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View Full Version : Hate. Explain yours.

December 29th, 2005, 05:30 am
Explain anything in this topic about anything that's going bad on with your life. As I would like to read some sort of Philosophy or Poetry, you can also tell it from what is typed out manually.

Me at the moment..

............. Nothing

December 29th, 2005, 07:47 am
LOL what a great thread.....too bad I have nothing to b*tch and moan about

December 29th, 2005, 03:34 pm
Cold Toilet Seats, I hate them with a burning passion.

Demonic Wyvern
December 29th, 2005, 04:23 pm
The damn fucking fleas in my house! Every night I wake up with more and more bites!! Why are they attracted to me and no one else?! <_< I'm so itchy!

December 30th, 2005, 12:28 am
Work. Life. Government. Taxes. You know, that kind of stuff.

December 30th, 2005, 01:30 am
hatin' teh haters

December 30th, 2005, 02:41 am
Hatin' teh hypocrites! why? cuz I can

December 30th, 2005, 05:14 am
ummmm...................................:shifty: school!!!!!! :lol:

December 30th, 2005, 10:43 am
I hate people who try to be cute, when they don't look a tad bit cute or adorable. It makes me feel like puking.

December 30th, 2005, 11:51 pm
I sometimes can literally hate my brother from time to time. It's a STRONG emotion. -_-

December 31st, 2005, 03:18 am
I hate people who think that their life sucks and that the world should die or whatever the fuck they are trying to say. Many people that are into Anime, Manga, "Art" composing, Goth-like, Emo's or whatever that's in those categories, are what mainly drive me insance. They think that having a music piece that sounds so shitty (to them, expression) with someone doing an F# and another a G or F at the same time, or with just retarded notes, sounds good? Fuck, they do not have anything to speak for. Beethoven had something called a Demon. A Demon that has been only one of the things that someone can call a Demon inside of them.

I was playing my Tony Hawk's American Wasteland game, and someone said, "Omg, the whole friggin world's a Concentration Camp." I was abrubpty insulted. He had no idea what the Jews, Poles and POW had to go through. They went through the Devil's Eyes. The German Nazi's and the SS (most of them anyway) were the Devil's Chrildren playing games with mortals. This person had absolutely NO FUCKING RIGHT AT ALL to even state this quote. I quoted to him right away about how mch shit he's full of.

People that say they have been going through so much pain after something so un-fucking-redicoulous has happened. I know it isn't difficult for them. Their spirits are weak and frain without God. God can show you strength. I have seen with my spirit and physical eyes of a person that has had many Demons in their life. My Grandmother. Lost in he mid of the Devil's secret and sacred torture collapsed her into a Nervious Breakdown. So mentally tortured.. I have been chritisized for loving something that is dear to me. My Religion. Let alone Music. They critisize something that they want deep inside down. God's bolt will fire at them at any giving time. Only the time, will be unperdictable...

I do hope you read through this. And yes, this is very true about what I have said. Peple now adays are savages of their own fucking well being. I only swear is what because I can use to STRESS something down their little petit throats of nonsense.


December 31st, 2005, 06:13 am
It is true that, in the grand scope of things, one's problems are definitely insignificant. However, you should not expect everybody to be completely complacent with their lives simply because there are people who are suffering more than they are. By this logic, then, everyone would be compassionate towards one person - the person in the world who is suffering the most. That's ridiculous. There will always be someone suffering more than you, but at the same time there will always be someone suffering less than you. This is the way of things, and so we should adapt a scale of relativity - let somebody grumble about how crappy his/her life is, and instead of condemning them for being ungrateful, understand that there's gotta be something wrong. Of course, this is extremely difficult: say, for example, your friend is moaning that he got an A instead of an A+. It's extremely tempting to bash him in the face, but instead, try to see things from his perspective. I'm not saying that gratitude is bunk, but... well, like I said earlier, try to empathize before condemning.

Liquid Feet
December 31st, 2005, 06:42 am
People who take their religion and rub it into other peoples' faces, thus trying to change them. A good example would be Maestro~. >>;

December 31st, 2005, 09:23 am
Yea ^ . I dont hate, but I dont like people who cant think for them selves, but instead say "The Bibles says.." or "God said..". For vergin Mary's sake! You have a brain, use it! Dont just say and think how someone else wants you to, I just cant stand people like that. Yes, there are rules in guidelines to be a good student and citizen of your country. But come on, people like Meastro just use the words "god" and "bible" too much.

