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View Full Version : Beware of 'Screamers'

February 22nd, 2006, 05:34 am
Fair warning: There is a new internet phenonmenon that involves flash movies that are seemingly innocent, and usually quiet (so you are tempted to turn the volume up. They then present you with a scary image and very loud, scary sound to shock the viewer

Some of them can be pretty funny when you know what to expect. However if you are not expecting it these can be extremely frightening and could damage your hearing if you are wearing headphones. Do not link any of these on Ichigo's without sufficient warnings.

Here's a wikipedia article where you can read all about them (and know what to avoid) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screamer_(Shock)

February 22nd, 2006, 09:20 am
Errgh, yeah. There's one of them in the funny thread =_= made me just outta my chair!

Neko Koneko
February 22nd, 2006, 09:33 am
Personally, I think anyone who posts crap like this should be banned from the forums. I hate junk like that.

February 22nd, 2006, 10:46 am
Ugh...Ashtr posted a couple of those in the Subliminal Messages thread...they scared the hell out of me.

February 22nd, 2006, 01:09 pm
When it temps people to turn up their volume, that should be an obvious suggestion to gtfo of that website. I mean, what good comes out of blasting your volume up high other than killing your ears in exchange for your emo needs (No offense).

February 22nd, 2006, 04:31 pm
OMG, I saw one of those at school, (minus sound, thankfully :D), and I almost died!

Jordan: "Try to spot the difference, it's REALLY HARD"

Aeris: "Ooookay..." *looks*

Jordan: "Look harder, get your face really close up!"

Aeris: "Okay" *does*

*something from the Exoricist flashes onto the screen, it's mouth open in a scream*

Aeris: *SCREAMs and runs away, squealing "I HATE YOU JORDAN!!!"

OMG, so scary I almost fell off my chair . . .

February 23rd, 2006, 11:40 pm
OMG, I saw one of those at school, (minus sound, thankfully :D), and I almost died!

Jordan: "Try to spot the difference, it's REALLY HARD"

Aeris: "Ooookay..." *looks*

Jordan: "Look harder, get your face really close up!"

Aeris: "Okay" *does*

*something from the Exoricist flashes onto the screen, it's mouth open in a scream*

Aeris: *SCREAMs and runs away, squealing "I HATE YOU JORDAN!!!"

OMG, so scary I almost fell off my chair . . .

I feel SO sorry for you. :(

February 24th, 2006, 04:25 am
Personally, I think anyone who posts crap like this should be banned from the forums. I hate junk like that.
yes i agree, if they didn't post fair warning. And by fair warning I mean nothing less than:

The link below is a SCREAMER! View at your own risk! For more information about screamers, view this article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screamer_(Shock))

February 24th, 2006, 05:29 pm
Yes, I've had my share of those...especially those maze ones, pretty surprising..but not really scary. Since then I've been very cautious of my friends linking it...especially my dad...oh man it was soo funny!
My dad sent me one...I already knew what to expect...so I let my friend see it...he screamed like a 6 year old girl in a horror movie XD and my other friend..who was a girl...smacked me to the ground x_x

February 24th, 2006, 07:54 pm
Ugh...Ashtr posted a couple of those in the Subliminal Messages thread...they scared the hell out of me.


alright I'll put up flashy red warnings next time.

February 25th, 2006, 02:13 am
Eh, I've seen that car one but thats it, It seemed kinda dumb to me XD

February 25th, 2006, 02:21 am
They're pretty predictable actually. I don't know how people can fall for this. Unless you are blind or your screen is too fuzzy, getting up close to the computer screen wouldn't really help you find a small object or whatnot. And why would you turn up the volume anyways? Nothing's that interesting to hear.

February 25th, 2006, 11:37 pm
The reason why people do so is because the higher authority (the computer in this case) is telling you so. There was a study about people doing what a higher authority said to do, even if it ment harming someone. And in most cases they all did so.

So, when you take the time to load a flash game, I would hope that you take the time to play it right, even if it means getting scared.

February 26th, 2006, 12:08 am
The reason why people do so is because the higher authority (the computer in this case) is telling you so. There was a study about people doing what a higher authority said to do, even if it ment harming someone. And in most cases they all did so.

So, when you take the time to load a flash game, I would hope that you take the time to play it right, even if it means getting scared.

Hmm, let me try

The link below is a SCREAMER! View at your own risk! For more information about screamers, view this article


game got me pretty damn bad.

