haha. And I also don't like sodas or anything carbonated, so I don't think I'll get addicted to anything anytime soon.

EDIT: I just realized that my signature totally contradicts this thread. It has nothing to do with smoking I swear! XD It's something my sister said when we were all on sugar highs. I'll go and change it now.

September 30th, 2005, 05:06 pm
for me drugs is very confusing, some people say that you can control the addiction, and others say that you can't. But i'd never try them without knowing the affect after words. And as for the smokeing, i think that it's just plain stupid, if i found out that one of my friends smoked, i'd beat the crap out'a them while chanting 'if i ever see a sigaret in your mouth one more time i'll kill you'.......i care for my friends alot.... :heh:

You say this, yet your avatar seems to promote smoking by the way it depicts the person with 2 cigarretes. I find this rather hilarious, lol.

My opinion on drugs, is that I don't care. They should be legal. If people want to ruin their bodies, and destroy themselves, they should be able to. Of course, if drugs are forced onto another person, that's a different story entirely. Or if a husband does drugs, and it stops him from working so he can't raise enough money for the family; things like that. If you live by yourself, or similiar, and noone else is dependant on you, why not? It's your own life to mess up, not anyone elses.

Voice of Violence
September 30th, 2005, 05:19 pm
wow, i just notisted that my avatar of 2-D has cigarets..............well.......wow......

September 30th, 2005, 11:02 pm
Well, i live in The Netherlands. And softdrugs is legal here.
So if i get the chance why not?? I think using drugs isn't that bad...
As long u can control urselfs..
In weekends i always chillin out with friends and some of u always buy some weed... just for chillin u know...
So i think, theres nothing wrong with drugs.. but as long u can control urselfs and u know what u are doing..

Drugs actually limit how well you can control these cravings. However I must agree that drugs should not be banned like crazy since that will raise curiosity levels for other people and in the end will lead to more drug usage. Also remember, drugs destroy your systems both slowly and quickly. Doesnt matter if you dont feel any after symptoms.

October 1st, 2005, 01:49 am
basically, everyone pretty much agrees that drugs are bad, no?

October 1st, 2005, 01:55 am
Morally, no. Physically, yes.

October 1st, 2005, 02:22 am
ya, drugs are just stupid

Voice of Violence
October 1st, 2005, 02:52 am
hmmm... so when your in the hospital, and they give you morphien(sp?) it would get you high right?

October 1st, 2005, 06:20 am
I'd imagine that the morphine has a similar purpose in that context to novacane, not some desperate attempt to escape the reality of one's life as some other drugs are used. Or, less seriously, for a "good time," though, I agree with Thorn and extend it to drugs. You don't need to be mentally incapacitated to enjoy yourself, though it's harder for the more self-concious people. I generally find that the usage of drugs means that a person has some sort of weakness he/she is trying to circumvent by being out of their normal state-of-mind... and thus I don't approve at all.

October 1st, 2005, 07:33 am
Drugs are banned in my country, except for medical purpose. So I am educated to think drug abuse is totally immoral. Possession of illegal drugs may mean imprisonment for 10 years or even death for heroin. Therefore I disagree with Hiel. Banning drugs like crazy might cause a minority to be curious but not banning them at all means people can get drugs easily and you don't even need to bother about drug usuage. This can lead to higher death rate, social problems, and ultimately your citizens will be sick people which lowers your country's productivity and reputation.

Dark Bring
October 1st, 2005, 11:40 am
Let's see things from my point of view.

"Medicines are drug delivery systems."

"One of the basic tenets of pharmacology is that drug molecules must exert some chemical influence on one or more constituents of cells in order to produce a pharmacological response."

In the layman's world, drugs and medicines are rarely synonymous. But to the people that work with them, they are one and the same.

Which was probably why I tend to backpedal very quickly when answering the custom officer's routine question of "What are you studying to become in London?"

"I wanna be a drug dealer (pharmacist)."

Anyway, back to the topic.

I love drugs. Drugs are extraordinarily sophisticated tools that allow you to tweak your body to your desire. Of course, we don't really know much of what's going on inside of our body, so the tools we have are still rather crude.

But we are constantly improving our knowledge of the human body, and our ability to design and sythesize better tools.

Of course, drugs, like any other tools, are susceptible to the inexplicable human instinct of abuse. Mother Nature's method of weeding out the dysfunctional, I suppose, but that's just a crude explanation for something far more complex. Or is it?

I am educated to think drug abuse is totally immoral.For the people that have been educated/indoctrinated so, and also for the people that would judge the morality of others, I would recommend reading Chapter Eight of James Allen's <<Byway of Blessedness>>, Seeing No Evil.


