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View Full Version : Poll: Which iPod whould you get

November 29th, 2005, 01:10 pm
Just wanted to know what iPod is popular.

November 29th, 2005, 08:20 pm
my friend just got a black ipod nano, and it just looks plain sexy. and it holds 2 gigs, and that should be enough for anyone. I mean seriously, who really uses all 20 gigs on the regular ipod?

November 29th, 2005, 08:32 pm
^Not an I-pod, but I use >20 Gigs on My iRiver H10. You know how frustrating it is to acutally delete songs off of a MP3 player just because you need more space.

Personally, I wouldn't go for an iPod (Looks for a "'None of the above'" bullet). Too mainstream and over advertised. Sure, it looks good, but it scratches easily and only supports a few Audio Standards. But then again your reading the advice of someone that bought the Worthless H10 - 20 Gig series. Go for an iAudio.

November 30th, 2005, 04:22 am
This is really sad. You open one thread about the diffrent Ipods and then another one about diffrent Ipods. Please just edit your first topic to your needs next time.

But to go along with the topic, If I had to get an Ipod (free of charge of course. The things over priced) I would get an Ipod. Nano is crap, Mini is crap, Shuffle is crap and Ipod alltoget her is crap, but at least the Ipod (full size) can play full sized videos :/

Power to the MD player!