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View Full Version : Whats better chobits or love hina?

April 12th, 2004, 02:12 am
What do u think is better? to me they are both perverted but ya i want to hear what u all have to say

April 12th, 2004, 02:17 am
i have both.....but haven't seen chobits for a long time....

i'm gonna have to say Love Hina until I see Chobits again...which is WAY later....

its cuz i'm busy wit college.... :)

kage no tenshi
April 12th, 2004, 02:22 am
I like them both very much but I voted for chobits because now the votes are even

April 12th, 2004, 04:48 am
I thought Chobits, the anime, was better than Love Hina...

but manga... is different

April 12th, 2004, 08:43 am
Love Hina was one of my first anime. It's really a great anime, and I'll love it forever. But just because of story, I voted for Chobits. I prefer stories that require some thought. Love Hina was spoon fed, while with Chobits you had to bake a cake (get the analogy?).

April 12th, 2004, 08:57 am
:D love hina ofcurse
i watched it many times

April 12th, 2004, 09:53 am
:D love hina ofcurse
i watched it many times

But have you seen Chobits? It's not fair if you vote for something now knowing about the other choice.

I voted for Chobits because it's a better series, and it's made by Clamp!

April 12th, 2004, 09:16 pm

manga and anime....

better on both sides...

April 12th, 2004, 09:17 pm

manga and anime....

better on both sides...

edit: whoops... didn't sign in...


April 12th, 2004, 11:26 pm
Yeah, Chobits you have to think about. Love Hina has too much... fanservice for my comfort.

April 13th, 2004, 12:54 am
Chobits is quite perverted in a way, but it's a cute and funny anime... Love Hina is hilarious, but the girls aren't as pretty as Chi :P so Chobits has my vote :D

April 14th, 2004, 12:40 am
Love Hina, because I love my manga hilarious

April 14th, 2004, 04:12 am
hhahaa.... luv hina is more of a comedy, so to me.... itz better&#33;&#33; ^.^ and chobits isn&#39;t even funny (i&#39;ve only read the manga)..... the story&#39;s kinda lame.... hhaha&#33; (no offence to chobit lovers ><)

April 14th, 2004, 07:53 am
Chobits was on the lamer side, but it was still definitely funny. Well, I thought all the little things Chii did were really cute and funny. She made the anime worth it.

April 14th, 2004, 03:10 pm
lol I voted Love Hina because I think Shinobu is kinda cute. But I really like Ayanami Rei, hence the SN.

April 16th, 2004, 01:27 pm
Ummm.......... I think Chobits is good......... I&#39;m reading it right now.......... Hmmmmm......... owww......... Very funny........ I like Love Hina.......... but Chobits is better........... I think

April 16th, 2004, 09:58 pm
gogo love hina&#33; i&#39;ve never seen chobits but I&#39;ve invested enough in the manga to get all the volumes (save for volume 7 which both b&n and borders seem to NEVER have in stock)... but mark my words... I shall NEVER get the english dvds (kitsune&#39;s accent is just too horrible)... unless they come out with a 2k5 calendar XD

May 14th, 2004, 11:46 pm
Chobits cause chii is cute. Also I have a weird sense of humor and i find it incredibly amusing. Also I can relate. and no I am not a pervert....

May 19th, 2004, 01:12 am
Oh, I can&#39;t decide. Chobits is a really cute series, and I bought the CD&#33; ^_^ But Love Hina is very funny... Well, I suppose Chobits is the better anime and Love Hina is the better manga&#33; ^.^

May 19th, 2004, 01:25 am
Hey&#33; YUme has Wraith&#39;s old signature except it&#39;s only the head. I looked at some Chobits manga, andf I don&#39;t get it

May 19th, 2004, 08:25 am
I put down Love Hina.

I haven&#39;t seen either of the anime, but I&#39;m working my way through the manga for both of them.

I found that Love Hina was by far the more addictive. And while chobits has it&#39;s cute moments, I just don&#39;t seem to like it as much for some reason.

