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View Full Version : RP Characters... From Other Forums!

February 8th, 2006, 05:00 pm
Well, since Angelic pooped the party in the other thread. Here's a thread for drawings and drawing requests of those RP characters on other forums. :P

February 12th, 2006, 04:13 am
Uh, well, he has a point, and he has power. ^^; Best not to mess.
Thank you Al for suggesting the idea! Or else bad things might've happened.

So, uh, here I go:
Crimson Hibiya: http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a287/kitsune_kunoichi/service.jpg
For this one, she's a first year in Raizen Academy, part of the tennis regular teams. She knows a kind of martial art, and can be either cheerful or pissed, depending on the situation.

Eiko Suzuka: http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a287/kitsune_kunoichi/EikoSuzuka.jpg
She's the captain of the Harutani Tennis Club, and she's insanely cheerful. Sometimes people wonder how she ever got to be captain when it's her vice-captain, Harukuni Sou, is more responsible. Serve and Volley type player.

Ehehe, both forums that these characters came from are related to the anime/manga Prince of Tennis, thus, the tennis-ness.
Eventually I'll have my Bleach RP Character up, when I have the time ^^;