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View Full Version : Please help regarding Boys be Winter 2

February 3rd, 2006, 12:49 pm
How do I play it? There are 2 treble clefs and there are some keys that seem need to be played by both the right hand and the left hand at the same time. I also don't understand what the 2 letter C's after the clefs mean. I'm a begginer by the way. I started playing piano when I was in grade school, stopped, and started again recently so... please try to explain in a simple manner @_@ . Where exactly are the keys I need to press? I don't get those 2 treble clefs at all @_@ .

-Thanks M

February 3rd, 2006, 01:49 pm
Well, if there are two notes on two seperate staffs that are exactly the same (for instance both entries in the grand staff are F6 or as you see in bar 2 of Winter II), then the sheet music was done in a sloppy mannor (not to attack the writer; it's what composers really do call it). If the notes occur at the exact same time and it is exactly the same, choose one of them. If the note occurs in the phrase later with a different rhythm, but the other line is saying to hold it, play it as written.

What probably happened is that the writer wanted to accent the note without changing the key velosity (midi terminology- the dynamic of each individual note entered into a music notation software).

February 3rd, 2006, 08:55 pm
hehe, your question seems to be answered. try also winter III, by josh. i like boys be' solo piano pieces ^^