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View Full Version : So I just got a Violin...

December 28th, 2005, 07:16 pm
I lightly play the Piano and I just got a Violin for chirstmas. ^_^ I've learned it in one day, played it all day christmas day, then the day after... and the day after that... :sweat: Hey, at least I can already play "Oh, Danny Boy." :heh: Anyway, I was wondering if any of you Violinists out there had any suggestions or comments on playing techniques and the like. :think: I have a friend whos 14 and has been playing the fiddle since she was five, but I've come to find out that she can't even read sheet music. (She uses tabs)

December 28th, 2005, 07:34 pm
I've played the piano for um 6-ish years and the violin for um 2 years
For the violin it's a lot hard because finding the correct note with good intuneation is very difficult. Also hold the violin is hard with the bow hold and everything. You should stand up to practice because.. I forget but my teacher tells me to stand up... But it just hurts more.

December 28th, 2005, 08:04 pm
Ok, I'll try standing up more. *Have been using the Piano bench. lol* My dad got a spifty tuner for the Violin so we tuned it then marked the fingerboard with white out (over tape) so I know where to hit, and I've always been good with figuring out which note is what so hopefully I wont have much of a problem when I take the tape off. *Nervous* Well thanks for your advise!

December 29th, 2005, 12:21 am
Kind spammish..

violinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinvi olinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinviol inviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolin violinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinvi olinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinviolinviol in

Forever and ever.. please, I can't stand any "country" music.. if it's music.

December 29th, 2005, 02:14 am
Violin Tabs aren't as accurate as sheet music from what I've come to learn ^.^;;; I've only been playing for almost 3 to 2 years (lost count XD) but my instructor says it's FAR better if you learn how to read music when playing any instrument..but, anyhoo...

Also, standing and sitting doesn't make a difference O_o;....unless you're slouching, then yes, it will make a difference. Other than, you can stand or sit, it won't make any difference unless you're using poor posture.

I mean, look at all the violinists in Orchestras, they're all sitting.

Fiddling and Classical are both good ^_^ especially if you learn actual "Fiddling" not country music, but actual things like Slip Jigs and Reels from Ireland and Scotland.

And Maestro, as I've said above, not "Fiddling" is bad ^_~ Because I play Fiddle (all of it jigs, reels, ect.) and Classical violin.

Sadly, my violin needs MAJOR repairs at the moment T~T the stupid pegs need to be religned and I need a new set of strings AGAIN...XP

December 29th, 2005, 03:21 am
If it's possible, you should try to get lessons or have someone who plays take a look at your techniques if you haven't gotten someone like that already. Also, try to learn how to read the sheet music for the basics first. This can be accomplished in a pretty short ammount of time, so if you do take lessons it doesn't have to be for a very long time until you get a nice grasp and feel for the instrument. Without the proper instruction, though, you wouldn't know if you were holding the instrument correctly, the bow, etc. You could try looking online for a tutor as well... but somehow, you should try to learn the basics.

December 29th, 2005, 03:41 am
*Nods excessivly at all the info* I already know how to hold the bow and at this point I can pretty much play anything (of the sheet music I have) that I want now, though it may take me a while. ^_^ My birthday partys tomorrow and my two fiddle playing friends are coming over early to show me "The basics" so hopefully they'll be covering most of it. And, my dad says hes gonna send me to a Vionlin teacher after a while to see what exactly I'm doing that is good and what I'm doing that... I need to stop doing. <.<;;;;

December 29th, 2005, 04:09 am
i prefer "violin"

and yeah, try to get some lessons. =] err yeah i think that covers it all LoL

Kalile Alako
December 29th, 2005, 04:49 am
LESSONS. You must have lessons.

Unless you just want to show off for your friends... then it doesn't really matter. :heh: The tape can be a good idea, especially if you don't have a teacher. I know I started out with fingertapes in middle school, but most of the best players obviously didn't. Get them removed as soon as possible, though; they look kind of tacky. :P Plus, they leave residue on your violin, and aren't usually completely accurate. I suggest doing a google search for online masterclasses; they can be invaluable resources for teaching yourself.

