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December 7th, 2005, 01:46 am
Hey guys. This might also go in General, but it's more about emotions' from music. Anyway, here's my story...

The other night, I was picking a topic for English Class for an Eugoly. It's mainly a speech given to someone about signifigant events, emotional at times-some funny. Anyway, I was going to pick my Grandmother. The closest person to me. I've known her for all my life-we have had the strongest bond since I was an itty-bitty infant.

I was going to choose her.. I did not. The reason, I thought she deserved an eugoly from me at a specific event that her life would mean the fullest. An English Speech would not dedicate her 82 years on Earth to nothing.. Chose Frederyk Chopin.. I know he did heroic things...

I've always wanted to dedicate a song (or some sort) to her. I've never got the "right inspiration" yet. I've gotten "Big Banging, Minor" sounding imspirations for the last few months or so.. The other night, that all changed...

I sat down, after my mother said to me, "Just think about Grandma'. You should turn out to have exactly what you need to get." I then get up after thinking of a key that would sound right-after thinking about my grandmother. I then sit down on the bench, and waited for it...

I put my hands down on the keyboard on my piano, magic happened. I felt God's spirit guiding me on which melodies and keys to play-I started to cry. My eyes were soon balling out.. but I soon got it, it was happiness! I kept crying, more and harder, but it was happiness! I was amazed...

I played for two straight hours just finding and improvising melodies.. I have finally found the light inside of me! I can now have a big hate out of me. I still don't like to be social, but now, I can think of life as more of what is given.

I was releaved of my demons in those two hours.. I have found the ticket to succes of life, and music..


The point for this, if you really, deeply, have something to get out and if it is through music, it is to releave yourself entirely. No matter if it sounds happy, sad, demonic or if it's twisted and childish, you can still release what is all inside of you.

Over time, I will create either a sonata or something like Debussy's Clair De Lune, which will be something that I will dedicate to my Grandmother.

I hope this message will find others the real spot of life and light in their light.

~ Maestro