October 1st, 2005, 04:13 pm
Drugs are banned in my country, except for medical purpose. So I am educated to think drug abuse is totally immoral. Possession of illegal drugs may mean imprisonment for 10 years or even death for heroin. Therefore I disagree with Hiel. Banning drugs like crazy might cause a minority to be curious but not banning them at all means people can get drugs easily and you don't even need to bother about drug usuage. This can lead to higher death rate, social problems, and ultimately your citizens will be sick people which lowers your country's productivity and reputation.
I never said that the ban of drugs should be lifted. All i said was for them not to very strictly forbid and enforce the ban of drugs, like making commercials talking about how drugs are bad and etc. Drugs should be banned, but not to an extent where there are flyers all over the place, and tv ads saying NO to drugs. The youngsters will know if its bad or not, and that can be plainly seen from new reports on television.

October 1st, 2005, 06:26 pm
Any interesting experiences with drugs? Morality issues and your opinion on the laws, publicity and the likes?

I don't understand why anybody would smoke. It's an expensive habit, bad for your health and tastes like shit.

I enjoy a drink now and again, that's all really.

Do you take alcahol as an example of a drug?...And do the rest of you take alcahol as a drug?

If so, and you stated in one of your post that you do drink once in a while, your a hypocryte. Its like someone saying "Im anti-drug, but I still smoke pot every so often or so." If you are going to set an example, dont contradict your doings.

October 1st, 2005, 09:31 pm
and then, theres the whole debate of drugs for medical uses

Dark Bring
October 1st, 2005, 09:43 pm
Do you take alcohol as an example of a drug? And do the rest of you take alcohol as a drug?

If so, and you stated in one of your post that you do drink once in a while, your a hypocrite. Its like someone saying "I'm anti-drug, but I still smoke pot every so often or so."Radical_Dreamer, are you being deliberately anal? Do you take aspirin as a drug? Does that mean that someone who takes aspirin is being a hypocrite if he proclaims himself to be anti-drug? Do the anti-drug people campaign against the development of cancer drugs?

If you are going to set an example, don't contradict your doings.No one proclaims to be setting any examples here, so get off your high horse before someone else shoots it out from under you.

Voice of Violence
October 1st, 2005, 11:38 pm
Radical_Dreamer, are you being deliberately anal? Do you take aspirin as a drug? Does that mean that someone who takes aspirin is being a hypocrite if he proclaims himself to be anti-drug? Do the anti-drug people campaign against the development of cancer drugs?

No one proclaims to be setting any examples here, so get off your high horse before someone else shoots it out from under you.


October 2nd, 2005, 01:34 am
I may be speaking from a slightly skewed perspective on drugs considering where I come from. When going to University in BC marijuana at least is just a fact of life. It's quite possibly more common than alcohol even. Therefore, I treat "drugs" much the same way I treat alcohol. They're fine if used responsibly, in moderation and without forcing other people into it.

You can easily end up doing badly with it though so if you don't have someone who can help you figure out a responsible way to experience the drug sub-culture you should definitely just stay away. Far safer that way.

Magic Kitty
October 2nd, 2005, 08:05 am
Okay, time for my two cents worth. It all depends on the intent. If you have a splitting headache and take a Tylenol for it, does it make you a drug addict? No, of course no, I think we all agree on that. If you do meth (a serious problem where I live, I might add) for the sole intent of getting high or whatever on it, does that make you an addict? Most likely. If you're a terminal patient who deals with excruciating pain every day, and the only way to make you lucid enough to say good-bye to your friends and family is medically grown and administered marijuana, does the media have the right to use your death to boost their propaganda? HELL no. Illegal drugs, for the most part, are a case-by-case decision, in my opinion.
Now, as far as legalized drugs such as tobacco, alcohol and prescription drugs, it's a whole 'nother story. Personally, as a singer, I think cigarettes and tobacco in general should be burned to extinction, but that's just me. Second-hand smoke has ruined probably as many lives as illegal drugs. Alcohol is okay, if it's taken in moderation. Having a beer while watching the game is okay, or having a glass of wine with a nice dinner is something that, as far as I know, never hurt anyone. ANYTING in MODERATION.

October 2nd, 2005, 05:52 pm
Radical_Dreamer, are you being deliberately anal? Do you take aspirin as a drug? Does that mean that someone who takes aspirin is being a hypocrite if he proclaims himself to be anti-drug? Do the anti-drug people campaign against the development of cancer drugs?

No one proclaims to be setting any examples here, so get off your high horse before someone else shoots it out from under you.

Im not being anal, you are. Im not being so idiotic as taking asprins as an illegal drug. Some people beleave that Alcahol, Marajuana (sp?) and of that sort should be banned. Yet the same bunch drink and smoke.

Please dont be so stupid and bring medical drugs into this conversation unless you truly beleave that Tylenol should be illegal. But I agree, its all on moderation. But if you really beleave you shouldnt be taking it in the first place no matter what, and yet YOU do..

October 2nd, 2005, 06:11 pm
...Some people beleave that Alcahol, Marajuana (sp?) and of that sort should be banned. Yet the same bunch drink and smoke.

Incorrect. Please don't pull statements out of your ass for furthering your arguement; it weakens the purpose. And please don't make generalizations about bunches of people.
Marijuana IS banned, by the way. In fact, anything "of that sort" except alcohol and tobacco IS banned. And people who think that those should be banned don't always drink and/or smoke. We're not all hypocrites.

