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June 13th, 2004, 09:20 pm
Every plz Take this poll THx

June 13th, 2004, 10:08 pm
I prefer Anime over Manga, with the reason "music". ^_^

June 13th, 2004, 10:12 pm
I don't really care. Anime sometimes because colorful animation is better than plain black and white pictures, but I understand the story a lot better with manga. It all depends on the situation :think:

June 13th, 2004, 10:16 pm

no time constraints.. (20 min episodes for anime)

directing, story, timing....... is usually better....

David Hayter
June 13th, 2004, 10:43 pm
You can't asses the quality of an entire medium.

It's like saying "Which is better, novels or film?". The question is mostly meaningless. They're both just non-competitive forms of expression.

June 13th, 2004, 10:50 pm
both ><" I&#39;d vote for one of them but I can&#39;t

anime has the music and sound.. that brings our emotions out to a level that mangas simply can&#39;t do alone

manga generally has alot more details, and have more things happen than their anime counterparts

Originally posted by LingXiaoyu
no time constraints.. (20 min episodes for anime)

directing, story, timing....... is usually better....
^ what Ling said ^.^

June 14th, 2004, 12:17 am
both&#33; well, manga and anime each has their own good points and bad points... hard to choose...

June 14th, 2004, 02:47 am
Both&#33;&#33;&#33; of course

June 14th, 2004, 03:49 am
i like anime but i also like manga cuz it can be better than the anime itself, hence midori no hibi. but.. i chose anime =P

June 14th, 2004, 03:25 pm
definitely manga...naze? well~~~ there are a lot of thoughts and ideas in the manga that are left out in the anime. And sometimes...the anime version is drawn worse....and...it makes me shrivel...

June 14th, 2004, 06:31 pm
Umm....... Manga is uncut....... Anime is better to watch...... :rei:

Neko Koneko
June 14th, 2004, 07:22 pm
Anime. I can&#39;t sit back on my bad and watch manga on my TV.

kage no tenshi
June 14th, 2004, 08:13 pm
I like anime better because it is a video
but I like manga better because it costs less and they can&#39;t mess up the voices when dubbing, because there is no dubbing in manga.

I voted both

June 14th, 2004, 08:21 pm
Anime. I just don&#39;t get the same feelings with manga. It&#39;s probably because there&#39;s no music, or seiyuu, or all of my favorite anime aren&#39;t manga.

The only manga version I like better than an anime version is Azumanga Daioh, but they&#39;re pretty close

Alfonso de Sabio
June 14th, 2004, 09:13 pm
Umm....... Manga is uncut....... Anime is better to watch......

Yeah, I wonder why Anime is so much better to watch? I always fall asleep everytime a manga comes on tv. Anybody else feel the same way?

June 14th, 2004, 09:56 pm
I like both, but i perfer manga
Mostly because Manga is usually the original story, the way the creator wanted it to be, and Anime changes that alot.
Plus in manga the is screened better...i think i used the wrong word lol
i think theres more planning in Manga

but if you look at the pros and cons of both they kinda balance eachother out

June 15th, 2004, 01:48 am
Originally posted by hayama@Jun 14 2004, 03:21 PM
Anime. I just don&#39;t get the same feelings with manga. It&#39;s probably because there&#39;s no music, or seiyuu, or all of my favorite anime aren&#39;t manga.

The only manga version I like better than an anime version is Azumanga Daioh, but they&#39;re pretty close

really?... thats the only anime i perfer over the manga....


June 15th, 2004, 02:59 am
I prefer manga. In most cases, theres more story, and if I miss something, I can just go back and read it over. :D

June 15th, 2004, 11:44 am
Anime for the music, and....sound. Sound always makes it a lot more funny and more...active, while with manga the only sound there is in your head. Plus with anime it is slowly teaching me japanese.

June 15th, 2004, 09:30 pm

u ppl hab no imagination.....

June 16th, 2004, 06:55 am
Manga all the way. I can read one in like 30mins, and one manga covers like, 4 episodes of anime. I can sit in a bookstore and read like 3 of them&#33;(I&#39;m cheap, lol, and poor) It&#39;s cheaper...and you can take time to see how pretty the artwork is. I love mangas...oh, and it&#39;s always cool to see the lil&#39; notes the author puts in...just seeing what they have to say. You don&#39;t get that with anime.

