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View Full Version : My first real composition

June 29th, 2004, 11:38 pm
Here is my work.I won't talk of the story of the other day in this,your comments are all welcome and if you don't like it,please say what I could change in it to make it better.I would also like to ear what this song is making you thinking when you hear it.The end is a bit crashed but for the rest I think that's okay.So I present you my first composition,the song of the soft wind

July 15th, 2004, 07:34 am
it has a nice mellow sound at the start.... then around 00:28 secs it was a little bit of a clashing sound.... the instruments didn't flow together there. i would probably ease off the keyboard sound.... cause it doesn't go really good... just use it less often around that area. it's definetily may have some potential to it... but i'd strongly advice you to revise it again... other than that, great job! it's a new kind of sound in the composition forum!

Rating- 7.2/10

July 15th, 2004, 01:41 pm
For the first real composition it's pretty good. Sounds a bit Zelda-like in my ears.
When hearing this, I imagine some guy, sleeping peacefully after some dramatic or dangerous actions. In any case, he is at home, or in a house of friends. And he is sleeping in a bed. And it's a long sleep, to recover.
Yeah, that's what I hear in this piece.

Keep it up, it sounds preety good. work on it to make longer pieces. It was rather short ;)

Liquid Feet
July 29th, 2004, 05:18 am
I actually found "The Song of the Soft Wind" to be very likeable. The title is also very fitting (I wish I can make titles! *throws a fit*). About halfway through the song, the parts seemed to lose the nice blending quality they had in the introduction. Extending the song would also be nice, but I can't say much because my compositions are also relatively short.


+ ~ Very good blending in the introduction.
+ ~ Very "hummable" flute part.
- ~ Loses its blending quality halfway into the song.

OVERALL GRADE ~ 7/10 A very nice start. keep working at it.

*Also remember that no matter how you are rated on this composition, it is your BEST and WORST, considering it being your first real composition*