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View Full Version : Cartoon Network and KidsWB ruined anime

January 4th, 2006, 08:00 pm
I was watching cartoon network and kidsWB and of how many mistakes i've seen in anime, i think they ruined it.

NARUTO- they pronouced at least half the words wrong! and they took out some of the most funniest scenes!

Tokyo Mewmew
Made it sooo childish and changes half the scenes.....

Those are just some examples. Adult swim does fine i guess..... but these networks are horrible! does anyone agree with me?

January 5th, 2006, 12:08 am
Agreed. Adult Swim if the best pick though due to allowing PG14 at best.

Wishing that Naruto would be moved to AS instead of CN. They cut out all the good stuff! Hehe, like "Iruka's a pervert!" Some good stuff are being kept from me due to these networks and their censorship. You can say 'bitch' on the 11 o'clock news but you can't say 'ass' in a cartoon, unless it's for Disney. What's up with that!? (Disney movies are so naughty!)

I was a MewMew fan too, but the show on FOX made it look a lot like it could be in the same catagory as Do-Re-Me. (Ouch!) I don't know. I guess I can't really say much because these networks are giving me what I want/need, access to japanimation. I can't really get it any other way. (Poor, and I lost my library card<_< ) So I guess that they could do anything to destroy these shows, I'll still watch.

January 5th, 2006, 12:40 am
You know, it's not exactly Cartoon Networks fault. Now is it Kids WB's (I think). But since 4Kids runs FOX Box now, it is their fault for whatever they show. Heh, actually, they can be blamed for almost everything not shown on Adult Swim.

January 5th, 2006, 04:54 am
I can't speak to Kid'sWB, but I would have to disagree with you on Cartoon Network. As one who is on a limited budget and has interests outside of Anime (and Manga), I have found Cartoon Network/[Adult Swim] to be an excellent way to get my fill of them each week. While some of their scheduling choices can be downright bizarre (i.e. BoBoBo Bo Bo BoBo), most of the others are at least enjoyable (Zatch Bell) to downright excellent. (InuYasha, Samurai Champloo, Neon Genesis Evangeleon, etc.) They may be dubbed (though I actually prefer dubbed myself) and have various other flaws, but they're probably the best chance that the average American/Westerner has to see quality Anime outside of a "Saturday-morning-/After-School-cartoon" context. So don't sell CN/[AS] too short.

January 5th, 2006, 06:51 am
I must protest. Yes, they do ruin some of my favorite animes by cuting them up and poorly dubbing them, but dont you see what their target audience is by them doing so? Smaller children of course. If it wasnt for them, anime wouldnt be so widely popular out of Japan. And if it wasnt for them some adults would think all animes are all half naked girls prancing around in water falls and it isnt suitable for public TV.

Example. Remember Esclaflowne? It played of FoxKids, untill so many parents complained of its violence and it got cancled after the first or so shows.

January 5th, 2006, 02:41 pm
Example. Remember Esclaflowne? It played of FoxKids, untill so many parents complained of its violence and it got cancled after the first or so shows.

No it didn't. :mellow: It went all the way to the end, because I remember watching it.

January 5th, 2006, 11:02 pm
Naruto - I think it's fine as it is. American's are dumb when it comes to Japanise comedy.

Tokyo Mew Mew - Don't watch.

January 5th, 2006, 11:19 pm
No it didn't. :mellow: It went all the way to the end, because I remember watching it.

Funny.. I remember it being cancled ._. Maybe it was a local thing.

January 5th, 2006, 11:55 pm
I agree these stations ruined so many anime. So just dont watch it really lol i just watch the japanese versions of naruto. I watched like 2 english episods and almost barfed. Its horrible -.- :ghost:

January 6th, 2006, 12:23 am
You people are just too biased...&#172;_&#172;

I don't mind the Naruto dub. I can live with the absence of most of the blood and whatever else. The only time I ever cringed at the dub was child Haku's voice. It sounded too robot-like. I think it should have been spoken matter-of-factly instead of drone-like.

January 6th, 2006, 12:33 am
Agreed...naruto is awful, and yeah...

What the heck happened to kidsWB, anyway? They don't show it during the week anymore or what?

January 6th, 2006, 12:56 am
And this is why I never watch dubbed anime.

January 6th, 2006, 01:50 pm
And this is why you should download. If it isn't liscensed in America it isn't illegal to have. I'm movin out damnit! Send your money to me to help my lost cause!

January 11th, 2006, 02:13 am
i think that the american dubs are really bad. although some of them passed my expectations of what it was going to be. Take Naruto for instance; i watched this show in japanese and i loved it. when naruto first premiered on CN, i was pretty suprised that naruto was decent enuf to pass off. on the other hand, american dubs can become so bad that i've never watched the dubs for that series since. like One Piece. OMG so bad. i won't even comment on it. hopefully in the future, the dubs could become better but i doubt it will until a new age of anime is made.

