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View Full Version : Yasunori Mitsuda!

June 23rd, 2004, 07:31 pm
What do you think of his music? I prefer it to Nobuo Uematsu's usually - It seems a bit deeper and more thoughtful. It always matches the mood of the scene it is playing in. Mitsuda = one of my idols. :) My favorite piece by him would probably be... I dunno! I have so many! I'll list some when I can think of them all. But I know that one of my favorites is Light from the Netherworld. :)

June 24th, 2004, 04:55 am
What games did he compose for?

June 24th, 2004, 05:12 am
Xenogears, Xenosaga, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, correct?

June 24th, 2004, 05:29 am
ok I just didn't know (I'm quite ignorant)

The only songs I can think of right now are from Chrono Cross. My two favourites are "Scars Left by Time" and "Galdorb - Home"

I know what your talking about "being more thoughtful." Again with "Scars Left by Time," an opening video has to convey the huge spectrum of emotions of the whole game with one short song. It goes from uncertainty, to distance, to desire, then energy/ a little agitation, playfulness, recollection, sorrow, then back into the energy, then just explodes at the end (wrote this while listening to the song)

June 24th, 2004, 03:40 pm
Yasunori Mitsuda is better than Nobuo Uematsu. Period.

June 25th, 2004, 11:17 pm
Yasunori Mitsuda.... XD!!!
words cannot describe how much i love his music!! (worship :P )
I started listening to Mitsuda's works when i played chrono trigger :heh: Yasunori Mitsuda made excellent music to compliment an equally excellent game (did anyone get all the endings? ^.^ ). I really like mitsuda's style...the fac that he uses many different voices and moods. "Light from the Netherlands" (did i get that rite?) and Time scar are both great examples to that.

Me personally are "currently" obsessed with "Dream of a shore of another world" from chrono cross :drool: you can find a kick-ass remix of this song and others at kLuTz's website.. http://klutz.vgmidi.com/portal.php

June 26th, 2004, 12:58 am
If you want some other great remixes of his work, go to ocremix.org. Well, anyway... I prefer his style to Nobuo's on almost all songs. Nobuo does have a gew great ones, though!

October 23rd, 2004, 03:29 am
Well, i don't know about that. I did however love his work on Chrono Trigger.