Another things I really hate (sometimes with a bloody passion) are people who dont accsept people who are diffrent.

December 31st, 2005, 09:30 am
Well I've been reading the Religion thread, and it seems you have somewhat of a grudge against people of Catholic orientation.

December 31st, 2005, 09:40 am
A small grudge. Its just I know many Christians who just hate Homosexuals in real life, so it makes my life harder knowing only one person, in real life, knows that I am who I am. Its also because in my town, if you dont beleave in the Christian God, people look at you in the crulest way. They seem to beleave that Christian was the only way, and I came and ruined it for crapy them.

I guess I am a hypocryte, saying how I seem to dislike the Christians for their discrimination of people who are diffrent. Its just harder for me, personaly, living in a White, Homo-phobic Christian dominate area, me being Asian, gay and Athiest.

December 31st, 2005, 10:39 am
I hate bullying- it drives me insane how some people can get so much pleasure from other people's misery- then you get people sticking up for them saying "ah, they have a bad life, it's the only way they know of releasing their anger"- bollocks is it- if they truly had such a bad life, they wouldn't be able to make someone elses hell. I mean, doesnt everyone get down sometimes- and not everyone bullies. I know I've had bad times, and ive been really upset or angry and actually been overwhelmed with a desire to hurt someone so im not the only one hurting- but the thing is- at the same time, you physically cant bring yourself to do it, because you have something that bullies lack- a conscience.

Second thing i hate- people who are overly "depressed" though they dont know the meaning of the word. Similar to Maestro's rant about emos and goths, but different in that not all emos and goths, just the ones that fake being depressed to fit in with the crowd- who dont know the meaning of the word and use it interchangeably with "upset" even though they are two different things.

Third thing- religious people who inflict their religion on other people and dont allow room for independant, differing thought. Similarly homophobes- I hate homophobes- how the fuck can you say that one sexual orientation is right for everyone? In the same kinda way, how can you say that something like incest is wrong because at the end of the day, if we take the example of the bible- Adam and Eve- how did two people come to populate the whole world? simple answer- INCEST.

Also hate people who dont know what they are talking about, but rant on anyway. Dont really want to use a personal example, but i hope people get what i mean anyway.

Last thing is something I was discussing with my mum last nght- I hate people who ridicule something that you're upset about by saying something like "there are people in the world with no roof over their head and no food or water"- this is going to sound awful, but big deal- you cant compare our society with those kinda societies- there are totally different ways of life, climate, religions, situations that arise, and you cant do cross culture comparisons because they are totally different- i mean, for example, if your dads just died- you're not going to think "ah well, at least i have a roof over my head", "well look at that- i should be greatful, people in africa are dying every day"- how the fuck can you say an african death is worth more than, say, a french, english, american, japanese death? death is death- end of story.

Dark Bring
December 31st, 2005, 10:53 am
I hate people that hates hating.

Hatred is like the Dark Side of the force. It is a mean, a tool, a force of nature.

And it is part of you. Recognise it, acknowledge it, temper it, use it, and you shall be richly rewarded. Deny it, discard it, suppress it, and you shall be destroyed by the hellfires you lock within yourself. Abuse it, loose control to it, and the power you wield will consume you, utterly, leaving behind a burnt-out husk of a soulless body, or a corrupted perversion of who you once was.

There are those that have managed to live without it, you say. Let them be, I say. It is your choice to set aside the sword and take up the plow, or to put down the pen and take up the gun. We all have our own choice of tools, but for those that do not respect the choices of others, the hypocrites who hates hating -

The dark fire will consume them in time, and the bonfires of their burning carcasses shall serve as warnings to those that strew from the true path.

December 31st, 2005, 03:05 pm
People who take their religion and rub it into other peoples' faces, thus trying to change them. A good example would be Maestro~. >>;

In the post I made, I am trying to strees the point that people into that world, have a big ego and (if one) a very very weak virture of their surroundings...

EDIT- And it is none of your buisness if I want to preach me belivings. I don't think I have read any rules on the forums that I cannot stress my way of looking twoards things. You can ignore them...