January 11th, 2006, 05:30 am
Look at you people. You complain and complain, yet you all only have example of a good anime turned "bad". Naruto.

Its like screaming "The Bible said so" for every little thing. Its really sad.

January 11th, 2006, 06:34 am
One Peice's dub sucks. My ears were near bleeding after hearing that scratchy-voiced douchebag scream and shout. I couldn't help but think, "This isn't Japanese."

January 12th, 2006, 06:53 am
4kids is horried. Why do they think teenagers would have a voice of a 5 year old? Let alone a girls voice?


January 12th, 2006, 06:07 pm
Let them show what they will show and just ignore it. As stated before, it's not targeted for anyone over the age of 10 (arbitrary number, results may vary). After figuring out that there are other ways of procuring anime, I never, ever, turned on the tube with the intention of watching CN/AS anime.

January 13th, 2006, 08:18 am
Leaving everything subbed would make everyone's life easier. Plus, it would improve people's reading abilities! That would make everyone happy.

January 13th, 2006, 10:02 am
Leaving everything dubbed would make everyone's life easier. Plus, it would improve people's reading abilities! That would make everyone happy.
I believe you mean "subbed"?

January 13th, 2006, 05:26 pm
i agree with you.........4kids totally killed one piece and sonic x,some scenes are just retarded,specially with sonic x. they did a decent job with yugioh though,although i wish some other company could've gotten the licence for it so the cursing and violence could be kept in.....4kids should make an uncut version of all their shows so that everyone is happy. :P

the only dub i liked was yugioh......there werent too many retarded scenes,but they still should've shown the first season.........the death-T was awesome. ^.^

*sigh* 4kids has really good voice actors,but they always screw up the shows..........

January 16th, 2006, 08:17 pm
Take the dub with a grain of salt or don't take it at all. As been mentioned before, the company aims the shows at 7-10 year olds. As magz said, there are other ways of getting uncut anime.

January 17th, 2006, 07:14 pm
I agree, after watching the japanese and enligsh version both so many times, i find the japanese version more soothing. :P it sounds better,

January 23rd, 2006, 02:12 pm
yeah... but it's not like we can make them cancel the shows... it would make the "not so anime smart" people sad that they are canceling. but it does feel better knowing we have people on our side. haha ^^ anyone agree?

January 23rd, 2006, 02:22 pm
Yes. As said before, go out buy your own or download. I know through shows on public tv the good stuff is always kept out. Although CSI (Michigan where I live (Who the hell knows where that is!?) Don't know about others) shows a great deal of bloody detail. Ironic that we can watch people cuss eachother out and look a dead bodies get shot and what not. But when it comes to anime/cartoons we can't. I understand its ment for kids, but for christ sake. I'm watching tv at 7 at night and I'm seeing ads for Girls Gone Wild! I remember only being able to see those ads when it was 1 am!

The moral of the rant: I don't know, I wrote as it came to mind :heh:

January 24th, 2006, 07:42 am
yeah... but it's not like we can make them cancel the shows... it would make the "not so anime smart" people sad that they are canceling. but it does feel better knowing we have people on our side. haha ^^ anyone agree?

Certainly not! As I stated in a previous post, I'm on a limited income and can't spend wads of $$$ on DVDs; therefore I watch Cartoon Network/[Adult Swim] in order to fulfill my cravings for anime goodness. If *you* don't like how CN/[AS] shows anime then *don't watch!!!* But please *don't* deny those of us who, for one reason or another, like to watch it there the chance!

January 25th, 2006, 12:24 am
i have to agree that Kids Wb sucks major monkey, but at least cartoon network has adult swim (yay Evangelion!!!!), but i must agree that once toonami killed Gundam seed from the lineup, i became angry with the replacements. Naruto is good not as good as the unedited but good enough, one peice sucks, and what the HELL is BoBoBo-BoBoBoBo? Bring gundam back to a watchable hour, not 5 am!!! IGPX is good even though it technicaly isnt anime.... sigh but its just not gundam......

January 25th, 2006, 04:13 am
personal opinion. i think that the reason they ruined anime is that the producers or editors or whatever at those tv stations just dissmissed anime as a kids show because it was just that. animeted. f-ing morons probably didnt pay much attention to it, and just sent it to some poor idiot to do a bad translation job and fix the cartoon to american kids criteria. i hate ppl who assume anime is a kids cartoon just kuz its animeted.

i hope i made some sence.

