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View Full Version : Good Soundfonts for Compositions

October 16th, 2005, 02:29 am
As I said, I will start composing, so i thought it'll be a good idea if i get opinions for good soundfonts. The compositions ive heard have a good sound and a lot have experience in composing so... yeah. :heh: thanks!:lol:

October 16th, 2005, 10:47 pm
Well, if you are just starting out, you might simply want to get acquianted with MIDI and all. Generall speaking, if it's a well-balanced MIDI, it shouldn't take too many tweaks for a soundfont version, unless they all come from disparate sets. But anyways, my favorite General MIDI replacement soundfont is Airfont340, and unfortunately, the site which it was hosted on is down. However, I can send it to you thru instand-messaging, so ask me sometime.

October 17th, 2005, 01:10 am
Thanks man:lol: . if it's alright, you could send me the soundfont by email. theishter@yahoo.com. thanks again.:lol:

Edit-never mind about the email. ill just use the instant messaging^_^