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View Full Version : Help with the bassoon

December 15th, 2005, 05:45 pm
I don't know if there is a better place to put this but. if there is a bassoonist that will help me. I don't know why but when ever I push the key used to play the note F (I think it is called the G key) it doesn't want to play very well. so is this normal or is something wrong with the bassoon? What can I do to fix it? please help me.

December 15th, 2005, 05:50 pm
You mean low F, as in the one at the bottom of the staff?

First you want to double check you're playing the right fingerings. If that's good, make sure the reed isn't bad. If that's good, take it to your instructor. It would be alot easier for me to help you if I could physically look at your bassoon, but I'm afraid that's quite impossible.

December 16th, 2005, 02:17 am
umm no the F that is on the line between the two dots. you know how you only push one key to play it. well every note that I use that key for it gets hard to play a harsh sound in the back of it. I showed it to my band instructer. she said she couldn't see anything wrong with the keys or pads. but she doesn't play the bassoon so knows little on the matter.

December 21st, 2005, 08:26 pm
You're talking about the key that you hold down to get the lower notes right?

Anyway, try to play the F open, pressing no keys. If you still get a harsh tone, it just might be your tone. Like I said, this is really difficult without hearing you and being able to work with your bassoon.