Dark Bring
October 2nd, 2005, 07:54 pm
I'm not being anal, you are. I'm not being so idiotic as taking aspirin as an illegal drug. Some people believe that alcohol, marijuana and of that sort should be banned. Yet the same bunch drink and smoke.

The way I see it, you're exhibiting the very same extremist behaviour that those people you call hypocrites advocate. Obviously, the people that want alcohol banned don't drink, and the people that want marijuana smokes cigarettes, not marijuana. If you truly think that drinking and using marijuana have equally serious repercussions, I suggest that you take a reality check.

Please don't be so stupid and bring medical drugs into this conversation unless you truly believe that Tylenol should be illegal.You have no right to limit the scope of this discussion to recreational drugs. Furthermore, a drug is a drug, be it used as a medicine or as a chemical weapon. You yourself brought alcohol into this discussion as the equivalent of a drug, stupid, so why am I prohibited from bringing even more potent chemicals into the discussion?

But if you really believe you shouldn't be taking it in the first place no matter what, and yet YOU do.This sentence of yours simply makes no sense.

October 2nd, 2005, 09:27 pm
Radical dreamer, this is what the thread is about:

Any interesting experiences with drugs? Morality issues and your opinion on the laws, publicity and the likes?

This is what the Merriam Webster dictionary defines as the contemporary meanings of the word drug:

1b : a substance used as a medication or in the preparation of medication c according to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1) : a substance recognized in an official pharmacopoeia or formulary (2) : a substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease (3) : a substance other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body (4) : a substance intended for use as a component of a medicine but not a device or a component, part, or accessory of a device

2 : a commodity that is not salable or for which there is no demand -- used in the phrase drug on the market

3 : something and often an illegal substance that causes addiction, habituation, or a marked change in consciousness

Now that you know what is being talked about, feel free to comment.

It would perhaps benefit everyone to recognize some general categories of drugs. A syntax I would suggest is the following: Uncontrolled drugs referring to substances like tylenol, light allergy medication, ointments, basically things that you would find in the pharmacy but that anyone can buy. Controlled drugs would refer to alcohol, nicotine, pharmaceutical drugs and basically anything that is controlled by the government through either age restriction or a necessity for a prescription. Illegal drugs would then refer to everything that is banned by the government completely and there would usually be a criminal charge made if posession was discovered. Note that marijuana would still be illegal in an area that has legalized or limited legalized posession but a ban on distribution.

No one is being forced to use this syntax but it would certainly make everything a little less confusing.

October 3rd, 2005, 12:13 am
Dont hert me!

*cowers in the cornor*

I guess I shall leave this thread for ever..I seem like I dont make any sense to anyone XD

October 3rd, 2005, 12:20 am
Oh, c'mon, don't wuss out when someone presents you with a challenge.

Or when you get completely pwned.

Defend your claims!

October 3rd, 2005, 12:29 am
I just noticed my claims are 100% flawed, even my grammer is flawed.

October 3rd, 2005, 12:30 am
Not to mention the spelling.


October 3rd, 2005, 01:57 am
Well, there is a difference for drugs for medical uses. They are given in really small doses. Small enough that you probably will not get addicted because you are more focused on your pain.

October 3rd, 2005, 02:57 am
That makes no sense.

Many people with medicinal drugs do get addicted to them. If anything pain creates a healthier environment for addictiong because you're already dependent on the drugs prior to your body creating a dependency. There are some highly addictive medicines like narcotic cough syrups that are only prescriped in small doses and very tightly controlled as to not give the user enough to build a dependency on the drug but many are prescribed for long term use with full knowledge that an addiction will result.

October 3rd, 2005, 04:22 am
Alcohol's a worse drug than marijuana. Causes more casualties than any other drugs combined. Yet western society still tolerates it while looking down their nose on other drugs. So much for morality.

October 3rd, 2005, 05:16 am
To be fair, it's also by far the most available drug so it makes sense that it would have the highest number of problems. By your argument it could also be said that it's the safest drug because it has the highest number of uses without problems.

October 3rd, 2005, 06:58 pm
Also the government makes a ton of cash through taxes from alcohols.

October 3rd, 2005, 08:14 pm
To be fair, it's also by far the most available drug so it makes sense that it would have the highest number of problems. By your argument it could also be said that it's the safest drug because it has the highest number of uses without problems.
If marijuana is just as available as alcohol, alcohol would still cause more causualties and general unhappiness.

Zach: that's exactly it. On one hand they whine about public morality and whatnot, on the other they won't relinquish their income from alcohol and tobacco to advance public morality. Pshaw, bunch o' hypocrites.

October 4th, 2005, 01:47 am
If marijuana is just as available as alcohol, alcohol would still cause more causualties and general unhappiness.

I'd like to see something supporting that. I'm not even disagreeing with you, just noting that you're either offering your opinion as fact or twisting numbers to prove something that they can't.