December 31st, 2005, 08:02 pm
Let the non-exsisnt god rule the world! Bring us to heaven and let people go to hell for an eternal life because of one mistake in a 80 year life! Let him distroy the world and not allow all beings go to heaven and be truly merciful!


Gays are good, Gays are fine, gay gay gay gay gay.


If I were like you Meastro, my post would look like that all the time. Come on man, look at your gods damn signature!

*I just found a new hate. No, not at Maestro, just at his signature*

December 31st, 2005, 10:20 pm
Look, it's fine if you don't like Maestro's beliefs, but essentially you are doing the same to him as he's done to you. He can dislike gays and you can dislike Christains all he/you want(s), but that's not going to get anyone anywhere.

December 31st, 2005, 10:31 pm
In the post I made, I am trying to strees the point that people into that world, have a big ego and (if one) a very very weak virture of their surroundings...

EDIT- And it is none of your buisness if I want to preach me belivings. I don't think I have read any rules on the forums that I cannot stress my way of looking twoards things. You can ignore them...

i don't want to gang up or anything, but i find it funny reading your post of how everyone else has a big ego, and then reading your profile, in particular your biography.

January 1st, 2006, 12:17 am
Hah! Excellent excellent. I do believe you've got him.

I bet Maestro's going to attack you now though.

Liquid Feet
January 1st, 2006, 01:19 am
Let's not bring up the size of Maestro~'s ego again. In a relatively recent brawl in his composition thread, we've established that he's an overly hypocritical and egotistical bastard. I don't think he needs to be reminded of it again. Instead, let him change by himself; the effect is much longer-lasting if done that way.

Though I don't hate any specific people (only some of their actions), I must say that I have lost all respect for Maestro~.

P.S. ~ You spelt Spirit wrong in your member title. :P

Demonic Wyvern
January 1st, 2006, 01:42 am
Something tells me this topic will turn into nothing but flames. It's all but a small ember now, but I could see it starting to be fanned. Ah well.

Something I hate: Absolute confusion. I like when everything makes sense. So, to life's big questions I take a while and think of an answer. I just hate when that answer is proven false. It leads to absolute confusion and I stay up all night thinking about it.

I know I had a whole thread about this but it still bugs me to tears occationally. It's the damn voices. Like Maestro, I had a very strong belief in God and there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that what he said must be true and all that. (I have nothing against homosexuals though.)My solution to the bible was: Bible=Metaphors. Now, I've been living with these voices for around 7-10 years and they've told me my whole purpose in life. (That's the secret part.) Now, I know they're nothing but a mental illness and everything they've told me is a lie. So, I just lost the answer to the biggest question. What is the meaning of life? It frustrates the hell out of me! Leads to problem 2.

Problem 2: I've also lost faith in God. I was so sure He existed before because the voices would refer to Him and tell me to listen to God and stuff. If the voices aren't real, how do I know if God is? I had such a strong Faith because I actually heard them. They told me the answers. Leading to problem 3.

Problem 3: I have very negative thoughts. There are so many times I want to beat the hell out of people and kill them even. The only thing that stopped me from doing that was when Jesus said all that junk about helping your enemies. I've been following that all my life and even cutting myself to avoid hurting others. Now I'm getting more and more tempted to hurt others. I've been bullied for 7 years so that's one of the main reasons.

So my problems are:

What is the meaning of life?
Is God real?
I must be a very cruel person if a book is the only thing keeping me from hurting people and not my consiense.(sp?)

It frustrates the hell out of me! I hate it!

Liquid Feet
January 1st, 2006, 02:21 am
It's very unwise to have those two VERY broad questions-- "What is the meaning of life?" and "Is God real?"-- rule over you. It would be much better if you just left those "problems" alone, and welcome their answers whenever they may come. It may be hard to do (It never was hard for me because I was never a religious person), but being agnostic is much better than getting yourself depressed over something that may or may not exist.

And as for the meaning of life question, there really is no one solution; it's how you interpret it, really. For me, I believe that the meaning of life is to live-- it's as simple as that for me.

That other "problem" of yours can be changed. Just presuming that the book you speak of is the Holy Bible, it is a set of metaphorical guidelines, not in-stone rules. Guidelines are not meant to be broken, but they don't have to be followed.

That's just my view on those things. Overall, you're just letting other things control you when, in reality, you're supposed to be the one behind the steering wheel. Live your own life.

