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View Full Version : Ballroom dancing or Hip hop?

November 13th, 2005, 02:46 am
I have a dilemma..I'm finishing my final year (of highschool - I'm in Australia) and I wanna learn how to dance, both Ballroom and Hip hop, but I'm also a member of a gym, so I wanna keep doing that definitely. But should I learn Ballroom or Hip hop? Would I be too tired to keep up all 3?

Has anyone learnt either (or both)? Which did you think was the best?:\

cookie monster
November 13th, 2005, 03:07 am
i don't know if you could handle all 3. i use to be a b-boy so naturally i would say go with hiphop but it's up to your tastes.

November 13th, 2005, 04:36 am
well i do 3 sports, jazz band and more and i can keep it up. gym + hip hop +ballroom, i think u can make it. it'll be hard at first cause ur just getting used to more exercise so u'll be tired at first, but then after awhile, u will be able to do all 3 without getting tired. it's all up to u

November 13th, 2005, 04:56 am
should this be in the music discussion?

anyways i'll go with ballroom dancing, because hip hop is against classical music

November 13th, 2005, 06:56 am
Thanks guys. I think I'll try all three!^_^ The only problem is I'll be learning ballroom with my parents *sigh* but oh well, Good family bonding I say! It'll be good to get into shape for summer!

November 15th, 2005, 10:43 pm
Go Ballroom! It's far more stuctured than that of Hip-Hop! Would you like to look like an ape or perhaps a prince/princess (on a personal note, I would do neither, never had a situation in my life where I had to know how to dance)? I'd go with the snotty upper-class group simply because of how deranged(sp?) Hip-Hop dancing looks.

November 16th, 2005, 07:30 am
Hip hop looks compleatly retarded when its not done on TV and your not half naked. Trust me. You WILL look like a poser with skitzs...

Anywhom, go with ballroom. More functional and its more technique then twitching. and you get to wear pritty dresses
