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View Full Version : Sokyuu no fafner/Fafner in Azure

Sleeping Forest
January 8th, 2006, 05:09 pm
Hopefully I'm not making a clone, haha..
So, has anybody seen this series? I just finished the series recently myself. I've got to say this is a pretty good series. The story was kind of like EVA, but then a whole lot different than EVA at the same time. Most of all....
big spoiler ahead...
MAIN CHARACTER DIES!! Well, Kind of...

November 22nd, 2006, 04:30 am
It's more along the lines of Evangelion meets RahXephon meets Gundam SEED.

I finished this just the other day, and the ending left me, well, empty. I didn't feel or see the characters develop much at all, exempt Soushi and Kazuki. It falls into the tundra of death too. Half the cast dies off in the first 13 episodes, leaving the rest of the cast to mourn. When I thought about the characters ( a whopping 23 ) I'm reminded slightly of Gatekeepers and how they handled it. They took extreme cases and put them all together. The Shinji with spine, the Stone cold, the weak/sacrificial, leader, easygoing, militaristic, et cetera. While this isn't necessarily bad, it most certainly makes the characters' development flat.

Points are touched on, then left, forgotten, and then as if they didn't exist something contradicts them. For instance, the first episode introduces a Sphinx. It asks the question you will get utterly sick of by the middle: "Are you there?" Soushi originally said that by answering their question, your mind will be taken over. Later on in the series every one of the characters respond to that question. I didn't see any mind control at all.

As Evangelion was to Christianity, and RahXephon to Egyptian Mythology, Fafner is to Norse Mythology. The title itself makes that notion (Fafner is the only dragon in Norse Mythology, and it symbolizes greed). Not being very familiar with it I looked a bit into it, and there were several connections and undertones to the story, but nothing outstanding that anyone could spot.

The art is decent, cloning a few character from Gundam SEED. It does have a great deal of Mecha CG, which is blended in quite nicely. The music is done quite well, with a Japanese Philharmonic orchestra playing the scores. What I really liked about the audio, is how the ending song morphed to the mood. If God's in his heaven — All's right with the world, then you got the normal ED. If someone dies, you have a piano with a softer vocal solo of the ED.

Voice Acting really got on my nerves a couple of times. Especially Toomi's. I don't know if it's uber clear voice, or if it's just bad; but the voice talent stood out. Almost robotic like. Great at some points, horrid at others.

All in all: I'd watch it again. It wasn't so bad that I would throw it in the Canary bin. But it isn't something that I'll deeply respect for years to come. It was a decent anime that did its job: Entertain. The rest I leave up to you.

*maybe making this entry longer tomorrow*

Neko Koneko
November 22nd, 2006, 07:27 am
I like the OP and ED songs. I watched one ep and was bored out of my mind. I usually don't judge a series on one ep but I needed my HD space at the time... so, yeah =p

And if it was like eva then I guess I didn't miss much ^_^

December 3rd, 2006, 11:26 pm
I really liked the series, wished it went on a bit more. I just learned the ED song on piano.