Demonic Wyvern
January 1st, 2006, 02:28 am
That's what I'm gonna try to do for the New Year.

The big questions frustrate me because I've had them answered for the longest time. I'll try not to worry about it though.

January 1st, 2006, 05:58 am
Well, I will not attack you (of what I think). You are all insignifigant thinking people of life. I am not gaining up on you, oh no, you are the ones who are being the center of attention people; you are the ones creating your own monster.

As you may think that I am a ridiculing bastard, or whatever it you may say, you are bastards yourselfs, in you own single way. You think you are perfect? No. No you are not. I may have faults in my roots, but I can see them. Though, I know that not in every thing that I speak is perfect. My belifs to me, I think are followed perfectly, which you obviously haven't given a chance.

Unlike you, you just see that life is a freaking smoking pot of nature and life; Life today isn't worth to much, since God's free-will has been taken advantage of. Then again, you wouldn't know what that is, since you don't give things chances, and I wouldn't say that I have not.

You cannot change a person either. People so "intelligent" of the "circle-of-life" as yourself should know this. I cannot purswade you not to be a homosexual, or for it, now can I? So why do you think I will stop being aganst that fact? And yes, I may be a bastard when people are so far off the tip of the iceburg. Put it into purspective bub, your not the one who's really thinking.

@My Wifey. Don't take it to hard, but to feel faith, you must have it's first roots of faith. There's knowing God, then beliving and loving God. Two VERY, VERY different things. Many people go to church and say that they are religous because they are learning about God, Jesus, etc. They do not know the spiritual enlightenment from him though. That's the true key.

For anyone that thinks of things only in one perspective, should be giving a book to read. A one by a "Republican" and one by a "Democrat". Then you can truly give your opinion.

Anoyone else who lashes out at me will obtain the true facts about your well being. I am showing you something many a time over, which you say, "Oh no, no one will like me because I do that." Society runs your life. You say your in control of your own actions. No. No you are not, yet again.

January 1st, 2006, 05:59 am
Yea ^ . I dont hate, but I dont like people who cant think for them selves, but instead say "The Bibles says.." or "God said..". For vergin Mary's sake! You have a brain, use it! Dont just say and think how someone else wants you to, I just cant stand people like that. Yes, there are rules in guidelines to be a good student and citizen of your country. But come on, people like Meastro just use the words "god" and "bible" too much.

Another things I really hate (sometimes with a bloody passion) are people who dont accsept people who are diffrent.

And I hate people, that their lives are driven by something that are so stupid. And I think people you like you use "no, its like this" and "gay is ok!" to much.

You have no idea what the fuck God and religion is. Yes, I KNOW YOU DON'T..

January 1st, 2006, 06:02 am
A small grudge. Its just I know many Christians who just hate Homosexuals in real life, so it makes my life harder knowing only one person, in real life, knows that I am who I am. Its also because in my town, if you dont beleave in the Christian God, people look at you in the crulest way. They seem to beleave that Christian was the only way, and I came and ruined it for crapy them.

I guess I am a hypocryte, saying how I seem to dislike the Christians for their discrimination of people who are diffrent. Its just harder for me, personaly, living in a White, Homo-phobic Christian dominate area, me being Asian, gay and Athiest.

*Yes, sorry for the triple posts, but get over it please.*

No. I did never say that I hate gays, I hate their way of thinking. That isnt THEM, it's their TINKING. Yes, they start with T's right boys and girls? Yes..

And I don't care if you think Religion has ruined their life, you dont know it. Read post above....

Liquid Feet
January 1st, 2006, 06:56 am
Well, I will not attack you (of what I think). You are all insignifigant thinking people of life. I am not gaining up on you, oh no, you are the ones who are being the center of attention people; you are the ones creating your own monster.

In all technicality, I haven't attacked you in any way. If you were to review your composition thread, you would realize that I was never bashing you, only your actions.

As you may think that I am a ridiculing bastard, or whatever it you may say, you are bastards yourselfs, in you own single way. You think you are perfect? No. No you are not. I may have faults in my roots, but I can see them. Though, I know that not in every thing that I speak is perfect. My belifs to me, I think are followed perfectly, which you obviously haven't given a chance.