Of course... keep in mind that I'm anal retentive when it comes to the violin. I assume that anyone who wants to play the violin wants to play it at a professional level, and I advise accordingly. ^_^

Kalile Alako
December 29th, 2005, 04:55 am
Oh, by the way, what kind is it?

December 29th, 2005, 05:48 pm
Oh, by the way, what kind is it?
:sweat: It's a... wait a sec... I know nothing about Violins, I dont even know what kind it is! @_@ I think its a "Aubert" ......It says "Satori" on the inside of it... All I know is that my mom and dad said by the time they were done with it all, it cost them $600.

December 29th, 2005, 05:49 pm
Violin and Fiddle, arn't they the same just a different name for whoever wants to call it that?

December 29th, 2005, 06:00 pm
I always thought that it depends on what style of music you're aiming for if you're deciding between a violin and fiddle. :\ I personally prefer the violin. I HIGHLY suggest taking lessons, but if you decide to go on your own, get a tuner, unless you can do it by ear. It's pretty hard to get good intonation when you're learning by yourself, unless you have good ears. I've only played the violin for a little bit, but posture is really important. A lot of people seem to neglect good posture when practicing, so try not to fall into that habit. ;) I also find that shorter nails makes playing much easier.

December 29th, 2005, 06:55 pm
Actually I remeber now that my teacher said that I have to stand up because when you have lessons, it's usually one on one and its all about the solos. So if in the future you have a solo performance it gives better impression to the audience if your standing up and have memorized your music.

I also have played in the orchestra since 6th grade (I entered orchestra without lessons, then after a year I got them)

Also a tip that you start trying to use your ears to find the note so your not TOO dependent on the marks, so when you learn higher postitions and techniques it'll be easier~

Kalile Alako
December 29th, 2005, 10:42 pm
^ hence the reason to get the tapes off as soon as you can. I had a TERRIBLE time learning third position when I finally got lessons, partially because of that.

Kalile Alako
December 29th, 2005, 10:44 pm
Violin and Fiddle, arn't they the same just a different name for whoever wants to call it that?
You actually hold the fiddle a different way. They're the same instrument, but the style, posture, even the bow hold and sometimes the tuning methods are completely different.

Not to say that you can't play fiddle tunes with a violinist's posture, or vice versa. There was one fiddle player who learned up-bow spicatto even though her bow hold was closer to a fist than a classical bow hold. It was amazing. @_@

December 30th, 2005, 01:52 am
You actually hold the fiddle a different way. They're the same instrument, but the style, posture, even the bow hold and sometimes the tuning methods are completely different.

Not to say that you can't play fiddle tunes with a violinist's posture, or vice versa. There was one fiddle player who learned up-bow spicatto even though her bow hold was closer to a fist than a classical bow hold. It was amazing. @_@

That's abso.freaking.lutely. IMPOSSIBLE. I can barely do it nicely with a loose grip............

Holy sheez.

Anyways, I'd advice the OP to take lessons - bad habits can take forever to correct with a violin.

I've played the darned instrument since I was 4 and half (am almost 17, I guess.) =)

Kalile Alako
December 30th, 2005, 10:52 pm
You. Are. So. Lucky.

I asked my parents when I was four if I could play the violin, but they said no, due to the fact that they "didn't want to introduce a small child into a highly competitive environment," meaning that they thought I'd get tired of it right away. And we didn't have a whole lot of money when I was younger... so the two conspired against me.

I've been playing for... this is the sixth year. Since sixth grade. I've had lessons since ninth, and I'm in eleventh now. I've just completed Mozart's 5th violin concerto, and I am so extremely jealous of everyone at my school who has been playing forever that I could kill them. :(

December 31st, 2005, 12:49 am
Violin and Fiddle, arn't they the same just a different name for whoever wants to call it that?

Actually, I've studied that question... :sweat: My best friend says the difference is "Ones carried in a case" and my sisters best friend says "The music you play" someone over the internet has said "About one year and 1,000 dollars" and the answer I find most accurate is "A fiddles bridge is flatter so fiddlers can hit multiple notes easier" but another one I like is "A Violin sings while a fiddle dances"

Hey, I've never been a dancer and I like singing so I guess I have a Violin. :lol: