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March 4th, 2006, 02:56 am
I'm sure most of you have heard of this guy because there's sheet music on this site for some of his movies. Anyway, Am I the only one here that thinks his movies are absolutely amazing?

March 4th, 2006, 07:14 pm
Hey buddy I think so too. Plus did you know that some of his movies are coming out this month on dvd. "Howls moving castle" , My neighbor Totoroto(sorry if i spelled that wrong), and "Whisper of the Heart". Pretty cool eh.

March 4th, 2006, 07:19 pm
Yeah. I haven't gotten to see Howl's Moving castle yet. But it's coming out in like 3 days so, WOO!!!^.^

March 4th, 2006, 07:29 pm
Im not really sure when there coming out this month, sorry. But i do know there coming out this month. I have not seen Howl's Moving Castle either, but i have heard it was a really good movie.

March 4th, 2006, 07:31 pm
All the ones you mentioned are coming out on March 7th. only 3 days away.

March 4th, 2006, 07:34 pm
REALLY THATS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait to get them all. AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 4th, 2006, 07:36 pm
hehe. I had a feeling that would be your reaction.

March 4th, 2006, 07:39 pm
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 4th, 2006, 07:40 pm

March 4th, 2006, 07:46 pm
What is it? Are you freaked out about how excited iam? Yes that must be it. Well how can you not be that excited??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 4th, 2006, 07:48 pm
heh Yeah. I guess you're right.

March 4th, 2006, 07:50 pm
Yeah thats what i thought you'd say. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

March 4th, 2006, 08:08 pm
Howl's moving castle!! I've got that on dvd already! 'tis a VERY gd film!!

March 4th, 2006, 08:12 pm
Just makes me want to see it more.

March 4th, 2006, 08:58 pm
Yeah! I watched Howl' moving castle last year! It's cool! It's better than the book. Have you read the book?

March 4th, 2006, 09:33 pm
I've read the book and seen the movie. (I love them both) I've already preordered Totoro, Whisper, and Howl, and they have already been shipped! I can't wait to get them! I've been waiting to own them on DVD for a long time.

Yellow Clocks13
March 5th, 2006, 12:32 am
I've heard the movie is better than the book, and practically hate my friend for watching the movie then going home and, in her words, 'tinkering around' on the piano.

By tinkering around she meant went home and played the entire theme by ear...dammit...

Any who...I read the book, and yes it was good, but it ended way too abruptly. Kinda made me mad. Also, I think it's the only good book from Diana Wynne Jones. I tried to read The Merlin Conspiracy...not too good.

I have yet to see the movie, and am really excited that it comes out on Tuesday. If A.J. doesn't let me get it, I'm sure I'll go insane. I'm still rather tweaked that he didn't let me buy 'Spirited Away'.

So yeah. ^_^

March 5th, 2006, 01:50 pm
I've heard the movie is better than the book, and practically hate my friend for watching the movie then going home and, in her words, 'tinkering around' on the piano.

By tinkering around she meant went home and played the entire theme by ear...dammit...

Any who...I read the book, and yes it was good, but it ended way too abruptly. Kinda made me mad. Also, I think it's the only good book from Diana Wynne Jones. I tried to read The Merlin Conspiracy...not too good.

I have yet to see the movie, and am really excited that it comes out on Tuesday. If A.J. doesn't let me get it, I'm sure I'll go insane. I'm still rather tweaked that he didn't let me buy 'Spirited Away'.

So yeah. ^_^

Have you read Castle in the Air? The sequel to Howl's Moving Castle. I read that one also, and it's okay...

March 5th, 2006, 06:24 pm
Do you mean Castle in the Sky? Cause I've seen that movie and it's one of my favorites.

March 5th, 2006, 07:12 pm
Do you mean Castle in the Sky? Cause I've seen that movie and it's one of my favorites.

No, I mean Castle in the Air. (I love Castle in the Sky, too)


March 5th, 2006, 07:23 pm

March 6th, 2006, 04:54 pm
I didn't know they had a sequel to Howl's moving castle!!!!!

March 12th, 2006, 04:41 am
Meh. Neither did I.

March 17th, 2006, 07:32 pm
Have you read Castle in the Air? The sequel to Howl's Moving Castle. I read that one also, and it's okay...

Actually, I like howl's moving castle better, but castle in the air is kinda okay. I don't like the illustration of that book. Diana Wynne Jones is cool.