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View Full Version : Im new at this...

February 21st, 2006, 02:19 am
Hey I just started playing music, and I have a problem, Im not good at playing G Clef and Bass Clef at the same time because I have to focus on one Part at a time, I can't really mutitask, can someone give me some tips?

February 21st, 2006, 03:17 am
Start with a theme. Make it simple-stupid. Once satisfied, make it complex. Change rhythms.

Hope that helps XD

February 21st, 2006, 07:21 am
I think our friend here is referring more to the playing process than the composing one, so this belongs more in the musical discussion forum. But anyways...As for tips, there really isn't much I can say other than to practice - the more you do it (scales, arpeggios, etc) the more naturally it should come to you, via muscle memory or whatnot. One way to do this is to try to get the individual (ie, left and right hand) parts down straight, and then concentrate on putting them together.

February 21st, 2006, 09:35 pm
Yes, I agree with Shizeet. Even if you have years of experience behind you, it is often best to start out learning each hand seperately and then putting them together. Sometimes I, myself, am a hypocrit when it comes to that, though...

March 20th, 2006, 04:03 am
Well, to get more specific on the topic, I agree that you should learn one part at a time and then try put it together, but I'll get a little deeper. From past experiences, I learned that you should work on the harder part first (most likely the upper line) and then try the other part. When putting the two together (especially if one part has lots of eighth notes) start playing the piece slowly and as you get better, speed up.

March 20th, 2006, 05:03 pm
I agree on that one... its proven that you learn a piece faster and better by playing it real slow rather than playing it fast and failing all the time.