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View Full Version : Yakusoku no Chi ~The Promised Land~FF7 AC for full Choir.+ the english trans.

November 17th, 2005, 12:05 pm
Anyone know where to find the full choir sheet music for "Yakusoku no Chi ~The Promised Land~" ? and anyone knows the lyric translation to the song?

November 18th, 2005, 10:50 pm
I'm struggling with the translation... here's the lyrics for you, maybe this will be of some help...

Cur in gremio haremus?
Cur poenam cordi parvo damus?

Stella nobis non concessit
Parvus pulsus
Cor mortem ducens

Venarum pulsis in terramfluens
Vita mollis in stellam redeunt

Animam sacrificare necesse est?
Cur in gremio haeremus?

Cur veniam petimus?
In terra fatali?

I'll try some of my contacts to see if I can secure a translation....^_^

November 20th, 2005, 05:07 am
owh XD that's a start XD
thanks ^^