June 16th, 2004, 10:27 am
Most definately, manga rules out anime. Fo exemple, there are so many little things which I thought were really nice in the Chobitsu manga which never made it onto the anime. Also, manga is a lot cheaper and you don&#39;t have to have anything to play it on. You can take it to school and read it during study, you can read it on the train, you can read it nearly everywhere. Whereas with anime, you have to have a DVD player or a VCR, and portable DVD players are kind of weird looking in public (in my opinion). Manga&#39;s also easier to make yourself, whereas anime requires loads of people to draw cels and people to compose and play music and seiyuu. It&#39;s not possible to make a really good anime by yourself.

So, I think behind every good anime is an even better manga. Unless you want action, which is always better in anime, but I prefer romance and generally pretty pictures.

Neko Koneko
June 16th, 2004, 11:17 am
Manga has no romantic music to set the mood.

June 16th, 2004, 11:19 am
but then say.. some of the combat scenes (i.e Rounin Kenshin) is much better seen in cuts rather than a smooth flowing animation.. it just feels better for some reason.. they both have their pros and cons

June 16th, 2004, 09:34 pm
Originally posted by Angelic@Jun 16 2004, 06:17 AM
Manga has no romantic music to set the mood.
again.. no imagination...

yesh... n for action.... i still like manga...

cuz anime&#39;s always draw out the fighting scenes to ridiculous lengths...

n over use of the still character/moving backgrounds thing...

again.... unless the production values r extremely high... like samurai champloo or movies..... the action is usually better in manga...

even in naruto.. there&#39;s only a few major battles that were done better in the anime..... (ie: haku vs naruto, sasuke vs orochimaru)

June 16th, 2004, 11:44 pm
i like both&#33; i dont really care since i like to read. i like watch anime even more tho&#33; :D

June 16th, 2004, 11:54 pm
Originally posted by LingXiaoyu@Jun 16 2004, 02:34 PM
again.. no imagination...
although I understand how you feel there, but music used in alot of animes, such as romantic ones, are extremely well composed :heh: I&#39;m sure most of us don&#39;t have that kind of imagination

that&#39;s the one thing I like about anime versions ^^;

I still can&#39;t choose one of the two ><"

Neko Koneko
June 17th, 2004, 05:23 am
I chose both, for reading manga can also be nice.

Milai Sapphire
June 17th, 2004, 07:09 pm
Originally posted by Angelic@Jun 14 2004, 12:22 PM
Anime. I can&#39;t sit back on my bad and watch manga on my TV.
That&#39;s my exact thinking&#33; Anime I don&#39;t have to do much work beyond pressing a few buttons my DVD remote. Manga I have to turn page after page. Plus, I like the music in the anime. ^_^ Kind of lazy way I guess... :heh: Very rarely will I read manga, maybe that&#39;s just cause I haven&#39;t read manga in about two years.... :mellow:

June 17th, 2004, 08:42 pm
Originally posted by Milai Sapphire@Jun 17 2004, 07:09 PM
That&#39;s my exact thinking&#33; Anime I don&#39;t have to do much work beyond pressing a few buttons my DVD remote. Manga I have to turn page after page. Plus, I like the music in the anime. ^_^ Kind of lazy way I guess... :heh: Very rarely will I read manga, maybe that&#39;s just cause I haven&#39;t read manga in about two years.... :mellow:
You have to read either way...

edit: I thought you said the hard part was reading&#33; Mabye I should read more carefully...

June 22nd, 2004, 04:10 pm
i totally agree with LingXiaoyu...it&#39;s like reading a book *well with PICTURES bwa hahaha* and yeah u set yourself into the mood while you&#39;re reading it&#33; gotta be creative&#33;
to tell the truth, i get the same awesome goosebump chills when i read manga and watch anime...so~~~~~ it&#39;s creativity&#33; haha

June 26th, 2004, 02:19 am
this is a super long quote. if you're really into anime/manga then you should read it and see if you agree or not.
i got it from another forum i'm in, and it was the same subject. interesting, eh?

well, to make my opinion of manga and anime simple, i'm going to put it in the pros and cons of these two:

-one of the earliest type of "comics" to exsist before anime was ever made, thus it has a strong begining and have lots of influence over the japanese culture
-originality of mangaka's works of art and story is retained in his work without any outside influence (eg: economic, politics, censorship, television broadcasters, anime producers, etc)
-the production of manga is alot cheaper and faster compared to anime, so it's easily eaccessible to the general public
-stories potrayed in manga is (most of the time) alot better then when being converted to anime
-manga can always be read at your own pace so that the storyline, dialouge, and art can be carefuly read through and appeciated
-in some part, the "suprise" factor of manga is better then anime because of the paneling and pages of the manga itself
-can be easily read anywhere and anytime, whether you're in school or work or even outside in the park
-doesn't require electricity and electronic appliences like computer and television (except for online mangas and reading in the night ^^)

