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View Full Version : The Piccolo Trumpet

October 9th, 2005, 02:27 am
Every trumpet player knows about them, and, even if they don't show it, they wish that they could play one note on them. But the problem today is that no one ever chooses them as there primary instrument! Why is that?

I know there isn't a lot of music out there for them, and the lowest note they can play is a C# one ledger line down the staff, but why let that steer you away from it? They have a crisp sound, there parts are substancally(sp?) harder (if there is one), and they turn heads!

A good link to find out about Piccolo Trumpets (brands, versions, and history) is here (http://www.dallasmusic.org/gearhead/Piccolo%20Trumpet%20Guide.html). though they do not mention my absoulute favorate the B & S Challenger II PicTrp.

Why is it then that no one plays them in high school bands? As soon as I picked one up and started to play on it, I determined that this is the instrument I want as my primary, not just the standard trumpet.

Am I the only person here that plays the Piccolo Trumpet, or are there others? If you do play them, sound off! Be heard! I guarentee you that the tiny instument can outplay any Herold(sp?) trumpets out there!

Also, feel free to post any sort of comment on the Piccolo trumpet in here; from instrumentation to what the heck is the 4th valve (or the rotary in some cases) for. I just want to open the doorway to the lesser known instument (no not the Zackbut or that one thing the tuba was before someone decied to bend the piping either): The Piccolo Trumpet!

October 9th, 2005, 11:50 pm
I'd be surprised if anyone in my band besides the directors and Kevin Hewitt know what a piccolo trumpet is. Heck, I didn't even know if there was one or not until now.

It'd be interesting to hear what one sounds like.

October 10th, 2005, 12:07 am
The trumpet in the Beatles' "Penny Lane" is a piccolo trumpet, according to that website.

October 10th, 2005, 09:03 am
its like a trumpet, but is higher. they are really cool :D