Seeing the effects of alcohol on me and my friends versus the effects of marijuana I'd say that constant marijuana abuse is worse overall for you but alcohol is more dangerous on a case by case basis when taking large quantities.

October 4th, 2005, 03:57 am
"That makes no sense.

Many people with medicinal drugs do get addicted to them. If anything pain creates a healthier environment for addictiong because you're already dependent on the drugs prior to your body creating a dependency. There are some highly addictive medicines like narcotic cough syrups that are only prescriped in small doses and very tightly controlled as to not give the user enough to build a dependency on the drug but many are prescribed for long term use with full knowledge that an addiction will result."

Gah, I am so late. My last reply was two pages ago.

Usually, they are not supposed to be given for so long that they will start getting addicted. It is supposed to be given in such small doses that it will only ease your pain, not wanting to create an addiction, because... well, the doses are small. And once you get better and better, the smaller and smaller doses you are supposed to take. It's up to the patient to control themselves.

October 6th, 2005, 01:58 am
Alcohol is probablly more tolerable to society today because the immediate effects of it aren't very severe in terms of other drugs.

October 6th, 2005, 02:36 am
I'd like to see something supporting that. I'm not even disagreeing with you, just noting that you're either offering your opinion as fact or twisting numbers to prove something that they can't.

Seeing the effects of alcohol on me and my friends versus the effects of marijuana I'd say that constant marijuana abuse is worse overall for you but alcohol is more dangerous on a case by case basis when taking large quantities.
Simple, compare the effects of alcohol vs. marijuana.

- Loss of inhibition leading to violence, carelessness endangering self or others, may cause memory loss during this period.
- Dizziness, nausea and loss of balance.
- Wildly addictive - withdrawl symptoms nearly equal to heroin.
- Leads to conditions such as heart disease, liver damage, inflammation of the pancreas, nerve damage, brain damage, increases chances of cancer.
- Depressant, leads to depression and possibly suicide.
- Prolonged use or overuse may be lethal.
- Causes hangovers, may possibly lead to being incapacitated the next day, often with negative effects on job/school/etc.
- Negative influence on family members, especially children.

- Causes relaxation and general happy feeling.
- Mildly addictive, withdrawl symptoms include loss of apetite.
- Slower reflexes.
- Increased chance of psychosis.
- Not proven to lead to long term health conditions. Unless you smoke it, in which case all the normal problems that come with smoking (such as accumulation of tar in the lungs) occur.
- Difficulty with short-term memory.
- Psychedelic instead of depressant, does not lead to depression or worse - makes you feel happy instead of an urge to start weeping and then jump off a roof like alcohol. This also means less severe withdrawl symptoms.
- Dizziness, nausea and anxiety.
- One case of /suspected/ lethal usage, which turned out to be incorrect. Impossible to kill yourself with it unless you grind it up, convert it completely to liquid (somehow?) and inject it or something.
- Effects usually end within 4 hours, though testing may detect residue within 30 days.
- No more damaging to relationships than smoking. Which is bad, so do it properly.

And people who binge consume a lot more alcohol daily than most regular marijuana users. You don't see people carrying a box of joints and taking a draw every few minutes, do you?

Anyway, marijuana is clearly less damaging to both the individual and society than alcohol.

Alcohol is probablly more tolerable to society today because the immediate effects of it aren't very severe in terms of other drugs.
Are you kidding me? Effects of alcohol start with puking, memory loss, loss of inhibition (which is the whole point of drinking, after all), which lead to things like fights and accidents. Forty percent of all traffic fatalities, which is the leading cause of accidental deaths, are alcohol related, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (http://www.jrussellshealth.com/alcacc.html). Effects of marijuana start with you grinning like an idiot and a couple of seconds to process what's being said to you. And maybe dry mouths in some people.

October 6th, 2005, 02:43 am
I think people and the government are more afraid of marijuana for it's ability to induce psychosis and hallucinations (my friend tells me that he hears voices, he smoked too much pot on his first go)

October 6th, 2005, 06:27 am
it's funny when you start smoking weed... you notice so many people who also smokes. I usually smoke to get creative.

October 6th, 2005, 06:49 am
I seem to complain alot on how much drug usage is going around in my state. I know people as young as 11 using drugs. I know someone who gets parent permission to use it, and they are only 13. Its crazy!

October 6th, 2005, 07:05 am

Fair enough. I don't necessarily agree with all the points. I have seen marijuana be much more damaging than that the people around me than what you have stated but the average pot here is more potent than many other places. Also, alcoholism hasn't been that big a thing among my peers so I can't properly comment on that. In my age group if someone is going to be addicted to anything it will be pot. I would tend to disagree with you analysis of the addictiveness of pot and alcohol. I've seen people become addicted to pot far easier than alcohol. The withdrawal would tend to be worse for alcohol (although pot isn't exactly easy) but there's more to take into account than just difficulty of quitting.

Either way, thanks for backing up your points.

October 6th, 2005, 04:57 pm
There's gotta be some reason why marijuana is banned for everyone and alcohol isn't. I don't do either so I don't know.

October 7th, 2005, 01:44 am
It is because if alcohol is banned, practically everyone would be jailed, and it would be too hard to fit everyone into jail. Not to mention, that since alcohol is so much more popular, than it will be harder to catch everyone with the limited police force there is. I mean, that would mean no alcohol at parties, or even cocktail ones. The only thing available would be juice and water and milk.

October 7th, 2005, 02:42 am

Fair enough. I don't necessarily agree with all the points. I have seen marijuana be much more damaging than that the people around me than what you have stated but the average pot here is more potent than many other places. Also, alcoholism hasn't been that big a thing among my peers so I can't properly comment on that. In my age group if someone is going to be addicted to anything it will be pot. I would tend to disagree with you analysis of the addictiveness of pot and alcohol. I've seen people become addicted to pot far easier than alcohol. The withdrawal would tend to be worse for alcohol (although pot isn't exactly easy) but there's more to take into account than just difficulty of quitting.

I don't believe that pot is more potent in one area than the other - maybe the suppliers in your area put a higher percentage of the flower buds, which are more potent than the leaves and stems. Pot may be addictive, but I believe it is mostly a psychological addiction - you are addicted to it because you like it and makes you feel good, just like how some people are addicted to chocolate or ice cream. Alcohol is a much more severe physical addiction, though.

Pyramus: They tried banning alcohol in the 20's and 30's. It's called prohibition. What ended up happening was that people smuggled it in from Canada and quite a few people made some big bucks that way. Now the government is out their taxes, Canadians are rich, and Americans are still drinking. Which defeats the whole purpose of prohibition. I guess it's too deeply embedded in Western culture to get rid of.

October 7th, 2005, 03:03 am
Well, the soil and growing conditions affect the final product so I'm rather sure area does affect the marijuana. The marijuana grown in other parts of Canada doesn't compare with the BC bud so I'd imagine that there are other places in the world with varying quality in their marijuana. I'd say that pot has a fairly strong physical addiction side to it, definitely stronger than "chocolate Ice Cream"

October 7th, 2005, 03:05 am
Are you kidding me? Effects of alcohol start with puking, memory loss, loss of inhibition (which is the whole point of drinking, after all), which lead to things like fights and accidents. Forty percent of all traffic fatalities, which is the leading cause of accidental deaths, are alcohol related, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (http://www.jrussellshealth.com/alcacc.html). Effects of marijuana start with you grinning like an idiot and a couple of seconds to process what's being said to you. And maybe dry mouths in some people.
Whoops, I meant long term. Which isn't nessicarily true of course, alchohol could be just as bad or even worse in the long run. What I was meant to say is that people are more afraid of the pychosis that marijuana creates if used overexcessivly, therefore they fear marijuana more than alchohol.

It's also important to point out that we were all born into a world where alchohol is a socially acceptable drug, and a lot more emphasis is put on the phazing out of unnacceptable drugs, such as pot, than drinking, which is just as dangerous. I agree with most of your points put across.

October 7th, 2005, 04:33 am
Well, the soil and growing conditions affect the final product so I'm rather sure area does affect the marijuana. The marijuana grown in other parts of Canada doesn't compare with the BC bud so I'd imagine that there are other places in the world with varying quality in their marijuana. I'd say that pot has a fairly strong physical addiction side to it, definitely stronger than "chocolate Ice Cream"
Most experts agree that when the risk of addiction to tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana are compared, there is "strong evidence that marijuana has the least addictive power," wrote Eric Schlosser in The Atlantic Monthly article "Reefer Madness." In fact, argue proponents, during the Nixon administration the federal government, after reviewing existing marijuana studies, concluded that marijuana did not cause physical addiction. (http://www.kqed.org/topics/news/perspectives/youdecide/pop/marijuana/1no.html)

You can get addicted to the care free calmness lifestyle that some users get from using marijuana. It is rare to get physical withdrawal. (http://www.marijuanavaporizer.com/marijuana/marijuana-addiction.htm)

There is only scant evidence that marijuana produces physical dependence and withdrawal in humans. (http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cannabis_myth9.shtml)

October 7th, 2005, 04:44 am
Saying it's less addictive than alcohol and tobacco isn't quite the same as saying it's the same as good good chocolate Ice Cream.

All I have to go on is actually seeing physical withdrawal symptoms in my friends who have quit (or tried to quit as the case is for a couple of them). This is after about 4 years of constant use for most of them.

October 28th, 2005, 10:19 pm

October 29th, 2005, 11:24 pm
What's the bump for?

October 30th, 2005, 07:32 am
i think drugs are stupid, it just f***s up ur body, and it's really hard to change back, u can't do alot of stuff properly and it mutates ur body.
i don't take drugs but i know some pplz who have but wish they didn't

October 30th, 2005, 07:36 am
Just to reveal it to the new members, I guess.

