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View Full Version : When will we be "out of stock" ?

June 21st, 2004, 12:53 am
This is something I've been wondering for quite a long time but I never found an answer as to the "when" or to "why not", and until now, never had the idea of posting this here. However, I am not asking you for your opinion.

In your opinion, do you think one day, every single piece of music'll have been composed ? That there will be nothing else to do ? Why yes, why no ?

We've already done a lot, but we're still doing some new things... why's that ? It'll never stop ?

Thank you for your opinion ! ^_^

June 21st, 2004, 01:21 am
I don't think every SINGLE peice of music will be composed. :nono: Someone will always come up with SOMETHING from their imagination, and if they keep it just to themselves, how can it be composed? -_-

June 21st, 2004, 01:31 am
A lot of modern music (I'm not talking about pop/rock bands) this day is done with electronics. So as long as technology evolves (which it will always do), there will be new music. So in that sense, I doubt we'll ever be out of stock. On the other hand, the other popular music we have will be reused and recycled. It's usually that type of music we listen to more often that the other modern stuff, because they give us what we want to hear . . .

June 21st, 2004, 01:44 am
I don't think that every piece of music will ever be composed. (That statement doesn't make sense! :P) The combinations of notes are too vastly endless. :heh: I've thought about this too, before. I don't think it's possible, though; some people, like Bach, have written 1000+ songs, each one unique in its own rite.

Hylian Princess
June 21st, 2004, 02:04 am
:think: Hmm, I've also wondered about this. My guess is that, if that ever happens, people will keep just compose music that they think is original, but has actually been done before. Still... it's unlikely. ^.^

June 21st, 2004, 02:07 am
Well, just about all chord progressions have been done before, but melodies are almost always the part that makes a song unique. :D

June 21st, 2004, 02:16 am
amen :worshippy:

June 21st, 2004, 02:17 am
Lol! :bow:

July 12th, 2004, 02:42 am
If it ever does happen (it won't) people like jay bocock will create different arangements...

Must I remind you of Simple Gifts?

July 12th, 2004, 06:07 am
I never really thought of that, but I've thought of something else.

At this time in history, if you started listening to music the second you were born, and always started a new song right after the last one, and listened constantly to new songs (including the time you're sleeping =_= ) You'd be dea of old age before you could listen to everything. In short, life's to short to listen to every song. And even worse: life is too short to learn a song. It takes lots of hard work to learn a song that you could listen to in a couple minutes. So don't just go around learning, or listening to crappy songs, because you can't experience them all.

There was a time in the past (a loooong time ago) when much less music had been composed, and everything could be listened to. What I wonder is when in history was the total compositions was shorter than the human lifespan?

but back to the topic. It's kinda confusing. I think you could say composition is more difficult these days, because many ideas have already been used, but if that's true, then that means there are a finite amount of ideas, which means that eventually, we WILL run out (but it doesn't matter, because you can't listen to every song in the world anyway)

July 12th, 2004, 06:48 am
hrrrrrm :think: even if it happens, by the time songs start to be repeated no one will remember the original. we're talking about millions of year in the future!