I have never directly referred to you as a bastard-- nor do I plan to, but you're doing the very thing that you are accusing me of. If you don't believe me, observe the boldfaced text in the text above. And yes, I think we all understand that no one is perfect. I know that some of the things that I have said were less than intelligent, but I have apologized for each of those shortcomings. It is also good to feel that you have good virtues, but, like I've said in the "emo" thread, you should not feel obligated to shove those beliefs down other peoples' esophagi. And I have given your beliefs a chance; in fact, I welcomed you with open arms. It was your choice to openly bash me just because I gave you an honest, but less-than-stellar critique. Even I used to believe in the same things as you: that there is a God who is watching over and guiding me, but I lost faith in this otherworldly being because it had become increasingly clear, at least for me, that He wasn't helping me at all.

Unlike you, you just see that life is a freaking smoking pot of nature and life; Life today isn't worth to much, since God's free-will has been taken advantage of. Then again, you wouldn't know what that is, since you don't give things chances, and I wouldn't say that I have not.

I unleashed a rather hearty chuckle at this little snippet-- not only for its bemusing and stereotypical metaphor, but also for its contradictory nature. "Unlike you, you just see...." How does that work out? "...and I wouldn't say that I have not" You realize that, with that carelessly placed double-negative, you have yet again shown that you have done exactly what you accuse me of?

You cannot change a person either. People so "intelligent" of the "circle-of-life" as yourself should know this. I cannot purswade you not to be a homosexual, or for it, now can I? So why do you think I will stop being aganst that fact? And yes, I may be a bastard when people are so far off the tip of the iceburg. Put it into purspective bub, your not the one who's really thinking.

Wow... The plethora of stereotypes that you use in order to "prove" your point never ceases to amaze. XD; However, you are right that people cannot be changed. That still doesn't give you the right to try and change me with your psychotic torrent of Jesus-banter. And if I put it into perspective, I see that you are the one who's not thinking; you're to busy paraphrasing the Bible to even conjure a rational thought.

For anyone that thinks of things only in one perspective, should be giving a book to read. A one by a "Republican" and one by a "Democrat". Then you can truly give your opinion.

Anoyone else who lashes out at me will obtain the true facts about your well being. I am showing you something many a time over, which you say, "Oh no, no one will like me because I do that." Society runs your life. You say your in control of your own actions. No. No you are not, yet again.

Considering that I have not only read about those two very different political perspectives, but also have to endure both perspectives each day, I think my opinion on these matters is very well thought out. However, unless this is supposed to be a metaphor, this really doesn't coincide with the rest of the conversation.

Where, if I may ask, will these "true facts about [my] well being" be obtained from? Unless you plan on serving as a psychiatrist to me, it's definitely not going to come from you-- and that is a true fact. And no; I, as well as everyone else here, control my actions quite well. If I weren't able to adequately harness this rudimentary skill, then I wouldn't really be able to sufficiently exist. >>;

ON TOPIC, I like to add that I hate it when my head begins to spontaneously itch. It's one the most annoying feelings ever. ><

January 1st, 2006, 08:04 am
i hate myself at the moment.....stupid!!!! why did i do that?!! NOOOOOOOO!!
*regret *regret *regret *regret *regret *regret *regret *regret *regret *regret *regret *regret *regret *regret *regret *regret *regret *regret

January 1st, 2006, 08:23 am
Meas - Please, next time read what I posted. I wasnt talking about you, I was talking about the town I live in. And because you are still a bit new, I dont think you have heard of the edit option yet. Its on the upper right cornor of your post. Use it to add new comments into older post instead of posting multiple times one after another. The only time you are allowed to do so is in your own topics to bump it.


I hate it when your finger gets a bit stiff, so you go to pop it. Then it doesnt help, and its still stiff. So then the only way to stopp it is to pull it, and you go "HELL NO! IM NOT PULLING MY FINGERS!".

NOTE: Poping fingers, in the fasion of pushing them gently, does not hurt your body in any way. The pop sound is just the air bubbles being released from your joints.

Now, pulling your fingers does hurt you because it makes you ligments lose.

January 1st, 2006, 11:52 am
Well, I will not attack you (of what I think). You are all insignifigant thinking people of life. I am not gaining up on you, oh no, you are the ones who are being the center of attention people; you are the ones creating your own monster.

