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View Full Version : How do you get your creativity flowing?

June 24th, 2004, 11:42 pm
Whenever I want to compose something, I usually don't have much of an idea of the type of piece I want to make. When this happens, I usually just compose a short, medieval-style song. :P How do you get ideas for what you want to compose? By this I mean themes, mood, thematic properties, etc. of the composition. Any tips on what I can do to get my creativity to flow? :P Exercises, things to listen to, etc.?

Alfonso de Sabio
June 25th, 2004, 04:31 am
I'll read a poem or hit an emotional extreme or wake up with something in my head- especially if I've been trying to work a problem out. See Issac Asimov's "The Eureka Principle" for that. It's actually not science fiction, it's a psychological study. Great essay. Anyway, enough of that. My creativity doesn't really flow, it comes in bursts.

June 25th, 2004, 05:47 am
When I desire creatvity, I ask someone how they are feeling, and get them to continue to elaborate on it. Keep them talking about their feelings, until you feel what they feel

btw: this is for poetry, so it might not work for musical composition

June 25th, 2004, 02:20 pm
Meh, don't think of it so badly. If I want my creativity to flow, I just don't do anything that has to do with music, then after a while the ideas will come.

June 26th, 2004, 05:13 am
Hmmm to get my creativity to flow...i dunno, play video games... (wat? i like video games :heh: )

Basically...doing stuff i really like to do ^_^

No seriously! to get my creativity flowing i usually read books /play games/ etc... that intereste me enough for me to write a music based on it, maybe i base it on a charactor, or a senario or part of a story...kinda like making BGM (i think.. XD )

...ahhh i'm starting to make no sense.... X_X

June 26th, 2004, 02:10 pm
Originally posted by Noir7@Jun 25 2004, 10:20 AM
Meh, don't think of it so badly. If I want my creativity to flow, I just don't do anything that has to do with music, then after a while the ideas will come.
Hehe, I'm the opposite. I concentrate everything on the song. Getting my brain primed helps get it into the mood, and then the creativity comes out easier . . . most of the time!