A question for the people who do marijuana or the likes, is there any music you like to listen to while on it?

baby V O X
November 1st, 2005, 06:56 pm
since this is all on drugs..what are your views on people that abuse the drug retalin?

November 6th, 2005, 12:19 pm
by CC Magazine update (01 Nov, 2005)

Denver voters make adult possession of one ounce or less of marijuana legal.

Denver became the first city in the nation to make the private use of marijuana legal for adults 21 and older as an alternative to alcohol, a far more harmful drug. By 10.45 p.m. Tuesday night, with 100% of the votes tallied, the Alcohol-Marijuana Equalization Initiative had passed 53.49% YES to 46.51% NO.

The Alcohol-Marijuana Equalization Initiative is the first local measure in the nation to draw a comparison between the harms of alcohol and marijuana.

The successful I-100 campaign focused on the vast number of health, safety and social problems associated with alcohol use, promoting marijuana use to avoid the prevalence of such problems. The campaign pointed to government reports and scholarly studies that show alcohol is a contributing factor in domestic violence, sexual assaults, and other violent crimes, as well as overdose deaths, whereas the use of marijuana has never been linked to such violent behavior and there has never been a marijuana overdose death in history.

"It is time our laws reflect the facts, and it is an indisputable fact that marijuana is safer than alcohol, both to the user and to society," said Mason Tvert, executive director of SAFER and coordinator of the I-100 campaign. "Current laws accept and even encourage the use of alcohol over marijuana, thus pushing people toward using a more harmful substance. Why on earth would we prohibit an adult from making the rational, safer choice to use marijuana instead of alcohol in their own home?"

By approving the I-100, the use of marijuana in public, the use of marijuana by people under 21, driving under the influence of marijuana, and the cultivation and distribution of marijuana would all remain illegal, much like with alcohol.

Cannabis Culture will update this story as more details become available.

Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER) is a Colorado-based non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the public about the harmful consequences associated with alcohol, as compared to the safer — yet illegal — substance: marijuana.

Here is the language of the Initiative-100:

Alcohol-Marijuana Equalization Initiative

WHEREAS, according to the National Institutes of Health, an average of 317 Americans die annually as the result of alcohol overdoses; and

WHEREAS, there has never been even a single fatal marijuana overdose recorded in the medical literature, as noted by the British Medical Journal in September 2003; and

WHEREAS, according to U.S. Department of Justice, “About 3 million crimes occur each year in which victims perceive the offender to have been drinking at the time of the offense. Among those victims who provided information about the offender’s use of alcohol, about 35% of the victimizations involved an offender who had been drinking”; and

WHEREAS, extensive research, documented in official reports by the British government's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs and the Canadian Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs, among others, shows that -- unlike alcohol -- marijuana use is not generally a cause of violence or aggressive behavior and in fact tends to reduce violence and aggression;

WHEREAS, it is the intent of this ordinance to have the private adult use and possession of marijuana treated in the same manner as the private adult use and possession of alcohol;


__________________________________________________ ______________________

(proposed addition in all caps)

Amend Art. 5, Div. 3, Sec. 38-175 (Revised Municipal Code)

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person UNDER THE AGE OF TWENTY-ONE (21) to possess one (1) ounce or less of marihuana. If such person is under the age of eighteen (18) years of age at the time of the offense, no jail sentence shall be imposed and any fine imposed may be supplanted by treatment as required by the court.

Contact: Mason Tvert, Executive Director
Phone: 804-677-4692
E-mail: mason@saferchoice.org

November 7th, 2005, 03:22 am
I see people are finally looking past the stereotype and studying the facts about alcohol vs. marijuana.

November 7th, 2005, 04:49 am
i'm all for drugs; bud, meth, cocaine, crack, gasoline, smoking, inhalants, injections, steroids, dim sum, ecstasy, alchohol, pop tarts.

no side effects whatsoever.

November 7th, 2005, 04:55 am
Your sarcasm sucks.

November 7th, 2005, 05:10 am
what's sarcasm?

November 7th, 2005, 06:53 am
Your rhetorical questions suck just as bad.

Sinbios, what stereotype are you referring to? You mean how marijuana fucks up your mind and is worse than alcohol??

November 7th, 2005, 07:02 am
This (http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/4573.html) is rather interesting. Hopefully this will soon lead to the prohibition actually being lifted. The taxes collected on this will hopefully make back a bit of the wasted money on fighting the drug use.

In response to your earlier question Clockwerk, I hate to say it, but Pink Floyd is awesome when high even if it's highly clichéd. Just about any Trip Hop is relatively enjoyable "Mezzanine" by Massive Attack is a personal favourite of mine. The Beatles are a classic too, can't deny the awesomeness of Lucy in the Sky when your mindset is slightly... altered.

November 7th, 2005, 08:10 am
Get high with a little help from my friends, I do.

Yeahh, I was thinking something abstract. I think I will lose my altered mind virginity to the likes of Kid A, by Radiohead. And I relish the thought of Great Gig in the Sky while incapacitated.