As you may think that I am a ridiculing bastard, or whatever it you may say, you are bastards yourselfs, in you own single way. You think you are perfect? No. No you are not. I may have faults in my roots, but I can see them. Though, I know that not in every thing that I speak is perfect. My belifs to me, I think are followed perfectly, which you obviously haven't given a chance.

Unlike you, you just see that life is a freaking smoking pot of nature and life; Life today isn't worth to much, since God's free-will has been taken advantage of. Then again, you wouldn't know what that is, since you don't give things chances, and I wouldn't say that I have not.

You cannot change a person either. People so "intelligent" of the "circle-of-life" as yourself should know this. I cannot purswade you not to be a homosexual, or for it, now can I? So why do you think I will stop being aganst that fact? And yes, I may be a bastard when people are so far off the tip of the iceburg. Put it into purspective bub, your not the one who's really thinking.

@My Wifey. Don't take it to hard, but to feel faith, you must have it's first roots of faith. There's knowing God, then beliving and loving God. Two VERY, VERY different things. Many people go to church and say that they are religous because they are learning about God, Jesus, etc. They do not know the spiritual enlightenment from him though. That's the true key.

For anyone that thinks of things only in one perspective, should be giving a book to read. A one by a "Republican" and one by a "Democrat". Then you can truly give your opinion.

Anoyone else who lashes out at me will obtain the true facts about your well being. I am showing you something many a time over, which you say, "Oh no, no one will like me because I do that." Society runs your life. You say your in control of your own actions. No. No you are not, yet again.

*slowly backs away* man, you have serious issues. the way you convey what you mean is so erratic and inarticulate, that it doesn't make sense. it's just the ramblings of a madman.

Oh, and stop condemning everyone else as though you know them. you are presumptious, and like Gaki said, rely too much on stereotypes. you are not God, you are not on par with him like your sig suggests, and dictating who is and isn't a 'bastard' and who follows the Bible is blasphemy. Let God do the judgement.

Finally, if you say you can't persuade people to stop being homosexual, how about you just shut the fuck up about it? nobody needs your 'fire and brimstone' speech everytime something contraversial is mentioned. just go back to the salem witch trials with the rest of your buddies.

you don't have to write a big psychotic reply to this, chances are i shan't bother reading it. i'll probably find an auto-biography by Charles Manson that has the same content.

oh and on topic i hate waking up at night with cramp in my leg

Liquid Feet
January 1st, 2006, 07:05 pm
i'll probably find an auto-biography by Charles Manson that has the same content.

Now that I'm thinking about it, it's rather scary how freakishly accurate that comment is. O_O;

January 1st, 2006, 08:14 pm
*slowly backs away* man, you have serious issues. the way you convey what you mean is so erratic and inarticulate, that it doesn't make sense. it's just the ramblings of a madman.

Oh, and stop condemning everyone else as though you know them. you are presumptious, and like Gaki said, rely too much on stereotypes. you are not God, you are not on par with him like your sig suggests, and dictating who is and isn't a 'bastard' and who follows the Bible is blasphemy. Let God do the judgement.

Finally, if you say you can't persuade people to stop being homosexual, how about you just shut the fuck up about it? nobody needs your 'fire and brimstone' speech everytime something contraversial is mentioned. just go back to the salem witch trials with the rest of your buddies.

you don't have to write a big psychotic reply to this, chances are i shan't bother reading it. i'll probably find an auto-biography by Charles Manson that has the same content.

oh and on topic i hate waking up at night with cramp in my leg

I love you! Your so funny!

*no sarcasm intended*


I hate it when people dont find sarcasm and smart-ass remarks funny.

January 2nd, 2006, 01:36 am
Well.. I think we should just stop this now useless debate. I mean, where are we getting? Nowhere obviously. I won't give in, and neither will you. As of now, I personally will just stop arguing over this. Religion, homosexuality, thoughts now of me being enforcitive on this will stop. Although I may bicker about other things in a harsh way, especially if it's something that I have a stong attachment to it. Anyway, I vote to stop this.

When I said that you don't know both sides, I do not regret that. It says it in the Bible to not have regrets. Although this came back and kicked me in the asscrack (lol), I have done something myself, and a last statement to you too.

I can see now that you are shunned from the world. Mainly people that popular or religous. I can see that you are very alone (people that are for or are- homosexuals), but I can stand the fact that that you are still worthy to this Earth. Trust me, I AM NOT MAKING MY FEELINGS UP RIGHT NOW. I shall be for forgiveness, and sorries. But...