-some action oriented mangas (eg. slam dunk, naruto, evangalion, etc) is better potrayed in anime rather then manga (although this mostly up to the reader's preference and taste)
-easily torn and wear out if not maintained and kept properly
-thickness of mangas and having lots of volumes is a problem because you'll run out of space to store them, compared to anime which is in VCD, DVD and even MPEG format which is thin and compact
-no background music, sound effects, character voices and original soundtrack for manga
-some drawing styles of mangakas might spoil the whole manga eventhough the story is very good. sometime the whole drawing style might change over the next later volumes and either become better or worse
-official manga distributer in other countries (US Tokyopop) will most of the time spoil the manga once they've translate it over to "american" english or other language and add slangs to it, change the whole script or even leave some dialouge blank. (i particularly HATE these people and will probably never buy any of their manga because i think its a waste of money, UNLESS they ever change their style of translation to my (and everyone else's) liking. so far i havn't found ANY good manga translation (except for internet scanlations, though not all of them are good) by these official distributers and i'll continue to be an "anti-US manga distributer" for as long as i live!

-a later form of entertainment in japan which is almost as popular as manga
-easily viewed in television and can be watched by everyone, thus making this medium is appropriate to young children and people who doesn't know how to read (except for those who doesn't understand japanese)
-any manga which is later shown in anime shows that the manga is good and deserved to be made into anime (although most of turn out ugly or even the story is changed eg. love hina) which is what most mangakas is trying to achieve
-action oriented animes (eg. slam dunk, naruto, evangalion, etc) is potrayed better then manga (although this mostly up to the reader's preference and taste)
-doesn't wear and tear like manga
-need less space for storage compared to manga
-background music, sound effects, character voices and original soundtrack makes anime more lively and entertaining then manga
-very good anime like "spirited away" ends up international awards (oscar for best animation) and become internationaly famous where as manga can only win their awards localy
-drawing styles of manga is consistent thoughout the whole volume (unless theres a sudden change in the anime producers)
-need only subtitles to translate the anime while retaining original voice actor's dialouge (though some people find this bothersome as they will most of the time be reading instead of watching the show)

-outside influence (eg: economic, politics, censorship, television broadcasters, anime producers, etc) tends to disrupt original mangaka's work, either having the whole story rewriten, drawings turns out ugly or even shortened due to economic problem or the manga is still runing
-the production of anime is alot more expensive and slower compared to manga thus people have to wait for almost a year before their release
-stories potrayed in anime is (most of the time) alot worse then when the manga was first released
-anime runs at it's own pace, so people tends to get lost along the way and have to watch it over again to understand the story. sometime it runs too slow too so people get bored watching some episodes of it.
-the "suprise" factor of anime isn't as suprising as the manga because of it continuously running without giving the viewer some time to sink into the drama/suspence/joke/suprise
-require the viewer to actually have a television or a computer to watch it so they cant watch it outside their home (unless he/she have a portable laptop to watch it)
-voice actors of some anime doesn't seem to suit the character of the manga. voice actors from different country might also spoils the whole anime itself (eg. american/chinese/french/etc voice actor on japanese anime which i find doesn't make sence -.-")

February 26th, 2006, 03:12 am
MOD EDIT: Begin second thread merge

Ok...well there has been many manga series that has turned into anime after it started sellin but the anime always seems to end up shit after it catches up to the manga.... Some manga that turned into anime has been beter then the manga it self.

Im searchin for these types of anime on the net. The ones i like that was manga then went into anime are "Trigun" "Ghost In The Shell SAC" and "FLCL"

If you know any more post em up

February 26th, 2006, 05:21 pm
hm...i don't really know any but i can tell you to avoid Loveless. the manga is WAY better, Fruits Basket anime. they didn't even wait for the series to end before animating it! it only goes to the end of the 6th volume!there's a gazillion left! and avoid naruto DUBBED anime. it's annoying to no end. BELIEVE IT! that's annoying. lol.

March 20th, 2006, 10:15 pm
I cant stand dubbed anime, (only seen like 30min but I cant stand it)
I just read FullmetalAlchemist into about the 13th volume (if im not mistaken) and I gotta say im enjoying it alot more than the chunk of the mocie I saw.

March 21st, 2006, 12:01 am
I usually find that the manga versions are better simply because there are no voices to criticize, and it seems easier to translate writing than to find english voice actors.

Plus, when a manga is turned into an anime, they usually have some pointless, filler episodes in there. I love anime, but there's usually a few annoying details present in them. (the "Believe it!" in the Naruto dubs has already been mentioned.)