But yeah, I like Mezzanine, and as for the Trip-hop, can't go past Portishead's Dummy.

November 7th, 2005, 11:56 pm
I may be speaking from a slightly skewed perspective on drugs considering where I come from. When going to University in BC marijuana at least is just a fact of life. It's quite possibly more common than alcohol even. Therefore, I treat "drugs" much the same way I treat alcohol. They're fine if used responsibly, in moderation and without forcing other people into it.

You can easily end up doing badly with it though so if you don't have someone who can help you figure out a responsible way to experience the drug sub-culture you should definitely just stay away. Far safer that way.
whoa, another ubc'er. what are you studying?

November 8th, 2005, 01:31 am
Your rhetorical questions suck just as bad.

Sinbios, what stereotype are you referring to? You mean how marijuana fucks up your mind and is worse than alcohol??
I'm referring to the long held belief that marijuana will destroy your life and future, makes you stupid, and a crackhead in general.

November 9th, 2005, 04:11 am
We can thank mainstream teen American movies for that.

November 10th, 2005, 05:44 am
whoa, another ubc'er. what are you studying?

University in BC, not University of BC. I'm an arch-nemesis of yours, a SFU student. Actually, I think the rivalry between the two is stupid, both have their places where they excel and both have their downsides.

Edit: Just saw your post Clockwerk, mmm... Great Gig in the Sky. Though I will say the Beatles were improved more by shrooms than pot. The visualizers helped that though.

November 10th, 2005, 06:28 am


November 10th, 2005, 07:14 am
I'd chastise you for going so far off topic, but when discussing drugs anything about the Beatles is on topic.

:cheers: Joan was quizzical, studied pataphysical science in the home

November 10th, 2005, 08:05 am
I have a new look over drugs. After reading some very good post here, I know conclude (and steal) with the idea that if its used in moderation and you know what your doing, its okay.

I have one thing to say: Why is it that drugs are so easy for children to get? Its idiotic how the USA goverment can stop countries from bombin...Wait, we cant do that...

Its idiotic how the goverment doesnt inforce laws. THERE!


LSD is funny! I love how it was first invented and found out to be a drug..

Also, whats up with shrooms? How did someone like...you know, find out its makes you :stoned: And was it a mushroom einginered by humans or is it natural?

November 10th, 2005, 08:25 am
It's a natural type of mushroom I believe (which is the main reason why it's legal in some countries that tend not to have legal drugs).

Stopping bombings is a lot easier than finding effective ways to stop the people that vote for you from doing what they want. Here's (http://www.thegooddrugsguide.com/) a rather good guide on the main drugs.

November 10th, 2005, 03:11 pm
I know this thread is probably dead but...

Drugs: I´ve tried a few, hashish made me puke, hashish second time around did nothing, Drinking alcohol in vast amounts in my younger years, more moderate now, smoking... I quit like half a year ago.

my view on drugs. They are a total waste of time...

but drinking is kind of fun... alcohol is a social drug that is widely accepted (if youre the right age) this makes it dangerous,

just remember if you start drinking on your own and stuff you are in deep shit!

November 11th, 2005, 08:27 am
I'd chastise you for going so far off topic, but when discussing drugs anything about the Beatles is on topic.

:cheers: Joan was quizzical, studied pataphysical science in the home
Clang-clang, Maxwell's Silver Hammer made sure that she was dead.

The "When I'm sixty-four of Abbey Road, I'm afraid :(
Though I'm sure the charm will shine through once I'm under the influence.

November 11th, 2005, 08:23 pm
I love "When I'm 64", could be because it has Bass Clarinet in it though. I just love the first line of Maxwell's Silver Hammer because it's the best way of calling someone a drunk ever.

November 12th, 2005, 08:15 pm
Go start a Beatles thread or something. Shoo.

November 13th, 2005, 02:16 am
I love "When I'm 64", could be because it has Bass Clarinet in it though. I just love the first line of Maxwell's Silver Hammer because it's the best way of calling someone a drunk ever.

May 6th, 2006, 09:32 am

May 6th, 2006, 02:29 pm
I may take up smoking later on in my life.. Why? because I don't really care, honestly. I can care less if it'll make me die any sooner, I'm gonna die either way.

It really matters on what kind of job I get, if I get a decent job with good pay then I probably will start smoking, because I know that smoking can be very pricey..

May 6th, 2006, 09:56 pm
I may take up smoking later on in my life.. Why? because I don't really care, honestly. I can care less if it'll make me die any sooner, I'm gonna die either way.

It really matters on what kind of job I get, if I get a decent job with good pay then I probably will start smoking, because I know that smoking can be very pricey..
So you may take up smoking based on the fact that you "don't care"? Even if it tastes like shit you wouldn't care? What if you decide to have children and you're blowing that shit in their faces and you die while they're still in high school from cancer?


May 6th, 2006, 11:51 pm
So you may take up smoking based on the fact that you "don't care"? Even if it tastes like shit you wouldn't care? What if you decide to have children and you're blowing that shit in their faces and you die while they're still in high school from cancer?