You aren't the only people that are shunned away from respect. Religous people are attacked as well. Many people say that we need to fuck off, stop preaching, and that God isn't real and he's a load of lies and shit. How do you think we feel about something that we love so strongly is being said about? It saddens me that I cannot share something too with people with my love of God.

So truce. As I may not agree on Homosexuality or any other things, I would still be willing to be friends. As, music, compositions, friends etc, you get it. But unless we want to have a truce, I think having these bickerings from me, and anyone else, is pointless (said again).


More to topic: I hate how people... hate me. Just because I am deeply into my Religous Beliefs, Very emotional and in tone to who I REALLY 'am, Love music, is a lot more serious than people in society; at my school, wear my hair straight slick back. I mean, why do they need to literally say to me, "Fucker! Why do you do/don't do ___??!!" Is there a need for this bitching constantly at me? Oh, because I don't smoke week or have sex (or make up childish stories) and be a dumbass? Wow, being a dumbass must be cool. Hey Ichigo members? I bet you think being dumbasses means you're cool right? (Lol. I am not saying that at you, I'm actually asking you question. Not saying that you are. I am SERIOUS RIGHT NOW.)

It's that very reason why I have to be arragant to get what the hell I am thinking into at least the littlest portion of their minds. Not to change them, but to think...

Anyway, truce and everything with that jazz. :lol:


January 2nd, 2006, 01:51 am
Sarcasm man, sarcasm. My smart assed remarks and sarcasm got me through 6th grade, and because the people who bully arnt to smart they just say "your mom" after that. (sadlly Im friends with most people in school now, even the bullies...)

I take it that people say "suck my balls" to you, right? Its being said a lot around my town, because of good ol South Park. Just go along as either say "Present them" or "So your gay now?"...

Ill stop now ._.


I hate school projects. One every month or so is okay though, but this one gods damn teach gives us one every 3 or 4 days, and they are usualy really large projects. She expected us to type 25 + pages, draw a detailed picture, color it and bind it in a self made book in 2 days!? Good thing we bitch a lot :|

January 2nd, 2006, 01:53 am
Yea. Today to resent your problems, is to bitch about them :lol: . No seriously.

January 2nd, 2006, 01:59 am
It depends on the definition of dumbass. If it means resisting people who bitch about you because or the reason you state, Maestro. That I say dumbass is cool!

I hate people on the streets who literally block you way to force you to make a donation. If I want to donate I will, there is no need to cut me from my friends and pressure me to donate. This way, I will never never give a single cent. Okay, there is once I gave 5 bucks to get away. I hate those people. Grrrrrr.

Liquid Feet
January 2nd, 2006, 02:12 am
I will agree to call a truce on this senseless argument but I must make one last statement: I am NOT alone, and it is absolutely daft of you to think so. I have a wonderful boyfriend who I plan on marrying in the future and a load of friends who know and understand me, many of whom are Christian-- just like you.

...I lied. I want to make one more statement: I would like to tell you that I have nothing against you or any other religious activist; I just find it less-than-pleasant when people like you try to change me with your beliefs. I will tell you that all of those efforts have proven themselves to be useless. I'm glad that you love God-- I'm glad that you have the time and patience to commit to a religion, but I'm afraid it's not for me.

I feel that people wouldn't "hate" you if you tried to think on a more secular scale. It's fine and dandy to believe in and preach the words of God-- that's what Christians are supposed to do, but you must understand that not everyone else believes the same things as you do, and that some people, whether they believe in God or not, are annoyed by it. If you were to try to keep God and your religion out of things, it would help you out a lot.

As for the love of music and strange hairstyle, I have to go through the same things. ^^; There's plenty of people at my school who think I'm insane because I play the "air piano" in my free time and hum random tunes at a whim, and people in Choir make fun of me because they think that it looks like I'm having an orgasm whenever I actually play the piano. There's also a lot of meanies who make scissor-motions with their hands, likely suggesting that I need a haircut. I understand that my hair is very long, but I feel that I'm entitled to it. Besides, it's not like it's harming them; heaven forbid that my follicles jump out of my head and chase after those who oppress me with pitchforks. XD; I suggest that you just give those idiots the good ol' silent treatment. They probably just make fun of you because they're jealous of you; that's usually the case. >>;

