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December 26th, 2005, 11:49 pm
This one is from my "Poems For Lovers Series" that im working on......

This is a mix of a 2 styles a

1. Sea Chanty
2. Something else :heh:

This is for full band....its called Chant and Float....

December 27th, 2005, 03:01 pm
Since you are considering this to be a band Arrangement, I think you should know about something called the, Sonata-Allegro form. It would help you very much- VERY MUCH -on your next writing.

Exposition(E) - Introduces (usually) two themes. The first fast, the second slower. There can be more than two, but it should repeat the pattern then. 1- Fast, 2- Slow, 3- Fast, 4- Slow, etc.
Develpoment(D) - Part of the piece where you would "play around" with the melodies.
Recapitulation(R) - Return of the Exposition. Followed by a short closing theme.
About this piece (from my view), I think you should of heard about the Sonata-Allegro form. It would have help a lot more, and sounded a little more "organized."

The often rests in the "melody" you had there, kind of ruined the Sea Chanty. Sea Chanties are kind of meant to flow a little bit more. I don't know if you got a Jig messed up with it, but then again.. When you had the Clarinet doing the repeated notes, then stopping for a count and a half, that would ruin the dance. :\

Other than that.. Finding a "true" melody that would be calling a "Sea Chantey" would help a lot. Sea Chantey's (correct me if I am wrong) but I think are kind of like pieces they call Air. You may of heard of them before.. much like Bach's.. I hate Bach..

Anyway, just take these things into consideration. And try to work them into your next piece ! ^_^

December 27th, 2005, 03:08 pm
Hey thanks....actually i might try to fix these problems now.....

if its not a Chanty or a Jig....what is it?

December 27th, 2005, 03:25 pm
My next piece i have written for 4 part Acappella Choir....

THis is the first piece to my "Poems For Lovers Series"


In the kingdom i have no equal,
In majesty my wings fly highest
In desperation my heart is purest

I know all words

In the kingdom i am royalty
In bliss I am glad
In torment, torment strong i am.

I am

In the kingdom i give eternal life to all those who love me still.

When I speak my words of pleasure are as smooth and as sweet at honey to thy soul.

Please add your comments...and note, there is no ritard at the end. Thank You.

December 27th, 2005, 07:04 pm
Didn't really flow in my opinion. :heh: Nothing caught my attention.

December 27th, 2005, 07:18 pm
Didn't really flow in my opinion. :heh: Nothing caught my attention.

Thats why you need the words suga. :P

December 28th, 2005, 04:44 pm
Unlike your first piece, this had a "theme" to it. This doens't mean a phrase of sounding music, but it kept the kind of "same concept" going throught it. I shall agree with Marlon slightly, it didn't seem to flow very well, skills everyone always works on :heh: .

Anyway, keep trying!

December 28th, 2005, 04:45 pm
Hey thanks....actually i might try to fix these problems now.....

if its not a Chanty or a Jig....what is it?

And this.. I don't know. You would have to work-out your song to be whatever it is you want it so be.

If it is a chantey, make it more flowy and "sea" sounding.

A jig, more movement and "bouncyness."

December 28th, 2005, 05:35 pm
Why thank you.....

Liquid Feet
December 28th, 2005, 06:36 pm
Both are novel attempts, but both are also rather lacklustre.

"Sea Chantey" has very little harmony; there's even an entire section in the middle that's just a bunch of octaves. Octaves may sound OK for dramatic effect, but having them drone on for several seconds is a no-go, especially for an ensemble as large as a band. Also, there is no melody or theme that I can remember clearly; as a sea chantey, you should take great care in constructing a pleasant, catchy melody that can easily harmonize. If I may have another suggestion, I say that you should dwindle down the ensemble to something more... Celtic, as in a string quartet, a flute or two, perhaps a tambourine. Celtic music is usually the base of sea chanteys, so that instrumentation would be a wiser choice.

"In the Kingdom" is an improvement from the first, but it still has its problems. It's nice to see that you're experimenting with dissonance, but you are using it in excess-- to a point that it doesn't work properly in the piece. I suggest going back and forming more consonant harmonies among the voices with an occasional suspension or seventh. I don't really know how to describe the theme because, though there was one, it wasn't very coherent with the lyrics. Any text of pious brilliance should be accompanied with a full melody, and I'm afraid it didn't deliver.

Overall, they're both decent pieces with lots of potential... They just need some tweaking. ^^

December 28th, 2005, 07:17 pm
Thank You for the input.

December 28th, 2005, 07:43 pm
This is an arrangement that im working on for a favorite Old Negro spiritual of mine, "Its Me Oh Lord, Standin' In The Need Of Prayer".

Im finished with the first half of it but since ive been getting input i figure i might as well get some more.

This is my arrangement "Standin'" for SATB Acappella Choir....unfinished....

and those of you with Sibelius, i suggest you use it.

May 31st, 2007, 04:37 pm
I have returned a year later after finishing all my theory and ear training and my compositions are much better because of it... I forgot my old user name thus i have another one.. sorry.

Thus my proudest moment is that Cowley College in Ark City KS debuted the fight song that i wrote for them. This is Cowley's first ever fight song and I wrote it. Thats far better than rpg stuff but yet its a long ways from where i want to be in my composing...

Once i fix some errors i will post my stuff....


May 31st, 2007, 08:17 pm
Orchestration needs work... WAY too much unison and octave doublings. It won't work well that way. The fight song (3rd one), unfortunately for me, was the worst in orchestration >.< . Too much unison/octave doublings. I would suggest starting on a piano... for now, at least. Orchestration is much harder than it seems >.<.

June 1st, 2007, 12:58 am
I would say that the one thing that you need to work on would be your harmonies. While you generally have 2-3 different lines going on at once, they tend to not fit well together, and appear to have little to no chordal structure. The exception to all this, in my opinion, was the Dance. This had a nice, catchy melody, and a good rhythmic accompaniment along with it. Though there were a few times where there was some unpleasant dissonance, it generally had better harmony and was very nice to listen to. :)

Overall, I think it was pretty good, aside from the harmony issues. Keep composing - I hope to hear more from you. :lol:

June 2nd, 2007, 02:06 am
It is more abt the usage of counterpoints.