January 25th, 2006, 08:50 pm
good point shade.
however if it for the FCC, that wouldnt be an issue, because there would be at least one channel devoted to good unedited anime that has quality dubs, but our parents have become overly concerned about what we see,hear and play, so they put regulations on what can be put on public airwave/cable/satalitte. Tho they have no real right to control cable or satallitte, because the have monthly fees and like all the stations are privately owned, the government is going to far with its restrictions

January 25th, 2006, 09:13 pm
that it is.
I say, the right for an artist or author to explress him or herself should be upheld. its not up to the fcc or whatever to censor stuff, its up to THE PARENT to put a lock on the channels. its up to the parent to watch those tv shows and see if they are fit for their children. i think that if a channel warned that it's tv shows had content not suitable for children, then the parent who shows up on his kid watching said unsuitable material, has NO ONE but his or herself to blame, and the kid, a little. its up to the parent i say!

that was my two cents.

Kakashi Sensei
February 4th, 2006, 01:59 pm
if ten year old kids can watch DBZ then they should be able to watch unedited anime as well. DBZ IS SOOOOOOOOOOO VIOLENT and grapic too

February 11th, 2006, 09:46 pm
most animes showed on Cartoon Network and KidsWB are editied version .... if they doesnt want such a graphic show to be shown and editied, they shouldnt have aired it in the first place!!

February 13th, 2006, 12:20 pm
i'm so glad that they dont f-up anime in London...well its not like they have anime over here apart from Card Captors, Yu-Gi-Oh, and sum crappy westernfied drawings which i can't believe they class as anime! e.g Totally spies, man that show pisses me off. >.<! Oh and W.I.T.C.H urgg... to those who havn't heard or seen this program, u dnt know how lucky u r!

Just stick to the old faithful bittorrents from the net!
-what would i do without my computer- n______n!

February 14th, 2006, 12:47 am
you are so lucky that you dont have bobobo-bobobobo, o and totaly spies and w.i.t.c.h. not anime, not close, that is western cartoon, in anime style, much like IGPX here in the world of toonami, however IGPX actually has anime themes in it so....bleh whatever

Damn the FCC and damn all rating systems in all countries

February 14th, 2006, 11:54 am
-wipes forehead- i'm glad that totally spies and w.i.t.c.h hav nothing to do with anime... cus they soooo would kill it. stupid creators....

oh well gona watch gd old bleach! ^^

February 15th, 2006, 02:34 am
thats right, watch real anime, burn the rest, well thats what i think...

yeah, wish i could help you with your lack of good anime on the television, but im in a similar situation

February 16th, 2006, 05:27 am
I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.... some wack parents got One Piece cancelled on KIDSWB cuz they thought it was too stupid!!!!!!!!!!! =_=;;;

...yea they say naruto and sakura and sasuke all wrong....

I feel insulted when i watch american versions (im jap) cuz it feels like japans greatest achievement or sumtin like dat:P

February 16th, 2006, 09:09 am
...yea they say naruto and sakura and sasuke all wrong....

I feel insulted when i watch american versions (im jap) cuz it feels like japans greatest achievement or sumtin like dat:P

THANK YOU! (althought im not jap) they say all the names wrong n it pisses me off, i dont watch it but i've seen the trailers, and man are the shite! :bleh:

Its totally tainted naruto!
gonna download the "proper" version now! :P Yah!

February 17th, 2006, 01:17 am
have muych fun my good anime dprived friend

May 14th, 2006, 05:46 pm
I'm Sorry, but stop complaining!!! I agree with the first statement, but just go to an online search engine and just download the jap. version with english subs if you have to. It's really not that hard... for example i got ep. 1-182 (yes it goes that far as of right now) of naruto (jap. ver. english subs) on ebay for $34.99.

May 21st, 2006, 01:38 am
Dont like it dont watch it. At least its there for you to watch. If you are so nit-picky over all the right pronunciations and no cuts just buy the god damn show. Be happy CN and WB is even showing any anime.

May 21st, 2006, 02:53 am
Check dis out, you'll luv it. www.vgcats.com and check out strip 150 "Lost in Translation"

Anyway, we are the victims of shows that have been lost in translation. But, you know I love anime, I just wish America would go back to making great, funny cartoons. Not buying foreign anime and degrading it so (for anime deserves our respect and admiration). Seriously, every time I turn on the television and come across some new cartoons, I gag because they are so mind numbingly stupid. Whatever happened to the clever character coming on top (like Bugs bunny) or even some of the cartoons from the early 90's were good, late 80's were good (I liked Thundercats when I was a kid). Why must we settle for annoying, talking sponges who laugh in such a way as to make me rip out my hair.
Censors have not helped either. Whatever happened to the falling anvil gag, the explosives, the defective ACME gear. No one gives a damn about character development either now. (sigh) Alright, I'm done ranting.

May 22nd, 2006, 11:28 pm
Why do you think that cartoonetwork and kidsWB ruined anime?


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