May 19th, 2004, 10:47 am
love hina.

chobits?... but its a nice anime i guess...

but love hina is so addictive haha

May 25th, 2004, 10:18 pm
Hmmm...these are both two of my all time favs, so its tough to make a decision. But Love Hina was one of my first animes, so I&#39;d have to stick with it. XD I love the perverted humor, and I&#39;m a bit of a romantic so I suppose it suits me; not implying that I don&#39;t love Chobits either o__o; I own both the full anime series of both and the entire manga series for both also. ^^; And people wonder why I&#39;m broke all the time...

May 26th, 2004, 08:18 pm
well i like love hina and i think chobits is really more perverted but ive only seen like 3 episodes of chobits :D

Twisted Whispers
June 18th, 2004, 07:25 pm
I love both. But to chose one, I just chose Chobits.. which are losing by one.

June 18th, 2004, 07:33 pm
I chose Chobits. I haven&#39;t read any of the manga for Love Hina, but I&#39;ve read some of the French Chobits manga, and I&#39;ve seen both anime at around the same time. Chobits has more of a plot, which CLAMP never fail to deliver. A lot of Love Hina was pointless, you know? Kaolla Su Magical Transformation? Hot Springs Turtle? Did that contribute much to the storyline? The storyline is thickest at the beginning, a bit in the middle and at the end. All lined with fanservice. With Chobits, all the pointless seeming things were at least sweet, and developped Chii and Hideki, or any of the other characters. Go, Chobits&#33;

Twisted Whispers
June 18th, 2004, 08:46 pm
Yay.. now it&#39;s a tie. :P

Neko Koneko
June 18th, 2004, 08:53 pm
Chobits was nice, had interesting characters and a nice storyline. The music was nice and the animation was very good.

Love hina was annoying, had annoying characters and lacked a decent storyline. The music was stupid and the animation was less good than Chobits.

I think it&#39;s obvious which one I voted.

Kerris Eras
June 19th, 2004, 01:43 pm
I don&#39;t know much about the storyline, not having finish Chobits. But I think Chobits was drawn better then Love Hina in both anime and manga versions.

June 20th, 2004, 08:07 pm
I definently LUV Chobits :neko: sure, it&#39;s a bit strange sometimes, but you can&#39;t beat the manga&#33;&#33; CHOBITS :wub:

June 21st, 2004, 11:09 am
OK... I&#39;m reading these forums in the Philippines on a 32.0 kbps connection on a computer that would likely crash if I went Start->All Programs -.-" But one glaring mistake (at least I think...) just forced me to log on and post.

HOW THE HECK DOES 18/36==64.29%? Please tell me my eyes are playing tricks on me here...

June 21st, 2004, 11:17 am
no its not.. the voting thing is kinda weird.. it adds to 130% roughly =_=;
oh well.. my vote goes to love hina.. i like comedy

June 21st, 2004, 01:57 pm
i like both but it&#39;s just that i read the whole love hina series.

June 22nd, 2004, 05:21 am
Well, love Hina is really nice, but.....it didn&#39;t really develope as much as I would have liked it to. Chobits was kind of nice, and had more of a point then Love Hina did. I go with Chobits, and even the votes 20/20 :)

July 4th, 2004, 12:30 am
i found love hina to drag on and on... =_= i much prefer chobits :)

July 7th, 2004, 03:20 am
I voted Love Hina. One of my first mangas that I read, and its funny&#33; ^.^

Neko Koneko
July 7th, 2004, 06:36 am
Originally posted by Risa@Jul 4 2004, 02:30 AM
i found love hina to drag on and on... =_= i much prefer chobits :)
Heh, yeah. In the end, still nothing had happened XD

July 7th, 2004, 04:48 pm
Love Hina all the way...I find it a lot funnier than Chobits.

July 7th, 2004, 06:42 pm
Chobits... ^^;
Love Hina is a little.... mindless Even though Chobits it perverted (like Love Hina), it has a deeper meaning...