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View Full Version : Pen Spinning

December 11th, 2005, 03:50 am
At school, I've noticed many people just twiddling their pens/pencils, and some actually do it pretty cool. Anyone know how to do pen spinning to the art form, like this: http://www.superhandz.com/images/penspinfini.wmv ? Here's a link to the other ones that I've seen so far (feel free to add more): http://www.superhandz.com/videos.html#penspinning

I think pen spinning is pretty unique, but I'm not quite sure how far this thread can go, but just to give it a start, why don't you list what you spin and what cool ones you've seen.

I can do the continuous spinning going through my first four fingers, and spinning it clockwise and counterclockwise, but I can't do this 360 one (between the thumb and the forefinger) that everyone else supposedly can. O.o...

December 11th, 2005, 04:08 am
Whoa, thats cool.

December 11th, 2005, 04:21 am
Unfortunately, the story has a sad conclusion. Since they spent all of their time in class learning how to spin various writing utencils and/or impliments, they missed out on the substance and, therefore, tragically, seem to not know how to spell "hands" in its correct form, reproduced by for your very own eyes in its correct form, contained within the quotation marks.

December 11th, 2005, 05:21 am
Lol, Pyramus.
It's called being "creative."

Anyway, I remember we had this thread over a year ago at Project-EVA's. Pen spinning, card flourishes, coin tricks, stacking etc. Oh btw people, check out the cup-stacking video -- it's unreal.

Pen spinning looks pretty cool at first. I stopped after learning a few tricks up until being able to improvise (Bloody Sonic, will I never figure you out). But really, it's so common, it's everywhere, so I don't do them. Although it might come in handy at boring meetings.

Card flourshes are pretty sweet. Just bust them out like you're doing magic and if you do it right you get amazing responses. Cobra cuts, fans, improvise, whatever. I stopped practising 'cause.... well, I have enough to use should I pull them off.
Coin (chip) tricks are excellent they're just like card flourishes with the added bonus you can do these anywhere ('cause of their size and nature nature imo). Again, you get responses like you're doing magic.

Pen spinning... meh. :stoned:

December 11th, 2005, 06:21 am
The Xtream Digit videos are UNREAL! They look easy, but is really hard. Im only good at slow, controled finger flexes, I.E. the worm. I can bend my fingers into an L; when both hands are put together and one of them does bend backwards...


December 11th, 2005, 03:55 pm
OMFG!! That is so cool!! I need to learn how to do that!!

December 11th, 2005, 11:44 pm
OMFG!! That is so cool!! I need to learn how to do that!!

>.< You *need* to, really!

Ah, there was this exercise thing where you bend (one by one) your fingers to the lower knuckle, and you have to keep it straight, but I cannot do that... http://www.pentrix.com/pentix/faqs/index.html#improve_skills

December 12th, 2005, 12:20 am
:comfort: The thingy said it doesn't really matter except for like a few tricks so you should have no problem.

I'm gonna try that now. I just hope I can find the time. >.<
:shifty: Probably during classes. Yeah, that should work.

December 12th, 2005, 03:13 am
i think it looks pretty cool, but of course sometimes too much is too much. and uhh i can't do it at all.

December 12th, 2005, 05:24 am
Im trying to do that trick when the pen is spinning on ur palm
Unfortunately the pen keeps falling off

Demonic Wyvern
December 12th, 2005, 07:27 pm
I saw something like this awhile ago. Ever since then, I've been trying to do it. I've made quite a bit of progress. I've never seen that palm trick though.


I've learnt a few tricks from there.

December 14th, 2005, 01:23 am
*sigh* Now my pen spinning seems so mediocre...

I had been the vinner of ze pen spinning wars that I held at my school (just with friends, it's not like a big "club" or anything >.<). Must... learn...

January 3rd, 2006, 11:24 pm
Ahhh! must bring the pen spinnig thread back to life!!!

January 4th, 2006, 02:03 am
Nice, miranda! *gives you the secret beginnersrevival thread badge* Keep up the good work!

By the way that's really awesome I don't even see how he can do all that!

January 4th, 2006, 08:40 am
Pen spinning. Hohoho. I can do the 360 spin around my thumb and do this flick twirl thing when I'm holiding it normally then flick it and it spins between my index and middle and i can can spin it just between my index and middle...like it's on an axis thing. Yeah. Pen spinning.

January 4th, 2006, 10:33 am
my good pen's ink get all blotchy when i attempt pen spinning because i keep dropping it. i better stick to doodling when im bored

January 7th, 2006, 09:31 pm
Hm... there's a way to avoid that. I don't know what pen you have, but if it's one of those ones that click, you could take the ink part out and reverse it. Pen modding.

January 9th, 2006, 07:41 am
Pen spinning, I always do it in class. But, I never noticed until my friend told me that always do it.

January 9th, 2006, 10:48 pm
XD pen spining is kool but shouldnt you spend your time more wisely? XD :ghost: i shouldnt talk though ..... lets see you do that with a knife!! ^_^

January 9th, 2006, 11:57 pm
Yes, I do spin knives. People don't let me cut my own birthday cakes anymore... -.-