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View Full Version : "Secret Sorrow" from the X: 1999 TV anime series

Golbez Is Cool
October 16th, 2005, 07:42 am
This is my second request! I hope two isn't too many!

This song is "Secret Sorrow" from the X TV anime series, and I believe the artist's name is Kohei Koizumi (also seen it spelled with the extension of the vowel as Kouhei). It was the ending credits theme. The original soundtrack CD has a gorgeous five minute version on this song.

I think this song is one of the most amazing anime themes I've heard so far. It's really got an amazing melancholy yet inspirational feel to it.

I've tried several times over the past six months to put together a transcription of this song, but I'm just not good enough yet. I've only been playing piano for a year and a half, but I can play almost anything with enough practice. I tried to incorporate the beautiful staccato strings from the second verse into my transcription and really failed miserably!

By the way, my name is Christopher, and I'm male, 19 years old, and live in the USA.

I played "Sadame" from the X TV series as my "personal choice" at my last recital and the crowd seemed to really like it, although almost everyone told me it was too sad! I think the crowds like it when you give them a break from Moonlight Sonatas and Fur Elises and Fantasies!