Yeah, I wouldn't care much 'bout the taste. And if I ever get pregnant, i'm either 1.getting an abortion or 2.killing myself. I can't stand kids.

May 8th, 2006, 01:44 am
Yeah, I wouldn't care much 'bout the taste. And if I ever get pregnant, i'm either 1.getting an abortion or 2.killing myself. I can't stand kids.

Smoking is a stupid thing to do (Hey, I'm entitled to my opinion, right? :P ). It just shows how selfish you are... dying quicker, therefore all the people that care about you suffer - and they'll feel worse if you're younger.

And also, just my advice, not caring is not the best thing to do. ;)

May 8th, 2006, 03:30 am
Zikiru, I hope you don't forget the third option of putting the kid up for adoption, you don't have to kill either yourself or the kid.

May 9th, 2006, 02:00 am
First of all, I think people who say 'you're selfish for smoking/being suicidal/whatever' are the selfish ones. It's their life, if they want to make a decision, then you're being selfish for trying to hold them back because of something you want.

And as for the thing about putting the child up for adoption, the main reason I would hate to have a child is because I think it's evil to bring people into this world.. So whether the child went up for adoption or not, it wouldn't matter.

EDIT:I kinda led you guys off topic.. how 'bout we keep discussion on abortion in the abortion topic. :)

May 9th, 2006, 06:44 am
First of all, I think people who say 'you're selfish for smoking/being suicidal/whatever' are the selfish ones. It's their life, if they want to make a decision, then you're being selfish for trying to hold them back because of something you want.
Umm no.

And your decision on why you want to smoke later on in life?

I may take up smoking later on in my life.. Why? because I don't really care, honestly.

Because you don't care. Really now.

The truth is, 50% of people that I know regret ever smoking, saying it's a waste of time and money. The other 50%, of course, are silly little teenagers thinking it's cool to smoke and brag about how they can't run because they smoke too much.

And I'll take up that 'evil to bring a child into the world' discussion in the abortions thread, thanks.

May 9th, 2006, 08:56 pm
First of all, I think people who say 'you're selfish for smoking/being suicidal/whatever' are the selfish ones. It's their life, if they want to make a decision, then you're being selfish for trying to hold them back because of something you want.

No... XD First of all, I said the people who actually care about you would suffer. And no, I don't care about you, I care about the pain you cause to the people who do. If nobody cared about you, then I'd tell you it's perfectly fine. And if you dare to tell me that no one cares about you, then I hope you die a horrible death just for saying that. <_<

See, I'm not being selfish; I'm considering other people, not the hurt it'd do to me (which would be none ;) ), 'cause I don't care about you.

EDIT: @thumby: EXACTLY. XD

May 9th, 2006, 09:59 pm
Wow Zikuru is a girl? *is amazed*

Smoking is something I dont like, ill probably keep smoking if I ever slip up and start.

Me dad said he would stop smoking when me lil bro was born, (5 years ago) I think hes trying now... I honestly dont think he can drop it. He's been smoking since he was 16 (if I remember correctly) that 28 years..

Im one lazy mofo (and Im not fit at all) but I cant help but wonder what consecuences his smoking will have on me.

Zikiru im sure you care about someone, if not im hoping you will. Im sure a crapload of people care about you, you can resist all you want, but you'll en u caring too.

May 9th, 2006, 11:54 pm
Smoking is teh sucky-ness even though the smilie may prove otherwise :stoned:

May 10th, 2006, 01:48 am
No... XD First of all, I said the people who actually care about you would suffer. And no, I don't care about you, I care about the pain you cause to the people who do. If nobody cared about you, then I'd tell you it's perfectly fine. And if you dare to tell me that no one cares about you, then I hope you die a horrible death just for saying that. <_<

See, I'm not being selfish; I'm considering other people, not the hurt it'd do to me (which would be none ;) ), 'cause I don't care about you.

EDIT: @thumby: EXACTLY. XD

Yes, I know that you're talking about the people that actually care about them, and I still think they're the ones being selfish.

May 10th, 2006, 02:14 am
does anybody find it absolute crap that alchohol is legalized, and causes many car accidents every year, yet marijuana, known only to make you a little slower, is illegal. how many car accidents have you heard of that happened because someone was high of marijuana. im sure one of you could post a story you found, but my point is: there are THOUSANDS of deaths from this legal intoxicant (alchohol) and very few from an illegal one (marijuana)

May 10th, 2006, 03:19 am

Well, one may argue there are fewer deaths because it is illegal and hence less common.

So, to be fair to all those who dislike the high from alchohol, should we criminalize alchohol or decriminalize marajuana (and heroin and ecstasy etc - cause you could argue this for them all)?

Dark Bring
May 14th, 2006, 04:48 pm
Decriminalise both. I'm a big fan of Darwin's evolution theory, btw. :P

On the other hand, prevention might be better than cure . . .

. . . adding birth control to methdone? (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/4763137.stm)