February 26th, 2006, 05:16 pm
oh god i hate those things. i rarely get scared but those things make me scream like a flippin murder victim. someone i knew since elementry school sent me to a site and when it popped up i screamed so loud my parents thought i'd broken a leg or something. i was afraid to go on the internet for about a week afterwards and i haven't spoken with that person who linked me since. lol. the second time is the car one. my uncles girlfriend thought it was funny but i screamed really loudly and i started crying and she felt bad lol. i even knew what was coming but i wanted to convince myself i could see one and not scream like an idiot. it was unsuccessful. -_-' and then a 3rd time! my goodness people sure do like to scare the bejesus outta me. i was at a friend's house and my friend saw a thing on subliminal messages and he thought it was okay. then it started saying the lord's prayer in a demonic(well, creepy. i don't believe in demons) voice and then bam! i of course freaked out and started crying AGAIN. i felt like such an idiot. luckily i was able to lie my way outta saying i was crying(i hate crying in front of people) but yeah, my friend felt really bad. another girl friend of mine that as there even emailed me once i got home to ask if i was okay lol. so i'm glad people have finally decided to label these things well, on this forum at least. ;p

February 26th, 2006, 07:01 pm

Hmm, let me try

The link below is a SCREAMER! View at your own risk! For more information about screamers, view this article


game got me pretty damn bad.


wow, that was amusing.

February 26th, 2006, 09:34 pm
that one! hahahah I showed that one to my french teacher XD. She jumped out of her seat and screamed so loud! XD

February 27th, 2006, 03:08 am
heh, as i was reading the article gand posted, i kept checkin the url to make sure it was authentic cuz i thought something was going to pop out at me XD

February 27th, 2006, 04:58 am
Uh but the URL that Gand posted is slightly defective, the brackets don't close.

February 27th, 2006, 05:32 am
but on the second one...with the warning, it's the real one that he meant to post

March 7th, 2006, 06:06 pm
I feel SO sorry for you. :(

Thank-you *hugs* It was a horrible experience! :O

March 8th, 2006, 05:43 am
rawr. i hate those. scare me so bad. thanks gand =]

March 22nd, 2006, 12:48 am

Hmm, let me try

The link below is a SCREAMER! View at your own risk! For more information about screamers, view this article


game got me pretty damn bad.

lol my mouse is so bad that I can't make it past the second level.

March 22nd, 2006, 04:34 am
My freshman English teacher showed me a screamer once...it basically doubled my heart rate for the next class :P Though I'm hoping that one of these days someone will invite me to try a screamer while I'm holding a leaky pen or something unbeknownst to them...I'm pretty sure they'd never do it again *evilgrin*

March 22nd, 2006, 05:45 pm
I used to love those things, once I loaded one up to like half my class (damm that was back @ finlay.... like 4 years ago...) and they all screamed like sissiy girls. I still get a scare once in a while.

the best one ive ever seen was called "japanesse cartoon" it showed this valley with soft music playing, got you feeling al calm (damm them) and then the little girl from the exorcist would jump out screaming.


March 22nd, 2006, 06:40 pm
Yeah, there was a German advert that was a screamer, I once saw it on one of those TV advert shows (I know I'm sad). I'm sure that some elderly Germans had heart attacks.

March 22nd, 2006, 06:55 pm
it didn't make me scream, but I certainly jumped.

Alfonso de Sabio
March 23rd, 2006, 02:10 am
Yeah, I had great fun with the German car commercial in one of my classes. The teacher was late, and we have a HUGE video projectors hooked up to the computer, so I projected it onto the wall one day before class. Girls were screaming, boys were jumping, it was great.

March 23rd, 2006, 03:11 am

Hmm, let me try

The link below is a SCREAMER! View at your own risk! For more information about screamers, view this article


game got me pretty damn bad.

haha! lol that didn't scare my but it scared the holy mess out of my sisters! :bohaha: it was really quite funny

March 23rd, 2006, 07:19 am
Yeah, I had great fun with the German car commercial in one of my classes. The teacher was late, and we have a HUGE video projectors hooked up to the computer, so I projected it onto the wall one day before class. Girls were screaming, boys were jumping, it was great.

Isn't the German commercial about not drinking and driving?

Alfonso de Sabio
March 23rd, 2006, 02:22 pm
The one I showed was this car coming around a bend, and when it goes out of sight, a zombie or something pops up and screams. It looks like a regular car commercial.

March 23rd, 2006, 09:35 pm
I hate screamers, but they are funny after the 1st time watching them. Well, sometimes, anyways.

On a similar note, I just linked (through the screamer link) the Nevada-tan story. Kinda makes me never want to look at screamers again.

In short, screamers suck