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View Full Version : Request::Please please help:: Disney Channel's "High School Musical"

January 28th, 2006, 03:57 am
Have you guys seen Disney Channel's new movie "High School Musical"?

Well, as a fellow musician, I was wondering, and I would give my soul and guts for it, if there was someway, somehow, to get my hands on a copy of the songs for piano, which most, if not all, songs were acompanied by. (It's really good, b/c the background music is just the piano.)

The piano is my passion, and I know that that is the same way for you. I would do anything to get a copy of "Breaking Free," "What I've been looking for (reprise)" or "start of something new", all from the "High School Musical."

That movie was a really good movie, and I got a crush on Vanessa Ann Hudgens. But if you guys can please please please somehow give me a link to a site that might sell it legally (or illegally; i'm desparate)--sorry, but I don't even know if it is even available to the public yet, being the movie just came out last Friday.

Please, thank you all. I am obssessed with those songs.

January 28th, 2006, 06:24 am
I actually had to look this one up, but no, it's certaintly not anime or a game (or even animated for that matter). *points at big red link at top of forum*