~*~Kike's Owner~*~
January 2nd, 2006, 03:46 am
I hate it when people tries to discourage/encourage me especially when it comes to my singing. I sometimes hate it when I keep my feelings bottled up. I hate horror movies. I hate being used by people (I've already been used twice which is just so messed up). I hate it when my dad disables the internet. I hate it when people talks bad about people that I know and like. I hate it when I can't do anything about something. I hate it when I feel like as if I'm talking to a wall when I'm talking to my best friend in the phone. I hate it when there's no more junk food in the house that I like. I hate it when people makes fun of me, my friends, or my family. I hate it when school is out. I can't see my friends anymore. I HATE CHORES!!!!!!!!! I hate people who tries to act like other people (dress, talk, walk, etc). I hate people who are pure nice and has never commited a sin before because it makes me feel guilty and all. I hate people who are pure evil (it's actually more like pity and hate). I hate people who are cheating on their girlfriend/boyfriend. I hate people who thinks they suck (that's why I hate myself so much). I hate it when my room is messy (I end up cleaning it up even though the mess is not mine). I hate it when I get yelled at. I hate it when I get blamed for something I didn't do. I hate it when people says that I'm wrong and that they're right even though we both know that I was right. I hate it when I'm bored. I hate it when I make boys in my school fear me (seriously, I wanna change but I just can't seem to do it). I hate it when I have to go to my aunt's house because it's so boring over there, I have nothing to do. I hate fakes. I hate it when I can't go on the computer. I hate it when I'm in my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period class because we don't do anything fun. I hate it when people call me "little girl" or "baby" or anything else that would go in that category. I hate it when rats and cockroaches make their homes in my closet. I hate people who compare someone with another. I hate people who aren't true to themselves. Hmmmm....I think that's pretty much all I hate (these are all I can remember).

*looks at what I typed*
Dang! I hate a lot of stuff.

Portfoolio Magnifico
January 2nd, 2006, 03:57 am
Right now i hate that i cant find a pen that works or a pencil with a point.
Why when i need you most i can never find you?

January 2nd, 2006, 01:25 pm
I must be a very cruel person if a book is the only thing keeping me from hurting people and not my consiense.(sp?)

Ever thought that the book might be a symbol for your conscience? A book can't do things; well it can lie there, and it can gather dust, and it can get soaked, and it can burn to ashes... But it can't get up and stop you from hurting people. It's you who must read the book and understand it and think what's in there is good.

In your posts you show you know a lot about yourself, and you certainly don't sound very cruel. Everybody's got bad thoughts, especially when people do bad things to them. It's not bad to have bad thoughts; people can't help that. You seem to know what thoughts are bad, and you don't give in to them. That's pretty much what a conscience is about (to me, at least). ^_^

January 2nd, 2006, 01:56 pm
Ever thought that the book might be a symbol for your conscience? A book can't do things; well it can lie there, and it can gather dust, and it can get soaked, and it can burn to ashes... But it can't get up and stop you from hurting people. It's you who must read the book and understand it and think what's in there is good.

In your posts you show you know a lot about yourself, and you certainly don't sound very cruel. Everybody's got bad thoughts, especially when people do bad things to them. It's not bad to have bad thoughts; people can't help that. You seem to know what thoughts are bad, and you don't give in to them. That's pretty much what a conscience is about (to me, at least). ^_^

yep, sometimes you're not even in control of your thoughts. if i told you not to think of a black cat, even if you didn't want to, you automatically would think of a black cat. psyche!:lol:

January 2nd, 2006, 04:20 pm
Hmm....I hate long posts, why? cuz they're so frickin long and they don't get me any smarter than I was 2 minutes before I read the frickin post!!

January 3rd, 2006, 01:17 am
As for the love of music and strange hairstyle, I have to go through the same things. ^^; There's plenty of people at my school who think I'm insane because I play the "air piano" in my free time and hum random tunes at a whim, and people in Choir make fun of me because they think that it looks like I'm having an orgasm whenever I actually play the piano.

Yea, I do that Air Piano thing also, same with humming or whistling Beethoven or Chopin tunes, or just something from Band.. etc. Yea they like to critisize me when I'm doing to air piano thing. Although, they do disgusting noises and actually humping their desks. (Yes, humping their desks) and they think that's just fine and ok. ROFL.