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View Full Version : Looking for Howl's Moving Castle Sheet Music for Piano

November 20th, 2005, 07:16 pm
Jinsei no Merry-go-round
from Howl's Moving Castle

Please could anyone find/make it for me? It would be much appreciated!
^.^ Thank you!


November 20th, 2005, 08:58 pm
Well, I found it on Josh's website, try this. Hope it helps! ^_^


Scroll down to Howl's Moving Castle, it's under 'The Merry-Go-Round of Life'.

November 20th, 2005, 11:01 pm
This has actually been requested quite a few times already. (and fullfilled)

But anyway here it is;)

November 20th, 2005, 11:51 pm
Haha! Oops! :sweat: Thanks though! ^_^